《Gambled World》Chapter 19


Kal knew he didn't have a chance of taking on an army by himself. But did that mean he was going to run away?

This whole time Kal has been collecting stuff he thought was needed for survival now though it seems he is going to need it to kill.

Grabbing the Molotov arrows and activating spark Kal shot not the approaching army but the field in front of them! But he wasn't as delusional to think that would in itself work next he pulled out a can of gas and poked a hole in it then handed it to Onyx.

Kal-"Fly where I shot my arrows. After that fly over the army. We are going to burn as many of these fuckers as possible!"

Onyx decided to follow his directions and flew over to the line of arrows with the gas can. She made a quick pass and soon there was a blazing trail on the ground separating the army from Kal.

Kal only had a cruel smile on his face when he saw the approaching army stop.

When Onyx saw what the strange smelling liquid did she instantly understood Kal's plan and in the moment she felt sorry for the army that banded together to get rid of a common enemy. But even though she felt sorry for them she wasn't going to ignore Kal's orders after all she likes him.

So she flew over the army covering as many as she could in the gas and when she was out dropped the can and flew back toward Kal.

Kal's didn't bother firing on the one's she covered in gas as he had something far worse in store. The gas was to expand the damage of the next attack.

Reaching back into his inventory Kal pulled out 3 propane tanks. All of which were full.

Kal-"As guests to our world I feel I should enlighten you to one of the best parts that most Americans are quite fond of in movies. The explosions."

With that Kal tossed a tank over the army and took aim with his bow. When the tank was just above their heads he fired.


A ball of fire shot out and engulfed the tribes. The air was instantly filled with burning flesh and screams. Plus one teenager's smile.

But it didn't stop there due to the gas that Onyx poured over them the fire spread across a quarter of the army. Their howls of agony as they were trying to put out the fire that spread across them.

This was only the beginning in Kal's mind. Since they decided to all gang up on him he wasn't going to go easy. With fire on his mind Kal tossed the last two tanks and shot them as well. The damage wasn't as bad since the army knew what to expect now but quite a few were picked off.

The leadership of the army had ugly looking faces. All of them were enraged that one human could cause so much damage. So the magic users of the group got together and started a spell. There was no way they would let a human kill them all.

Onyx being of a dragons line had the ability to smell magic and when the group started their spell she immediately turned to Kal.

Onyx- "The shamans are preparing a spell be careful!"

Kal jumped a little. This would be his first time dealing with magic since the world changed and was honestly a bit worried. So he started up rapid fire and switched to normal arrows. His goal was to mow down a hole and take out the shamans.

But nothing is ever that easy. The shamans weren't the only threat Kal had to worry about. The stronger hobgoblins and Ogres took this chance to charge through the fire barely even slowing to wince and attacked Kal.

There was two Ogres and 30 Hobgoblins and they were closing in fast. Kal had to stop aiming at the shamans and switched his fire to them. However he only picked off a few hobs before the reached him and he had to dodge an Ogre's attack.

Kal-"Shit! Onyx take to the air and hit them with what you can!" Kal put away his bow and pulled out his Bloodling Daggers and slit the throat of a Hob who tried to take his arm.


Kal tried to bounce back while fighting them off but they ended up circling him and he ended up being trapped. Onyx was too low level to do much against these guys she only an annoyance at least for now.

You see Kal killed quite a few with his fire tactics and Onyx helped so she of course was still gaining exp as the army was burning.

Her level was soaring and it quickly shot past Kal's.

While Kal was struggling to fight off the surrounding enemies the shamans finished their spell. The sky grew dark and black rain clouds filled the air. Rain started pouring down.

Kal-"All that for a bit of rain that's kinda sad."

But he was wrong it wasn't for just a bit of rain at the moment it started to rain the enemies surrounding Kal retreated. At that moment the sky shone with a bright light and a bolt of lighting shot down right at him.

Kal- "Fuck me!"

Having no defense against such an attack Kal closed his eyes and waited for the end. But it never came.

Confused he opened his eyes and saw he was in some kind of barrier and the lighting was striking it continuously.

Kal- "What the? Did I gain a new skill?" He asked in bewilderment.

Onyx- "No this is my doing." She says smugly.

Looking up he sees her in the air with a faint glow around her the same color as the barrier.

Kal-" You had this skill all along?"

Onyx-"Yes and no. The higher level I get to the more of my previous skills I get back and you taking out that large chunk of enemies there helped level me up to 22 which gave me quite the boost in abilities and I gained my barrier magic back. Although I can only do intermediate level spells it still better than what a bunch of two-bit shamans can do." Pride was thick in her voice.

Kal-"Huh. Nice work. Now if those shamans think a bit of rain and lighting is going to stop my fire plan then they have another thing coming."

Kal told her to keep the barrier up a little longer even after the rain and lightning stopped. From his inventory, he pulled out his last fire tactic.

From his inventory, he pulled out a large clear bin, 6 gallons of diesel, and styrofoam plates. His plan was simple he was going to napalm them.

Pouring the diesel into the container and tearing the styrofoam plates into pieces he threw them in and started to stir. After a bit a sticky looking substance started to form.

The tribes didn't know it but they were about to feel some of the worst deaths known. During the Vietnam war napalm was used quite a bit by U.S. troops and was quite effective against crowds. While its purpose was to burn out guerrillas that didn't mean other uses weren't as effective.

When he was finished Kal looked up at Onyx.

Kal-"Think you can pour this over the army?"

Onyx let out an amused snort, dropped the barrier and picked up the container of napalm.

Normally you drain out the excess diesel or gas but Kal wanted it to stay more liquid to pour easier. The army wasn't dumb When they saw Onyx heading toward them with another container they started to scatter. The shamans were taking potshots with random spells trying to bring her down but she just threw up another barrier and went right into the biggest cluster of enemies drenching them in as much napalm as possible.

Kal- "Good now use the rest to make another line in the field!"

Kal wanted to make sure the next time they charged a price would be paid. So pulling out his bow and taking aim at the group who was covered in his homemade napalm.

Kal-"Time for round two." Then he let his arrows fly.

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