《Gambled World》Chapter 27.


Kal watched as Spider charged him and at the last moment he dodged to the side. Spider expecting this swung his arm out at Kal. The blow hit Kal so hard he flew across the street and into a car.

At the last second Kal managed to put his daggers up to take the blow so he was only really hurt from the impact. Wiping a little blood from his mouth he walked out of the wreckage. When he stood he saw Spider walking up to him.

Spider- "Do you see you little shit!? In this world power is everything!"

When he was close enough he swung at Kal again. Kal ducked under the blow only to find a foot waiting. Raising his daggers yet again Kal was sent flying into the air.

Spider started running following Kal's decent with a sinister smile on his face. He was happy. Finally he can get rid of this brat the had been plaguing him for years. Normally a simple drive by or a hit would do but this kid always found some way to make his attempts fail. Now though he has the chance to make sure the kid died.

When Kal reached a certain height Spider launched himself into the air to grab Kal. Right as he was about to grab him though Kal disappeared and he grabbed just air. Spider landed and started looking around.

Spider- "What are you just going to run!?" He roared at the air.

The sound of a stone shifting alerted Spider that someone was behind him. He smiled and spun catching Kal slamming him into the ground. Spider walked forward and looked down.

Spider- "Hahahaha no one can stop me! Don't you see our new god wanted me to be powerful as I was meant to be, you on the other hand, were meant to be nothing!"

Kal smiled and looked up at him. Then he started laughing. Seeing this annoyed Spider.


Spider- "Whats so funny!?"

Kal- "You are whats funny. You think that this is real power? Are you serious?"

Kal continued to laugh at him. Spiders face started to distort into an even uglier look.

Spider- "Of course this is power! You haven't been able to do a damn thing to me! So what would you call your actions to this point huh?"

Kal- "Pity."

And it was. Spider may have a pretty strong skill for his level but that's all he has. Kal was literally dropped into a situation which he wasn't meant to survive and not only did he, he prospered. Kal is double Spiders level, been through more fights, and has way better gear. So why would one skill of from someone lower level make him seem to be losing?

The only answer one could come up with is pity. From the moment Kal started watching Spider charge he knew that he was in no danger. Taking the hits was just to test out the strength he gained and nothing more. The skill made him a tank. Thats it.

In Kal's eyes he was just so slow. In fact he's so slow he still hasn't even noticed the venom eating away at his ankles, knees, and in his elbows. Kal at first just wanted to experiment if his dagger really wouldn't cut through and it was true they couldn't but the venom stayed. So Kal decided to see how much he could place before Spider would notice.

Turns out a lot. Spiders skill doesn't just bulk him up and make him stronger it also takes away all feeling. Kal not even for one second thought as Spider as something other than a pest that needed to die.

Noticing that the venom had finally eaten far enough through spider Kal made his move right as Spider's fist came flying in. Reaching into his inventory Kal pulled out a random sword and slammed it into the inside of Spiders elbow, driving it into the ground. Before Spider could move and pull it out Kal moved like a blur using rapid fire to drive blade after blade through the areas that he weakened with venom. In less than a 2 seconds Spider had blades through his knees, ankles, and elbows.


Kal stared down at sneered at Spider who had a look of disbelief on his face.

Kal- "See this? This is real power."

Spider couldn't believe what happened one moment he was about to crush him and the next he is pinned to the ground and can't move. He started praying that this was all just a really bad dream.

It wasn't.

Spider- "How? How is it this happened!?"

Spider roared out demanding an answer and Kal was more than happy to oblige.

Kal- "It's simple while it's true you are strong and hard to kill but that skill of yours doesn't make you fast in fact it probably makes you slower since your mass increases. My level is more than double yours. Plus these daggers are amazing. You mentioned how you got your skill from killing a spider right? Well I got these daggers after exterminating an entire spider species. "

Spiders face went pale at Kal's words. Kal put a wicked smile on his face and raised his daggers for Spider to see.

Kal- "Ya know I think it's more ironic for a Spider to die by spider venom don't you?"

Taking the daggers Kal started to slowly run them over Spiders body making sure to cover him in as much venom as possible. Once he was done he sat on a car and waited for the screaming to start.

He didn't have to wait long. After a few minutes Spider's body began to shrink and with the loss of his extra bulk he regain his sense of feeling. The second he felt the venom his body he started screaming so loud every last person who was left in the compound started showing up. Soon a crowd had arrived to watch Spider scream and melt.

The people numbered about 30 and their gazes kept shifting from the screaming Spider and the smiling Kal. One person though was slowly pushing her way through the crowd with a small black ferretling on her shoulder and when she got to the front she raised the rifle in her hand and fired.

When the bullet went through Spiders head ending his screams Kal grew angry. He jumped up and looked for the person who dared to ruin his moment. His eyes settled on a very familiar frail and pissed off woman.

Steph- "What the fuck do you think you are doing! I sure as shit didn't raise you this way! Now you stay right fucking there while I deal with the rest the way you should've!"

She looked at Onyx and spoke a few words to her. Then Onyx took to the air.

Kal just stared at her with a stunned expression then watched as she turned her gun on another man and put a bullet through his skull. Then another and anoter until people finally figured out they weren't safe and took off running. But that didn't help. Onyx who was in the air started shooting fireballs through what seemed like random people legs.

However these people weren't random they were all people who worked for Spider. Steph had told Onyx who to target before she shot Spider. After a few minutes ten more people were killed by Steph and Onyx.

With one last glare at the dead people around them Steph and Onyx turned to look at her Kal with angry disappointment.

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