《Broken Reality》Chapter 8: Store Owner


Chapter 8: Store Owner

“Ahem, sorry about that. There are rarely any guest here so I got a bit excited.” (Christine)

“...” (Will)

When I finally managed to calm down the sadistic clerk, Christine went back to her smiling old self...well...I think so…

“This...can you explain why you...well, bought yourself? I don’t have any money now...” (Will)

I sighed seeing the 0 value in the [G Points]...that was 12 000 G...12 000...Uuuu...

“Very well. Even though it pains me to become an insect’s servant, I shall still answer my insect master’s question.” (Christine)

...No, can you do something about that way of talking first?

“The discount is something the [Creators] made for the first one to think of buying a store clerk. An insect you may be, luckily for you, you were the first one to even think of buying my beautiful and sexy self. The money you had wasn’t any problem as even if you had 1 G Point, I am still forced to buy myself through you.” (Christine)

“...” (Will)

Then doesn’t that mean that my 12 000 G was for nothing!!!???

“Oh, and even if you had more than 15 000 G Points, your entire savings would still be depleted by me.” (Christine)

“What for!?” (Will)

“Compensation for being disgusted by perverts like you of course.” (Christine)

Christine continued to smile as if she didn’t say anything wrong…

Gh-...am I really that much of a pervert?...No, well, I did just try to buy a girl...more like, didn’t I already buy her!?

“Ah, but the official reason is for the system to make it fair for the others.” (Christine)

...If there was an official reason, why did you have to say the other reason!?

“Also, by buying me, this store now belongs to you, my pervert master.” (Christine)

Like I said, stop calling me a per-...........wait, huh?

This store’s now mine? I’ve become the store owner!?

Wait...then that means…

I looked around at the vast variety of items.

“This...this are all mine now!?” (Will)

“Huh? Are you an idiot, master? If you want one of these items, you still have to buy it,” (Christine)

Didn’t you say this store is now mine!!!???

Give me back my expectation!

“As my master, you will receive 30% of the store’s monthly revenue. But, even if you are my master, you cannot claim any of these items and have to buy them yourself.” (Christine)

Oh, so it was like that…

Sigh, I was expecting something more...but I guess that’s fine.

With this, I can forget about my plan of monopolizing the store. Actually, I need to attract customers so I can earn more money!

But why only 30% Since I own it, shouldn’t I gain at least more than 50%?

“Where does the 70% go to?” (Will)


“Oh, 10% goes back to the [Creators].” (Christine)

[Creators]...right, she also mentioned this before…

Just from their name, it would seem that they were the ones who created this…[Broken Reality]...

“Who are these [Creators]? And what do they need the G Points for?” (Will)

“The [Creators] are the ones responsible for downloading the [Broken Reality] in this world.” (Christine)

“This world you say...so you people…Outsiders...you’re all from another world?” (Will)

“Various worlds to be exact. Outsiders are simply a universal term. They sound better than aliens after all.” (Christine)

Various worlds...then that means, there are more than just one world responsible for this mess...why here? Why choose our world?

“Are there other worlds where it’s been...downloaded with [Broken Reality] as well?” (Will)

“Yes.” (Christine)

“...Why? Why the need to do this?” (Will)

“To prepare for war.” (Christine)

“War? With whom?” (Will)

“Hmm...I’ve never met them actually. Some say they’re a myth. A legend. They call themselves, the [Death Eaters].” (Christine)

[Death Eaters]? What kind of name is this?

They feed on death?

Or just a bunch of chuuni kids playing around?

No no no, this is too big to be just playing around!

“...And these G Points, what’s it for?” (Will)

“All I know is that it is the current currency of the universe.” (Christine)

Hmm...maybe the [Creators] are farming these points?

They send monsters to other worlds, have other people kill them, spend their money in the store, and the points will just keep flowing in while they sit back and watch?

No, if that’s the case, then they won’t just want 10%...wait, where does the rest go?

“What happened to the 60%?” (Will)

“Oh, that’s my salary.” (Christine)

“Oh, so that’s the case...that’s not it! What the hell do you mean salary!? Why is your salary more than mine!!!???” (Will)

“Heh, do you think you’re worth more than me?” (Christine)


...Somehow...that line just pierced my heart more deeply than an arrow can…

Hm? Wait a second…

“You...is it normal for a clerk to know so much? And is it fine to just tell them all to me?” (Will)

Just now, she seemed to reveal a lot of secrets...things like the [Creators], the other worlds, and such…

“You...who are you?” (Will)

“Ehehe, I’m just a part-timer~” (Christine)

...Hah? Part-timer!? Why does it sound like she’s just a student working part-time in a convenience store!!!???

What is this!? An Intergalactic part-timer!?

“Oh, I work as a part-time queen in my world.” (Christine)


“Ooh, this is what they call, tsukkomi, right? Master, you sure like to retort a lot for a pervert~” (Christine)

...I give up…

* * *

After the little episode of me and Christine bickering, I explained what happened to the others who stood there for a while now.


They all had different expressions. Some looked at me weirdly...and by some, I meant most of the girls...some were excited and was hoping to buy a store themselves in the future, some congratulated me, and so on.

They were right about wanting to buy a store themselves. Actually, I think that this would be the focus of everyone in the world now.

Buying stores.

This could be interpreted into marking your territories!

In the future, it will be all about buying as many stores as you can!

For us too. The more store we have, the more points we can rake, and the more equipments we can buy!

“For now, buy the things you want. I won’t be getting any points till the end of the month so I can’t help you borrow some points. Afterwards, we’re going to think of a way to get in more customers.” (Will)

The rest nodded and scattered.

Meanwhile, Ryza approached me.

“You think it’s better to expand our territory?” (Ryza)

“Yeah. We need to get more people under us too. The more we grow, the more people will buy here, the more we can expand...somehow, don’t you think it’s like a kingdom building game?” (Will)

“Fufu, my King, you want to build a kingdom that much?” (Ryza)

“T-this is just for our own protection! I’ll be more assured if there’s a lot of people guarding you and the others. Un, that’s it.” (Will)

I repeatedly nodded and convinced her...or convince myself...whatever, same thing...

“The others eh?” (Ryza)

“*Cough*, you should go buy some stuff. Get more armors!” (Will)

Embarrassed, I waved her to hurry off.

“As you command, my King.” (Ryza)

“Stop it already with the King thing!” (Will)

Ryza just laughed and went off.

I sighed again but smiled at the fact that Ryza’s cold nature was slowly disappearing.

“King eh? Are you the King in this world?” (Christine)

Suddenly, Christine came from behind and asked.

“I’m not. It’s just that my family name’s King so everybody teases me like that. I also got a cape and a crown...sigh.” (Will)

“Hmmmm...” (Christine)

Christine hummed as if she found something interesting and was contemplating on something.

“Anyway, are there any more benefits in buying the store?” (Will)

“Oh my, I’m already yours and you’re already asking for more benefits? As expected from a prevert. But if you really want, there’s a back room over-” (Christine)

“That’s not what I’m talking about!” (Will)

Seriously...will this girl die if she doesn’t tease me!?

“If you reach 1 000 000 G Points, then you can activate the teleporter at the back room and go to other worlds.” (Christine)

Christine pointed to the back room again.

“...Huh? That back room wasn’t...” (Will)

“Oh? I was talking about the teleporter from the start. Now what could this perverted trash master of mine be thinking at that time? Hmm?” (Christine)

...Then why did you have to say it ambiguously!?

“But if you really want sex, then maybe we can talk about it again after you became a real King~” (Christine)

“Give me a break already...” (Will)

What real King, isn’t that the same as not happening at all!

Wait, why do I even want to do it with her!? I already have Ryza, there’s no need for this sadistic queen!

“That thing you said before. Are you really a queen?” (Will)

“Mhm, part time!” (Christine)

...I decided to ignore that part and continued asking.

“What’s the name of your world?” (Will)

“Why? You want to visit after gaining 1 million G Points? Hehe, I’m not telling~ But if you beg me for it and kneel down, then maybe I can consider?” (Christine)

...Forget about it. Let’s not talk to this crazy girl again…

I looked back at the others who were busy choosing stuff to buy and couldn’t help but cry in my mind.

Uuuu…my 12 k money...even the large gemite was reduced to nothing! I should’ve tried to buy her before selling my stuffs!!!

However, there was no medicine for regret.

I can only watch the other buy while wait for a month to gain my income…

“Sigh...end of the month, please hurry up...” (Will)

In my depression, I let out an unreasonable wish.

Again, Christine butted in.

“Haha, you wouldn’t want that.” (Christine)

“Why?” (Will)

“Oh, every end of the month, before the rewarding of placement in the [Leaderboard], there will be a wave of monsters! And each wave will be stronger than the last! Good luck!” (Christine)


No way...a wave of monsters!? And each wave is stronger than the last!?

This...this...What kind of messed up game is this!!!???

“Ahh!!!” (Sam)

Suddenly, I heard Sam’s scream and instantly became anxious.

“What is it!? Are you okay!?” (Will)

Panicking, I hurriedly ran to Sam to check up on her.

But the moment I got near, Sam immediately covered the shelf in front of her in panic.

I was confused at her behavior but relaxed seeing her okay and uninjured.

Then, Christine came and suddenly made a sales pitch.

“Ah, this is the shelf for the [Illusory Condoms]! They’re so thin, you won’t feel that it’s there at all! It’s the safest condom in the universe and comes with 99 different flavors! Buy one now for only 69 G a box!” (Christine)

“...” (Everyone)



William King



Mana Points












G Points


Status Points



Flame Aura

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