《Gambled World》Chapter 26


Kal stared at the screen in front of him in disbelief. How could his infinite quiver be gone? It has literally been there since the beginning and was an item he could always count on and now just like that its gone?

Emotions swam through his eyes. The loss of the Infinite quiver was no small blow to Kal. It was something that while he may have only had a short time it was still irreplaceable.

Oynx- "Boy! Do something I don't have unlimited mana here!"

Hearing Onyx shout broke Kal's daze and his face warped into a cold mask. The person responsible for this was going to pay dearly. Carefully placing his bow and quiver in his inventory Kal turned to face the officers that were heading down the stairs. Ignoring the retreating officer since he was almost to the door anyway.

He was slightly annoyed at himself at this moment. After every battle he always carefully looted every corpse. He took every useable item he could find but when it came to arrows he never really bothered he reasoned so long as he had the quiver he wouldn't have a need for more arrows unless they were special in nature. So he was only left with the two arrows he had from the very start.

Taking a quick glance at his stats made him sigh.

Kal Sapphire Title: Deathshot, Tribe Slaughterer Race: Reaper/Human 30/70 Lv:20 Hp:460 Mp:80/1000 Stamina:50/212 Con:25 Str:29 Int:50 Wis:30 Dex:50 Agi:50 Stat Points:0 Skills: Aim passive (Expert)

Archery Passive (Expert)

Inventory Passive (Max) (Unique)

Hunters Mind Passive (Intermidiate)

Bloodlust Passive (Beginner)

Observe (Max) (Unique)

Rapid Fire Active (Advanced)

Sneak active (Intermediate)

Mana Control Passive (Beginner)

Spark Active (Intermidiate)

Knife Mastery Passive (Beginner)

Soul Sight Passive (Max) (Racial)

Reap Active (Beginner) (Racial)

Soul Form Active (Beginner) (Racial)

Kal- (I really need to learn to conserve mana when I am pissed.)

Looking at his stats and skills Kal tried to come up with a somewhat workable plan but ultimately decided to do something completely unexpected. He reached into his inventory and pulled out an M4 Carbine and 5.7x28mm Five-seven pistol. On his trip here Kal passed by the police station and managed to gain quite a few weapons and ammo from the dead bodies outside the station.

Placing a holster on his side and putting his pistol in there ready to draw. He put the rifles strap around him, raised his rifle and sighted down at the officers, and started walking slowly towards them.

Oynx was startled by Kal's actions. She couldn't understand why he put away his bow in favor of the rifle. In her opinion his skills with a bow vastly outmatched anyone she has seen use these odd weapons. Not to mention she can allow arrows to pass through her barrier now, she can't allow bullets otherwise the men shooting at them would actually hit!

Kal- "Keep the barrier up on that side don't worry I know what I am doing."

Kal thought back to all the training sessions he had as a kid. The deer hunting, skeet shooting, and the simple weapons testing at firing ranges. His family was strange for teaching a kid how to handle a shotgun at such a young age but he didn't mind the first time he unloaded his first clip into the heart of a target he felt immense joy. It helped that he bet his grandfather an ice cream cone.


Of course Kal wasn't naive enough to think that he could just walk out and shoot them all. When he made to the edge of Oynx's barrier he stared straight ahead and purposely activated bloodlust.


Lets out the intent to kill to everyone in your surroundings invoking fear in those of lower level. Small chance to induce fear in higher lvs, range 20 meters

The skill had the effect that he wanted all the men started firing crazily down at him. Of course quite a few bullets were off mark. One important rule when firing a weapon is to keep calm. Doing so will allow you to hit more often. Kal watched as Oynx's barrier ate up all their ammunition and as soon as Kal heard the first click he stepped put of the barrier, aimed at the first man, fired, and missed.

The fault wasn't entirely his the weapon he was holding wasn't sighted properly causing him to be off mark. He didn't let it bother him though he just calmly adjusted his sights and fired again this time the bullet found its mark between the eyes of an officer.

The officers were madly scrambling in panic to reload their weapons but they were so terrified that their hands kept slipping. They even forgot they had side arms. The officers despite living to this point had barely grown in this new world each being only at an average lv of 5. The difference between them and Kal was like night and day.

Unlike Kal as well they didn't possess the skill "Hunters Mind." Do to this so long as Kal sees them as prey his mind will always be calm while they are terrified due to Kal's superior strength and Bloodlust skill.

The men gave up trying to reload and tried to run but unfortunately it was too late. Kal pulled the trigger four more times and four bodies dropped. It's true Kal is deadly with a bow but he is no slouch when it comes to firearms as well.

Kal- "Now it's time to deal with the others. Onyx I want you to go back up an watch my aunt."

Oynx- "We are partners we stick together."

Kal looked her right in the eyes and saw her determination to stay with him and soften a bit.

Kal- "Look I understand but you don't have the mana to protect yourself anymore. It's better if you guard my aunt while I handle the rest don't worry It's going to be a gamble but I am sure it'll work out."

Oynx grit her teeth. She knew what he was really trying to say but couldn't hold it against him. She knew that without her barriers right now she was pretty much a target. Sure she could easily shoot fire balls through the people but all it would take is one person to blow a hole through her. The same could be said about Kal but she knows that he isn't dumb and must have a plan up his sleeve.


With a quick nod she headed back up to his aunt. Once she was outta sight Kal pulled out one of his mutated potions more specifically the one that caused numbness as the one that made you blind didn't seem like that good of a deal.

Kal- "Well here's hoping for mana."

Kal down the potion and almost gagged. The potion tasted horrible like spoiled milk and stale bread. Right away he could feel the potion take effect as he lost all feeling in his body. To test it he pinched himself and felt nothing despite losing one health.

Checking his stats to see which one the potion raised Kal saw that his stamina was maxed while he only had 85 mana.

Kal- "Well that somewhat works. I guess."

Kal spun his rifle to his back and pulled out his Bloodling Daggers. He felt it was time to feed these some more. Turning towards the door leading outside Kal charged.


Spider and Bell watched as Kal put down the officers easily. Both had ugly looks on their face both for different reasons. Bell because he was down to one wounded man and Spider because now he may have to waste some of his own men. They didn't expect that after they took out Kal's quiver that he would be able to magically pull guns out of thin air!

They had no idea that a skill like inventory was even a thing in this new world. Nor should they. Unique skills are called that for a reason. They are the ultra rares of ultra rares. Between both worlds that this skill resides probably five people have held this skill.

Spider was about to get ready to send in his men when he saw Kal send away the strange creature that made shields. Then they watched as he drank a poton, pulled out some daggers, and charged towards the door.

Spider- "He's coming out!"

Hearing his yell all the men in the area raised their guns towards the door. Waiting for Kal to set foot outside. Much to their surprise Kal didn't appear outta of the doorway instead he appeared mid-air.

Had Bell and Spider kept watching the monitors they would've seen Kal jump and disappear.

Instead they watched as Kal appeared in mid air and slammed his daggers into two men. Then he pulled his pistol with his right hand and fired to the side taking down three more, while swinging a dagger with his left. The dagger grew in size and cut through two more men before sending out a spray of liquid that landed on a group that started screaming almost instantly.

Before anyone could get a lock on him he disappeared and a moment later he appeared in the middle of another group of men and proceeded to cut them to pieces as his hands moved in a blur thanks to rapid fire. In one swift motion he pulled out his rifle and took down all of the rest off the men with a few short bursts.

At the end of it all Kal stood covered in blood all you could hear were the screams of the men who were slowly melting. Bell looked at Kal with fear while Spider looked on in rage.

Kal stared right at them with a cold look in his glowing red eyes.

Bell- "Look kid I was just doing what I was- Bell fell back with a hole in his head.

Spider- "Well well well. Nice to see you again archer boy!"

Kal turned his rifle towards Spiders head. See this Spider sneered at him.

Spider- "What you don't want do this like men? You just going to shoot me and let me just get off like that? Don't you want to make me pay?"

Kal- " Ya know. I know your playing me but your right."

Kal put away his all his weapons except his daggers. He stood still waiting for Spider.

Spider- "I have wanted to take care of your annoying little ass for years you know that? When I finally have the chance to do so turns out you aren't even here instead I got stuck playing with your aunt and making a safe place for the people of our community and what do you do? You come back and kill all my men who have been protecting the people of this place."

Kal- "Are you going to keep talking becuse if so I am just going to kill you now."

Spider- "Tell me how do you think I was able to make all those people do what I asked?"

Kal- "Fear and intimidation."

Spider- "Well yes but there was another key component."

Kal watched as Spider walked towards him and started changing.

Spider- "You see when the shit hit the fan I ended up fighting against this spider. Ironic Right?"

His muscles started bulging and his body took on a red color, steam started rising from his body.

Spider- "After barely managing to kill it the spider dropped this book. When I read the book I gained a skill."

Spiders body was now three times the size it was before. His voice started sounding deeper and distorted.

Spider- "The skill was called Behemoth Berserker. Nifty skill raises my strength times my level and makes my skin nearly impenetrable. Burns my stamina like crazy though. Only sad part is I can only use it once a day and for 6 hours after use my stats drop 90% but for you I don't mind."

With a loud roar Spider charged.

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