《Gambled World》Chapter 14


Onyx Ohen was in a bad spot. Once a fierce and proud person now she has been reduced to such a state. Before coming to this world she was feared and respected. When offered the choice to come to a new world she jumped at the chance as this way her name would sound off on two worlds! But reality was much crueler. During the exchange the gods decided to weaken her and limit her powers. This wasn't so bad at first as she was still able to handle most creatures but what she didn't expect were the weapons of this new world.

Almost immediately after she appeared here in this new world she was attacked by humans wielding strange weapons that fired some kind small metal ball. They didn't do much more than annoy her at first but then more humans came and started shooting at her. Soon they started getting weapons that fired much faster. After a while she had no choice but to retreat but as she was doing so the humans pulled out a new weapon. This one was in the shape of a tube. When they fired it the projectile left a streak of fire. Thinking it to be some kind of fire magic Onyx dodged it and kept fleeing but much to her surprise the thing followed her.

The weapon of course was a FIM-92 Stinger. This weapon is used by at least 30 countries and uses infrared homing tech. But Onyx being from another world wouldn't know this. So all she could do was try and stay away from the strange thing that kept following her through the air. However the speed of a stinger missile isn't to underestimated.

Before she could try and dodge once again the missile slammed into her side and exploded. Onyx fell from the air and slammed into a building much to the surprise of the office workers inside.

After that she passed out. When she awoke she found that she had been further weakened and had reverted to a much smaller form. Licking her wounds she made sure everything was in proper order before she went back off. Tentatively she slowly flew through the air checking her surroundings.


From what she could tell the humans had fought a desperate battle against the beings from her world but mostly lost. Seeing this she went to find a place to nest and find a way to regain her lost strength. The fact that she is in her current form is proof that the gods had one last trick to play on her while she was weakened and she promised vengeance on them for this.

With her mind occupied by thoughts of revenge she failed to notice that she had been spotted by Hobgoblins. So she also didn't notice the arrow that cut through the air until it went into her side at the same spot the stinger hit.

She screeched in pain and fell through the air in a spiral.


It had been three days since Kal had left the hospital. He didn't even spare a second thought for the people he left at the fate of the goblins. What normally would have been a 6 hour walk home has instead taken much longer in fact he wasn't even a quarter of the way there yet!

The reason for this is that the entire city has been infested with creatures. The part he is in seems to be under the goblin and orc variants control. He has seen and fought several different tribes. In fact he has come close to death more than once just due to their sheer numbers and some of their leaders are no joke either.

Just the day before Kal got into a battle with orcs and was putting them down with ease. That is until they all pulled shields and setup a formation. But Kal used his speed and strength to tear through them with hit and run tactics with the Bloodling daggers.

Seeing that they couldn't win the orcs started to retreat while yelling something. Then stepping out from a Chase bank door was a hulking monstrosity.

Ogre Lv 43

It was huge with a big potbelly. Its arms were the size of tree trunks and its skin was an odd shade of blue. With a club made out of what looked to be rebar, it charged towards him.


Kal had no intention of fighting the thing. So he took off and hid.

Now though he was currently inside a Taco bell cooking everything he loved from the menu. He wanted to hit McDonalds and Burger King as well but one was under a goblin tribes control and the other had orcs surrounding it. From the sounds he heard as he passed they were fighting someone.

Kal decided helping people for some mc nuggets wasn't worth it.

Now finishing the last off several dozen country crunch wraps (they were awesome and I miss them). He checked to make sure there was nothing left he wanted in the restaurant then pulled out a few burritos and a Baha Blast and started eating.

Halfway through his meal Kal was interrupted by the sound of shattering glass. He sprung up and pulled his bow. Walking to the front of the store where he heard the sound Kal kept an arrow knocked. Walking around Kal found the source of the noise.

Ferretling lv 5

Kal-"What the hell is a ferretling?"

Hearing his voice the ferretling turned to him with alarmed eyes. Tears sprang up as it felt it was finished. But much to the creatures surprise Kal didn't kill it.

Instead he went and inspected the creature. You see when Kal was younger he had a ferret named Fluff and he loved it immensely but one day it snuck out and bit a neighbor girl who tried to pick it up. The girls brother then went and stomped on Fluff's head killing him.

From that day on Kal never had another pet but he still loved ferrets. So seeing this odd looking one he was immediately captivated.

The Ferret was pure black with pitch black eyes. It had a pair of furry/leathery wings. Its fur cover its whole body until you got down to its paws where the fur thinned and you could see what looked like scales that lead to claws. On its head was two horns that were similar to deer antlers and in between them was a row of smaller horns four in total.

In all honesty Kal found the ferretling to be awesome. While looking over it he noticed that it was in pain and saw an arrow sticking out of its side. Seeing this he immediately went forward to help but the creature flinched back and hissed at him.

Kal-"Don't worry I am not going to hurt you please let me help."

The creature at first didn't trust the human but seeing the warmth in his eyes it who had lived for quite a long time knew when a person was sincere. So it laid its head down and watched the human with caution.

Kal seeing this moved forward slowly. He bent down and looked at the wound. It didn't look that good the arrow seemed to be lodged in the ferretlings ribs.

Not being a doctor of any kind Kal wasn't sure what to do but he decided to wing it and hope for the best. He pulled out some bandages and some cloths.

Kal-"I am going to pull this out. Its going to hurt but trust me okay?"

The ferretling stared at the boy and nodded its head. Kal turned back to the arrow and grasped it. Ever so slowly he pulled it out. The ferretling hissed the whole time. When it was out Kal hurried and wrapped the wound in bandages. The he pulled out some pain meds but remembered something better he pulled out a small health potion instead.


The ferretling seeing the potion was surprised but nevertheless complied. When it finished the potion it sighed in contentment. Then was surprised when the human picked it up and started gently petting it. A little indignant the ferretling struggled but eventually gave in as the humans touch was amazing.

After a while of holding the ferretling Kal recived a surprise.

Onyx would like to be partners do you accept?

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