《Broken Reality》Chapter 11: Preparation


Chapter 11: Preparation

The next day, Will woke up and finalized the meeting from yesterday then gave out tasks to everyone.

Seeing as everything was done, he left to clear the monsters in the surrounding areas.

Meanwhile, the rest of his group began to move according to their plan.

Sam took a few people with her that did not want to be a part of the fighting group to use their G points to buy some traps.

“Everyone, I know you all don’t want to fight. And you wouldn’t need to. We just need your G points to buy a few things in the store that will help us survive through the wave. Can you please part with it?” (Sam)

The people looked at each other for a while as they hesitated.

“Right now, we’re lacking G points as the apocalypse had just started. But I promise that after the wave, we’ll give back the G points we borrowed from you. How’s that?” (Sam)

Seeing them hesitating, Sam continued to convince them.

After a while, the people gave up and did as they were told.

“Sigh, we’re taking refuge in your base anyway and we have no use for these points. It’s fine as long as we get something to eat every day.”

“Young girl, please be careful.”

“Thank you! Don’t worry. After the wave, your G points will be given back. For now, I’ll record everyone’s points. Then, please follow May and the rest and see if you can help them as well. We need all the hands that we can. Also, there are only 19 days left until the end of the month. If possible, avoid any infightings or conflicts during this period.” (Sam)

Sam beamed a smile and continued her work in determination.

Ever since they got to the mall, she hasn’t been of much help to Will at all so for a while now, she had been rather down.

But now that she was assigned for an important work, her spirits were lifted up and she felt Will’s dependence on her.

Before the apocalypse, she had always been depending on Will when she encounters a problem in their internship. Now, she had the chance to be depended on. It was no wonder why she would take this seriously.

Seeing her smile, cheers from the crowd erupted!

“Ms. Samantha, you’re so beautiful!”

“Please go out with me!”

“Can smile more for me!?”

Sam smiled wryly and directly refused.

“Umm, please head on over to May immediately...” (Sam)

“Is there someone here that is familiar with installing CCTV cameras?” (May)

May smiled to the group who just finished giving their points to Sam.

Her smile was a bit different from before.

Before, she used to smile warmly. But now, it was only a smile.

Though sometimes, there would be emotion to it, most times, she only smiles emptily when she talks with someone unfamiliar.

The reason was her grandmother’s death who had been so old already, yet something like this apocalypse happened without any warning.

No matter how she thinks of it, there was no chance of her grandmother surviving at all.

The saddest part was, she doesn’t even know how her grandmother would have died. She was too far from her. There was nothing she can do at all.

Though Will and the girls had cheered her up somewhat, every time she was alone, she’ll still unknowingly think about her grandmother. Especially when she sees elderly people in the crowd.


But as a mature adult, she hid these emotions behind a smile. Only when she’s with the girls or Will will she temporarily forget it.

She didn’t exactly have feelings for Will. But at this moment, seeing Will who had no relatives in this world, still able to be happy...it gave her a mysterious feeling. She hoped, that if she’s close to Will, that she will also someday became like him.

To put simply, Will was her evidence that she can get over this pain of having no relatives in the world someday.

As for Ryza who was in the same situation...she’s different. May didn’t want to become cold like her. Seemingly not caring at anyone at all.

Though recently, she’s been rather close to Will. Too close in fact.

But May only thought of it as her being able to gain that happiness by being with Will which only strengthened her belief in Will.

Right now, Will is their leader and is shouldering the lives of everyone. So she naturally had to help him lessen the burden by a bit.

“I know about it.”

Seeing someone raise his hand, May nodded and continued.

“Un, then we’ll be counting on you regarding this. For now, we need to find the cameras and equipment for setting it up. Everyone who can help, please do so. We only have 19 days left. Let’s make sure to survive this together.” (May)

May smiled and instantly, cheers from the men in the group erupted again!

“Uwooh! Please leave it to us!”

“You're smile is so angelic!”

“Please marry me!”

Seeing this similar situation, May also smiled wryly with a troubled face and also rejecting them directly.

Only, her rejection wasn’t like Sam at all.

“I’m already taken.” (May)


At that moment, many men’s hearts shattered.

“Is there anyone here who knows how to fly hover drones?” (Sarah)

Sarah took over and asked the group.

Her husband, Brook, is working hard somewhere right now and they have separated again. Before, it was also like this. Brook overworks himself to forget about their child’s death and her being left alone in the house. That was why they left each other.

But now, it’s different. Brook is now working to fight for their safety. And Sarah felt that it is her job to make sure he doesn’t overwork himself too much so she needed to help him to the best she can to lessen her load.

There were also others who’re helping. Especially Will.

It was usually Brook’s job to lead, yet now, it was this young man who’s supposedly the strongest man alive right now.

To this young man, she was full of appreciation and respect.

She can still remember Brook ranting about Will in the past as the kid who would often doze off while coding and she would laugh at it.

Right now though, she felt that there is truly something special about this kid. And since her husband had chosen to follow him, Sarah would naturally support them as well.

“I know a thing or two about it!”

“Me too!”

“Good! Then let’s go find some in this mall! We’ll make full use of it!” (Sarah)


“Ah, by the way, I’m married already!” (Sarah)


Instantly, the hype of the men who just cheered suddenly died down.

At the side, both her friends, Jane and Megan, laughed dryly.


“Still as merciless as ever...this Sarah...” (Jane)

“Right? I can’t imagine how Brook managed to tame this girl...” (Megan)

“Hey! I heard that!” (Sarah)

Suddenly being pointed at, Jane and Megan hurriedly looked away and started their work.

Jane took a portion of the crowd that has knowledge with other techs to see what they can salvage in the mall while Megan brought a few people to the bookstore to look for necessary information.

“Umm...can’t we just surf the net?”

“...Oh yeah...” (Megan)

Megan scratched her head and assigned the people to look for information on the internet instead.

Moving on to the men, Brook took a few people with sharp eyes on the rooftop along with Ryza who had gathered people with guns as their weapon as well as Michael who gathered the people with other long ranged weapons like bows and magic staves.

Brook assigned people to different places and handed them binoculars that they found in the mall. They would be in charge of scouting ahead to see if there are any distances.

Ryza positioned the gunmen together with these scouts so they can be easily notified when there’s trouble.

Michael did the same.

After explaining the details, they assigned a rotation so they would have time to rest.

As for Nicholas, he had a few people make improvised molotovs and also bought grenade type weapons in the store after borrowing a few G points from those who didn’t need it.

When they’re done, they would send the finished products to the rooftop so the people up there can use them when needed.

Meanwhile, Anne called for all the housewives and cooks to help prepare the food for everyone. There were plenty of restaurants in the mall and even fast food chains so it was easy to get the ingredients and the kitchen to cook them.

Those who had nothing else to do helped clean the area so they would have a proper and clean environment to live in.

As for Will…

* * *

Flying through the desolate streets, I searched the area with my [Soul Eyes] to look for any [Outsiders] loitering about.

From time to time, I would find people holed up in a room in some building and I would go there to check up on them as I clear the building of any monsters.

“You guys alright there?” (Will)

“W-who are you?”

“William King. Are you guys going to continue to stay here or do you want to go with me?” (Will)

I tried to make the most friendly smile I can but I think it just comes out weird…

Like this, I would scout people who were in trouble while clearing the surrounding area.

Though there were some who didn’t choose to follow me, that was no longer my problem. Still, I left them some food and a friendly warning.

Usually, after the warning, most of those hesitating would immediately change my mind but…

“Sorry, we’re not following you. Please leave.”

Well, there are some who are unusually stubborn.

As for why...well, for example, this guy’s soul is completely black.

Behind him, there are a few decently beautiful women with bruises all over their body. Needless to say, I kill the man.

In an apocalypse situation, there will always be that one guy who thinks with his dick at all times.

The girls were overjoyed and tried to hug me but I passed. If possible, I don’t want to increase the women by my side anymore...actually, just Ryza will do but since she wanted me to give Sam and May a chance, I can only agree.

Anyway, Sam was my crush for a while so I guess I can’t just ignore her. As for May...frankly, I really don’t know what to do with this one. But ever since that day when she called her grandmother, she had changed and it isn’t a good one. It would be good if I can cheer her up somewhat.

Then there’s Christine...don’t even get me started with that sadistic annoying queen…

Shaking my head to erase such thoughts, I continued to escort people into the base every now and then as I continued clearing the area with monsters.

When it’s time for lunch and dinner, I would naturally head back to eat before going out again.

Even with a whole day of killing monsters, I was unable to level up and there were also no new monsters for me to get a skill from.

On the other hand, The previous top ranked person, Aya Kitashima, has leveled up twice already.

There’s still 4 levels till she catches up but I think she’ll reach it in no time. My chance of gaining the top rank within this month can only be in the wave. As long as I kill the high leveled ones in the monster wave, I can level up at least once more.

I already stopped paying attention the 3rd rank and below and was only worried about this Japanese girl instead.

The next few days flew by.

After a week, I had managed to clear the area around the mall within a kilometer radius and leveled up once.

I also spray painted the road with different colors so it is easily seen from the rooftop of the mall. These areas are markers used in some tactics we thought up when the wave comes.

On the kilometer radius mark, I painted it green around with the mall as the center. On the 500-meter mark, I painted blue. On the 300-meter mark, yellow. 100-meter mark, orange. And on the 50-meter mark, red.

As much as possible, we would avoid the monsters from entering the orange mark which is also the area which has the most traps.

The red area has wooden spikes pointed outside in case things get really close and dangerous like when a sea of monsters start to flood the streets. Hopefully, this scenario wouldn't happen.

CCTV cameras are scattered all across the area as well and a command center-like room was built within the mall.

Right now, we’re still going through the details of the tactics we’ll be using when the time comes.

Hopefully, no accidents will occur at this time.

Within this week, Aya Kitashima had already reached the level 20 mark.

Days left till the first wave: 12 days.



William King



Mana Points












G Points


Status Points



Flame Aura

Play Dead


Heavy Strike

Alpha Pack

Dragon Eyes

Enhanced Hearing

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