《Gambled World》Chapter 11


Kal slowly moved through the ventilation system. He wanted to make as little noise as possible, he wasn't a hundred percent sure that the Hulk zombie was alone. If there did end up being another one and it heard him it would be simple for it to tear down the vents and then Kal would die.

Currently he was crossing the lounge area he came to the first time. He peered out and saw that a few zombies were mingling around. Resisting the urge to snipe them from his position in the vents he continued on.

Finally he makes it to the area he needs to be at. Peering out he checks for zombies and then using his Bloodling daggers melts away the grate in front of him. This way there's no noise. Making his way to the supply room was fairly simple. Along the way a couple of zombies were "eating" and Kal stabbed them in the head as he moved on.

As long as he has the daggers equipped his speed is unmatched. Even if these zombies can sprint Kal is still much faster. When he gets to the supply room he finds 4 zombies shambling outside holding pieces of flesh to their mouths. Taking care to be as quiet as possible he comes up behind them and burning 1 stamina activates rapid fire and stabs each in the head faster than the eye can see.

Congratulations! You have gained the Sneak Skill (active)(Intermediate) Cannot run while sneak is active.

Kal snorted at the screen. Then turned his attention to the supply room. After removing the severed hand from the panel he put the code in for the room. He opens the door and walks in. A smile crosses his face.

Kal- "Jackpot!"

Currently in the room is every single drug he has ever heard of and then some. There were iv bags, saline bags, etc. This place was a gold mine. Without missing a single item Kal put everything in his inventory. He even took the medicines that were in little fridges like insulin.


Walking out of the room with a satisfied expression he looks around to make sure there are no zombies.

Kal- "Hmm going back to the stairwell will be a bit hard. I could take the vents but I don't want to risk another one of those big fuckers. Hmmmm......!!!"

While pondering Kal notices the elevators.

Kal- "If I remember right there should be an access ladder inside. I can use that to get down to the first floor."

With a plan set he starts toward the elevators but then he notices the blood storage room. He thinks about it and then decides it may come in handy to have spare blood. So he puts in the code from before and tries the door.

The door sticks.

Kal-"Different codes huh? No matter that's what these babies are for."

Grabbing his daggers Kal cuts through the lock and opens the door.

A loud banging alarm goes off.

Kal- "Fuck me!"

He hurries and starts throwing as much as he can into his inventory and sprints out of the room. When he makes it to the elevators he hears a crash and looks back.

And wishes he didn't. Coming down the hall was the previous horde plus 2 Hulks.

Kal jams his fingers in between the elevator doors and starts pulling with all hes got. When the doors finally open Kal thanks himself for putting stats toward strength and jumps toward the access ladder.

After he got down two floors he heard something whoosh past him. Then another and another.

Kal looked up and saw what was falling.

Kal-"Those stupid fucks are jumping on their own!"

As one was falling it reached out toward him and scratched him down his back. Kal almost lost his grip. He then wrapped his arms around the ladder and held on waiting for the zombies to stop. After what seemed like and eternity they did. With a quick look up Kal could see why. One of the hulks was blocking the entrance and trying to get through!


Kal started going down as fast as possible because if that thing got through it would hit him on the way down and then he was screwed.

As he was hurrying down he caught sight of the elevator. It seemed to have stopped on the third floor as Kal was on on the 7th he was delighted. Soon if he could get inside the elevator he would be safe.


The sound of tearing metal could be heard from above and Kal's face paled. Instead of climbing he just jumped. There was no way he was dying in an elevator shaft!

He landed with a hard smack. He felt a tingle run through his bones but other than that he was okay. He took a quick look and saw quite a few bodies stacked on top of the elevator. In fact he landed on some which is probably why he wasn't hurt.


Hearing the sound again Kal looked up and what he saw frighten the hell out of him. The Hulk zombie was almost through!

Wasting no time Kal started moving bodies out of the way looking for the hatch to get in the elevator. Finally finding it he hurries and uses his daggers to pry it open and just as he is about to slip inside he takes one last look up and sees the Hulk Zombie 4 floors up and all the blood leaves his face.

Moving as fast as possible he dives in the hatch right before the hulk impacts. Kal slams face first into the floor of the elevator and almost blacks out. The impact broke his nose and split his head open. With blood running from his head and nose he pulls some bandages and starts to go to work on himself. During the process though he hears a slam on the roof.

Kal-"Oh you have got to be kidding me! That thing isn't fucking dead yet!?"

The pounding starts to get louder and louder and Kal sees dent starting to form in the roof. Kal stops treating himself and starts to pry open the doors. Hoping to get out before the Hulk gets through.

Kal-"This whole not killing leaders is complete bullshit!"

As He almost had the doors open a creature walked in front of Kal it had an axe raised above its head and was about to swing it down. Kal jumped back and dodged the attack. The doors closed and he saw the axe cut clean through the doors like butter.

Kal-"Fuck! Now what am I supposed to do!"

He didn't have to think long because Kal forgot there wasn't one Hulk zombie there were two and the second one just jumped.

When the second Hulk hit the elevator the lines holding it snapped and the elevator smashed on the ground floor.

Kal got up in a daze he smacked his head yet again and wasn't feeling so good. He wouldn't have even moved if it wasn't for the pounding above.

Gratefully the elevator shaft he chose didn't go down to the basement otherwise he would have been lost. But knowing where he was he pried open the door and crawled out.

As he was coughing out some blood he felt a green glow surround him. He looked up.

Kal- "Aw man."

Greater Acid Slime lv 19

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