《Broken Reality》Chapter 7: The Item that Bought Itself


Chapter 7: The Item that Bought Itself

Following Sarah, we headed for the landmark she knew while killing the zombies in the way.

However, when we got there, there wasn’t any sight of a floating orb at all.

“Hmm...there’s another landmark outside. It’s an abstract statue.” (Sarah)

“Nn, then let’s try there as well.” (Will)

We knew that the chances of finding one immediately were slim so we didn’t became too much disappointed at the first time.

In any case, there’s a lot of landmarks to be found in a mall so before we check outside the mall’s perimeter, we should thoroughly check the mall first.

Though Sarah said that the landmark was outside, it was still within the mall’s premises so we didn’t walk too far.

Again, we didn’t see a floating orb.

“It seems finding one really is hard...” (Nicholas)

“Right?” (Michael)

The others started to sigh and complain. But at this time, May spoke.

“Say, it says in the [Help] that ‘To enter the store, you must be within a kilometer away from the orb and simply think of entering.’ Then, isn’t it fine to think of entering the store every kilometer we walk? Maybe we’ll get lucky and find one.” (May)

All of us looked at each other in surprise.

“But, how can we think of entering something we don’t even know where?” (Jake)

“Enter! Enter! Enter!...It’s not working...” (Nicholas)

“Hmm...maybe we need to look at it? Or there’s no store within a kilometer of radius.” (Will)

Though, isn’t a kilometer radius too long? Is there a reason for it?

Ah, but if the center is a floating orb, then for the people on the ground to enter, it won’t be exactly 1 kilometer when viewed from a horizontal axis. I can’t tell from the pictures that was posted in the internet but maybe the stores are actually high up?

In that case, it’s no use to blindly think of entering if you don’t know where it is. Hmm…

As I contemplated, we went and look for various landmarks in the mall as we kill zombies.

Just when we were thinking of checking the monument outside of the front entrance, a bunch of people appeared.

These aren’t zombies, but living people! Survivors!

And I already know why they’ve come.

High above the monument was a floating white orb!

“It’s a store!” (Sam)

“We finally found one!” (Michael)

“But there are other people...” (Brook)

Even though we found the store, none of us thought of entering immediately and instead, stared at the newcomers who also stopped and glared at us.

They have about a dozen people, lead by a brute with bulging muscles and a black beard wielding an axe.

Heh, who the hell is this? Captain Blackbeard?

“This is Blackbeard’s territory! From now on, the men in your group are my slaves, and the women are my pets! Be good and submit!” (Blackbeard)

...Oi, you’re actually calling yourself blackbeard!?

I looked towards the others in my group and could see them trying hard not to laugh.

They’re actually not afraid...well, considering what we have faced so far, I guess they don’t have any reason to.

Well, since it’s amusing, then let’s play along!

“Hmph! Dirty pig! Quickly kowtow before this King and maybe I can consider letting you leave alive!” (Will)

With my crown, robe, cape, and the jet black sword, I puffed my chest in the most domineering way I can and looked down on Blackbeard with the most disdainful eyes I can make.


“Bahaha! Just a brat and you dare call yourself a King!? That crown will be mine!” (Blackbeard)

“You’re just a lowly pirate wannabe, you think you deserve this crown? You don’t know life from death!” (Will)

I can feel the people behind me trying their hardest to stop laughing out loud...actually, it’s really embarrassing to say something like this out loud...who the hell thought this was a good idea!?

“Haha! Brat! I’ll make sure to leave you alive and let you watch as I rape those women beside you!” (Blackbeard)

“...Hah?” (Will)

This bastard...fine, enough games. Since you dared to have any ideas to Ryza, and the others, I’ll make sure you suffer!

Pissed with the pirate wannabe, the feathers on my cape burned and turned into wings that pushed me forwards!

“[Devour]” (Will)

The jet black sword turned into a black snake that shot towards Blackbeard.

Surprised with the sudden attack, Blackbeard stuttered and didn’t have enough time to dodge or swing his heavy axe!

Just like that, he died.

...Well, that might’ve been letting him off too easy…but I’m really still not used to killing...Though, I can still handle this kind of fast and clean way to kill.

I looked towards the others in the Blackbeard’s group next.

Seeing me look at them, they all shivered and stepped back.

“W-we’re just buying stuff. P-please don’t mind us!”

“R-right! Y-young hero, Blackbeard has been forcing us all this time!”

“That’s right! He even raped me 10 time yesterday!”

I sighed upon hearing their pleadings. Even though my heart is cold enough to kill someone, it isn’t so cold that I can just brush these guys off.

I know that in an apocalyptic world, it’s better to have less people around you so you have lesser things to worry about but...

Well, there’s still the [Relationships] feature so I suppose it’s fine to take them in…


I looked at three people whose souls were black.

Feeling my gaze on them, two of them shook and looked down, as if afraid of being found.

As for the other one, she was woman so when she saw that I looked at her, she immediately threw flirtation glances at me and leaned down to show her cleavage.

Hm, no doubt, this girl is probably the ‘main concubine’ or something and as Blackbeard’s favorite, she abuses the others below her.

Quietly, Ryza moved to my side and glared at the woman.

“Soul?” (Ryza)

“Black.” (WIll)

Ryza nodded and suddenly aimed the laser gun on her hand at the woman.

Before the woman could react, she fired.

The woman died with her eyes wide open, still not understanding what happened.

Next, I killed the other two black souls.

After a while, their bodies disappeared and dropped their items.

The others still didn’t know what happened and didn’t expect us to suddenly kill people who hadn’t made a move so they were shaking in fear and didn’t dare to look at me.

“Do you all know of the [Relationship] feature?” (Will)

“N-no...no sire...”

Sire...to this, I can only sigh.

After explaining to them about it, they gradually became excited and hurriedly added me as a friend to stay loyal.

This way, as long as they didn’t think of rebelling, then I won’t harm them.

Seeing their behavior, I nodded and looked back to Ryza. Her hand’s shaking a bit so I held her hand to reassure her.

“You didn’t have to.” (Will)

“I do...even if I can’t share half your burden, I still want a part of it.” (Ryza)


Seeing her resolute eyes, I sighed but smiled as I felt warmth.

Tearing my gaze, I looked towards the floating orb.

“It’s time we enter.” (Will)

Everyone nodded and, one by one, we all disappeared in a flash of light.

In the next moment, we appeared in a huge hall with numerous shelves on both sides.

At the end of the hall on one side, a counter was present with a beautiful girl with red hair smiling behind it.

“Welcome to the store, please take your time to look through our items.” (Clerk)

The clerk spoke while all of us were at a loss of the sudden appearance of this weird new world.

Is this all inside that orb?

No, maybe it’s just a medium for teleportation?

But if that’s the case, then it won’t just be us in this store?...No, it’s just us so that means that this is a separate one from the rest.

So it’s really inside the orb?

...Whatever! It’s not like knowing about where this is would do me any good would it!?

Let’s just not think about it.

Anyway, there sure are a lot of items on the shelves…

Curious, I tried to pick up one that looks like a horn but…

Warning! Prohibited to touch item!

This window suddenly blocked my hand…

Now I’m even more curious so I poked the window a few times and tried to move it away...well, of course it didn’t work at all.

“To buy an item in the store, simply say or think the work [Buy]. If you want to sell something, then please look for me.” (Clerk)

The beautiful red head clerk giggled as she watched us.

Focusing my attention on her, the first thing I noticed was her soul.

It was...the same as the monsters. No, the same as an Outsider!

Thinking that I may be wrong, I frowned and double checked.

...It really feels like an Outsider soul!

I thought that Outsiders are only what the system calls the monsters but...it seems to be something more.

This term, [Outsider], may be towards an alien race. People, or monsters, that isn’t from our world…

What does this mean…?

...Anyway, I still don’t have enough power to do anything even if I found out something.

For now, let’s sell the stuff I don’t need.

“I want to sell some items.” (Will)

“Yes, please take out your items.” (Clerk)

The clerk smiled.

Opening my [Inventory], I took out one item after another.


Large Gemite (High)


Fiery Ape’s Hide


Fiery Ape’s Fang


Fiery Ape King’s Hide


Fiery Ape King’s Fang


Blood Moon Blade


Mystic Iron Sword


Adventurer’s Robe


Gaia Worm’s Hide


Gaia Worm’s Heart


X-Virus Sample


X-Virus Antidote





Out of all of these, I looked at the equipments for a while and decided not to sell it for now.

“Guys, I have these equipments here. If you think that you can buy better ones, tell me so I can sell it later.” (Will)

I handed over the [Blood Moon Blade], [Mystic Iron Sword], and [Adventurer’s Robe] to the others and let them deal with it.

I also didn’t sell the virus antidote in case of emergency.

As for the rest, though I have no idea what they are used for, I decided to sell them for now. The hides and fangs and such are probably crafting items but there isn’t anyone here who knows how to use them so it isn’t needed for now.

Just the [Large Gemite (High)] was already 10 000 G, while the others amounted to about 1 618. The highest value among the other items was actually the [Gaia Worm’s Heart] which sold for 600 G while the virus samples only amounted to 1 G each.

All in all, I had 11 618 G.

Ah, but I still had about 900 G originally so now it’s...12 518 G?

I say...is this a lot? Or too little? Can I ask the clerk? She isn’t some NPC with a defined speech patterns right?

“Is 12 k a lot?” (Will)

“It depends.” (Clerk)

The clerk still smiled...somehow, I think this girl’s only expression is a smile...it feels weird…

“By that you mean?...” (Will)

“If you are a plebeian whose family collects dirt for a living, then you have a fortune.” (Clerk)

...Oi, this girl just said something really depressing while smiling!!!

“If you are a son of a rich businessman or a powerful politician, then your money is just a stone, no, a flea in a random stray dog at the side of the road.” (Clerk)

Is there a need to change a stone into a flea!!!??? And why are you still smiling!? You’re really not a monster that will kill us suddenly, right!?

Somehow, this girl really gives me the chills...ah, this feeling. It’s the same when May would walk up to me while smiling, then list out all the seemingly obvious mistakes I made even though I didn’t notice them…

But to these types of girl...you’d really get curious to how they’ll react when flustered…

...Hey, I wonder if it’s possible to buy her?

It was just a random thought that flew by and I initially wanted to laugh at but…

Name: Christine Resge

Value: 15 000 G


“Ah, to think that this pleb would empty his life’s worth of savings just to buy me. What a pervert. But it’s fine. I shall lower myself and accept it since you want me that much even though you’re so poor.” (Christine)

You have bought: [Christine Resge] x1!


Hey! HEY!! HEEY!!!

I obviously didn’t click any button to accept right!? More like, wasn’t I still 3k short!!! What is this!?

Did the [Item] just seriously make me buy [Itself]!? Did she just seriously discounted herself!?


“With that being the case, thank you for purchasing me Trash, ah no- Master.” (Christine)

Hey! You just said trash just now right!? You just said trash right!!!??? Actually, don’t bother correcting it when you already said it!!!

“Ara, my master, if you look at me with such burning hot gaze, I’ll get embarrassed? Or do you prefer it being done with others watching? As expected from a perverted pleb, I suppose I have no choice but to-” (Christine)

“STOP!!! Eh? Eh!? What just happened just now!? Why did I suddenly buy you!? More like, stop calling me pervert! Also, what the HELL!!!???” (Will)

“Oh, that was quite the retort wasn’t it, master?” (Christine)

“LISTEN TO ME!!!” (Will)

I shouted with all my might, completely exasperated with the sudden weird turns in the scenario…

I can feel the weird gazes the others are looking at me...

“Fumu, shall I explain then?” (Christine)

“...Please...” (Will)

Completely defeated, I can only plead this smiling devil for an explanation.

“...Heh.” (Christine)


Just now...did she just ‘heh-ed’ me???

“Fufufufu...that pathetic look on your face...that expression of complete defeat and humiliation-! Fufu...fufufufufufuhahahahahahaha!” (Christine)


“That’s right! Plead! Plead and beg me for answers! Hahahahahahaha!” (Christine)

Oi oi oi oi oi oi!!!

Why did she suddenly became an S character!!!???

“Well, too bad. Even if you beg for me, I won’t answer your questions!” (Christine)

...No, seriously...SOMEBODY EXPLAIN TO ME WHAT’S GOING ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



William King



Mana Points












G Points


Status Points



Flame Aura

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