《Gambled World》Chapter 24


" Boss! Boss! We have a problem."

Spider who was currently enjoying a woman who snubbed him quite a bit before the world changed heard one of his men yelling. Deciding to keep going despite the interruption he waited for the man to reach him.

The door to his room flew open and the man (Marcus) now that Spider could see him was panting hard and had a terrified look on his face.

Spider- "What is it? You know I hate to be disturbed." After he said that he continued to pound away at the tied up woman with tears streaming down her face.

Marcus could only look on as his boss fucked one of the hottest women from the area soon she too would be nothing more than a moaning whore who would gladly hop on his prick.

Shaking his head to clear his thoughts he looked back at his boss voice grave.

Marcus- "Boss someone broke in and just started killing everyone!"

Spider froze at that then turned his head toward Marcus. He didn't stop moving his hips as he slid in and out of the woman below him.

Spider-"Who? You would've said a monster but instead you said somebody. Which means the person in question is human. Why is it that a single human has you so scared?"

Marcus- "We are all scared! He came in from the south wall where Reggie was guarding. One second everything is fine the next he kills Reggie and starts murdering his way in! We tried shooting him with guns but he just disappears and then our people either get arrows to their heads or sliced apart! The only reason I made it here is because he went into the apartment we made into the whore house!"

Spider finally stopped screwing the woman below him and pulled out. The woman below him had a look of defiance that wasn't there before Marcus showed up. She two recognized who the intruder was just by the arrows comment. As that kid was famous around here and liked to intervene in matters he shouldn't. He had cost Spider quite a bit through the years and even shot his brother with an arrow after he smacked a girl who wouldn't blow him because he said so.

Spider-"So the little archer is back huh? Figures he would survive in this messed up world. He must have gotten a few decent skills. Hmmm Reggie probably opened his mouth and told him I turned his aunt into a human toy. That is why he is killing so there is no way to make up. Gather up the guys outside the apartment and get the police squads to get ready to go in and take him down. I will get ready just in case."


Spider then started grabbing clothes and equipment lying around the room leaving the woman where she is.

Marcus- "Great! If boss who is level 10 and has that skill he won't stand a chance! One thing though at first we didn't recognize him his hair and eyes are purple and his skin seems paler. Also he has some weird creature with him that shoots fire and makes shields around itself."

Spider raised his eye at the mans words. Then just snorted. It didn't matter in the new world many tried to test him but as an avid player in the previous world this worlds system was easy to figure out and no one has been able to challenge him. All are now either dead or toys depending on his mood at the time.

Spider-"I always wanted to take care of that kid but his family were always careful and carried guns. No use getting clipped when you try someone else."

Turning once more to the bound woman Spider blows a kiss and walks out.


Kal reached the floor of his apartment. Behind him on the stairs lay the dead of quite a few men. All of them tried to stop him and all of them died.

Walking down the hall Kal could hear moans and the creaking of beds. If a door was open an arrow went through the skull of the first man he saw. If the door was closed Onyx would smash in and kill any man in there. For such a small creature she had some ridiculous strength.

Kal radiated murder and when he got to his door and heard the sound coming from within any semblance of humanity he had left him.

Opening the door Kal walked through the familiar hallway, past the living room and kitchen, and reached the end where two rooms on opposites sides rested. The one on the right is the one he shared with his aunt. The one on the left was his grandparents and that's where the sounds were coming from.

Kal used Soul form and went through the door and when he came inside the room what he saw cemented that every person who had a hand in this would be slaughtered.

Three men were in the room and had all his aunts holes filled as they laughed and pounded away. His aunt had dead eyes that blankly stared at the door.


Steph Sapphire was a strong woman. She fought for as long as she could but eventually she couldn't hold on countless men came to visit her everyday and she lost. And here yet again she was being violated from every hole in her parents bed. She prayed every day that her family was okay and that someone would come to rescue her.

But like every day since this all started her prayers went unanswered. Just as she was about to slip into her mind she saw someone appear at the door. It was a young man with purple hair and glowing purple eyes. He had pale skin and an athletes build. The sight of him brought tears to her eyes. She wanted to call out his name recognizing him despite the changes. But the cock currently in her throat wouldn't allow anything more than a garble.

Kal pulled his bow and shot four arrows at the man who was ramming his aunt in the ass. The arrows hit both his legs and arms pinning him to the wall. His scream brought the other men out of their fun and they turned to see a demon from hell descend upon them.

Rushing forward Kal whipped out his Daggers and sliced off the other two men's most prized possessions. The pain didn't stop there as the dagger were coated in venom they felt the region start to burn and melt. Their screams radiated through the whole apartment.

But Kal was far from done. Taking one dagger a piece he put them in the screaming mens mouths and let the venom free of the daggers. Both men started writhing in agony as Kal watched on as they slowly died. The man pinned to the wall had tears and snot dripping down his face as he watched all this take place.

Once the men finally died and their souls left their bodies Kal gave them even more agony when he used his Reap skill. This time the sounds of agony didn't bother Kal instead they brought a sinister smile to his face.

Turning to the last guy pinned against the wall Kal slowly walked forward ready to end him much the same way but his aunt beat him to the punch and snatch Kal's dagger and drove it into the mans heart. Since he wasn't the one to kill the man his Reap skill went unused.

Steph- "I needed to vent a little too nephew." She had a smile on her face she got ready to give Kal a hug but days of being tied to a bed and used made her collapse.

Kal rushed forward and used observe. His aunts health was really low and even though he couldn't see her stamina he was willing to bet it was rock bottom as well.

Kal reached into his inventory and pulled out a few potions and almost gave them to his aunt before he remembered something. A potion he picked up back at the hospital. Reaching back in he located the mutated potion.

Mutated Potion: Greatly restores hp,mp, or stamina (random)

Side Effect:Infertility 3 months (if pregnant fetus dies.)

Originally he was just going to use the potion and hope for the restore helped at the time but now it had a greater purpose.No way in hell was his aunt going to raise any of these bastards children.

He still had two more but the side effects were sketchy.

Luckily the potion restored her health so he whipped out a stamina potion and made her drink it.

Onyx- "Kal we have company!"

Hearing her Kal stiffened for a second then he wrapped his aunt in a blanket and laid her on the bed. Turning around he started to head for the door when a hand grabbed his.

Steph- "Wait..."

Kal-"Don't worry aunty I will be fine I am just going to take care of the garbage." Giving her a loving smile Kal turned and headed back toward the door his face warping back into a visage of murder.

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