《Gambled World》Chapter 17


Kal looked at the commotion and saw about a dozen orcs surrounding 4 humans. Taking a closer look at the humans show 3 were female and one was male. Also each of them was armed with a firearm.

Kal- "Hah this is totally fair!"

Onyx looks at him in confusion. Seeing this Kal decides to explain.

Kal- "That man in the middle there. His name is Julius and he is in the army, infantry to be exact. I know this because he was my senior when I was a freshman. We actually talked a few times since he was a bit of a gun buff and I knew how to shoot. Long story short we kept in touch when he joined the army outta highschool. He should've been back for leave around this time."

Onyx- "What does that have to do with fair?" She asked still confused. Kal got a smile on his face.

Kal-"First off our infantry is already no joke but this fucker went to special schools in the military and is a monster with a gun now. In short those orcs are fucked."

Onyx- "They have armor and a numbers advantage. I don't see how they could win even with your worlds odd weapons."

Kal-"Ahh but you don't understand everything yet. You see those girls? They are what he calls his fuck buddies. He is terrified by the terms girlfriend and relationship but still gets around quite a bit. Also he taught each of them how shoot. The fact that they are still alive at this point shows that they learned pretty damn well."

Onyx- "I am still not wholly convinced. Their levels aren't as impressive as yours. The highest is only 5 which is the male you are talking about."

Kal chuckled at this and decided to watch a massacre, the ferretling will see. Wishing he had some popcorn he went back to watching with a bag of chips instead.

From what he could see the orcs were trying to deal with Julius probably asking him to hand the girls over. Which confused him at first but then he remembered that while the orcs maybe new in the past few days they probably saw quite a few guns being used.

Since more than 6 million Americans own at least 10 guns or more the chance that these orcs haven't seen a single one is low. Gotta love Americans and the swiss for or gun ownership. Any country that tries to invade wouldn't only have to deal with the army the citizens will be damn sure to put up a fight.


Julius kept a smile on his face when facing the orcs. They may be higher levels but he didn't seem concerned. After all his twelve gauge shotgun has wiped the smirk off of plenty of arrogant monsters and these ones would be no different.

With a snap of his fingers all the girls brought up their weapons and fired. Instantly the orcs were cut down by about half before the girls stopped firing.

He gave a cold smirk to the orc that was talking to him earlier.

Julius- "Now I believe you were asking me for something?"

Kal burst out laughing which made all of them turn toward him. Oynx could only look in disbelief.

Julius saw who was laughing and his eyes widened in surprise.

Julius- "Kal!?"

Kal-"Whats up my white Mexican."

Hearing his words Julius let out a chuckle.

Julius-"Holy shit man I kinda figured you would survive in this shit but to think we would meet so soon! Hahaha this new world is fucked with us at each others back! I'd take you as my battle any day!"

Kal smiled at this. It was good to hear something like this after these past few days.

The orcs on the other hand were trembling in fear. Their luck could not be worse. First they run into a group of humans with the odd loud weapons then the Tribe Killer appears! The orc who was previously talking to Julius took a step toward Kal and got down on his hands and knees.

Orc- "Please spare my brothers! We had no idea was your friend! Please master Tribe Killer!"

Kal raised an eye at the orcs words. Tribe Killer whats th-

before he could finish the thought a blue screen appeared in front of him.

Congratulations! You have gained the title Tribe Killer. Tribe Killer: Due to terrorizing the surrounding tribes they have given you the title of Tribe Killer.

Killing entire tribes will result in an upgrade.

+5 to all stats when facing any of the listed enemies.





Kal- "Well that's an unexpected bonus."

After speaking he gave the orcs an amused look. None of them were lower than 20 and here they were bowing to him who was only 14. Sure Kal has had quite a few lucky encounters but for something like this to happen is funny. Plus he even got the bonus for ogres when at best he only injured one while killing 20 of its men.

Kal- "Get out of here."


Hearing him the orcs sighed in relief and bolted. Seeing the backs of the fleeing orcs Kal couldn't help but laugh. After the depressing and angry days this was a nice change of pace even if it doesn't last.

Julius seeing all that transpired looked on in shock. Then turned to Kal.

Julius-"What the hell just happened here?"

Kal- "I have been killing those fuckers for days. Now they prefer to avoid me."

Julius traded looks of disbelief with his female companions. How are monsters afraid of one person? The only time they have seen any monster wary is when a group of humans were together.

Julius-"You said you have been killing them for days? How? I don't see any guns and your bow should stop maybe a group of them."

Kal- "Let me show you." With a smile Kal pulls his bow and launches a barrage of arrows faster than any gun they currently hold at a parked car. In a matter of seconds the car looks like a porcupine.

Julius lets out a whistle while the girls stare blankly. Onyx having seen him deal with the hobs wasn't as impressed but you could still see shock in her eyes.

Julius- "Man that is fucking scary! Glad your on our side bro. Is this how strong you were before?"

Kal- "No but I wasn't a slouch then either." Kal wondered what his reaction would be if he were to use rapid fire?

Julius- "lol! I'll bet! Let me introduce you to my "companions"." On that last part he gave Kal a warning look. Since Kal generally teases him about his "relationships".

Julius- "First off is Myranda." He points to a short redhead with long hair and a pale complexion. She had the look of spoiled princess. She had a nice figure and a great ass, unfortunately the image was ruined by the look she was giving him. Kal figured she was high maintenance before the world changed just from looking at her. Now? Who knows.

Julius-"Next is Kayla." She was a short skinny chick with short dirty blonde hair. Her figure wasn't as nice as the last ones. But cute wouldn't be far off. Adding on the beanie and the way her eyes looked Kal could tell she was from the stoner side of the fence right away.

Julius-"Lastly we got Simone." This one seemed the most normal outta them all. She had dark hair, wasn't overly skinny but not fat, and looked okay. She had a bit of a nose but from the looks of her rack and ass Kal could see why Julius liked her. She didn't have the glazed look of someone who constantly smokes, and she didn't look like thing were always handed to her. All in all she was the only one he had a favorable impression of.

With a nod Kal greeted each of them and turned back to Julius. Myranda frowned at this.

Kal- "I am heading to my place to pick up my aunt you want to come with?"

Hearing me all the girls look to Julius. He scratched his head and ignored their looks.

Julius- "I would love to man but first I told these guys I would helo look for their family."

Kal was slightly disappointed. He wanted to have a person he could rely on travel with him.

Kal- "Its fine. We can meet at my place later. I will give you about a week before I move on so try not to be too long okay?"

Myranda gave an angry humph at that. Julius just rolled his eyes. Kal switched on bloodlust for a second and gave her a look. She was terrified and immediately fell on her ass.

Everyone else took a step back.

Julius- "Whoa man chill! She doesn't mean anything by it right!?" He turned toward her and she nodded.

Kal- "If you do show up man lose all the crap please." Kal kept his gaze on the girl the whole time.

With a quick nod to Julius, Kal continued down the road. Julius only looked at him in disappointment. He to wanted to travel with Kal but he already made a promise and he was a man of his word.

Julius- "I will definitely see you in a week man don't die!"

Hearing the shout behind him Kal smiles. Then something occurs to him.

Kal- "Hey why didn't they say anything about you?" He asked Onyx.

Onyx- "I can hide myself from those up to 5 levels higher than me. Plus I didn't want to accidentally get shot."

Kal chuckled and went into a jog. He needed to get to his aunt before he could make another decision. But at least so far today was a good day.

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