《Gambled World》Chapter 20


Rugerk has lived a long life and seen many things. In the old world, he started off as a lowly goblin. When it became known he had the aptitude for magic he was taken under his tribe's leader who was also their shaman as his apprentice.

After years of serving under his leader and being his apprentice, it started to show that Rugerk's magical potential far outshone that of his masters. His master seeing this started treating Rugerk like a slave. Eventually, Rugerk was framed and thrown out of his tribe as a traitor.

Vowing to take revenge on his jealous master Rugerk set out on a journey. Over time he managed to find another tribe and quickly rose through their ranks becoming their leader in less than a years time. With his new tribe he led them to attack and slaughter his old tribe personally killing his old master. From then on his tribe ruled the entire area.

When the gods asked if he wanted to take his tribe to a world only inhabited by humans. He said yes without hesitation. He wanted more area under his control plus he had a thing for human females as his kind wasn't all that appealing to him.

When his tribe arrived in the new world they immediately set out conquering the weak humans. The humans had strange and powerful weapons but he had magic and strength in his tribe. In the very first day his tribe had defeated all the human in their chosen area and set about building their village.

But in just three days a human would emerge that would change things.

At first it was rumors about how a single human with a bow would crush scouts. Then reports started coming in from other tribes that entire warrior squads were destroyed. Finally, Rugerk's very own tribesmen were assaulted.

A squad of Hobgoblin hunters led by his very own son was slaughtered. For Rugerk this was it. How could one human do so much damage?

He went to other tribe leaders to ask what they wanted to do. He was no fool if this human was truly this strong he wanted to make sure that he wasn't in the fight with just his tribe.

After a few days it was decided that an army would form and an ambush would be placed. Rugerk was overjoyed. Now he could get revenge for the death of his son!

The tribes thought it was a good idea to setup their best archers in hidden area to take care of the human. They thought it would be justice to take down an archer with archers.


Right now Rugerk thought it was a very very stupid plan. He not only survived the archers ambush he killed all the tribes most elite archers!

When that plan failed Rugerk told the clans to just charge the human. After all he only has a little flying rat for help. How would he stop the combined might of all the tribes?

Turns out the human had answer for him.

When Rugerk watched, heard, and smelled his fellow tribesmen burn alive his jaw almost hit the floor. How was it this human is able to make so much fire without magic!?

This question was passed around the leaders. But no one had an answer. The Ogre leaders decided to grab the humans attention while the shamans prepared the spell "storm". The spell would provide rain to put out the fires and lighting to take the human out once and for all.

The plan worked halfway.

The flying rat that was with the human was far stronger than previously reported. It stopped the lighting that all the shamans used most of their magic for with a single barrier. The rat was then designated as a must kill if they wanted the human.

Right now the rat was heading straight for Rugerk with another container filled with a mysterious substance. After the last time that the human tried this plan the tribes weren't going to fall for it again.

He and all the other shamans threw a barrier around themselves and just let the stuff fall around them. With a laugh all the shamans took a step forward as an arrow covered in fire landed right next to them.

Before he baked alive Rugerk could only ask how?


Kal laughed at the sight of the burning army that thought they avoided his napalm. Just because it didn't hit them directly they thought they would be fine?

The tribes couldn't understand what was going on the storms spell rain should be putting this fire out why is it that it is still burning and even rolling on the ground is not putting it out!?

The goblins surrounded tried to run through it but only managed to catch ablaze themselves. The one who didn't try and run through it were cooked alive.

The heat generated by napalm is no joke. Water boils at 212°F. Napalm generates temperatures 1,500°F to 2,200°F.

With this everyone know that boiling water can do some damage but what about something thats almost 10x the temperature?

The result was that the tribes were all killed very slowly. The only mercy that they were given was if Kal took them out with his bow.


Kal- "These guys. They planned out an ambush and thought to kill me but a little knowledge from a certain cookbook and now look at them. Hahahaha this is the best!"

Kal wiped away another blue screen that appeared before him there would be time for those later. Although quite a few have appeared ever since he burned the first group.

Since Onyx managed to get most of the leaders with the napalm all he had to do was shoot at the rest of the tribesmen. Making it quite easy for him to rack up kills.

Onyx herself was shooting down goblin after goblin. She was enjoying all this experience they brought.

Onyx-"Hmmph to think such lowly creatures as yourself would try to harm wwhat'smine! You all deserve worse!" With that she let another fireball fly at a fleeing goblin.

What she didn't know was dying while being burnt alive is one of the worst ways to go.

The air was filled with screams only this time its not humans. Instead its the ones who attacked the humans. None of the tribes wanted to attack the human anymore. All of them were running for their live.

Even the surviving ogres thought better of attacking the human and bolted. In moments the field was littered with the burning bodies of the tribes. The smell of burning goblin,hob, orc, and ogre fill the air.

Kal plopped down and let out a sigh of relief. Onyx came over and settled back on his head.

Kal- "Man that was one hell of an annoyance. It's a damn good thing they weren't all that bright."

Onyx- "It wasn't that they weren't that bright it was more that they didn't expect such a cruel reaction. Now don't get me wrong I wholeheartedly approve. But in any normal circumstance this would have been impossible for anyone else. Also I want to make sure to tell you not to let this get to your head. Not all are as dumb."

Kal laid back in the wet grass and decided to check what he got as far as the blue screens go. The items drops he will just wait until the fires go out.

Congratulaions! Spark has reached intermediate! Congratulaions! Rapid fire has reached advanced! Congratulaions! Aim has reached expert! Congratulaions! For Killing all the men and leaders for four different tribes your title Tribe killer has evolved into Tribe Slaughterer! Tribe Slaughterer: Due to killing the surrounding tribes in mass numbers they have given you the title of Tribe Slaughter.

Killing entire tribes will result in an upgrade.

+20 to all stats when facing any of the listed enemies.




Ogres Congratulaions! Your title Deadshot has upgraded to DeathShot Deathshot: You have killed over a thousand enemies with one attack. Death has heard your name whispered countless times on your victoms last breath.

Your attacks now carry a trace of Death upon them.

1% chance of killing with one attack on any being no exceptions.

38/9999 You have gained the notice of all the gods who govern over life and death and even that of the original Death herself. Congratulations! you have gained a level! +3 stat points. Congratulations! you have gained a level! +3 stat points. Congratulations! you have gained a level! +3 stat points. Congratulations! you have gained a level! +3 stat points. Congratulations! you have gained a level! +3 stat points. Congratulations! you have gained a level! +3 stat points.

Seeing all the screens Kal's eyes were wide. At this point he wanted to thank all those dead burning bodies!

Kal-"Holy shit! This is one hell of a haul!"

Kal wasn't the only one surprised. Onyx who was peering at all his screens was about to faint due to shock.

Onyx- (How does a human get this much! I understand that this was an army but even veteran soldiers in human armies fighting a war would only reach 20 after 6 months on the battlefield! His rate of growth is comparable to a top class adventurer!)

Kal had no idea of what Onyx was thinking and in fact didn't care at the moment. If he only got the deathshot title that would have still been more than worth it! With this he has taken a small step toward dealing with Chess and those who serve him.


Kal Sapphire Title: Deathshot, Tribe Slaughterer Lv:20 Hp:560 Mp:100 Stamina:4/66 Con:23 Str:25 Int:20 Wis:15 Dex:35 Agi:30 Stat Points:23 Skills: Aim passive (Expert)

Archery passive (Expert)

Inventory passive Max (Unique)

Hunters Mind passive (Intermidiate)

Bloodlust passive (Beginner)

Observe (Max) (Unique)

Rapid Fire active (Advanced)

Sneak active (Intermediate)

Mana Control passive (Beginner)

Spark active (Intermidiate)

Knife Mastery passive (Beginner)

Kal-"Now where to put all these stat points?"

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