《Gambled World》Chapter 21


After a debate Kal decided to put a 10 into stamina, 2 in con, 5 in int, 2 in dex and agi, and the last 4 in str. Once he clicked accept though he was met with yet another surprise.

Kal Sapphire Title: Deathshot, Tribe Slaughterer Race: Human Lv:20 Hp:600 Mp:200 Stamina:14/106 Con:25 Str:29 Int:25 Wis:15 Dex:37 Agi:32 Stat Points:0 Skills: Aim passive (Expert)

Archery passive (Expert)

Inventory passive Max (Unique)

Hunters Mind passive (Intermidiate)

Bloodlust passive (Beginner)

Observe (Max) (Unique))

Rapid Fire active (Advanced)

Sneak active (Intermediate)

Mana Control passive (Beginner)

Spark active (Intermidiate)

Knife Mastery passive (Beginner)

His stamina and mana gained far more than they should have. His only guess as to why would be his current level but other than that he had no clue. Still he was more than happy to accept the boost.

He then felt Onyx fall off his head and hit the ground. Startled he hurried and picked her up checking to see if she was hurt anywhere. He quickly used observe to check her status and saw that she was just unconscious.

Sighing in relief he wondered what this was about. But chalked it up to her being tired. Then he set about collecting all the loot.

What Kal didn't know was that Onyx literally fainted from reading all of his screens. She couldn't understand how a human managed to gain all of this and even the attention of ALL THE GODS OF LIFE AND DEATH! Once she saw his status and all his abilities at their proficiency she was done. Her mind couldn't handle the absurdity of it all.

It took quite a bit of time for Kal to collect all the loot due to having to wait for the fires to burn out. Eventually he got bored and started tossing chunks of dirt on the fires.


Most of what he got was crap. Rusted swords, spears, and daggers. A few dozen clubs. Out of it all he got maybe 3 decent weapons but even then they weren't much compared to his bloodling daggers.

Although he did get a few wands that raised int and wisdom. He decided they may come in handy if he ever learned any decent spells.

His heart ached a little at not killing more of the ogres though.

Kal- "For killing an army one would hope for at least some kickass weapons. I sorta feel a little jipped. Well at least I got quite a few different potions and I am pretty sure I am rich now with all these coins."

In total Kal gained about 1400 gold coins, 2800 silver, and 7000 copper. He still wasn't sure as far as the currency would go but decided to ask Onyx later.

The potions he got were all your standard regen and cure types. Stamina, health, mana, poison, disease, rot, stone, paralysis, silence, etc. Although he got a couple of all cures as well.

Kal felt confident that he should be able to deal with most situations now. Unless he comes up against another horde or a monster way too far out of his league he should be able to win.

He was still slightly upset about the napalm though. Gas and diesel will be treasures soon and every bit counts.

Kal- "Maybe I should clean out an entire gas station? I mean there are a few down here and the supplies each hold would be a hell of a bonus. Aunty and I should be able to live well that much longer."

While pondering Kal's foot bumped into a vial of strange black liquid.

Kal-"Hmm? How did I miss this?"

Scooping it up he used observe on it.



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Kal- "The hell is that supposed to mean!? What is with this absurd looking potion? Seriously how the hell do you expect a person to know what that shit means!"

Annoyed at the sight of the screen he wanted to chuck the vial at something. But something stopped him. He was after all curious as to what it did.

Kal-"Well I do have enough stuff to make sure I don't die and so long as I sip it I should be fine."

Managing to convince himself Kal sits down and pulls out all his health and cure potions. Then he grabs the new potion and pops the cork.

The potion lets out an oddly enticing smell. Kal brought the potion up to his lips and took a sip. Or at least he tried to. The second the liquid inside met his lips it all surged in all at once. Kal didn't even have a chance to react the strange liquid invaded his body and a burning sensation spread throughout his body.

Kal- "Yep this one is totally on me. Shit! Nana always said I was far too curious for my own good!"

As the burning started to grow a screen appeared in front of Kal.

You have decided to grasp new strength. The following strengths are now yours to choose from.




Staring at the screen Kal had no idea what to choose but if the burning sensation that was spreading through his body was any indication he needed to pick quick.

Reaching his finger up Kal clicked his option.

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