《Chronicles of The Dragon Empire: Rise of the Dragon King (Rewritten)》Chapter 9: Summoning (Part 3)


(3° person POV)

(Vertras): “Stop laughing!”

(Fafnir): “What are you going to do? Cut me down with your Blade of Olympus?”

(Qiulla): “Pff!”

(Vertras): “Don’t you dare laugh on me! You want to know one thing? Ciel and Sebastian…”

(Qiulla): “Eh?”

(Vertras): “You haven’t read the manga yet, did you?”

(Qiulla): “Wait, you wouldn’t dare!”

(Vertras): “Oh yeah, I would!”

(Qiulla): “Alright, I’m sorry ok?! Please! No spoilers!”

She screams, tearing up with her big blue eyes. Fafnir, looking at them, says:

(Fafnir): “So… fujoshi?”

Qiulla blushes, and avoids looking at Fafnir. Vertras smiles meanly. Fafnir then says:

(Fafnir): “What are you smiling for, shorty? You’re still missing the tattoo and the goatee.”

He stops smiling, and Qiulla begins smiling again. Vertras look at him angrily.

(Vertras): “Shut up! And what the hell are you saying with “shorty”?! I’m two meters tall, goddammit!”

Fafnir raised his hand, as if measuring Vertras height. Smiling cruelly, he said:

(Fafnir): “Yeah, and about a head and a bit shorter… shorty.”

Vertras fell on his knees, putting his hands in the ground, suffering from an intense anger.

(Vertras): “SHIIIIT! I can’t say anything about that!”

Qiulla couldn’t resist seeing Vertras pathetic state, and began to laugh. Even Fafnir chuckled at this. Even Breas, who was looking at them from the side, combing his beard with his hand, chuckled a bit. Suddenly, all the gods had the same feeling, that the time was going to end.

(Breas): “Alright, please, pay attention, all of you. The time for the summoning is come, and you all will be sent again. Before we sent you guys there, I sent a divination to the oracle, so they will only have to receive you guys, warmly, I expect. Please, take care, and good luck.”

A bright light enveloped them, and they disappeared from the white space.

In the Royal Castle –

In the room of the summoning, a room without windows with a large magic circle engraved in the ground, a few figures are standing in the bae of the stairs leading above. Twenty of them, in total. The great majority were people dressed in gaudy robes, holding staffs.


One is a knight, dressed in a shiny armor with his helm under his arm. On his waist, a sword in his waist. He has a strong face, short black hair, tan skin and a scar above his eyebrow. The other one is a man dressed on flashy clothes, a crown in his head and a red mantle over his shoulders.

He has brown, curly hair just below the neck, a thick brown beard in his face, green eyes and strong body. He’s clearly a king. The other one is a girl, long, blonde platinum hair, red eyes and white skin. She’s in a red gown dress, full of frills and golden lines and decorations, a beautiful dress.

Her skin is white and smooth, like porcelain, her face, beautiful, with delicate traces and pink lips. She has a worried expression on her face. She looks at the man beside her, an old man, with white hair and dressed in religious clothes resembling the clothes of the pope of earth, with different patterns and without the hat.

He’s the oracle that received the message from Breas. The girl, the princess, came together with her father to look at the heroes, from which they heard from the gods that they will take some time to come, mora than planned.

The king, standing there, had an irritated expression on his face, as if pissed for being forced to wait. Suddenly, a dazzling light appeared, blinding them for a second, and when the light died, all the heroes were there.

Immediately, the expression of the king becomes warm, with a welcoming smile. He opens his arms and says:

(Oswald): “Welcome, Heroes! I am the king of this kingdom, Oswald Velstadt, this girl is my daughter, Luna Velstadt. The gods have already sent their message to us through our oracle, so please, follow us upstairs, we have a feast waiting for you all. Please, follow us.”

(Luna’s POV)

I looked as my father talked to the heroes. Such a liar, he was angry until some moments ago, since his plans got destroyed by the gods themselves. What he planned was to use the royal magicians to cast slavery magic on the heroes, but the blessings from the gods protected them from that.


Also, he didn’t plan to release the information about the summoning, so that he could threaten them with the slavery or magic, but since I secretly released the information about them, I limited his movements. Now he can’t do anything against them without being taken down by the people or the nobles.

After we get up and receive the heroes, we take them to the “feast”, basically a ball. I prepared this so that the heroes could create connections as soon as possible with the nobles. Although they could not be prepared to the noble society, I already spread the chance that he nobles could be commoners.

And it seems that I was right. They don’t have much etiquette, but they are sympathetic and seem to have a wish to cooperate with us. As we walk, I use the gift that I was born with, the Judge Eyes, to look at their abilities.

Although the eyes don’t work very well on people that are a lot stronger than me, it’s worth the shot. First, I look at the one that they call teacher.


Name:Higaki TooruLevel:1

Job:Sacred HealerBlessing:Blessing of Qiulla, Goddess of love



Not strong enough… he may be better than the average soldier, but he’s not that better. Also, his role is a healer, and I need a strong figure, raw power. A healer can be popular, but a strong person can change the tides swinging his blade around. Next, I looked at the trio that has been calling the most attention.


Name:Tsubaki ShinraLevel:1

Job:Sword MaidenBlessing:Blessing of Vertras, the God of War



Good one, she’s pretty strong, and she can be compared with an elite soldier from our kingdom, and a first-rate adventurer. Next, I looked at the little girl, who seems to be a cheerful person.


Name:Mary AinheartLevel:1

Job:Monk MaidenBlessing:Blessing of Qiulla, the Goddess of Love



A monk… a fighting healer, quite a rare job. She will be stronger and more useful in a group fight. Then, I look at the boy.


Name:Amano TaichiLevel:1

Job:HeroBlessing:Blessing of Breas, God of Creation



… It’s him, the one that I need! More important, he isn’t A hero, he’s The hero. The on with the job, and not only that, a Hero job is considered to be one of the strongest jobs, just behind Dragon General and some other legendary jobs.

I will need to get closer to him. If necessary, I will… I-I will… use m-m-my body, to get him on my side. A-anyway, let’s keep looking, I want to look at all of them. More allies are always a good thing.

Then, my eyes fall on two figures. They are moving together, being a little discrete, talking with some nobles and seem to be getting a good friendship with them. One of them is a girl, cute, with long, black hair. The other one is a handsome guy, with black hair, pale skin, fit body, golden eyes… and he’s a giant.

And I meant it, the guy is surely more than two meters tall. Oh god, he’s really big, and has an aura of dominance around him.



I should quit staring, it’s not polite. Anyway, let’s look at their ability. First, I look at the girl.


Name:Ryuujin AkameLevel:1

Job:ShinobiBlessing:Blessing of Vertras, The God of War



Wow, she’s good… her base status are higher, more than a normal Shinobi. Ok, let’s look at the boy.



Job:Dragon GeneralBlessing:Blessing of Vertras, the God of War and Qiulla, Goddess of Love



… Oh, holy Gods…

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