《Gambled World》Chapter 10


Kal had a plan it was a simple one but one that he was sure to work.

Kal- "All of you are going to escape using the vents."

All the people in the cafeteria looked at him as if he was stupid. How could something so cliche work? Kal seeing their looks got a little irritated continued to explain.

Kal- "You know for a bunch of smart people you guys are fucking stupid. The vents will work because they were designed to hold the weight of a person. Otherwise how would the contractors get up there to fix things? Also each of the vents on every floor leads out into the stairwell. So long as you guys don't put to much weight in one section the vents will hold and you can make a break for the first floor. Questions?"

Kal looked at them as if they were children in a classroom. The people seeing this were upset but chose not to say anything as he did just kick open a barricaded door with one kick. Dent on the other hand, did have a question.

D.Dent- "You said you guys when talking of this plan does that mean you are not coming with us?"

Kal gave him an amused look and replied.

Kal- "Nope. I have some stuff to get on this floor and your presence would cause far to much trouble."

All the people gave him mixed looks the cafeteria group was mixed between confusion and crazy. While Cyn and Trisha's were knowing looks. Since they knew why he came to this floor in the first place.

Cyn- "We will go with you-

Kal- "Not a goddamn chance!"

Kal said this as harsh as he could and watched the people in the room flinch back from him. Seeing the hurt look in Cyn's eyes and the look of anger in Trisha's he laughed.

Kal- "You have fucked up far too much for me to even bother trusting you again. Or did you forget that the reason we are trapped in here is because instead of shutting the doors like you were told you decided to have a chat!"

Cyn looked to be on the verge of tears. She knew he was right. All she has done is aggravate and endanger him ever since he saved her. But is there a need to be this upset?


Trisha seeing the look on Cyn's face had had enough.

Trisha- "Who the fuck do you think you are kid!? What right do you have to talk to her or any of us this way!?"

Kal looked at her and laughed long and hard.

Kal- "Who am I? I am the person who saved both of your asses. I am the person who just came up with an idea to save your asses again. So the next time you bring up that tone be sure to remember that."

Dent- "Or what?"

Seeing that the Doctor wanted to stand up now made Kal's anger finally tip. His eyes turned red and his bloodlust skill activated.

Kal-"This conversation is over get your asses in the vent now!"

His voice was filled with venom and all the people there backed down. They all feared this boy at that moment.

After some maneuvering, all the people slowly got into the vent at about 6-foot intervals. When Cyn went through she mumbled an apology. When Trisha and Dent went through they gave him a glare and hoped he died in here.

Kal just looked on with indifference. He had no obligation to these people and now he saved them and here they are judging him? Well fuck um.

After they were gone he made his way to the kitchen. His plan was to take everything. He made dozens of pots of coffee, a few gallons of tea, and as many smoothies as possible. After that he started cooking everything. Due to the fact that everything was made in bulk here he was putting huge pans of pasta, chicken, mashed potatoes, stew, etc into his inventory.

He didn't want to waste too much time so he only cooked the items that didn't take long. After that he cleaned out the fridge and the snack machines of which there were 7 this time around. At this point Kal's inventory was fat with food. Seeing this brought a smile to his face.

Kal-"Idiots. They left and only took some water and a few bags of snacks. They left me a treasure trove. The fact that they weren't even thinking about food makes them failures and my decision to rely on myself right."

At this point Kal wrote off the people who left as soon to be deads and went back into the dining area.


Kal-"Now time to farm a bit."

He walked up to the doors with the zombies still banging on it and pulled out his daggers. He wanted to try and get some kind of mastery skill with them that way he wasn't relying on his bow all the time.

After stabbing 31 zombies in the head he finally got a notice.

Congratulations you have gained a level. +3 stat points.

Seeing this he had mixed feelings. While gaining a level was good at this point he would much rather have the skill since they seem to be far more crucial than levels. Although the fact that he had gained 3 stat points instead of two this time was a much appreciated bonus.

He decided to put all the points into strength this time. While his present build is more catered to speed a strength boost here and there can help later on.

Kal's stats with the Bloodling Daggers.

Kal Sapphire Title: Deadshot Lv:11 Hp:380/380 Mp:80 Stamina:31/48 Con:23 Str:26 Int:16 Wis:14 Dex:30 Agi:30 Stat Points:5 Skills: Aim passive (Advanced)

Archery passive (Expert)

Inventory passive Max (Unique)

Hunters Mind passive (Intermidiate)

Bloodlust passive (Beginner)

Observe (Max) (Unique)

Rapid Fire active (Advanced)

Seeing the last 5 stat points Kal decided to put them into int and wis. He wasn't sure what wisdom does yet but putting 1 point every now and then couldn't hurt. The other four went to making sure his mp would last longer.

After finishing up with his stats Kal decided to try for the loot. He could see a few vials and other things through the gap between the doors. And now since there are a stack of bodies in front of them he wanted to try and grab a few.

He tentatively reached through and started grabbing what he could. He almost got bit a few times in the process but managed to grab several coins and 3 vials.

Mutated Potion. Greatly restores hp,mp, or stamina (random)

Side Effect:Blindness 2 hrs.

Kal was stunned at the sight he had three of these and they greatly restore 1 of three stats. Although the blindness is a bit much the other two weren't as bad. 1 caused infertility for 3 months while the other caused lack of feeling.

If he was lucky these potions could be life savers.

After pocketing the potions Kal wanted to go back to stabbing more zombies to try for the skill but then he heard a loud sound slowly coming down the hall.

He looked over the crowd and his mouth dropped open. Down the hall had to be hands down the biggest motherfucker he had seen yet.

It looked to have been a man at one time. Its entire body was muscle that had huge yellow bumps across them. It had no neck and its mouth would put a grinning shark to shame. Its shoulders spanned almost the entire hallway and it was almost taller than the ceiling.

Hulk Zombie lv 26

Kal- "Oh fuck that!"

Kal whipped out his bow and took aim. He knew killing it would be a bad idea but the system said nothing about crippling.

Activating his rapid fire skill Kal let loose on one of the things legs. His arrows flew like and unending line. At first they just bounced off the thing but slowly the started to cut through. Kal could see flesh being slowly stripped from the thing as it waddled down the hall toward him.

When it was halfway Kal ran out of mp. So he started burning stamina. When his stamina got down to 20 he had to stop as he still needed to escape himself. But as luck would have it what he did was just enough as the next step the thing took a loud crack could be heard as the leg he had been shooting at snapped and the Hulk fell forward.

Seeing this sight Kal wanted to cheer but his joy was immediately canceled when he heard a roar and zombie bodies started flying.

Kal- "Are you serious!?"

Staring down the hall Kal could see the thing moving faster than when it was walking! Using its hands to propel it self down the hall.

Taking no chances Kal ran back into the kitchen for some final preps then jumped into the vents as the Cafeteria doors exploded open.

Not even looking back he headed for the storage area to get when he came for.

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