《Gambled World》Chapter 25


Captain Damon Bell was not in a good mood. After the world changed the police tried to maintain order and help people escape from the horrifying creatures. But by the end of the first day it turned out to be hopeless.

Eventually a retreat order was given and all officers were to return to the station and hold out until the army arrived. They managed to hold the station one more day until they had to flee. With nowhere to go most officers went to go and grab their families but a small group stayed with Captain Bell. This group knew without a shadow of a doubt that those officers who left were only heading towards their deaths.

With nothing better the small group of officers loaded up and head out looking for a place to survive. It did not take them long to find Spiders compound.

At first when they got there all the gangbangers and drug dealers wanted nothing to do with the cops. They would gladly let them all die outside but Spider had other ideas. Seeing that all the policemen were armed and that they brought a few cruisers with them he decided to offer them a deal. Work for him and they would have a place.

Having no better choice the cops agreed much to Spiders satisfaction.

Captain Bell was furious when he first saw how Spider ran his community. Women were nothing more than toys in his eyes and were to be used as such. In fact every girl 12 and up were to be sent to the brothel to help his men relieve their stress from protecting them. Some of the girls were younger but the captain managed to threaten the men there and got them out. All other people had to work even children there were no exceptions. Those who didn't work didn't eat or were beaten.

On his first day in Captain Bell watched as one of Spiders men beat a 6-year-old girl to death for dropping a brick that she was supposed to pass to the wall builders. The Captain ordered an officer to put a bullet through the mans head. Later that night Captain bell found that officers head outside his door with a note attached.

"Keep your men on a tighter leash Captain."

From then on Captain Bell just allowed Spiders men to do what they wanted. Most of his men lost all faith in him and pretty much serve Spider now. He is just there to lead them if a fight comes up.

Now someone has broken into the compound and is killing people left and right. Marcus had just come and informed him that the person in question was someone that this community knows all too well. He is some archery prodigy that enters tournaments all the time. The kid found out that his aunt was turned into a whore at Spider's brothel and went on a rampage. He is currently inside the apartment/brothel and Spider wants him to gather his men and meet him outside the brothel.

Captain Bell thought that it would be better to teach Spider a lesson and just let him lose men to the kid but then it might be his head on the block. Not to mention that he himself has indulged in the use of the boys aunt as she is quite the woman.

With a sigh Captain Bell grabbed his radio and informed all his men to meet at the brothel.


Kal- "What's going on?"

Onyx- " There's a large group people gathering in front of the building all armed with those guns of yours."


Kal- "You can see them?"

Onyx- "Before the tribes I wouldn't be able too but now I have access to one of my various sights. I am able to see the heat of the living the sight is call-

Kal- "Thermal yea we have that too just in gadget instead of our eyes. Look we are here on the third floor they have to go up two flights of stairs to get here but if things work out the way I want we will take them all out on the second floor."

The apartment complex was a simple four story building with no roof access and a small basement. On each floor was our apartments all done up the same way with 2 on each side. An open area for the living room, dining area, and kitchen followed by a short hallway that branches off to two small bedrooms and a bathroom. One hallway spans each floor and on either side is a staircase, one leading up one leading down except on the third floor where there is just a staircase going down. Kal is currently in the back left apartment on the third floor.

Onyx pouted a little at the interruption but was curious to know what the boy had planned this time.

The second Kal heard that Onyx had thermal his mind was whirling with possible strategies. After rolling the odds of which was better he decided to go it's best to stick with his strengths.

Activating his soul form ability Kal phases into the room under his current position pulling Onyx along with him. Inside is a terrified girl about 15 or so she has barely any clothes on and stares at Kal in fear. On the bed lies a man with an arrow in his head. Kal glances at his soul and smirks at him. The soul backs up in horror but was too late as Kal reaches forward and absorbs him. The screams of agony were a bit muted as his anger blocked most of it out.

Kal turns to the girl and put a finger to his lips telling the girl to be quiet. Unfortunately he couldn't phase into the adjoining apartment as the door is right next to the stairwell so his plan wouldn't work.

Onyx- "So what are you going to do this time make them burn again?"

Kal- "No that would be counterproductive in this instance. This time its all about sneak attacks and hit and run tactics."

With that said Kal has Onyx watch the stairwell with her thermal. The second she sees someone step into the hallway she was to tell him their locations. Kal put and arrow in his bow and waited.


Outside Spider walked up towards Captain Bell.

Spider- "Well piggy do you think your men can handles this one or am I going to have to step in?"

Bell shoots Spider an annoyed glare and gets back to watching his men arm up. Each of his officers were armed with tear gas, 2 flash bangs, a Car-15 carbine, Glock 22's, and lastly 2 of them held remington 870 pump action shotguns with breach rounds. Each officer was wearing a helmet, black fatigues, balacava, tacticle vest, and combat boots.

Upon leaving the station they made sure to grab all the best weapons and armour possible. There was no point in leaving it all there when they had no idea what they woud face upon leaving the station. With these weapons and their superior training taking down some kid with a bow shouldn't be a problem.


Bell- "Taking care of the kid wouldn't be a problem if someone hadn't messed with his aunt."

Spider- "Careful there Captain it sounds like your trying to make a point and you know how much I love people making points."

Spider voice goes dark and he narrows his eyes at the Captain. Captain Bell frowns but keeps quiet as pissing off Spider would be bad for his health.

Spider- "That's what I thought."

Bell- "We may need you too watch the monitors just incase. We may need your skill if he has anything troublesome."

Spider- "Why of course that is why I am here. I'd send in my guys but they aren't relly trained for this thing you understand right Captain?"

Bell ignored him. He'd prefer to waste Spider's worthless scum men but Spider refuses to risk any of his men he is more inclined to make Captain Bell risk his instead. This way he keeps a good hold on the balance of power.

Bell- "All right guys you know what you need to do. Go in and take care of the kid. He is a part of tis new worlds system so be aware of his abilities. As far as we know he can turn invisible and shoot a bow. He also seems to move fast and is stronger than your average man. So if you get a shot take him out."

The fifteen oficers all nodded at him then made their way towards the entrance. One by one they slowy entered the building. A few moments later a call came over the radio.

Officer- "Sir first floor clear. We got 9 dead all men the girls are ok. Moving to the next floor."

Bell- "Roger that proceed."

Bell had a happy grin on his face. All those men who died were loyal to Spider. Spider hearing that nine of his guys were dead was pissed. On the way here he learned that at least 20 of his men were killed now he finds out he lost another nine!? He was going to make someone pay for this.


The second Onyx informed him that the enemies had reached the second floor he moved to the wall that connects to the next apartment, aimed at the the wall facing the outside hallway and waited.

Onyx- "There!"

Onyx pointed at a spot on the wall and Kal let an arrow fly. The arrow shot straight through the drywall and right into the next of an officer.

Officer- "Man down! Man down! Target is in the second floor back left apartment! He's shooting through the wall open fire!"

Kal- "Oh shit I forgot! Onyx Shield!"

Kal forgot about the fact that Spider may not care about the girls in the rooms. So he hurried and grabbed the girl as bullets started ripping through the walls. Gratefully Onyx was able to get a shield up in time.


Sgt. Nick Rogers was not having a good day. Today was supposed to be his rest day and he wanted to spend it here with one or two women wrapped around him. But instead hear he was currently trying to gun down some kid with his partners blood splattered across his face.

After everyone unloaded a full clip into the apartment he held his hand up signaling a ceasefire. He had one of his men check the fallen officer and signaled the others to move towards the door.

However right as he laid his hand on the door handle an arrow embedded itself in his neck. As he fell back the last thing he saw was arrows rapidly coming out of the wall and slamming into his men.

Rogers- (Just who the fuck did we piss off?)


Bell and Spider both had ugly looks on their faces. They were both watching the monitors and witnessed the deaths of at least 6 officers including Sgt Rogers. Bell picked up his radio and started shouting into it.

Bell- "Retreat and draw him into the hallway I repeat retreat and and draw him into the hallway!"

Bell turned to Spider.

Bell- "When he comes out take care of his weapon!"

Spider narrowed his eyes at the Captain before replying.

Spider- "Do not order me. Otherwise you will be replaced!"

Spiders voiced was filled with venom. He stared intently at the monitors and got ready to use his skill.


Onyx watched as the men outside retreated. The boy managed to hit a few but since she could only point out where they were he only managed to actually hurt a few and kill only 6. Some of the arrows stuck into them but didn't drop them. The boy said they must be wearing armour.

Onyx- "They are retreating."

Kal- "Damn was hoping to get a few more. What worries me though is the quick response to my actions. That coupled with the fact they were shooting 5.56 rounds make me think military or swat neither of which is good for us."

Girl- "W-who are you talking too?"

Surprised Kal turned to the girl. He had completely forgotten her yet again. Saving her was just a reflex due to what happened with his aunt. Normally he would take care of their first problem then leave then to their own devices but he couldn't just allow her to be shot because of him.

Kal- (I better not be developing some annoying ass hero complex.) "Don't worry about it hide yourself and stay out of sight. I got killing to do."

Girl- "Wait!"

The girl grabbed Kal's arm and pulled him close until she was hugging it. Onyx saw this and immediately show herself as she screeched at the girl in anger. Startled the girl pressed closer to Kal and buried her head into his chest.

Onyx- "Release him now!"

Kal looked down at the half-naked girl and then looked at Onyx. He had no clue as to what was happening but he knew there was no time for this. Pushing the girl away from him slowly he asked her what she wanted.

Girl- "Those men who were shooting at you were police officers. They arrived a few days ago with a lot of weapons and gear. Most of the gear said swat on them so I am assuming thats what they are."

Kal- "Damn was hoping that wasn't the case. Those bastards are going to be annoying. Thanks for the info but it's best if you hide now also try to keep the touching down my partner here doesn't care much others and is a little over protective."

The girl nods at Kal and gives him a smile. Before going to hide further in the apartment though she gives Onyx a smirk. Onyx's glare follows here until she disapears into one of the bedrooms.

Onyx- "You said before kill anything that moves."

She said this as a statement rather than a question. Kal looked at her in confusion.

Kal- "Whats up with you?"

Onyx decided not to answer but shot one last glare at the back room.

Kal- "What are they up to?"

Onyx turned and looked at the stairwell where the men retreated too. All four pf the ones that were wounded were moving down to the first floor. At the top of the stairwell three men knelt aiming down towards the apartment they were in behind them sat another two. She relayed this to Kal.

Kal- "Good we will take care of the wounded ones first."

Activating soul form yet again Kal drops through the ceiling and pulls out his Bloodling daggers. Next he activates sneak and gets behind the four men. He walks up behind the first on when all of a sudden he hears a voice come through his radio.

Bell- "He's behind you on the first floor!"

All the wounded men pull what weapons they can and spin unfortunately for the guy furthest to the back Kal was already too close and he swept his daggers across the man's throat.

Right as the men started firing Onyx threw up a shield and blocked the bullets. Kal was low on mana due to the constant use of his skills and he didn't think wasting stamina would be a good idea.

Kal's plan was solid the only thing he didn't account for was cameras.

The sound of feet coming down the stair's alerted Kal that the swat from upstairs were headed down. Doing the only thing he could Kal pulled his bow and started firing. If he had any mana a quick rapid fire would do these bastards in. Gratefully thanks to hunters mind he was able to stay calm and return fire. So long as Oynx shield holds up he should be able to handle these guys.


Bell- "What are you doing take out his bow!"

"Spider- "No not the bow the quiver! Look the quiver is only holding two arrows yet he is able to constantly pull from it. It must be a special item! It's too bad something like that would be quite useful."

Raising his hand Spider focused on the image of Kal's Infinite Quiver and activated his skill or in this case spell Absolute Break.

Absolute Break active (beginner): No matter the item so long as one has a clear view on the object you can break or destroy said item. Break chance 95% Destroy Chance 5%. Cost 200 mana. Cooldown 1hr. If Mana is under 75% spell has a 50% fail rate.

When Spider first gained the skill he thought it was useless but over time he found that it can be quite useful especially in instances like this. He learned that all he has to do is see the item in real time he doesn't necessarily have to be there in person. Thanks to this when strong enemies would attack their campound He would have a man take a camera and point it at the creature with the best items and then he would break them allowing his men to kill them when they were defenseless. The only drawback to this was the long cooldown.

With a smile Spider watched as his spell activated and small cracks appeared along Kal's quiver.


Kal had managed to take down two more of the wounded officers and was getting ready to take down the last when he reached back for an arrow and one wasn't there a second later a window popped up.

Your Infinite Quiver has been broken by a spell. See a specialist for repairs.

Kal- "Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me!"

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