《Gambled World》Chapter 23


Kal didn't get to spend too long testing his abilities. He was able to absorb five souls before they started disappearing and his Soul Form proved to be quite fun. Using it he was able to beat the living or in this case unliving hell out of goblin ghosts. But once the ghosts could see that even in death they weren't safe they started running until their souls moved on.

Kal- "Damn chickens. If only my weapons worked on souls as well. Oh well at least I know how my skills work. Although Reap is a bit much." He finishes with a grimace.

Onyx-"Why is that?" She asks curiously.

Kal-"Wait you couldn't hear?"

Onyx-"Soul Sight is not a skill I possess."

Kal-"Oh sorry well. The skill is awesome but....They scream." Kal shivered.

Onyx-"They scream?"

Kal- "Yea. It's the worst sound I have ever heard in my life too. It's literally a scream of agony that you can feel down to your soul. I have to make sure to never use it en masse otherwise I might go insane."

Onyx-"I see I have never heard of this problem before but it might just be because you are still mostly human. Still we should go. That army may try again and I am willing to bet you don't have any more of that gas stuff."

Kal-"You would lose that bet but I see your point. I am exhausted and apparently while potions restore the stats they can't restore fatigue."

The two finally left the battlefield and started walking deeper into the city. Kal's apartment complex was a few block past the bridge so he was sure to make it tonight especially with his newly raised stats he didn't fear any of the tribes. Along the way Kal looted every gas station they came acrossed. If what happened was any indication of what was to come he wanted to be prepared plus a few dozen bags of funions doesn't hurt either.

Kal-"Hey Onyx. You seem to know quite a bit what do you think I should do to get stronger faster?"

She pondered for a moment remembering all his skills and stats.

Onyx- "You should probably work on your skills more. Focus less on leveling and more on those. I would put your archery skills to rest for a while and focus more on the others. You have seen how your skills allow you to overcome stronger enemies but not all enemies can be taken down with an arrow. You need something to fall back on and while your daggers have the ability to grow in strength your knife mastery is still low and you have yet to gain the dual wielding skill as well."


Kal- "I see. I use my bow the most because before all this it's what I did. Now though I can see your point. I am pretty sure mastery over Archery is going to require quite a bit of time and most of my other skills have been somewhat neglected. I mean I have had bloodlust since day one and have yet to rank it up."

Onyx didn't say a thing in response. The fact that he has such high skills is astounding enough and yet he is complaining about a skill that hasn't grown yet!? She was willing to bet most humans probably don't have even half his proficiency in all their skills combined!

Shaking her head she lands on his head and gets ready for a nap.

Kal- "Hey! No sleeping we will be there soon!" He shouts at her.

Onyx-"Wake me when we get there. There won't be any more trouble after what you just did and my mana and stamina is all but depleted thanks to your tactics."

Kal just sighed and let her rest. Afterall if she didn't pull out that defensive skill he would have died.

Finally getting past the bridge he headed toward his apartment. While walking he sees that this part of the city faired no better. There was destroyed cars and buildings hell there were even some cars inside buildings. Like someone picked them up and chucked them into them.

After walking for a while he passes by the police station. The place was trashed. Dead cops and destroyed police cruisers were everywhere. From the looks of it they tried to setup here but were overrun.

Kal-"One last detour."

Kal wanted a few things from the station. Mainly guns and riot gear. He went up to every dead cop and started looting them. Quite a few of the guns and gear were damaged but he gained quite a haul from all the bodies and vehicles.

He wanted to go inside and see if he could find more but the doors were barred with quite a bit of stuff. He wasn't sure if anyone was alive not that he cared anyway. In his opinion cops are among the most useless people he has ever met. He honestly can't remember a single damn time where they were actually useful throughout his entire life.


That phrase "Fuck the police" is something he actually agrees with. Having traveled for his tournaments he has gone to quite a few towns and countries but no matter where he went no one really gave a damn about the police as no matter the place there will always be corrupt cops.

Leaving the station he takes the last turn needed to get to his street and sees a huge makeshift wall spread out down the road.

Kal-"Well I'll be damned they set up a wall? Huh my community doesn't suck that bad after all. Then again it's full of pot heads and gang bangers so they probably had enough weapons to hold out for a while."

Onyx-"What are gang bangers and pot heads? Are they people who mate as a group and have pots on their heads?"

Kal burst out laughing at her question.

Kal-"No they are the scum of society, mostly anyway. The pot heads are okay but the others are just trash. So kill any if you feel like it, you would make the world a better place."

Onyx just nodded still confused but if Kal says they deserve to die than she wasn't going to argue.

Kal eventually got up to the gates and a voice rang out.

???- "Who the hell are you kid?"

Kal- "Someone that lives in the apartment complex halfway down the street." He replied

???- "That so. Must have been hell getting here."

After saying that a man appears over the edge of the wall. He was exactly what Kal said was in his area a gang banger and one he knew as a local as well.

Kal- "God damn it Reggie open the fucking gate!"

Reggie was someone Kal went to school with. He was an asshole through and through. He was a five foot five white wanabe that got into the local street gang. He generally bullied who ever took his notice and dealed drugs. One time he wanted to mess with Kal but got his ass kicked in return.

Reggie-"Well well well. What have we here golden boy has returned! You look different did you do something with your hair?"

Kal glared at the little shit wondering if he should just put an arrow through his eye and scale the wall.

Reggie-"Aw whats the matter? Maybe you should be nicer or the next time I go play with you aunt I'll-

The second he heard those words come out of Reggies mouth he shot forward, jumped on the wall and picked Reggie up by his throat. Kal's purple eyes turned red and started glowing as his bloodlust skill was in full effect.

Kal-"What the fuck did you just say!?" He roars in his face.

A couple of other men were startled by Kal and pulled guns but Onyx shot a couple of fireballs and made holes in their bodies. Seeing this Reggie pissed his pants.

Reggie-"Look man it wasn't my idea! She wouldn't list to Spider's orders so he told everyone she was a free pass!"

Kal-"You better explain slowly." Kal's voice was dark and ominous.

Reggie-"She was made a whore and services as many people as Spider says." At every word Kal's grip grew tighter and Reggie's eyes were bulging.

Onyx could see some men approaching and told Kal so.

Kal-"You touched my family so you are going to die!" Kal snapped his neck and dropped him.

He pulled out his bow and took down all the approaching men.

Kal-"Onyx if it moves it dies."

Kal then began moving into the area. Murder was the only thing that was on his mind. And if his aunt wasn't okay when he found her. They were going to wish that death was an escape.

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