《Gambled World》Chapter 28


Kal flinched back from their gazes. He knew what he was doing was morally wrong but Spider was a monster how could they think Spiders suffering at his hand was a bad thing? Kal's face was a mixture of confusion and wronged.

Seeing the look on her nephews face Steph snorted she could guess what was on his mind so she started walking towards him.

Steph- "Stupid nephew we aren't angry at the fact that you were making him suffer we are angry at the fact you sat there watching while the rest of his men gathered up around you! I asked Onyx here if you could take a bullet or if you were fast enough to dodge it despite not paying attention. Guess what? Her answers pissed me off even more! You were so wrapped up in one person you forgot the others. What would've happened if one of them took a shot at you while you were so absorbed watching that waste die?"

Kal had a stunned look on his face due to her words. He had indeed forgotten everyone else. His sole focus was on Spider and making him suffer as much as possible. Had any one of those people took a shot at him he would've died just like that. It was a very stupid thing or him to do and now he understood their anger. They were quite fine with the fact that he wanted Spider to suffer they just didn't want him to put himself in pointless danger while doing so.

Kal- "I'm sorry."

Seeing that he was sincere Steph nodded with a smile on her face then held out her arms to him. Kal didn't hesitate he walked forward and wrapped his aunt in his arms. He finally made it back to his family.

????- "Awwww what a touching fucking moment!"


Hearing the voice Kal felt his aunt stiffen then watched her face take on a look he had never seen appear on her face before a look of pure murder. Turning to see who could elect such a response out of his aunt Kal saw two men standing with automatic weapons smug looks on their faces. Those two men were Spiders right-hand man Marcus and Spiders little brother Marcel.

The two were present when Kal first jumped out of the building and started slaughtering people however when they saw how easy it was for him they hid. The sight of Kal effortlessly killing all those men made them terrified. When Spiders screaming started they grew even more terrified. Someone had beaten Spider? The two looked at each other in disbelief. However not too long later shots started ringing out again and then things got quiet. Sharing a look the two grabbed their weapons and came out of hiding. When they saw Kal run up to his aunt they couldn't believe their luck. Spider was dead and that means all they have to do is put a bullet in this kid and this whole place was theirs. So with a shared grin they walked forward.

Steph- "Good I was hoping you two weren't dead yet."

Steph turned to Kal.

Steph- "Leave them alive."

Kal grinned at his aunt and raised his pistol. Marcus and Marcel weren't stupid the hurried and fired however unfortunately for them Onyx was present and their bullets slammed uselessly into her shield. The two used their whole clips to no avail and before they could reload Kal blew their kneecaps out then turned to his aunt.

Kal- "So why did I leave them alive?"

Steph- "Because they are the two who visited me the most and I thought this would be a good chance to teach you a few things. Melting people is good and all nephew but some people will die just from the pain. If you are going to make someone suffer there are much better ways. Now hand me a knife and a blowtorch."


Kal- "How do you-

Kal stopped when he saw the look on Onyx's face. Of course she told her that he looted places on my way here. With a shake of his head Kal pulled out the items his aunt asked for and handed them over.

With a wicked grin on her face Steph slowly walked towards the two screaming men upon seeing her face the two started begging and crying for mercy. Unfortunately for them she had none.

She started with the mens feet slowly running the torch of them until they were nice and black then she moved on to other areas. After a while she stopped using just the torch and then used the torch on the knife. She started by cutting off fingers and slowly cut off every appendage while the men screamed. And she cut off every appendage she made a big show of taking off the two mens manhood. Every now and then she would ask Kal or a health potion to keep them going.

By the time Steph was done with the two most of the people who there had empty stomachs and sick looks on their faces. Kal and Onyx just had stunned looks on their faces. She made it last almost three hours before the men died.

Steph stood up and smiled. Blood covered her face. She turned and gave everyone a look that made them shiver. Finally, she turned to Kal and he could see a slightly crazed look in her eyes.

Steph- "If you are going to make someone suffer Kal you have to make it meticulous and slow. After all what's the point in ending things fast? Remember if you need to make someone suffer you must make it hurt for as long as possible. Now everyone get cleaned up, grab a gun, and check the walls all that screaming and killing probably attracted a few things. Kill them and level I need to have talk with my nephew."

Her words snapped everyone out of their trance and everyone complied even the children. No one wanted to piss off the lady who just did that! After a few moments gunfire could be heard from the walls. With a satisfied nod Steph turn and walked towards a truck. She pulled down the tail gate, sat, and motioned for Kal to come over.

Kal was still standing there in stunned silence. His mouth wide open at what just happened. He always viewed his aunt as gentle and loving but now? He was a little scared. Onyx however had a huge grin on her face and turned towards Kal.

Onyx- "I love your aunt."

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