《Gambled World》Chapter 29


Kal still a little stunned went and sat by his aunt on the tailgate. Steph placed her head on his shoulder and sighed in contentment, while Onyx settled on his head.

Steph- "Well nephew Onyx has explained a bit but why don't you tell about your experiences up to this point."

Seeing no reason to refuse Kal told her everything. Starting with how he first went to the hospital to put on a show for his grandparents, and how he first stepped into this new world. He told her all about how he descended

to the floor of the bloodlings and about the the fate of both his grandparents and the bloodlings. He told her how he saved Doctor Cyn Evans and how the two ventured through the hospital picking up others. Then how he escaped and finally how he burned

down the hospital. For reasons he couldn't understand though he didn't tell her that he looted all the medicals supplies in the hospital. In fact a part of him was screaming that doing so would be a huge mistake. But he

still couldn't figure out why. This woman was supposed to be his family and most trusted and loved person to him so why was he unwilling to tell her about the medical supplies?

Eventually he decided that if he didn't come up with a good reason to hold back the information in a few days he would just tell her and let the cards fall as they may.

Steph- "Even if the spiders hadn't killed your grandparents you most likely still would've killed them all. So one way or the other that bounty would've been placed on you. I am curious though what happen to those people you helped?"

Kal grimaced at the memory of them at that last moment. He went ahead and told her what transpired after he caught the hospital on fire.

Steph- "That explains a few things." After saying this she went quiet again.

Kal took this as a chance to continueand told her about his trip here. When he got to the part about facing the army his aunt looked up at him with surprise. Hearing how he was able to annilate that many creatures with just him and Onyx made her astonished and she even wanted

Kal to start firing his arrows from his infinite quiver as much as possible to arm up the residents here. But Kal informed her that his quiver was now broken due to the last fight. Her excitement faded at his words.

Steph- "Well that fucking sucks! Even dead that asshole is still a pain in the ass. At least now I know why you see others as completely useless and not worth the effort of help."

Her words made Kal flinch to the side a bit causing her head to slip off. She looked up at him with a raised brow.

Steph- "I know you better than anyone. Did you really think I wouldn't notice that same look you had for your teachers after that whole tarantula incident? Honestly I may not be your mother but I damn well know you like one."

Kal went to scratch his head sheepishy but then remebering that Onyx was there just sighed.

Kal- "Can you blame me? Sure I admit I was a total ass and a premium dick but I still saved their lives and helped them escape and they turn around and decide to betray me? How would your outlook on people be?"

Steph- "In this kind of world had that happened I would've killed one of them to set an example. Although your way of leaving them to the monsters was pretty good. BUT! I would not have given up on all humans just because of a few bad seeds."


Kal- "I didn't give up on all humans just the useless ones."

Steph pointed out to a group of survivors grabbing guns off of Spiders dead men.

Steph- "And why are they useless? Is it because of their low level? OR is that they were too weak to stand up to Spider?" She looked at him demanding an answer.

Kal couldn't come up with anything. He could roughly guess what his aunts answer would be if he answered her so instead he kept quiet. Seeing this Steph patted his cheek and continued talking.

Steph- "I understand that you are angry and despise this new world but these people were dropped into a hell they never thought possible. Spider may have been scum but he was strong scum. He protected people aginst the monsters and gave them a place to safely stay. In the world before people didn't have to worry about such things, but now this is a world where the strong rule and the weak suffer. These people now have a chance to get stronger if they

grasp this chance and improve themselves they can be quite useful, but if they squander this chance then those are the trully useless people. Do you understand what I am saying?"

Kal-"I make no promises but I will try to look at others differently and to at least understand their situation. But at most I will give a person one chance after that they nothing but a walking corpse."

Steph- "*SIGH* Well I guess that's the best I could hope for. Maybe if we get you laid you'd open up a bit more eh? I think any of the girls from the brothel would gladly help you out."

Both Kal and Onyx started coughing and looked at Steph in disbelief. Onyx may have started planning the deaths of all those women as well. Seeing the looks on both of their faces made Steph laugh outloud.

Steph- "Ahhh nephew if you could see the look on your face! But seriously you might wanna consider it. Let off a bit of steam and what not."

Kal- "For all tense and purposes you are my parent shouldn't you be against this kind of stuff!?"

Steph- "Oh please you can't tell me on all those trips you took you didn't tap a foreigner or two?"

Steph looked closely at Kal and her jaw dropped.

Steph- "Noooo....You can't be... Are you seriously a fucking virgin!?" Steph bolted up and yelled for the whole world to hear.

Kal's face went beet red. If this was anyone else he would be severely pissed off but in the face of someone from his family all he could feel was embarrassment. Onyx had surprised but delighted look on he face.

Steph- "I can't believe this! All this time we've been thinking you might accidentally knock up some girl and bring her home. But you actually stayed pure!? What the hell!? Give me back all of my worries!"

Kal- "I only went for the tournaments. Getting the money for bills was all I thought about."

Steph- "You stupid boy! We were the adults! You were the kid! You should've been having fun! My god boy all the things you could've done." Steph let out a frustrated sigh. "I guess no use griping over it now. So what are your plans for the foreseeable future?"

Kal- "I promised Julius I would stay here for a week before moving on. As to where I am not entirely sure yet but we definitely cannot stay here."


Steph- "I see but this "we" doesn't include me now does it?"

Kal's face snapped to hers and he looked at her incredulously.

Kal- "You can't be serious!"

Steph- "I am dead serious." She turned to look at the people moving amongst Spiders men's corpses. "Someone has to lead and protect these people. I know for a fact that you won't so it falls to me afterall do you think any of people would last long without a leader?"

Kal- "What does that matter at all! I know I said that I would try to understand people's situation but come on! You are all the family I have left!"

Stephs face turned gentle upon hearing him.

Steph- "Thats why I would like to ask you to help. Now don't get me wrong I don't want you to stay here and protect us I want you to help us establish a foothold here so we can hold our own. Although it would be nice if you'd visit every now and then after you leave."

Kal's thought were in a bit of a state. His plan was to get his aunt find a safe place and make sure she is protected then to head out and slaughter his way to the gods front door. Sure he may not of had everything worked out but at least it was something but now his aunt wants him to just leave her on the edge of several monsters territory? This was not something Kal's heart could tolerate. At that point Kal started making plans to forcefully take his aunt away from here.

Seeing a glint pass through Kal's eyes Steph leaned back and started yelling at him angrily.

Steph- "Now see here you little brat! I am not some weak little bitch! If it wasn't for Spider gaining more strength than me that fucker would've been spit roasted on day motherfucking one! I swear if you try anything stupid you are going to wish you used your dick at least once!"

Kal jumped back at her tone. He gritted his teeth and looked at her.

Kal- "Fine I will make sure you and the people here get stronger but I swear if you don't meet sufficient standards I will drag you away no matter what you say!"

Steph- "OH I would love to see you try. But for now I need a shower we can get started tomorrow. I see you at home later." With that she walked back up to the apartment complex and disappeared inside.

Kal's eye twitched but he decided to stay with his decision if she is too weak he would take her with him damn the consequences.

Onyx- "Well now that that's all settled we can talk about a few things."

Onyx jumped where Steph was sitting previously. Kal looked at her curiously and was slightly hoping this wasn't another case about his views. He already said he'd try he wasn't in the mood to repeat himself.

Onyx- "What we need to talk about is how you need to progress from now on. But first check to see if you had any gains from that last engagement."

Kal forgot to check for anything even though he could slightly recall a blue screen or two he didn't really think much on them. But with Onyx reminder he checked to see what they are.

Congratulations! You have gained the skill Pistol Marksman Passive (Intermediate)! Congratulations! You have gained the skill Rifle Marksman Passive (Beginner)! Congratulations! Bloodlust has ranked up to (Intermediate)!

After showing Onyx the two new skills he gained she nodded.

Onyx- "I thought as much. There's no way the system would have weapons as useful as these excluded. Which means that your world is going to have skills that never even appeared in mine. Which is lovely! Anyway lets move on. First I want to explain things known as hidden effects. Hidden effects are exactly as they sound. In any skill that doesn't exactly explain what it does there are hidden effects. These skills are generally the self-explainable skills like Archery, Knife mastery, swordsmanship, etc. You see the higher these are the stronger their hidden effects are. Lets use Archery for example. Lets saw you have two people both at level 10 with identical stats. One has Archery at Beginner the other has it at intermediate. Now both shoot with the same bow and arrow at a creature and both hit the exact same spot. The one with intermediate kills in one hit while the other takes several more shots. This is what I mean by hidden effects. Damage isn't the only thing that applies here. How and when to shoot or how easily you can pull your bow with familiarity are some other effects. As you have noticed with your blades you take up a natural knife fighting stance. These things are what make skills so scary."

She stopped to make sure Kal was getting everything. Seeing she had his absolute attention she continued.

Onyx- "Now heres another example lets take the two individuals and now double everything the one with Beginner archery. Level, stats, etc. But his Archery is still the rank. Now out of the two who do you think would win?"

Kal- "While I want to say the higher lv one for some reason I get that would be the wrong answer." Kal answered with a grin.

Oynx- "Correct. Sure the one with Beginner would be faster, stronger, and more durable but the one with intermediate has access to skills. At the beginner rank all the skill does is give a slight boost in damage and familiarity with the weapon. Now sure the beginner could find a skill book or have access to a racial skill or something but I am disregarding those to get my point across. Now don't think that levels and stats aren't important because if that beginner was 5 more levels higher he would absolutely decimate his opponent."

Kal- "Got it so I should try to increase my skills while trying to level."

Oynx- "Not exactly what I was going for but in a nutshell yea. Currently you should try and focus on leveling your new beginner skill at least one rank as those weapons are damn useful and since there's a skill for them then that means they are going to have a system form. While those are important though I would highly suggest getting knife mastery up to intermediate, doing so will allow you to get the dual weapons skill. Which will add more perks later down the line. Next during your free time grab one of those wands that grant mp regen that you got from the shamans and constantly cast spark. Trust me it will be well worth it. Lastly you need to work on mana control. Just put mana into your attacks every now and then and you should see some interesting effects while it won't grant you any skills till advanced it will still be pretty useful."

Kal- "Thats a whole lot stuff there. It also doesn't seem like you are done either."

She floated up and petted Kal's cheek just as his aunt had done. Kal's eye twitched in annoyance.

Oynx- "Correct. You need to pick a style and unfortunately your choices are limited. I am going to say right now the warrior, guardian, paladin, pretty much anything that can take a hit is out for you."

Kal gave her a puzzled look.

Onyx- "Do you really think your hp should be as low as it is? You gain 20 hp per point in con after 20 points. Before that you gained ten. Now this was as a human and you had about 600 health I would imagine right? So if we do the math you should have gained 300 health from your con alone. Now add on your levels there should be another 300. Which equals the 600 mentioned before. But these were your stats as a human! You are no longer just human now. For all tense and purposes you should have much higher health but those potions have an annoying side effect not mentioned. There's a chance your health and mana can be affected in either good or bad ways, you got the latter. The system is hands down one of the biggest sadistic bastards in all of existence. If it were ever to have a corporeal form it would be slaughtered within seconds by billions of creatures."

Kal- "So don't get hit seems simple enough."

Onyx rolled her eyes at his words. She is the reason he has some defense as it was. With his soul form ability he should be able to last a little longer but that was just a band-aid. He needs to be able to take down his opponents quickly or he needs to be able to run away as fast as possible.

Onyx- "Lastly you need to learn a new skill. I want you to stare at me and use both "Aim" and "Observe"."

Kal- "What would that do?"

Onyx narrowed her eyes at him and kept quiet. Kal took the hint. He followed her instructions. He looked dead at her using aim and then observe the result was a blinding amount of info.

Onyx Title: Country Annilater, Genocider, Greedy Hoarder, Immortal virgin, ???, ??? Race: Ferret Dragon (Ferretling) Lv: 30 Hp: 5000 Mp: ?? Stamina: ?? Con: ?? Str: ?? Int: ?? Wis: ?? Dex: ?? Agi: ?? Stat Points: ?? Skills: Mana Shield Active (Master)

Dark Fire Active (Master)








???Locked Congratulations! You have gained the skill Scan! Scan: Allows one to see all the information of target. If target is high level information will be hidden. Takes 30 uninterrupted seconds to use. Congratulations! You are the first person in the new world to use skill fusion! You have been awarded a ticket that increase any skill by one rank.

Kal's eyes bulged at the screens that popped up in front of him. He turned to see a smug looking Oynx.

Onyx- "Figured you'd get a reward for that. As you've just seen you can combine certain skills to gain new ones. Be careful though because some skill fusions can result in the loss of the skills used. This skill fusion though was necessary because while observe is good scan gives you much more to work with. Now tomorrow we got a lot to do so head up and get some sleep."

Kal watched Onyx fly proudly towards his apartment. He glanced at his screens one more time and couldn't resist yelling out.

Kal- "So "Immortal virgin" huh?"

Onyx faltered slightly and glared back at Kal before mumbling something and flying angrily into the complex. Kal grinned and followed her in.

Kal Sapphire Title: Deathshot, Tribe Slaughterer Race: Reaper/Human 70/30 Lv:20 Hp:460 Mp:1000 Stamina:212 Con:25 Str:29(5) Int:50 Wis:30 Dex:50(10) Agi:50(5) Stat Points:0 Skills: Aim passive (Expert)

Archery Passive (Expert)

Inventory Passive (Max) (Unique)

Hunters Mind Passive (Intermidiate)

Bloodlust Passive (Intermidiate)

Observe (Max) (Unique)

Scan Active (Max) (Unique)

Rapid Fire Active (Advanced)

Sneak active (Intermediate)

Mana Control Passive (Beginner)

Spark Active (Intermidiate)

Knife Mastery Passive (Beginner)

Soul Sight Passive (Max) (Racial)

Reap Active (Beginner) (Racial)

Soul Form Active (Beginner) (Racial)

Pistol Marksman Passive (Intermidiate)

Rifle Marksman Passive (Beginner)

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