《Gambled World》Chapter 13


Kal was looking at a blue screen in front of him and was slightly pissed off. He was still sad at finally giving his grandparents a burial and was reliving his memories while watching the fire burn. But then the stupid screen had to ruin his moment.

You have killed another Leader Class monster in the breeding grounds. One random stat will be lowered.

-5 Str. This is your last warning any more leader deaths by your hand will result in all stats dropped by 30. Congratulations! You have killed a being 15 levels higher than you! You have 10 seconds to choose one of two skills. Mana Control Passive:Able to use and control magic more efficiently. Magic arrow Active: A powerful arrow made from magic. 15 mp per arrow. Congratulations! You have gained a level! +3 stat points Congratulations! You have gained a level! +3 stat points

The reason Kal was pissed was obviously the first screen. He hoped to avoid any penalty. But what he forgot was in the cafeteria where he shot his first arrow was a one legged Hulk zombie. While he won't be responsible for any creatures killed in the fire or by falling debris the initial explosion was caused by him and any kills generated from this will be his problem.

The drop in strength isn't that big a deal but without the daggers it will drop under 20. Plus he lost the stat points he put into Strength which is annoying.

The two levels are a nice bonus though as he can try to restore some of his strength. As for the two skills in Kal's mind there was no choice. He picked Mana Control.

His reasoning was if he experimented with the skill enough he could probably unlock more skills and even the magic arrow with enough time. After dropping 4 points into Strength he checked over his stats.

Kals stats with Bloodling Daggers:

Kal Sapphire Title: Deadshot Lv:13 Hp:380/420 Mp:0/100 Stamina:9/52 Con:23 Str:25 Int:20 Wis:15 Dex:30 Agi:30 Stat Points:2 Skills: Aim passive (Advanced)

Archery passive (Expert)

Inventory passive Max (Unique)

Hunters Mind passive (Intermidiate)

Bloodlust passive (Beginner)

Observe (Max) (Unique)

Rapid Fire active (Advanced)

Sneak active (Intermediate)

Mana Control passive (Beginner)

Still upset about the loss in power Kal turned back to watching the hospital burn. Right now he needed to watch the whole place fall before he could move on.

Dent, Cyn, Trisha, and all the other staff from the hospital only had horror etched on their faces. They all held out hope of coming back and saving anyone still left inside. Especially Trisha as she knew for a fact that the women on the 19th floor were still alive. But now? There was no hope for anyone inside. Escaping down isn't an option and going up is a bad idea as well. Kal was smart in making sure both the top and bottom burned. If you try and run fire the fire up top the smoke from below will kill you before you reach the bottom. If you do reach the bottom you'll burn alive. If you tried to run from the fire below and head up all that you would find is another fire. This way there only awaited death to those still inside.


Trisha stomped up to Kal, grabbed him, spun him around, and slapped him across the face.

Trisha- "What have you done!" She screamed tears streaming down her face.

Kal looked at her with anger. His eyes turned pure red with the activation of the Bloodlust skill. Then he backhanded her hard and she slammed face first into a car window shattering it.

Cyn- "Trisha!"

She the rushed over to her and looked over her with a bit of worry. Seeing that she only had a few scratches and was unconscious she sighed with relief.

Everyone looked at him with shock, fear, and anger. Seeing this Kal decided some things needed to be voiced.

Kal- "There is something all of you need to get through your heads right fucking now! This isn't the world we know anymore. God fucked us plain and simple. This is a world of the strong survive the weak die! All those people in there had the same chance any of us did. If they didn't manage to escape thats their problem not mine! I started on the fucking roof and still made it out. I was literally at the highest point in the building and still escaped if others didn't well then they weren't meant for this world period. I lost my family in there and I wasn't going to allow that place to exist! Did any of you even know the name of it?"

Dent-"Of course we did it was St.****** Hospital."

Kal- "Aaaaaaaaa wrong! The correct answer was the drum roll please! The Breeding Grounds!"

Everyone looked at him in confusion. Breeding grounds? How is that?

Kal laughed at them.

Kal- "Oh my god all of you are so funny you should see your faces! That's right folks The Breeding Grounds! Which means none of us were meant to survive no we were supposed to be food and birthing cows for the creatures inside. From the very beginning our new god wrote us off. Now with that said I'm out of here."

All the people were dazed. If what he said was true then they owed him everything. Without him they would have eventually died and been forced to suffer the fate the new "God" had in store for them.

Kal decided he needed to try and make it home to find his aunt. So he started to set off. But before he even got out of the parking lot he heard a call behind him.

Cyn- "Wait!"

Turning around he gave her a flat look. The others were slowly following her. Dent had Trisha in a fireman's carry.


Kal- "What now. If its about coming with me the answer is hell to the fuck no. You have already proven to be a risk."

Hearing him Cyn had a hurt look on her face. Did he have to be an asshole all the time?

Cyn- "Did you get the medical supplies?"

Seeing where she was going Kal laughed.

Kal- "You cannot be serious."

The others were looking at Cyn in confusion. As he was obviously carrying only a bow and quiver with odd looking daggers placed in his belt.

Cyn then turned to them.

Cyn- "He has a skill that lets him store things. I am not sure how it works but it lets him carry things without the burden of holding them."

Kal-(That bitch! What the hell is she up to!?)

Cyn- "And the whole purpose of us going to your floor was to get to the medical supplies room. In short he has most of the medical supplies that weren't checked out and since the room was restocked that day that means he has a hospital supply of medical supplies."

She then turned back to Kal and gave him a sad smile. Which froze when she saw his face. At that moment she was sure he was going to kill her.

Dent-"If thats true it would be best if you hand them over kid. At least we can put them to good use in you would-Ahhhhhhh!"

At that moment he was cut off as what looked to be a small spear was sticking out of his leg.

Kal whirled bow drawn and saw the attackers. They were short, green, pointy eared people wearing loincloths.

Goblin lv6

There were at least 50 of them all charging at once. Snorting Kal burned 1 stamina and used ten seconds of rapid fire to put down 30 of them like it was nothing.

Seeing all their comrades drop with one arrow each all in ten seconds made the goblins stop. They were all staring at Kal with fear.

Kal-"Whats the matter gobbies weren't you going to attack?"

All the goblins just stood there staring at him. Anger etched across their faces for their fallen brothers. But knowing that another step forward meant death.

Kal then saw movement and the goblins started to part. Out from the middle came an older looking goblin with a headdress and a weird staff.

Goblin Chief Lv 10

G.C.-"I would like ask spare."

Kal was shocked that he could speak. But recovered quickly after all the Alpha Harvester could talk far more clearly than this guy.

Kal- "You attacked first and now you are asking for mercy?"

G.C.- "You not target. Saw burn building. Females need. Trade?"

Kal- "Ahh well sorry then all I saw was a bunch of goblins charging toward me and reacted next time think things through."

Seeing the goblin nod. Kal gives them one last look and moves on.

G.C.- "Females take?"

Kal stops and turns back. He looks at the goblins and then at the others. Part of him wants to wash himself of these people but the fact he is still human and had a pretty good guess as to what they wanted the women for decided.

Kal- "I should let you but I can't at least not here and now once I am out of sight though."

He let that comment sit in the air. Both groups eyes met each knowing what he meant.

Cyn- "You are just going to let us fend for our selves!?"

Kal- "What I took out like 30 myself I think that's a more than fair contribution. Plus did you think I forgot at your little attempt at backstabbing me there? So I have a word of advice for you. Run."

One of the other men ran forward and grabbed Dent then yelled at Cyn they all headed off as fast as they could. Cyn sent me a hate filled look but I ignored it and gave the goblins a look.

G.C.- "We wait. Til gone then hunt. Thanks given."

Kal nodded then started down the street. In front of him was messed up cars and dead bodies but he ignored them. He had somewhere to be.

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