《Broken Reality》Chapter 5: X-Type Zombies


Chapter 5: X-Type Zombies

After the call ended, I started issuing out orders to everyone.

“Alright. Brook, you go to the 8th floor and escort the two survivors there. Michael, you take the 6th floor, there are four people in there. Nicholas, you go to the 2nd floor with five survivors. One of them is a kid. After gathering everyone, we’ll immediately head towards the mall while we explain the situation to them. If they don’t listen, then leave them. Let’s go!” (Will)

The three nodded and did their tasks. I also headed to the room where Ryza had taken the girls to explain what had happened to them.

In a moment of hurry, I forgot to knock and simply opened the door.

“Ryz, girls, something happened and...hm?” (Will)

When I suddenly opened the door, Sam flustered about in panic and quickly shoved her hands behind her but...May was too slow to react so I saw what she was holding or maybe, she didn’t even think to hide it.

“...Why’re you holding a condom?” (Will)

...Right...isn’t this the ones Ryza took earlier?

“Ara, so I won’t get pregnant after sleeping with you of course.” (May)

“Oh, okay…like hell I’ll say that! The hell!? Ryz, I thought you’ll convince them to change their category in the [Relationships]!?” (Will)

What just happened here...rather, didn’t May’s light pink soul just got even more clear? It’s pinkness is about the same as Sam and Ryza’s now…

And she even handed out the condoms!!!???

What is this!? How come I’m raising everyone’s affection points unknowingly!!!??

“I said you didn’t have to worry about it and that I’ll talk to them.” (Ryza)

“But, but...” (Will)

“Don’t you know? It’s normal for a King to have a harem. I never had any intention to monopolize you. But don’t worry, I won’t find other men when I’m not sleeping with you.” (Ryza)

“But...” (Will)

I’ve already decided for Ryza to be my only one…

“It’s okay. Will, give them a chance.” (Ryza)

She kissed me and stroke my cheek.

After a lot of kisses and petting, I finally gave in and accepted.

“Uuu...I’m sorry, Will...but, as I thought, I don’t want to lose as well!” (Sam)

“...Sam? Uhhh, when did this start, exactly?” (Will)

I still don’t understand how I managed to raise all these flags without my knowing.

“I...hmph! If you kiss me, I might tell you!” (Sam)

“...Ryz, you even taught her that?” (Will)

I asked but Ryza just dodged by looking away and kept handing condoms to May...Oi!!!

That’s alot! How many times do you expect me to do it!?

To begin with, why is she doing it manually? Isn’t there a [Trade] function in the [Inventory]?

I sighed and looked back at Sam.

“...Maybe later.” (Will)

“Hey!” (Sam)

“Something happened so I asked Brook and them to grab the others. In a minute, we’ll be heading to the mall.” (Will)

“Something happened?” (Ryza)

I nodded and explained what had just happened.

When we got out of the room, the others had also just returned with a couple more strangers.

All in all, there are 10 more people plus a little kid.

Of those ten, two are women while the rest are men.

There was one man who seemed to be an intern as well. A man in his early-20s wearing a dark red jacket.

Actually, my age and Ryza’s aren’t that much apart. I think she’s just 25 this year. The same for May so they’re actually part of the younger generation while most of the workers here are in their mid-30s.


The early-20s guy was together with a similarly aged woman by his side, holding his hand which should be his girlfriend.

“W-we’re the only survivors here?”

“I think I smell food...”

“Yeah, me too...”

“Why is that guy wearing a crown and a cape?”

“Whoo, those girls are hot don’t you think?”

“Jake...I’m scared...” (???)

“Rose, don’t worry, they don’t seem to be bad people.” (Jake)

...It’s the first time I met them but I can already see the troublesome ones.

And now that I met them, the colors of their souls had changed.

The intern couple became light blue, the five from before are already blue, then, four guys had became grey…

Nggnggngg...I’ll gouge the eyes out of those bastards that are looking at my girls, I mean, at Ryza…

In order to intimidate them a bit, I used [Wings Transformation] and the cape behind my back burst into flames and transformed into a pair of majestic fiery wings.

Sure enough, they all broke a sweat and backed up.

“Listen up. In case you still don’t know. The world has changed and monsters, also known as Outsiders, have run amok in the world. To fight these Outsiders, we of the human race were given a starter weapon, apparel, and accessory which you can see in your [Inventory].” (Will)

Pausing for a moment, I looked at everyone who were slowly calming down, looking in mid air.

“Now, you all know that we have limited food supply here. Our group has decided to make the mall nearby our base of operations and are about to move out. Anyone willing to come can come but will have to listen to me. anyone who doesn’t, I’ll kick him out. I already scouted ahead and there are only a few small Outsiders on the path to the mall. We’re leaving in a minute, whether you’re coming or not.” (Will)

That might be a bit overbearing but if I don’t do that, then those guys will keep causing problems to me.

“Also, his name’s William King. If you think that doesn’t mean anything, go check the [Leaderboards]. Haha.” (Michael)

Towards Michael’s bragging, I can only sigh and shake my head.

I didn’t do anything in this one minute other than flirt with Ryza. Sam and May would occasionally flirt as well but I gave Ryza the most attention.

“Alright, the minute’s up. Let’s go.” (Will)

Ignoring the 11 people, me and the original group started to head down.

The five people I rescued before quickly followed. Then the intern couple, and lastly, the four troublesome guys who were eyeing my girls…

They better not make any trouble or else…

“You guys can leave if you want. But if you decide to follow and later betray me, I’ll kill you.” (Will)

I looked at the four when I said that before turning around to leave.

Behind me, I heard the four of them snort and whisper amongst themselves.

Tch- just because they got some equipment now, they think they no longer need me for protection.

Sure enough, right after we left the building, those four immediately rushed towards me. Three of them were directed towards Ryza, Sam, and May while the other was rushing to me in an attempt to distract me.

[Flame Aura]!

My MP was instantly restored after I leveled up so I now have full MP again.

Suddenly, flames clad my entire body. I grabbed the head of the guy rushing to me which produced a sizzling sound.



The man shrieked in horror as his face was slowly melting and burning but I didn’t let go.

The other three shivered in fear but as they were caught up in their fear, Ryza already brought out her laser gun and shot the man who tried to assault her on his two legs, then his arms, then his crotch, before finally, his head.

May, who was more mature than Sam was the third to move. She brought out a staff that looked like it was made from dead wood with an eerie looking orb on the top.

She circled the staff a few times, then, a purple smoke flowed out of the orb which seemed to form a snake that ensnared the man who was about to assault her.

Upon touching the purple smoke, his body started to rot and wither, before finally turning into a pile of ashes.

As for Sam...

“E-ei!” (Sam)

She swung a...uhh...a huge golden hammer that was twice her size…

Needless to say, the man was sent flying high, perhaps achieving his dream of becoming a superstar…

Hmm, May’s weapon seemed to be poison type while Sam is, well, either gravity or just pure strength.

I’m sure Sam isn’t able to lift that under normal circumstances but that weapon may have a gimmick where only the user can wield it. Heck, maybe it’s named Mjolnir.

Even though it’s not noticeable, when I look carefully, all three of them are slightly shivering, including Ryza.

Well, they just killed a man after all. Oh, and as for the one I was holding, he had long since died...sigh, even though I didn’t want to kill again, these guys simply want to push their luck…

It’s fine if it’s just me, but they actually want to act on Ryza and the girls...that, is unforgivable.

I sighed again and patted the three girls on the head to calm them down.

I still have my [Soul Soothing] after all and it’s really a great help.

“D-do you really need to kill them!?”

“I already warned them earlier. Since they still did it, then it just means they want to die. I also didn’t want to kill as much as possible but...I have to do so in order to protect the people I need to protect.” (Will)


“Later, if you still want to follow me, I will also kill anyone who dares to harm you.” (Will)

This is my role as the leader…

“Protect...those I need to protect...” (Jake)

On the side, Jake muttered as he looked at his girlfriend and a determined gleam lit from his eyes.

Seeing this, I nodded silently and continued to head towards the mall.

None of us leveled up from killing those four just now but we did gain their equipment and money. Though, their equipment isn’t really worthy of mention...just where did those guys find the courage to attack me?

Simply idiotic. They probably got too caught up in their lusts or something.

Only the [Necklace of Spirits] caught my attention as it’s an accessory that raises Wisdom by 10. Come to think of it, I haven’t looked through the items Van dropped before. No matter, I’ll look at it later.

I wore the [Necklace of Spirits] and looked at my status, sure enough, my Wisdom and Mana Points rose.

Anyway, we’re only a block away from the mall...and between us is only a few small Outsiders. Let’s quickly go there and rescue Sarah!

We ran forward and created a lot of noise as we did so. As a result, those few small Outsiders turned to look at us and charged.

Confirming their level in the log, I shouted out.

“These guys are just level 3-4 [Kobolds]! Don’t be afraid and kill them!” (Will)


They all roared noisily as they charged and met with the [Kobolds] head on. Some got injured but we managed to quickly kill them all.

As for those injured, thankfully, there are two healers in our group.

One is Brook who waved his green staff and a bright green light shot towards the injured man, healing him. The other is the little girl who was holding a golden bell. Everytime she shook it, an illusion of white feathers seemed to fall from the sky and those who touch it would be healed.

No one leveled up so we continued our advance.

The next was a bit trickier.

If it weren’t for my [Soul Eyes] we wouldn’t have noticed it but it seems that the trees placed on the side are actually Outsiders, Level 6-7 [Treants]!

I still didn’t help this time but I made sure to keep a close eye to everyone in case someone’s in trouble.

After a few minutes, the [Treants] were dealt with. It was mostly thanks to the one wearing a dark red jacket intern, Jake. He had a red staff that can shoot out flames so it was easier for him. He was also the first to level up. Followed by May, and Sam.

Then, just before we reached the mall, I looked down and saw an Outsider soul quickly rushing up from under the ground!

“Everyone back up!” (Will)


As I expected, an Outsider burst out from the ground.

Level 40 [Gaia Worm]

…Well, fuck! It’s a level 40!

However, I’m not too shaken up. I already know how to deal with these higher leveled guys from my battle with the [Fiery Ape King].

That is, their insides are the weakest!

And as it just happens, this thing’s mouth...is always wide open!

The inside of its mouth seemed to have countless sharp teeth rotating around its mouth but the centermost part is mostly hollow.

I’ll just charge myself up and drill from the inside!

Let’s go! [Flame Aura]! [Blackest Might]!

With my doubled stats and flames surrounding me, I flew with my phoenix wings straight towards the [Gaia Worm’s] mouth with my sword, [Blackest Heart], pointed forward!

“Will!” (Ryza)

I heard Ryza’s shout but I ignored it. If I don’t kill this bastard, then we’re all going to die!

Shit, if only I knew that such a high leveled Outsider would appear here, I would’ve chosen another route! But it seems that my [Soul Eyes] have a certain range and apparently, there are also Outsiders that are capable of hiding in the ground!

It’s no use regretting now. I can only hope that this move will kill this damn worm!

“Uoooooaaaaaahhhh!!!!!” (Will)

Roaring with everything that I have, I plunged straight into the [Gaia Worm’s] mouth and...pierced inside!

However...I wasn’t able to continue piercing forward and I can only let the worm’s huge body to crush me inside and be slowly digested...hm? I’m not being digested?

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have gained:

Gaia Worm’s Hide x5

Gaia Worm’s Heart x1

Dwarven Chest Plate x1

G Points x200

...I killed it? Eh? Did I perhaps, stabbed the heart?

Or maybe there’s a weak spot on where I stabbed?

Soon, the surrounding flesh turned into dots of light that faded away and I was finally able to get out.

“Will!” (Ryza)

“Will! You’re okay!” (Sam)

“Will, it’s good that you’re safe.” (May)

“Don’t be so reckless next time, Will.” (Brook)

“Damn, boy, don’t do something like that again! You nearly gave this old man a heart attack!” (Nicholas)

“Haha! Look! Look at the [Leaderboards]! William’s already the top 2nd! Only two levels behind that freak Japanese girl!” (Michael)

Having Ryza and Sam hug me while seeing the relieved and worried expressions of everyone, a sense of warmth appeared in my heart. One which was already long forgotten...this feeling of having someone who care about you.

I rubbed Sam’s head and gave Ryza a kiss. Seeing Sam pout, I gave in and finally kissed her.

“Sorry for making you guys worry...it was something I had to do.” (Will)

“If you’re sorry then kiss me more!” (Sam)

“I’m the first wife here.” (Ryza)

“Sigh, William, you made it look so simple but I bet no one would have half the courage of actually plunging into a monster’s mouth! Don’t do that again!” (Nicholas)

“Haha, I won’t, I won’t. Alright, come on, we still need to save Brook’s wife.” (Will)

“Ex-wife.” (Brook)

“Suuuuure.” (Will)

I laughed and led everyone to the mall.

“Uncle, are you hurt? Do you want a heal?” (???)

Seeing the little healer, I smiled and patted her head.

“I’m fine Anna. Come on, after we deal with the problem in the mall, you can go with your mommy to find some toys okay?” (Will)

“Hmph! Anna is already a big girl! I don’t need toys!” (Anna)

To this proud looking little girl, I just laughed along with everyone. Her mother also laughed and flattered her.

“Yes, yes, my Anna is a really big girl now!” (???)

“Hehe~” (Anna)

“Ms. Anne, you mustn't spoil your daughter too much.” (Michael)

“Like you can talk!” (Sam)

Once again, everyone laughed and the mood brightened.

Seeing this mother and child Anne and Anna is also very fresh to the eyes. Especially with both of them being a beauty, though not like Ryza or May, Anne had a motherly aura that is also very attracting.

…*Cough* let’s not think about this. I’m starting to feel weird...oh yeah, I wonder where her husband is? I wonder if they’re divorced? Or he already passed away?

...What am I thinking? I shook my head to clear out my thoughts.

She’s already married. I’m already married. She’s already married. I’m already married. She’s already married. I’m already married. She’s already married. I’m already married.

I chanted those lines in my head like a mantra and gradually, I began to calm down.

We arrived at the entrance of the mall and pushed open the entrance door.

There doesn’t seem to be guards from the surviving group that guarded this place…

“Brook, call your wife.” (Will)

At some point, I already stopped calling Sarah as Brook’s ex-wife but wife.

Brook no longer bothered to correct it and dialed on his phone.

“Sarah? Where are you? We’re already here.” (Brook)

#Brook! You’re here? I’m in the third floor with my friends still hiding in the janitor’s room! I was looking at the [Leaderboards] just now! William already ranked up to top 2!?# (Sarah)

“Ah, yes. Just now, a level 40 Outsider appeared just outside the mall. He just defeated it and now, we’re at the entrance. We’re coming to get you now.” (Brook)

#Un, then, we’ll wait. Please hurry! Somehow...it’s been really quiet outside...# (Sarah)

“Alright, just hold on for a bit more.” (Brook)

Brook hung up and was about to go in but I stopped him.

When Sarah said that it has been quiet outside, I frowned and used [Soul Eyes]. What I found was…

Countless Outsiders loitering about inside the mall!

This...this...how can there be so many!? However, most of them are only level 5 judging from the size so...we can use this opportunity to level everyone up as well.

I’m just worried about why there are so many here…

I continued to look around and finally saw human souls. There are 3 of them. One of them must be Sarah and the other two are her friends. But as for the other survivors Sarah told about...I can’t see any other human soul.

Maybe they died.

After scouting the place, I told everyone about it and discussed of a plan.

We will be going in a formation. Brook and Anna will be in the centermost, in charge of healing. Accompanying them is Anne and Rose who had a support type equipment. Anne had an [Angel’s Halo] accessory which raises the speed of recovery of those within 3 meters when injured and looks really good on her…*cough*, Rose on the other hand had a [Aphrodite’s Dress] which revealed her enchanting figure and curvy- *cough* basically, if the wearer dances, allies would have a boost in strength.

May, Ryza, and Jake were placed in the inner circle as they all use long range attacks

The melee users are at the outer circle.

At the front is Sam while on the three sides are four men that were in Anne’s group from before who had swords and spears as a weapon. Standing guard on both sides are Michael and Nicholas.

And lastly, I was placed on top of everyone, flying above the formation.

My level is already high enough so the goal here is to have everyone level up while we rescue Sarah and I can also have a better grasp at the situation from above.

“Heads up, 5 Outsiders approaching. All level 5.” (Will)

“I see it...is that...a zombie?” (Sam)

As Sam said, the 5 approaching Outsiders seemed to be zombies…no, not seemed like, looking at the log, it really is a zombie!

Then, is that the reason why there’s a lot here? And why the ones Sarah mentioned aren’t anywhere to be found?

“Alright, it seems that these zombies have the ability to turn humans into Outsiders. First, Brook, Anna, see if you can heal them.” (Will)

The two nodded and complied. However, it seems that these zombies are really a lost cause. The wounds on their bodies healed but they’re still mindless zombies.

The zombies charged forward while gnarling loudly. Looking with my [Soul Eyes], the Outsiders a bit away seemed to be heading to our location.

“Tsk- attack! They can no longer return to being humans! They’re Outsiders! Kill them all!” (Will)

Everyone roared as we charged forward in formation.

As more and more zombies appeared, I also made a move to control the numbers that charged towards the group.

The mall was filled with shouts, roars, and growls of zombies as we continued to charge forward.

“Damn! I’m out of MP!” (Jake)

“I’m also about to run out!” (May)

Hearing the two’s shouts, I nodded and proceeded to kill even more.

Somehow, the BR system recognized our group as something like a party so there was also exp sharing.

I don’t know the rate but after I killed 30 or so zombies, they leveled up and their MP was restored.

Everyone else also leveled up at irregular timings. Since I only concentrated on killing, I’ve lost count on their levels and only kept killing.

“Heh, this seems easy enough!” (Michael)

“It’s only easy because William’s controlling the numbers attacking us! Stop gloating and just kill to level up!” (Nicholas)

“Jake! There’s a bunch over there!” (Rose)

“Got it! [Flame Cannon]!” (Jake)


A huge ball of fire hurled towards a group of zombies to the side and exploded.

Strangely enough, the water sprinklers didn’t activate at all.

“[Withering Snake]!” (May)

Purple smoke shot out of May’s staff, turned into a snake, and engulfed a bunch more zombies which then turned into ashes.

“Eei! [Earth Splitter]!” (Sam)

Sam swung her hammer down the ground and a huge fissure extended forward, causing a bunch of zombies to fall.

Then, the earth closed in...what the fuck!?

“[Falling Stars].” (Ryza)

Ryza shot in the air one time, yet, somehow, the laser blast suddenly turned into a ball of light, then multiple laser blasts branched out of it and continued to rain down the zombies, riddling them with holes.

Ryz, I love you, but please be careful when you use that skill! I was almost shot as well!

“[3 Meter Stab]!” (Michael)

Michael stabbed the zombie in front of him right to the head then, a white line flashed out, shooting 3 meters forward and skewered 4-5 zombies in line like barbeque.

“[Crescent Moon]!” (Nicholas)

On the other side, Nicholas spun his violet spear into an arc, creating a crescent shaped violet sword slash that continued forward, beheading a couple or so zombies.

Everyone had shown their weapon skills one by one as we continued to advance.

Everything’s been nice and smooth till we reached the second floor then...the big one came.

No, rather than came, it was formed.

In a distance, a dozen or so zombies clashed each other. Disgusting, fleshy sounds sounded out as they collide and mush together.

“W-what the hell!?” (Michael)

What the hell indeed...feeling something bad’s going to happen if I let this continue, I quickly flew forward to stop...whatever it is they’re doing.

But...I was too late.


I saw a blur whip it’s way to my right so I defended with my sword, only to be thrown to the side by the heavy impact.

“Will!” (Ryza)

I grunted as I got up from the rubble that I was on and looked at the direction of the attacker.

What stood there was...uhh...what looked like a ball of jumbled bodies with fleshy tentacle-like things attached to all sides…

“Holy fuck!” (Nicholas)

“Everybody! Don’t be afraid! It’s body is too big and impossible to miss! Use your strongest attack and just shoot the bastard down!” (Will)

It’s appearance is hideous but killing it is really just straight forward.

From the log, it said that the monster is called [Mass X-Type Zombie], just level 20.

By the way, the normal zombies earlier was called [X-Type Zombie]. As for what X-Type means, I have no idea.

“[Enchanted Dance]!” (Rose)

“[Flamethrower]!” (Jake)

“[Decaying Serpent]!” (May)

“[Assassinate]!” (Michael)

“[Piercing Dragon]!” (Nicholas)

“[Thunder Smash]!” (Sam)

“[Charged Blast]!” (Ryza)

“[Blackest Might]!” (Will)


As everyone unleashed their strongest attack from a distance, a loud explosion resounded inside the mall and clouds of dusts covered the area.

Sam waved her huge hammer in the air and cleared away the dust, revealing a grotesque scene where countless flesh and blood covered the walls, floor, and ceiling.

However, that didn’t last long as they all turned into dots of light to which, followed by everyone getting their item drops and leveling up.

I also finally leveled up by one after killing so many zombies and this huge one.

You have gained:

X-Virus Sample x4

X-Virus Antidote x1

G Points x120

An antidote!?

The [X-Virus Sample] is familiar since the normal zombies also dropped those but now, an antidote actually dropped!?

Then...that means we can cure these zombies!?

“Oi, I got an antidote...” (Michael)

“Forget it, read the description. It will only work on those who were bitten within 5 minutes. Who knows how long these guys are like this.” (Ryza)

Hearing this, I looked at the item’s description and confirmed that what she said was true.

It’s not that I doubt her, but I just want to see it for myself.

After all, if it turns out that we can cure them...then from how many I killed, it means I also killed humans that could be saved…

Ryza held my hand and looked at me expressionlessly but I know she’s worried.

I smiled and kissed her.

“I’m alright.” (Will)

“Mm.” (Ryza)

I nodded as she nod and looked back at everyone.

“Alright, let’s keep moving forward.” (Will)

As I said that, I looked upwards at the ceiling worriedly.

The explosion before was really too big and cracks can already be seen on the ceiling...It’s good that it didn’t give in and collapse. Because, Sarah and her friends happened to be above us.

*Crack* *crack* *crash!*

...Spoke too soon…

“““Kyaa!?””” (???)

Three girls screamed from above as the ceiling collapsed and dust filled the air.

“E-everyone, grab hold!” (Sarah)

“Sarah!” (Brook)

“Brook!? Just wait a sec, we’re coming down now!” (Sarah)

Hearing a flapping of wings, the dust cleared up and revealed three women holding onto each other.

One of which had a huge bat-like wings behind her back. She had a short black hair and a curvaceous body line. She looked to be in her early 20s but I knew better.

This one’s Sarah, Brook’s ex-wife and also aged similarly so she’s already in her mid 30s.

On her hands, she held two women. One was a blonde beauty while the other is a bespectacled beauty.

Truly, birds of a feather flock together. Beautiful girls mostly always have beautiful friends. It’s really rare for me to see these many beauties before Broken Reality.

Sarah struggled as she flapped her wings, seemingly having a hard time bearing the weight of two grown women so I also activated my phoenix wings to help her.

“T-thanks.” (Sarah)

“You’re welcome.” (Will)

“A-are your wings on fire?” (???)

“I-isn’t that dangerous?” (???)

“It’s alright. It won’t burn you. Alright, let’s get you all to the ground.” (Will)

I held the bespectacled beauty while Sarah carried the blonde beauty.

It’s not because I have a glasses fetish, she was just near my grasp, that’s all.

Ryza, don’t give me that ‘I should wear glasses next time’ kind of look! I really don’t have a glasses fetish!

*Cough*, let’s move on.

“Sarah!” (Brook)

As soon as we landed, Brook took Sarah in her arms and they kissed.

And for some reason, Ryza also did the same to me…even though I wasn’t even separated from her for a long time...well, let’s just let her do as she likes.

After a while, everyone settled down.

“Right, these two are my friends. The blonde here is Jane, and the one with the glasses is Megan. To those who don’t know me, My name is Sarah...Sarah Richards. Brook’s wife.” (Sarah)

“No longer ex huh? Haha. Good to have you back, Sarah.” (Nicholas)

“Hmph, of course. The only reason we separated was because this idiot always prioritizes work. And after our….our daughter died, he didn’t even bother comforting me and just dived in work again. Hmph hmph. Now, let’s see if he will still have work.” (Sarah)

“I was wrong, okay? I get that...I just...I just forget better when I work...but now, I’ll never leave you again.” (Brook)

“You better be.” (Sarah)

Sarah pretended to be angry at first, then smiled and hugged Brook again.

The rest ‘aww~’-ed at them with smiles.

“Alright, as much as I hate separating you two, we need to move. It’s already late in the night. Let’s find a place to rest for today and tomorrow, we’ll continue cleaning this place. From now on, this mall will be our main base.” (Will)

Everyone nodded and we started to move again to search for a place to rest.

At the end, after killing a few more zombies, we chose a store full of beds to rest on since it’s more comfortable.

“I’ll take first watch. You guys sleep.” (Will)

“Hey, hold on, Will. I said I’m taking first watch right? You had it hardest, you should rest.” (Brook)

“Yeah, you’re supposed to be first watch together with Van. But Van’s gone, and your wife’s here. Go be with your wife, you just said you won’t leave her side, don’t break your promises so fast.” (Will)

I laughed and shrugged.

“Besides, I have [Soul Eyes] remember? And the zombies haven’t been cleared yet, I’m the best choice for watch at the moment.” (Will)

“...Alright then. I’ll take you up in your offer.” (Brook)

I nodded and dismissed everyone.

Some found a bed to lie down, some began to eat again before sleeping, others checked their [Inventory] and [Status].

After looking at them, I turned towards Ryza, Sam, and May.

“You three should sleep too.” (Will)

“I’m staying with you.” (Ryza)

I smiled. I actually forgot that Ryza is supposed to be my partner in night watch.

“Are you sure? We were supposed to take the second watch. You can rest if you want.” (Will)

“Nn, I’m staying.” (Ryza)

Smiling wryly, I nodded and said goodnight to Sam and May who gave me a kiss on the cheek before heading to bed.

“Right, weren’t you going to tell me how you suddenly seemed to love me?” (Will)

With nothing else to do, I asked Ryza.

She was quiet for a while, before finally nodding.

“Alright, I’ll tell you.” (Ryza)



William King



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