《Gambled World》Chapter 15


Looking at the screen Kal was stunned.

Kal-"Partners eh? And I would assume your name is Onyx?"

The Ferretling nodded.

Kal- "Ok Onyx I will agree to be your partner but I will warn you I plan to cause quite a bit of trouble in the future and you will be dragged into it. Do you still wish to be my partner?"

Onyx looked at the human boy in front of her and smiled.

Onyx- (This boy..It seems fun times are ahead.)

With a nod Kal clicked yes and a partnership was struck.

You have become partners with Onyx. This is undoable the two of you are bound in an everlasting relationship. Betrayal is impossible. Your souls are bound.

Kal-"What the our souls are bound and whats this about a relationship?"

Onyx-"Yes our souls are bound it is the nature of a partnership. I would have never offered it easily but you are different amongst your kind. Most would kill me on sight but instead you helped me and took advantage of me so a partnership was a must."

Hearing the voice stunned Kal once again. He stared at the mouth that just moved.

Kal- "Wait took advantage?"

Onyx- "Hmph! Don't try to deny it! You picked up a woman and started petting her! If thats not taking advantage what would you call it!?"

Kal- "Petting a cute creature."

Onyx- "Cute!?"

Onyx wanted to say more but the words were stuck in her throat. The human in front of her was strange. From the look on his face he obviously has no idea as to what a partnership is really meant for. Seeing his confused look she decided to keep quiet for now. She would tell him later when the time was right.

Her kind doesn't make these decisions easily but for some reason she was drawn to this human and decided to claim him before anyone else got to him. She had never accepted another before despite constant suitors but in a short moment with this human all that changed. He was going to be hers whether he knew it yet or not.

Kal just stared at her in confusion. As a loner he never spent much time with people other than at school or with his teammates. So as far as he was concerned a partnership was a 50/50 deal where the two will protect and look out for each other and become great friends. When it comes to matters of relationships he didn't know squat.


At the sound of footsteps both Onyx and Kal froze.

Onyx-"Oh no the hobgoblins that shot me before must have found us we need to leave!"

Laughing Kal put her on a table and pulled out his bow.

Kal- "No worries if it just some hobs I can handle them."

Onyx watched Kal walk out the front door. Worried she jumped from table to table and went to a window to see what was going on.

She saw him standing there bow hanging on his side watching the hobgoblins approach.

Onyx-"What is he doing! The world has just changed he is no match for a tribe!"

What Onyx didn't know is during the last few days Kal had slain quite a few different creatures. In fact amongst the tribes a warning was sent out to be wary of a human boy who wields a bow.

The hobgoblins slowed when they saw Kal. Fear slowly crept on their faces.

Hob-"We no enemy. Looking for sky beast. No harm intend."

This wasn't the first time Kal has seen the tribes in the area scared of him. They all fear what he can do. While he is no match for their leaders. He could decimate the tribes and force them to either submit or die. Even with a powerful leader if it came to blows their chances of living would be small.

So it was decided no one was to anger the human with the bow.

Kal-"So you can speak huh? Must be pretty smart among your people huh?"

Kal learned that all the tribes could speak with varying levels of success but the ones that you could understand were generally important to their respective tribes and killing them causes a major blow to the tribes. Killing all the smart ones would only leave the dumb and even goblin and orcs know the smart survive.

The hobgoblin stood taller when it heard him.

Hob-"Yes me Hunt leader. Best at catch."

Kal-"Well you are not catching the sky beast so go home."

The Hunt leader frowned at this. The human is protecting a rare prey. The sky beast would bring him glory if he were to bring it back to the tribe.


Hunt Leader- "Reasonable be. Shot sky beast. Must dead. My prize you hand over. Law of hunt."

Kal- "Let me say this another way."

With that Kal pulled his bow and shot three arrows all three went into the eyes of hobs and all three died. The hobs were lv 20 but due to Kal's stats and skills killing them in one shot is no problem.

Seeing how quick the human took down his brothers the Hunt Leader was angry and snapped at Kal. It quickly put on a helmet and the others followed.

Kal-(The helmets are new. They must be spreading the word about where I shoot first. I could probably still hit the in the eyes but those wooden shields would probably stop that. Also they seem to be wearing clothes of some kind and I am willing to bet they are made to take an arrow or two. Then theres this hunt leader. Unlike the others who had crappy shields and weapons he is holding what looks to be the bottom of a car door and a short sword with a bow on his back. Hmm this could be a little difficult if I give them a chance. )

Hunt Leader- "Hand sky beast now!"

Kal ignored him. He reached back and pulled out his new arrow.

After Kal burned down the hospital he thought back to when he last check the description on his quiver. So he soaked another rag wrapped around an arrow and put it in his quiver. Much to his surprise it worked!

Infinite Quiver (initial): Any arrow placed in this quiver will be replicated (2/2) (soul bound item) (bound owner Kal Sapphire).

Now Kal had an arsenal of flammable arrows at his disposal. Even better after tinkering with his mana control during off times Kal learned a new skill. It was a magic skill called spark.

Spark: A low tier spell for beginner mages. Creates a spark of fire. Cost 5 mp.

The skill had no direct combat usage but when combined with his new Molotov arrows he can rain fire down on his enemies.

Which is what he planned to do now.

Kal-"All of you are going to die in three seconds if you don't leave."

The Hunt leader snarled at him and charged.

Kal shook his head.

Kal-"Moron. Well can't say I didn't try."

Activating his skills Kal started to rain down fire arrows. Due to the delay in activating spark he couldn't shoot as fast as before but his speed was still far faster than anything the hobgoblins could handle.

All the ones with wooden shields were the first to fall. The others managed to deflect a few with hammers or pickaxes but eventually they to went down. It must be said that in the span of 1 usage of rapid fire Kal killed all the hobs but the Hunt Leader.

This wasn't a problem as he hadn't planned on killing him with his bow in the first place. Pulling out his bloodling daggers he dodged the hobs charge. He took a quick swipe at the hobs back and heard the sound of metal on metal.

Kal-(So he has some armor under his clothes. No matter after a few hits with the daggers I will eventually get through.)

The hob didn't know this and continued to charge at Kal randomly swiping at Kal with his short sword. The hob couldn't hit him.

Kal's agility and dex allowed him to react to every move effortlessly. It can be said that with the daggers equipped Kal's a bit of a cheat.

Soon the hob got tired of Kal's dodging and constant slashes on its armor. It dropped to its knees panting. While Kal had barely used his stamina. With a flick of his wrist Kal slit the Hunt Leaders throat and watch as he bled out.

Congratulations! You have gained a level. +3 stat points. Congratulations! You have gained the skill knife mastery passive (Beginner) Congratulations! Bloodling Daggers have leveled up!

Kal stared at the screens with joy. Onyx on the other hand stared at the boy with her jaw glued to the floor.

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