《Broken Reality》Chapter 9: Successive Level Ups Again!


Chapter 9: Successive Level Ups Again!

After finally sorting everything out and dealing with the troublesome clerk, we all left the store and started to clear the mall.

Since the mall will be our base of operations now, then we need to make sure that there are no more problems here.

However, there were truly a lot of zombies inside. Even after spending a day, we still haven’t completely cleaned out the mall.

As for the plan to attract customers for the store, I had told everyone to take a picture of the store and post it online and reveal its location.

It may be a bit of a risk as we would be attracting attention to ourselves but it shouldn’t be anything I can’t handle.

After all, I am still at the top here in the Philippines. And with the [Relationships] system, there would be even less likely to be betrayed.

I also had the others to notify everyone online that [William King] is leading the group stationed in the mall near the store and would allow anyone to go to the store if they were to pass.

None of them mentioned anything about me buying the store of course. This is still a good advantage that we have and I hope to have it for as long as we can.

Another reason why I need to gather a large force is because of Christine’s warning before.

At the end of every month, a monster wave will occur.

It seemed that a small wave had occurred at the very start of the apocalypse. However, it was only a light one and there were still a lot of people who survived in the end.

After that light wave, the monsters suddenly reduced in number. This would explain why, when we left at the start, there were only a few monsters loitering about.

I don’t know where the rest of the monsters had gone to but they are most likely to appear at the end of the month.

For this, we need to get this mall fortified and ready for the large scale wave.

I didn’t bother to hide this information either and had the others warn the people online.

This way, there would be more people that would want to take refuge here. Even if they can’t fight, they can still help us in other matters like cooking, cleaning, managing, and stuff.

The cleaning of the mall took 2 days. In this 2 days, I had only leveled up once so I allocated one status point to Wisdom.

I also managed to get some items and sold them at the store so I finally gained a bit of money. However, as I was aiming for a certain item, I didn’t spend it yet and waited till I had enough money.

There were also a few people that had joined us and swore their loyalty with the [Relationships] system.

After cleaning up the mall of zombies, I called for Nicholas and Michael.

“How are your families?”

“They’re still safe in the apartment. But they are running out food soon. We need to get them immediately!” (Nicholas)

“Mine too! The cleaning of the mall took a lot of our time. But with this, we can finally leave the base safely.” (Michael)

Hearing the two’s concerns, I nodded and looked towards Brook.

“Brook, while we’re gone. You’re in charge. Make sure to temporarily separate anyone who comes to visit.” (Will)

“Un, you guys be carefull.” (Brook)

Nodding, I looked towards Ryza and the girls next.

“You guys also stay here for now. Ryza, you’re the next highest level around here so back Brook up when there’s trouble.” (Will)


“...Alright. You be safe.” (Ryza)

“Muu...you better come back safely, Will!” (Sam)

“Take care!” (May)

I sighed in relief when I heard them agree properly. For a minute there, I thought they would strongly disagree.

There was no need to get others involved so the only ones going will be me, Nicholas, and Michael.

“Can I go with you too?” (Anne)

Suddenly, Anne came and asked.

“Ms. Anne, there’s no need to. You should take care of your daughter right now.” (Will)

“It’s fine! Anna can take care of herself!” (Anna)

Anne’s daughter, Anna, revealed her head from behind Anne’s back and pouted.

“Haha, that’s right. Not to mention, she now has a lot of sisters to accompany her. I’m just worried that none of you have anyone to heal you when you get injured.” (Anne)

“Hm? But your [Angel’s Halo] can only increase the rate of recovery right?” (Will)

“Yes, however, I bought some new equipment in the store and I can now heal as well.” (Anne)

Anne smiled and took out a small golden harp. She said it’s name was [Angel’s Harp] and a part of the [Angel Set] so she bought it.

Turns out, the effects of the [Angel’s Harp] will increase for every part of the [Angel Set] that the user has. The same applies to the [Angel’s Halo] as well.

The [Angel’s Harp] uses a sound area of effect healing while the [Angel’s Halo] increases the rate of the recovery. No doubt, she will become a powerful healer in the future!

“I also need to earn more G points so I can buy Anna some things.” (Anne)

“Well...alright then. But you must not be too far from me alright?” (Will)

Hearing me agree, Anne beamed a warm smile.

“Yes! My King!” (Anne)

“Seriously, stop it with the King jokes already...” (Will)

The rest laughed while I sighed helplessly.

If it were any other time and occasion, maybe I would’ve laughed at it too. But now, seeing as I am making a huge force and turning this mall into a fortress...I really can’t laugh at it anymore.

Sooner or later, I really feel that I would become a King in this new apocalyptic world…

Saying our goodbyes to the others, the four of us left the mall.

Nicholas and Michael stood at the front while me and Anne stayed at the back.

I also made sure to activate the [Minimap] of the [Overseer’s Robes] and my [Soul Eyes] at the same time to scout ahead and be ready at all times.

“Nicholas’ apartment is the nearest so we’ll head there first. Nicholas, call your family and have them ready. Also, ask them if there’s anyone who’s still inside the building with them.” (Will)

Nicholas nodded and dialed on his phone.

After a while, Nicholas hung up and spoke.

“They’re ready. They said that they heard noises above but they aren’t sure whether those are people or monsters.” (Nicholas)

I nodded and ordered to quick up the pace.

On our way, we would meet [Treants] and a few [Goblins] but Michael and Nicholas easily dealt with them.

Right, I had also tried out the [Satanic Curse] of the [666 Ring] before on the zombies and got the skill [Play Dead]...I tried it on a few more zombies but I no longer got anything.

The [Play Dead] skill allows the user to slow their heart rate and be in a state of suspended animation. It could be considered as an escape skill when faced with an extremely powerful monster.


Though I doubt it will work on a human because they will know that they should gain EXP and item drops after killing.

I had also tried them on the [Treant] and [Goblin] as it was easy to kill them and I got the skills [Photosynthesis] and [Heavy Strike]...well, let’s forget about the [Heavy Strike] which only increases my STR for a bit. The [Photosynthesis] is actually a bit useful.

It will enable me to heal much faster when facing the sun but...I have to be standing still…

Sigh, forget it. Small mobs like these, I doubt I can get a powerful skill from them at all.

Other than that, we also met a pack of [Rabid Wolves] one time. This time it was a bit challenging and I didn’t dare to use the [Satanic Curse] immediately as there was still a chance for them to escape.

Nicholas and Michael got wounded but with Anne here, they were back to their top condition immediately after the fight.

I only used the [Satanic Curse] on the last wolf that was about to die. And this time, I got a pretty good skill [Alpha Pack]. It seems that the last wolf to die was the alpha of the pack and got a skill for it.

As the name suggests, it’s a skill that lets the user lead a group while giving their members 10% increase in their stats...well, nothing happens to me though…

At least, with this, Michael and Nicholas are a bit stronger than before.

After dealing with the wolf pack, we rested for a bit to catch our breath.

“Have some water, William.” (Anne)

I turned to see Anne passing around a bottle of water.

“Thanks, Ms. Anne.” (Will)

“You can stop it with the Miss already. There’s no need to be so polite when the world is ending.” (Anne)

“Haha, I guess that’s true. But with that logic, wouldn't it be fine to be impolite to everyone since the world is ending? I think, there is still a need for such things...because before you knew it, you will know that you are no longer the person you once was...and before you knew it, killing will also be fine to you.” (Will)

I sighed, thinking how different I am now compared to before.

Now, I can kill easily and I will only become slightly disgusted by it...as if I’m getting used to killing already.

Just the thought of that scares me. But it is what it is. At the very least, I will give myself a bottom line.

As long as their souls aren’t black, there will be no reason to kill them.

At least, that’s what I think.

Anne become slightly lost upon my response and also sighed.

“...I guess that’s true...but you still don’t need to be so polite towards me.” (Anne)

“Alright then, Anne. But you should call me Will instead as well.” (Will)

“Hehe, alright, Will.” (Anne)

Anne let out a warm smile again and I couldn’t help but stare at her for a while in a daze.

She must’ve noticed it too as her face turned slightly red and looked away immediately.

“*Cough*, we should get moving...” (Will)

I coughed away my embarrassment and moved on.

In about an hour, we finally reached the apartment building.

“Call you family, tell them we’re right outside already.” (Will)

Nicholas nodded and called his family again.

Meanwhile, I used my [Soul Eyes] to search the building.

The result?

...There’s a huge one at the rooftop...Just...what the fuck is that thing!?

That monster’s soul is at least, 10 times larger than mine!

However, for Nicholas’ family to be able to stay alive in the building meant that this monster isn’t the type that would rampage and is probably just resting at the rooftop.

I looked towards the [Logs] but nothing has appeared. We must see the monster first before the [Logs] input it.

Of course, I wouldn't do so as I still want to live.

At this time, a window opened from the building and a small boy’s head appeared as he beamed happily and waved towards us.

Normally, I would laugh at such a sight but now, I couldn’t help but became pale and immediately warned Nicholas.

“No good! Tell him not to shout!” (Will)

“Ah?” (Nicholas)


Ah! Why did he have to make it so loud!!!???

The [Outsider] soul at the rooftop moved as if it was awoken by the sudden noise.

Damm! Before it rampages on the building and collapses it, I need to draw it’s attention!


“You guys quickly get in and take everyone out of that building! I’ll draw this guy’s attention!” (Will)

The three also paled upon hearing that loud roar but after hearing my order, they moved fast and got inside the building.

I activated my [Phoenix Wings] and flew over the building and saw…it…

I checked the [Logs] just in case my eyes had fooled me but it only made me even paler.

Level 72 [Sky Dragon]!!!

This...this...WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH THIS!!!???

Not good! I need to quickly get this thing away from here!

Wielding the [Blackest Heart], I charged towards the [Sky Dragon] and slashed it!

However, with the dragon’s touch scales, I wasn’t even able to scratch it!

Still, it was enough to get the dragon angered as it roared towards me, intending to swallow me whole!

I gritted my teeth and immediately flew upwards to get to follow me.

I guess I might’ve successfully pissed it off now. After all...it’s now flying towards me!!!

I can’t fight it in the sky! This guy’s a [Sky Dragon] for god’s sake! I need to get it down on the ground!

After making sure that there were no living beings in the building in front of me with my [Soul Eyes], I charged straight to the window and crashed in it!


The glass shattered and I rolled on the floor. I didn’t stop and immediately slashed on the floor to quickly make my way down!


The dragon was angered and directly clashed on the building.

Seeing the destroyed ceiling above me, I gulped a mouthful of saliva and continued to head downwards.

Soon, the dragon realized that it had not killed me and continued to destroy the building, floor by floor.

Alright! I was able to get it down enough!

[Undead Rise]!

6 undead skeletons climbed up from the ground which I immediately ordered to charge at the dragon.

The dragon swept its tail and directly crushed the skeletons! It even crunched some with it’s teeth!

I gritted my teeth again and continued to summon skeletons as I run towards another abandoned building.


The dragon roared angrily and wind started to condense in front of it’s mouth.


W-w-wai- j-just wait a minute-!!!

T-this guy’s…

I can feel the blood in my face drain seeing this sight and an extremely bad foreboding came to my mind.

I no longer hesitated and quickly used [Blackest Might] to double my stats and immediately dodge to the side as far as I can!


Uwaaah! That was fucking close! Too fucking close!!!

I almost saw my parents just now!

Even after everything that I’ve been through, this is the closest I’ve been to death!

Seeing the building behind me before now completely leveled, I couldn’t help but imagine what would’ve happened if that thing hit me!

Still pale in fear, I looked towards the dragon and saw it looking at me angrily and was preparing another roar!

What the fuck!? What kind of broken character are you!? You’re not secretly a protagonist reincarnated into a dragon right!? Right!?

This...you can’t possibly be able to fire those things like a machine gun! That’s cheating!!!

Suddenly, my eyes saw something at the dragon’s jaws.

...Eh? Isn’t that my skeleton? It’s still not dead? Rather, it’s hanging desperately at the dragon’s teeth…


Suddenly, a flash of idea appeared in my head and I forgot my fear.

Right now, it’s not the time to be afraid...if I want to live, this might be my only chance!

There’s still a few seconds till [Blackest Might] stops. I can dodge one more of its dragon roar!

I just need to time ti perfectly...deep breaths...deep breaths...come on!


I gritted my teeth and used my full force on my foot to dodge to the side once again.

“Agh!” (Will)

This time though, I wasn’t so lucky as my shoulder was grazed by the roar!

My right arm became all bloodied but I didn’t mind it too much and instead, focused on controlling the skeleton dangling on the dragon’s mouth!

Just before the dragon closed his mouth, I was able to get the skeleton to sneak in!

Alright! Let’s choke this bastard to death!

I summoned five more undead and charged towards the dragon!

The dragon once again opened its mouth to attack once again but this time, I was prepared and commanded the skeletons to jump inside the dragon’s mouth!

The dragon was surprised but didn’t stop them at all. It’s probably thinking that eating it wouldn't do anything.

But it seemed it wasn’t bright at all.

These skeletons are still able to move!

As long as I make them stick together and stuck in the dragon’s throat...let’s see if you can still eat them!

Too bad that I can only summon 6 at a time. Else, I can fill this bastard’s stomach until it bursts!

Soon, the dragon realized what was happening and roared loudly in an attempt to push out the bones stuck on its throat.

“Heh! While your scales may be hard, let’s see if your eyes are just as hard!” (Will)

I snorted and flew towards the dragon’s eye and stabbed it!


The dragon roared in pain and was about to fire another dragon roar but realizing that it wasn’t able to breath properly, the roar attack didn’t condense at all!

“Chance! [Flame Aura]! [Blackest Might]! [Satanic Curse]!!!” (Will)

My mana is already at 520. Added with the Wisdom increase effect of the [Necklace of Spirits], I had 620 all in all so I was able to do a [Blackest Might] twice now!

Surging with power, I charged straight towards the dragon’s mouth and pierced above with the [Blackest Heart] sword!

I also staked it all and used [Satanic Curse]! If this strike doesn’t succeed, then I will definitely die!



Using every bit of strength I have to push the sword upwards.


With one last roar, the dragon’s mouth closed, trapping me inside it.

I don’t know if I killed it or it killed me.

For a while, I was submerged in that darkness inside the dragon’s mouth.

And then...bright light covered my whole body as the dragon faded into the wind.

I lied there on the ground, gasping for air and panting for my life.

“Ha...haha...hahahaha!” (Will)

I may be crazy for suddenly laughing but at this moment, it was the only thing I can think of.

Ahahahahaha! I fucking killed a dragon!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have gained:

Sky Dragon’s Scale x100

Sky Dragon’s Meat x20

Sky Dragon’s Teeth x10

Sky Dragon’s Heart x1

Dragon Slayer’s Armor x1

G Points x500

Satanic Curse was triggered successfully!

You have gained the skill: Dragon Eyes!

7 levels!

Damn, that’s well worth killing a fucking level 72 dragon! Actually, I still feel that it’s a bit less than what I expected but, guess there’s no helping it!

At least I got a [Dragon Slayer Armor] and the [Dragon Eyes] skill!

Dragon Slayer’s Armor



Dragon’s Roar

Able to release a burst of powerful roar that could level a small mountain.

Dragon’s Aura

Weaker enemies tend to became frightened towards the user greatly.

Provides user with additional 10 Strength.


An armor made from a dragon’s scales and hide commonly used by dragon slayers.

I instantly tossed the [Dwarven Chest Plate] to the side and wore the [Dragon Slayer’s Armor] on top of the [Overseer’s Robe] and inside the [Phoenix Cape].

Next, I looked over the description of the [Dragon Eyes] skill.

Dragon Eyes


Sees over long distances and ability to distinguish heat signatures.


User would temporarily gain a dragon’s eyes for a minute (50 MP)

Nice! Finally a good skill!

Together with my [Soul Eyes] and [Minimap], it would be hard for others to ambush me now.

While I was still happily celebrating on my spoils, a few sets of footsteps sounded at the side.

As I was still sprawled onto the ground in pure exhaustion, I can only tilt my head to look at the people coming.

“Will!” (Anne)

As I thought, it was them.

Anne, along with Nicholas, Michael, and a few more people, came rushing towards me in a hurry.

Anne hurriedly came to my side and used her equipment to heal me.

In no time at all, I felt my body became light as the pain went away. However, even though my wounds had healed, I was still physically and mentally exhausted so I really want to sleep now.

“Hey there.” (Will)

“Will! You can’t just do something like that again!” (Anne)

“I uhh...” (Will)

“I know you’re strong, but fighting a level 72 dragon is just plain suicide! Quick! We need to get away before it comes back!” (Anne)

Towards this mature young mother’s worrying, I can only smile wryly and calmed her down with the [Soul Crown’s] [Soul Soothing].

“Anne, I’m fine. The dragon is already dead. Just let me rest for a while...” (Will)

After saying that, I lied down again but since Anne was sitting beside me, I had unknowingly rested my head on her lap.

Let’s sleep…

* * *

After Will suddenly lied down and slept, Anne and the others were completely dumbfounded.

He said...that the dragon is dead!?

That was level 72! A level 72 dragon!!!

Suddenly, Nicholas had a strange foreboding so he quickly checked the [Leaderboards].

“H-he’s right! Fuck! He’s already level 23!” (Nicholas)

“What!?” (Michael)

Unable to believe Nicholas just for hs word, the rest also checked the [Leaderboards] and was completely and utterly shocked!

“It’s true!”

“Unbelievable! So this is [William King]!”

“Freak! This guy’s a freak!”

“Ah! Wasn’t there something online about [William King] recruiting people!? I’ve decided! I will definitely follow him!”

“Me too!”

“Brother Nicholas! Please let us in your group!”

The other people that was able to stay alive in the apartment building all shouted in unison and were all determined to follow Will.

At this moment, Nicholas couldn’t help but be proud at being Will’s coworker at work and was appeasing the crowd.

At the side, Anne was quietly staring at Will’s sleeping face on her lap in a daze and it was unknown what she was thinking.



William King



Mana Points












G Points


Status Points



Flame Aura

Play Dead


Heavy Strike

Alpha Pack

Dragon Eyes

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