《Broken Reality》Chapter 1: The World Changed


Chapter 1: The World Changed

“Will, have you finished the work I gave you?” (???)

“Ah, no sir Brook. Not yet.” (Will)

“Well then hurry up okay? Your deadline’s tomorrow.” (Brook)

“Y-yes!” (Will)

After confirming that he’s gone, I sighed and went back to my work.

My name is William King. Heh, pretty domineering surname huh? Well, I’m anything but a king as you can see.

I’m an IT student in his last years in college and undergoing internship in an IT company. The name of the company I’m in isn’t important since it’s really a small company which was relatively new compared to others.

I really can’t say that I’m treated bad here nor am I treated well. The way they treat me here is just normal. Though, they refuse to call me by my surname and insisted on using WIlliam or my nickname, Will.

Well, it’s weird to call someone ‘King’ after all and I’m already used to it.

Sir Brook Richards, the one who talked to me just now is my supervisor here. He asked me to add a chat system on one of their programs for future work. Since I’m new to this kind of work, I’m slow and he kept reminding me about it.

He has a black messy hair most of the time and an unshaven beard. However, seeing the shape of his face, he should be considered handsome if he only groomed himself properly.

Currently, he’s single but still cares for his ex-wife.

“Having a tough time huh? Hang in there.” (???)

Perhaps hearing me sigh, the person beside my cubicle stretched her neck out of the separator between us to look at me.

“Thanks, I’m fine. You should also rest for a while, you look a bit pale already, Sam.” (Will)

“Hehe, my skin is always white.” (Sam)

Sam playfully stuck out her tongue and winked.

Her full name is Samantha Setti, a batchmate of mine as well as a fellow intern here. Before we met here, she and I would only talk here and there, we aren’t considered as friends but acquaintances.

Of course, now that we’re the only two interns here, we’ve become good friends.

Her talent in programming is actually around the same as mine, not too good, but not too bad either. The only difference is that with her good looks, everyone treats her better than me.

Yes, I have average, if not ugly, looks…

She had a straight dark brown hair that flows to her waist, pinkish white skin, and a figure that would put a model to shame.

I’ve always heard that her character is good and she’s kind to everyone but...ehh, based on some...references I know, these types of characters would be a two faced bitch who smiles innocently during the day and sleeps with every man like a whore at night…*cough* I may have read or watched one too many mature mangas, novels, or animes…

Hopefully, she isn’t like that…

My mind drifted off as I look at her, imagining her lewd face that she makes during the night…

“Will? Is my face really that pale?” (Sam)

“Eh? Ah, yes. You should really get some rest after going home.” (Will)

“Hmm...maybe you’re right. Sigh, I also feel that I’m getting tired everyday...I also have trouble sleeping at nights...” (Sam)

“Eh?” (Will)

“No, it’s nothing. Thanks for telling me, WIll.” (Sam)

Sam smiled weakly and resumed her work but I was still in shock at her words.

Having trouble sleeping at nights...she said...she said she’s having trouble sleeping at nights!


S-so...is it really true!?

Nooooooooooooooooooooo! My angel Sam!!!

Dejected, I held back my tears and went back to work…

However, it was hard to concentrate as my head was only full of wild imaginations of Sam being violated at night, resulting to her having trouble sleeping everyday…

...I wonder, if I asked...will she do it with me too?

Shocked at the thought, I shook my head and cleared my mind.

Work! Work! I need to work!!!

“Sam, how’s your work?” (???)

“Ah, sir Van, I’ve made some progress.” (Sam)

“That’s good too. There’s no need to rush it. If you have any questions, just ask me okay?” (Van)

Sir Van Miller, Sam’s supervisor has the air of a womanizer no matter how I see it...he’s also good looking...and rich...riajuu should explode!

...I wonder...is the reason he’s treating Sam so good because...they already did it?

“Sir Van sure treats you well.” (Will)

“Haha, that’s just your imagination.” (Sam)

“Suuuure.” (Will)

Sam pouted but I just ignored her and went back to work.

In my mind though, I’ve been cursing that sir Van a million times over.

Suddenly, a notification sound sounded from my laptop so I switched the screen and checked my facebook to see who messaged me.

Surprisingly, it’s Sam who’s just sitting next to me.

Sam: /You know, there’s nothing going on between me and that Van./

I blinked in shock, then turned my head to look at Sam at the other side of the separator between us.

She glanced at me and typed back to her laptop so I looked back on my laptop.

Sam: /Don’t look at me. Just type here./

Will: /Why the secrecy?/

Sam: /Hmph, do you want me to curse at Van openly?/

Will: /Ehh, I thought cursing that guy was my job?/

“Pft-” (Sam)

Suddenly, Sam laughed beside me and held herself back. The others only looked at her weirdly but didn’t pursue it further.

Sam: /Idiot, why did you make me laugh!? Look, Van’s looking at me again!/

Will: /Who told you to laugh? Okay, fine. Let’s not use his name here. Let’s at least censor it into XXX./

“Pft- haha!” (Sam)

“...” (Wil)

“Sam? Are you alright?” (Van)

“Y-yes, I’m fine. I was just relaxing my mind for a bit but saw a funny post. I’m sorry.” (Sam)

“So it’s like that. Well, it’s alright to laugh once in awhile. Too much work will only lead to stress. You should laugh more often.” (Van)

Will: /Your dear XXX desires more laughs./

“Hahahaha!” (Sam)

Seeing this, Sam laughed again while Van only smiled and thought that he succeeded in making her laugh.

Actually, the sight of her laughing is quite a beauty and her laugh is also very nice to hear.

Sam: /Dead guy, see how I’ll deal with you later./

Will: /Suuuure. So, what’s this about you and XXX?/

Sam: /Like I said, there’s nothing between us. If he weren’t my superior, I would really not want to talk to that guy./

Will: /Why? Isn’t he handsome, and cool, and charming?/

Sam: /...You...don’t tell me you’re into that!?/

Will: /Hey! I’m not gay! I was being sarcastic!!!/

Sam: /I see, that’s good.../

Will: /?/

Sam: /Anyway, there’s really nothing between us so don’t misunderstand! Also, I don’t like older men. I prefer men about my age./

Will: /Okay?/

Why is she telling me this? Did she thought I was onto something and want me to stop thinking like that?


So in the end...is she really sleeping with him or not?

As for her liking me?...Nah, impossible. That thought is really too absurd.

Sam: /What time are you going home?/

Will: /About 6pm./

Sam: /Can you wait till 7?/

Will: /Sure, why?/

Sam: /Hehe, it’s a secret :)/

?...Umm, what is this situation, exactly?

...Does she actually like me? No no no, maybe she just wants to try sleeping with me...or maybe she wants me to watch while she do it with Van?

Ughh...why do girls like their secrets so much?

Sighing, I shook my head, and went back to work, not getting my hopes up for tonight.

Time passed and it’s about time to knock off from work.

Most people already left at 6, while some had left at 6:30. There’s only a few here who’s still left.

Van’s gone though, so that’s a relief.

Sir Brook is still here, coding. I think this guy actually leaves at 8 or maybe even 9...don’t tell me...Brook’s the one sleeping with Sam?

Or maybe everyone except me?

Other than him, me, and Sam, there’s about four more people left. Two of them are females and, though not as beautiful as Sam, they’re still a beauty on their own. Not to mention that they carry a mature feel. I feel like one of them has been glancing at me ever since I started here but...she hasn’t even talked to me unless necessary.

The other two are middle aged men with family already as can be seen from the pictures on their desks which showed their wives and children.

7:00 pm.

“Then, Will. Shall we go?” (Sam)

“O-ou...” (Will)

Me and Sam were about to leave the office when suddenly, a figure opened the door and ran inside while hastily closing the door.

“Eh? Sir Van, is something wrong?” (Sam)

“Oi, Van. Stop being so loud. Why haven’t you gotten home yet?” (Brook)

From the side, Brook could be seen frowning as he looked at Van in annoyance.

“M-m-monsters! There are monsters outside!” (Van)

“Hah?” (Brook)

You’d think that, after hearing such an absurd thing would make me dumbfounded and confused but...my first instinct was to grab Sam’s hand and run backwards, away from the door.

“W-Will!? Why are yo-” (Sam)


Before Sam completed her sentence, the door was smashed apart by...by...something!

What!? I really don’t know how to describe this thing!

It’s like a dog, but a lion, or a lizard! I don’t know!


What came out from outside was a huge four legged figure that was as tall as the ceiling, had dark red scales over its body, and a golden mane like that of a lion with two sharp fangs and, and, and...dog ears! Oh, and apparently, it’s also breathing fire.

No way...no way...no way!

This...is this really happening!?

Am I in a dream or what!?

God! At least grant me cheats!!! How come this event is so sudden!? There’s not even an announcement or something!

Why am I suddenly in a boss fight!? I don’t even have a weapon!

If this is a game, at least there’s got to be an [Inventory] or something right!? Give me cheats!!!

Suddenly, the moment I thought of [Inventory], a blue screen with a short list of words appeared in front of me...dafaq!!!???

Shit, no time to mull over the little details! I need a weapon!

Glancing through the inventory, I found three items.


Starter Accessory Gift Pack


Starter Apparel Gift Pack


Starter Weapon Gift Pack





Immediately after I saw the word weapon, I focused on that item and opened it!

Bright light gathered in front of me and a long elongated light rested on my right hand before dimming and revealing a double-edged jet black sword.

As soon as I held it, my mind was filled with its information and I knew what I had to do.

“Devour everything! [God Devourer]!” (Will)

I swung my sword, [Blackest Heart], towards the monster and used its most powerful skill. In truth, there was no need to shout it out, especially the ‘Devour everything!’ but well...ehehe~

The sword tip enlarged and a huge jet black dragon-thing-like monster appeared and opened its jaws, seemingly giving the feel that it’s able to devour the whole world.

The monster tried to flee in panic but alas...it was devoured in the end.

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

You have leveled up!

...I really leveled up...so it really is as I thought.

This world...is now a game.

And everyone’s a player.

This is the first time I focused on the windows that popped up after I took the sword. I closed the notice about leveling up and looked at the other previous windows.

Starter Weapon Gift Pack

Will randomly give out a weapon for you to start with and personalized.

(Cannot be traded) (Cannot be thrown) (Cannot be sold)

Blackest Heart (Personalized)




Can devour anything upto 5 levels higher than user. (100 MP)

Blackest Might

Doubles user’s stats for 1 minute (300 MP)

God Devourer

Can devour anything once every 99 days but will not drop any items and gain a random skill of the devoured. (0 MP)


A sword that was said to be made from a dragon’s heart that had grown black from devouring countless beings and gods.

As a starter weapon, Blackest Heart has been personalized to user.

Blackest Heart no longer needs to be placed in Inventory as it can be recalled in and out of the user’s body at will.

Should it separate from the user’s hold, user will be able to instantly recall it with a thought.

Blackest Heart will drop once user has died but can never be personalized by anyone again. However, it can still be used by others.

(Cannot be traded) (Cannot be thrown) (Cannot be sold)

Damn, an SSS rank starter weapon...I’m afraid that my life’s worth of luck has already been used up for this moment...and why did I use that cheat skill now anyways!?

Argggh!!! Such a good skill...yet now I have to wait 99 days to use it again!!! That’s 3 months! Ugh!!! MY CHEEEEAAAAT!!!!!!!

After what seemed like eternity, I finally managed to calm myself down...

Sigh, whatever, judging from the 9 level ups I gained just now, that monster is definitely over powered so if I didn’t use it, then we will all die…

Right, I did the right thing…the right thing…

Sigh...99 days…sigh...

Mystery Box added to Inventory!

(Cannot be traded) (Cannot be thrown) (Cannot be sold)

God Devourer skill has been used on Flaming Scaled Lion!

Skill gained: Flame Aura!


This is nice! Though, because of the skill, I was unable to gain any drops from that monster, I still gained a skill. This is already good. There’s also that [Mystery Box] thing. I probably got the [Mystery Box] at level 10. There are games like that.

I should open it…

“W-Will? That sword...” (Sam)

Ah? Oops, I forgot that I’m not alone…

Well...as I see it, I have two options here.

I can tell them a lie that I didn’t know what happened and the sword just came out suddenly somehow. The more vague I explain it, the better as I can use their imaginations to fill in the holes naturally. I would naturally have the advantage if I did this but if they somehow discovered the Inventory, then I’m in deep shit. Tell them about the Inventory so they can also equip themselves with weapons and equipments. Advantage is that we can have a powerful team to fight the monsters back but If any of them had any ideas on my SSS rank weapon...then we’d have an ugly mutiny...

So...which will it be?

Dammit, if I’m alone, I won’t need to trouble myself with this. Should I just ditch them? But…

I looked over at Sam and a conflicted feeling rose in my heart.

Sigh...forget it. If they had any thoughts on harming me, I’ll deal with it somehow…

“Ah, yeah. It was really by chance. Everyone, think of [Inventory] and a blue screen will appear.” (Will)

“What are you saying? Blue screen?” (Sam)

“William, explain clearly.” (???)

One of the female employees frowned. Her name’s Ryza Moore, she’s the one responsible in finding the unnoticed bugs and errors in the programs the company made and coupled with her cold personality, basically every programmer hated her for finding fault at the most little things. Well, everyone knew it’s her job but it was still pretty irritating when she says it in a cold voice with a look of scorn.

She’s a beauty though, I wonder if she has a boyfriend. Oh, and she’s the one who has been glancing at me. I still have no idea why though, I can never tell what this girl is thinking from her emotionless face.

I sighed, thinking whether I made the right decision.

“He’s right. Everyone, check it for yourselves.” (Brook)

Brook had a serious yet lazy expression on his face as he seemingly pondered while looking at the air in front of him, tapping his fingers for a while but stopped. Probably noticed there’s no need to tap as a thought would work just as fine. Not to mention that you won’t look like an idiot.

Then, light appeared in front of him which stretched into a long green staff with a transparent crystal embeded on the crown.

Seeing him make a staff appear out of nowhere, everyone looked back to me but I just shrugged.

“First, everyone should open their gift packs, then we’ll talk.” (Brook)

As the lead programmer, Brook felt the need to lead the group and told us what to do which I silently agreed.

I ignored the others and focused on my own [Inventory] while keeping glance on the door which is now destroyed.

Before opening the gift packs, I noted the numbers and buttons that appeared below the [Inventory].




The (3/100) should be indicating the limit of things that can be stored in the [Inventory]. It is still unknown if stackable items are counted but it’s best to keep in mind that I should only store the more important things in the future.

Trade is naturally to trade with other players.

As for Trash...well, that’s also self explanatory. As for why that would be needed, I really don’t know.

Then, let’s open the [Starter Accessory Gift Pack] first.

Bright light covered my head...eh? Why head? It’s not on my ears but my...forehead? No, it circles around my head...eh? Eh? EHH!?

Seeing the light disappear above me and feeling the new weight on my head, I was stupefied.

Of all things...it’s a crown!

Soul Crown (Personalized)



Soul Eyes

Able to see the souls of the living and the dead and their nature.

Soul Soothing

Able to sooth anything in contact.


A crown that was said to have belonged to the guide of the underworld.

Uuu...It’s a crown...now, not only is my surname King, I’m also wearing a crown…

The crown had a mysterious hue of blue and when I stared at it, I felt like being submerged in a mysterious mood.

It was shaped symmetrically and had a neat interweaving design so I guess it’s pretty cool.

Next is the [Starter Apparel Gift Pack]!

Bright light then covered my whole body...ehh, I won’t be getting a tight suit will I?...Let’s hope not…

Hm? Ah, I thought it was my whole body but apparently, the light is mostly on the back...I have a bad feeling about this…

The light disappeared and a new weight appeared draping over my shoulder...It’s-! It’s-!...


Great! First, a crown! Then a cape!?

The outer side of the cape is a velvet red cloth, fully displaying a majestic aura and I think there’s even wisps of flame appearing here and there.

On the inner side is covered with white reddish...fur? No, feathers?

Phoenix Cape (Personalized)



Wing Transformation

Able to transform into Phoenix wings to fly freely in the air.

Phoenix’ Protection

50% Resistant to fire.


A cape made from the feathers and skins of a phoenix.

Flight and fire resist huh?

...I wonder if the feathers on the cape are really phoenix feathers? Would it sell for a lot? In other games, these things are rare items after all.

Then, lastly is the [Mysterious Box].

Mysterious Box

What will appear I wonder?

...Crappy description. But I guess that’s what makes it mysterious. Well then, let’s open it!

Bright light gathered once more in front of me, transforming into a ball of light. Swirling, and swirling, until it formed a weird shape.

Once the light disappeared, what appeared before me was...a rock…


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