《Broken Reality》Chapter 12: His Heart


Chapter 12: His Heart

With only 12 days left, we continued to further strengthen our tactics and defenses.

I went and bought 3 energy shield barriers in the store and placed them on the 3 corners of the mall.

The shield barriers released a transparent dome that connected to each other, thus creating a huge dome barrier around the mall.

One of those cost 500 G points. I had to completely give all my points to it just to buy 2 of them and had to pool in a lot more G points from other people to buy the third.

Each one had 100 G points at the beginning. Those who had no use for them like the children, gave all of it completely while the adults only gave a few as they would also need to buy a few things for their protection.

I was also eyeing the cannons and siege weapons in the store but they were too expensive so I had to give up on it for now and focus on the defense.

Hmm, I think I need to expand my area of clearing. The more monsters I kill, the more capital I’ll have.

Sigh, if only there are other ways to earn points...maybe Christine knows?

Thinking so, I went to the store to look for Christine at the counter.

Hm? She seems to be reading something...a comic?

“Is that a comic?” (Will)

“Oh, master. You came to ogle at me again?” (Christine)

“I never ogle at you!” (Will)

“If you say so~” (Christine)

Christine giggled and continued reading.

“What comic is that? I don’t think I’ve ever seen it before?” (Will)

I took a glance at the pages but I don’t recognize anyone on it. And I thought I was a bit of a comic fan too…

“This? I just took it out to relax. [White Haired Adventurer]. One of the oldest comics in the universe.”

A comics of the universe? What the hell is that?

Christine showed the front cover of the comic book.

On the cover was a white-haired man with red eyes and a jet-black arm. On the top was a huge font [White Haired Adventurer Vol. 1].

“What’s it about?” (Will)

“They say it’s the origin story of Lucas. There were plenty of other versions too like the [World Gate On-” (Christine)

“Ok, forget I asked. This isn’t the reason why I came to find you.” (Will)

This was unexpected, didn’t think Christine is capable of geeking out...I have a feeling that this version would be more annoying that her sadistic one so I’ll stop it here.

Christine pouted, completely dissatisfied.

“What is it, my annoying ungrateful perverted broke master?” (Christine)

“...Are there other ways to gain G points? Other than killing monsters...” (Will)

Okay, maybe this version of Christine is more annoying…


“Kill humans.” (Christine)

“...Without killing.” (Will)

What is this girl’s problem…

“Sell items.” (Christine)

“Ugh, I already know about that.” (Will)

“Really? So far, all you’ve been selling are items of the system.” (Christine)

...Ah! That’s right! We can sell stuff of [Earth] to this store as well! There are plenty of things in this mall that we didn’t really need and have no idea how to dispose of.

This way, not only can we gain points but also free a lot of space in the mall!

Perhaps Christine saw me understood what she meant so she smiled sweetly.

“See? Idiot.” (Christine)

...Okay, this girl is totally uncute at all...I don’t even know if uncute is a word but whatever...

Laughing dryly, I was about to walk out of the store when Christine called me again.

“Master, there are a lot of things you can learn in the comics. Maybe you should also try to read this of the one where Max-” (Christine)

“Ah, I’m fine. I’ll look at it when I have time. Later! Thanks again for the suggestion!” (Will)

Well, ignoring her personality, she still helped me solve the point problem so the least I can do is thank her.

I’m also curious about those comics but time is precious right now so I can’t waste it on comics.

I should gather up everyone now.

* * *

“Mou, that master. Really ungrateful.” (Christine)

Pouting, Christine snorted and went back to reading her comic book.

On that page, the white-haired young man had met a white haired woman clad in chains.

“Ooh, ohh! This version is really different from the other one. But he finally met the Calamity Queen now. Ah, oops. She should still be a Demon Queen at this point of the story.” (Christine)

Christine cheered as she read.

“[Sennerth] huh? After my master has enough G Points to use the teleporter, I’ll have him take me there to sightsee~ If he doesn’t, I’ll just whip him a couple of times to encourage him~” (Christine)

Christine hummed and arrived at the last page of the comic.

At that page, the white-haired man’s hair turned into blood red and a red-haired woman’s transparent figure overlapped the white-haired man, having a possession-like depiction.

On the last panel was two words, it was not shown who had spoken this: [El, no…]

Reading this, Christine closed the comic and sighed.

“Sigh, even in this version...in the end, no matter which version it is, Lucas...the [Worlds’ Guardian]...has lived with a lot of ups and downs. It truly makes one admire how he was still able to become man everyone knows him to be.” (Christine)

Then, she looked towards where her master had disappeared to and thought.

“William King, my master...don’t you know? You are holding his heart...” (Christine)


Christine looked back on the comic in her hand.

“I wonder...if you will be worthy of it...” (Christine)

* * *


“Will? Did you catch a cold?” (Ryza)

“Nah, it’s nothing. Someone’s probably talking about me…” (Will)

Aside from feeling weird with the sudden sneeze, I felt that there was nothing wrong with my body so I just shrugged it off.

More importantly, I need to tell everyone about what Christine just told me.

After gathering everyone and telling them about it, I ordered everyone to split up and start scavenging.

Once we’re done with the mall, I can have them start scavenging outside. Anyway, I already cleared all the monsters of a kilometer away from the mall.

After the wave, we’ll start to slowly expand our base to accommodate more people...that is, if there are more people by then…

The day passed just like this. The items I took were things of no use. Some of them sold for a lot while some were only 1 Gs, in the end, after selling a lot of things, I already earned 1673 G points.

There was this guy that tried to sell tissues but luckily, I had stopped him so we wouldn't be running out of tissues soon...it would be bad if the toiletries were to disappear…

Speaking of toiletries, the mall is also connected to a hotel so there was no problem with taking baths and there were plenty of rooms to sleep in.

But as the hotel was outside of the dome shield barrier, I had to buy a new one for it so Brook can station some people there too.

The hotel has a lot of windows unlike the mall so there are plenty of places to station snipers, archers, and scouts.

Though, it’s only located at one side of the mall so the other sides are still vulnerable.

I left Brook in charge on which building near the mall we can also use in order to strengthen our defense.

In the meantime, I’ll continue to earn money.

Tomorrow, I can let everyone out the mall to scavenge the other buildings.

The week passed by just like this.

I had sold and bought a lot of stuff this past week.

Aside from stationing cannons and siege weapons in the corners of the mall and surrounding area, I also had enough to buy me some equipment and weapons.

Wind Boots



Wind Steps

Provides user with additional 10 Agility.


Boots enchanted by a famous magic artifact.

Blast Pistol T-24



Blast Shot

Condenses up to 10 shots into one powerful shot.


Converts atmospheric energy into energy shots. Reloads automatically after 10 shots.

Energy Hook Gun X016



Electric Shock

Releases electric current on the energy cable.


Shoots energy hook and cable that can stick to anything and retract it.

There were plenty more that I wanted to buy but those kinds f stuff are in the millions range. These were the only ones that are affordable and of use to me.

The [Wind Boots], needless to say, was for increasing my Agility.

The [Blast Pistol T-24] can shoot up to 10 shots. After that, it would automatically reload 10 shots. It’s skill, [Blast Shot], can compress the remaining shots into one powerful shot.

Meaning, if I shoot 3 normal shots, then decided to use [Blast Shot], then the resulting shot would be as powerful as 7 normal shots compressed into one.

I could just continue spamming [Blast Shot] but there would be a lag between the shots as the reloading takes about 2 seconds.

And in a battle, 2 seconds is too long.

As for the [Energy Hook Gun X016]. Though I can fly so I wouldn’t need to use it to climb to rooftops, I can still use it to pull in enemies towards myself and could be used in crowd controlling.

The [Blackest Heart] will be my trump card and will only be used to instantly deal with more troublesome enemies.

I can’t keep using it as it exhausts most of my mana. It would be bad to keep depending on it. Though I can use it once or twice on enemies that’s up to 5 levels higher than me. That way, it would be instant death with [Devour].

Aside from all these, I also bought bombs and the like.

With that, I am down to 3574 G Points...and to think that I used to have over 15 000 G Points before I bought all those things…

Well, we haven’t discovered another store to buy anyway and we also can’t afford to expand for now.

After dealing with the wave, then maybe we’ll start thinking about buying other stores.

As for Aya Kitashima, in the past few weeks, she had only leveled up once. I think it’s safe to say that she’s also preparing for the wave.

And now, there are only 5 days left till the first wave.

I hope there wouldn't be any unusual events at this time…

The next day, I instantly regretted thinking like that...I really jinxed it didn’t I?

Why do I say that?

Because suddenly, there’s a bunch of military helicopters above us right now.

Now...what the hell do they want with us!?

Days left till the first wave: 4 days.



William King



Mana Points












G Points


Status Points



Flame Aura

Play Dead


Heavy Strike

Alpha Pack

Dragon Eyes

Enhanced Hearing

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