《Broken Reality》Chapter 15: First Wave...Start!


Chapter 15: First Wave...Start!

A distance away from Will’s base, monsters began to leave the abandoned building and began to group up.

Though not all monsters were involved, there was still plenty different monsters.

Rabid Wolves, Goblins, Kobolds, and Orcs.


*Khh khhh*

*Grll rrrrlll*

*Chwik chrgh*

All sorts of noises rang out. The growling of the wolves, the horrid moans of the goblins, the impatient roars of the kobolds, and the disgusting nasal noises of the orcs.

They all made noises to each other, seemingly speaking and conversing. Just like how humans meet and greet each other in a party.

Only, this isn’t a party, but a preparation for war.

Out of all these monster groups, one of each monster race suddenly began to tremble.

The surrounding monsters quieted down and patiently watched the trembling monsters scream in pain as their bodies began to expand and contract in all sorts of places.

*Boom boom boom*

Suddenly, the watching monsters began to stomp their feet, seemingly cheering in high morale.





After their transformation, the four monsters raised their heads high and roared as loud as they can!

The rabid wolf had grown much bigger and meaner with red lines streaking throughout its body. If one looked closely, they can see red lights flowing through these lines!

The goblin, on the other hand, grew taller and its eyes revealed a glint of intelligence. It stomped its feet on the ground and all of a sudden, a bone staff popped up which he then wielded!

On the other side, the kobold also grew bigger and its head began to resemble a fierce wolf. Before, it only looked like a dog head, but now, it had evolved into a werewolf!

And as for the orc, it grew larger in size as three horns began to appear on its head! It was as if...the horns were its crown!

The surrounding monsters roared in cheer as they saw their four leaders evolve.

The earth quaked at their stomp. The heavens shook at their bellows.

Suddenly, an abandoned building trembled.



A huge troll appeared and roared louder than all the monsters combined.

Its roars spread in every direction. It was loud enough to completely cover the country!


And it was also the sound...that signaled the start of the war.

* * *

As we were making some last minute preparations, an earth shattering roar came from out of nowhere!

Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked into the distance.

“Did you hear that?”

“Has it begun?”

“My god...just what sort of monster can make such a loud noise!?”

“Mommy! I’m scared!”

“Shh! Shh! My son, there’s no need to be scared. Mommy’s here with you okay?”

“Quick! Into the store!”

“Everyone please calm down and evacuate slowly!” (May)

Seeing as everyone started to panic upon hearing the loud roar, May snapped out of it first and immediately tried to calm down the crowd.

Thankfully, they all listened properly and the evacuation proceeded smoothly.

Making sure everyone that’s not fighting is safe and sound, May returned to my side.

“Everyone accounted for?” (Will)

“Yes. They’re all safe inside the store now.” (May)

I nodded and looked towards everyone else.

“The wave has begun. I know everyone already knows their duties. To your stations!” (Will)

I didn’t waste time to make an encouraging speech. We have been waiting and training for this day and some things are best not said.

No one here was forced to fight. Everyone that remain here now are people who chose this role. As I see it, I don’t need to encourage them at all.

What they need now is a leader that will sternly give them orders to control the situation.

I turned towards Ryza and the others.

“Let’s go to the roof top.” (Will)

They nodded and followed me up.

Now...where will the monster horde appear from?

I looked around from on top of the mall but all I see is the night sky and dark abandoned buildings.

“Release the drones.” (Will)

Jane, the blonde friend of Sarah, nodded and talked to the people behind her.

“You heard the man. Spread out!” (Jane)

The people nodded and opened their briefcases. Taking out a monitor and four drones, four people held the remote controller and let the drones fly.

Waiting till the drones are far enough, I asked.

“Anything?” (Will)

“Nothing so far Mr. King.”

Just as I was about to nod and continue to wait, someone spoke.


“Wait, I think I saw something...drone 2, go a bit further to the left, just before that building you passed by...there!”

We all looked over the screen the man was pointing at and saw it as well.

From between two buildings, in the far distance, something seemed to be moving...and whatever it is...it’s big!

“Go take a closer look!” (Will)

I shouted. The drone turned and hovered towards the figure in the distance. Once close enough, our eyes went wide at the screen!

Hordes after hordes of [Rabid Wolves], [Goblins], [Kobolds], [Orcs]...and...is that a giant!?

Such a huge thing…

The monster wave had begun to reduce the surrounding buildings into nothing but piles of rubbles.

They didn’t seem to have any general direction of where they’re heading. Frankly, they just seem to wreck havoc everywhere.

It was then that I noticed four distinct monsters aside from the giant.

A huge wolf, a werewolf, a human-like goblin holding a staff, and an orc with three horns...this...hm? Wait, that goblin’s holding a staff!!!???

As if to confirm my speculation, that staff-wielding goblin turned its head and looked directly at the screen, no, at the drone...and then…

A fireball shot out from the staff.

The screen went static as we all watched it in silence.

“...A mage? A goblin mage? Is this for real?” (Sarah)

“...It’s just one. We can still handle it. As I see it, five of the monsters need special attention.” (Brook)

Comforting his wife, Brook patted her back and looked back to me.

“I’ll deal with that giant. Christine had already said it before. This is still just the first wave so the monsters wouldn't be too strong. Aside from the 5 special monsters, the rest are most likely level 5 and below. Excluding the giant, the 4 remaining special monsters are around level 10. And that giant is probably at level 20. If so, I can instantly kill that giant. However, I’d like it if you use this time to level up yourselves too. After I kill that big guy, I’ll be watching over the whole battlefield so rest assured and take your time leveling up. We still have plenty of traps and weapons to use if something goes wrong too.” (Will)

I grinned and reassured everyone to grind at ease.

At first, I was nervous because of that loud roar. But upon recalling Christine’s earlier notice, I calmed down. No matter how many they are, at this point, they’re level are too low for me. However, it’s a good level for other people in the base to battle to grind EXP.

As long as they’re careful, and remember the tactics, then they can safely level up.

“Alright. You be careful, Will.” (Ryza)

“Don’t overexert yourself.” (Sam)

“Take care, Will.” (May)

“Good luck.” (Anne)

Hm? How come Anne’s also joining in?

Well, I guess I’m just too used to only Ryza, May, and Sam worrying about me but Anne, being a mother, would tend to have some kind of charm to her that always seem to care about other people.

I shrugged the thought and smiled back at them before flying away.

Afterward, I confronted the giant!

[Level 23 Troll]

...Oh, it was a troll...not that it matters.

“[Satanic Curse]! [Devour]!” (Will)

There was no suspense at all as I just directly killed it...I didn’t even level up, damn…

You have gained:

Troll’s Eye x1

Troll’s Meat x25

Troll’s Blood x30

G Points x100

Satanic Curse was triggered successfully!

You have gained the skill: Fast Regeneration!

Ohh! A passive skill that accelerates my regeneration...though it seems it’s only 2%, but anything’s better than 0% right?

Now, let’s go watch the other’s battle. I would kill them myself so I can gain their unique skill but...the others needs to level up. I’m sure there would be plenty of chances in the future.

Right now, I need everyone to level up. I can’t always be carrying all of them.

...Somehow, this has been quite anti-climatic hasn’t it? And we prepared a lot too...unless, this isn’t the real wave?

Will something happen later?

...Let’s deal with this situation first before overthinking things.



William King



Mana Points












G Points


Status Points



Flame Aura

Play Dead


Heavy Strike

Alpha Pack

Dragon Eyes

Enhanced Hearing


Fast Regeneration

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