《Gambled World》Chapter 9


Kal was moving slowly down the hallway. He was a little more worried about this floor because its one of three that connects the hospital. The hospital is divided into two 20 story buildings. With three floors that connect the two. The first floor, the 10th floor, and the 20th floor. Which means the floor he was currently on was a whole lot bigger compared to the floor his grandparents were on.

On each of the connecting floors there would be lounges, cafeterias, and doctor resting areas for those who had to stay days at a time. The hospital put quite a bit of money into making sure their patients and staff were comfortable which is why Kal allowed his grandparents to stay here.

But while this was a good thing in the world before now though this makes these three floors huge areas that enemies can hide more easily.

Kal came up to the doors that led to the lounge and help desk. Since he has to cross this area to get to the medical supplies he does a quick check through the doors windows. He has to try hard though as the windows are covered in blood. Much to his surprise he sees the outline of people. But there was something off.

Kal eased the door open quietly and was assaulted with the smell of blood and death. Making sure not to gag on the smell he looks around the room and has to try hard not to vomit. The people he saw were eating other people.

Zombie lv 9

Seeing the name on top of the once humans made Kal slightly afraid. A monster apocalypse is one thing but if you add zombies thing get much worse. If these things get out into the world now people would have to worry about something other than just monsters. They would have to worry about infection and whether or not someone will turn.

Kal pulled his bow and started taking them down. Even without his rapid fire skill his rate of fire was impressive. He started dropping bodies with one shot to the head. It was fairly easy as all of the zombies were distracted with their "food" to even notice him.

After about 15 kills or so Kal remembered the girls.

Kal-"Damn I should probably leave a few for them. After a couple of kills they should gain a few levels and be far more useful. Trisha should be a somewhat competent fighter since she was already at 4 but Cyn was completely useless at 0 so It should be for the best."

With a mental sigh Kal turned to go open the door and get the women. But as he was opening the door he felt something grab his leg. He looked down and saw a mouth closing in on his foot. Startled he panicked and slammed his other foot down on the zombies head. Crushing it with a sickeningly wet sound. However due to using this he lost his balance and fell making a loud bang as he hit the floor.

Getting up and letting out a short curse Kal looks around and freezes. Dozens of eyes are fixed on him. He sees all of them get to their feet and then... They sprinted at full speed at him.


Kal- "Fuck you, George!"

With that he hurries through the doors and down the hall hoping to get back to the stairwell. Hearing a crash behind him he hopes that the horde is stopped. But his hopes are crushed as he see them push them open. Even worse more zombies are coming from other hallways and doors. Kal spots the girls and sees them of all things talking!

Kal- (Stupid Girls!) "Run!"

He sees the girls look at him blankly and then they spot the horde behind him. They hastily get up and try to retreat but are stopped by a few zombies coming out from the rooms behind them.

Kal swears.

Kal-"I gave you one fucking job!"

Seeing that the exit is now blocked the girls make their way toward Kal hoping he has a plan. In the middle of them is a hallway that lead to the cafeteria. Kal wanted to avoid this way as it seemed like a good area for creatures to hide but now he has no choice unless he wants to get eaten.

He and the girls arrive at the hallway at the same time and head toward the cafeteria at the end. Kal spots a few zombies but puts them down quick. Trisha even took down a couple and Kal saw a flash of blue when Cyn stabbed one in the head. But she lost her short sword in its head.

When they finally make it to the cafeteria they try the doors and notice they are blocked on the other side.

Cyn and Trisha started to panic. Trisha turned to Kal.

Trisha- "Do something! You got us into this mess now get us out!"

Kal was a little pissed at her words. While it may be his fault they wouldn't be trapped if the girls would have closed all the doors like he said. Instead they were having a lovely chat. He decided not to voice this as the situation was pretty bad. But later the girls were going to know his anger.

He looked at the door and used his full strength to give it a push and felt it budge slightly. Under normal circumstances this wouldn't be possible but Kal is no longer normal. While he may not have invested in strength it was already quite impressive for his level.

Kal- (I wonder if I combined my strength with my rapid fire skill the speed should give me enough strength to force open the doors. Plus the Bloodling Daggers should give me an extra boost. That or get my foot stuck but the doors are metal so lets hope they hold.)

As Kal was about to start his plan he saw someone through the doors window. (Yes these have windows too have you been in a hospital?) The man was wearing a white lab coat so he had to be a doctor of some kind. He had dark hair, light skin, and was fairly well built. Pretty much your stereotypical handsome doctor. Kal hated him on principle.

Kal- "Open the door!"


The man looked behind Kal and his eyes widened. He looked back at Kal and gave him a sad look. Kal knew what that look meant.

Kal- "Open the door or I will!"

Kal's voice was full of dark promise. If he had to open the door he was going to make that doctor suffer if he survived. But the doctor just looked at him and shook his head.

Kal looked back at the horde that was closing in. He lifted his leg activated his skill and slammed his foot into the door.

All the stuff blocking the door was flung back into the doctor and ended up in a heap at the other side of the room. Kal and the girls rushed in and shut the doors. Since the locks were broken now they had to hold them shut.

Kal took a peek at his mp and stamina and cursed. His mp only recoverd to 10 and his stamina was at 22/46. The running burned more stamina than he thought.

His thoughts were if his mp was high enough he could try to take out the horde. While he could have done that from the start with his bow and rapid fire skill he didn't because if the leader was present he was screwed. If he killed it he would be weaker. If he didn't his stamina would be gone and he would die. Neither was an option he was willing to take.

He looked around the room and saw more people. 5 women and 3 men. He noticed the distinct lack of blood around the cafeteria and wondered how fast they ran when shit hit the fan.

Kal felt when the horde slammed into the doors. The girls and Kal could barely hold them back. In fact Kal could see his stamina dropping just doing so. Which means the girls would fall first and then he was screwed. Kal looked over at the other people who now had terrified looks on their faces.

Kal-"Get something to block the fucking door idiots!"

Startled by his voice they all hurried through a door and came back a few moments later with a thick chain.

Kal- (Glad they weren't bright enough to use that the first time.)

The people hurried by and started tying the chain around the handles and then sealed it with a lock. Kal and the girls let out a breath of relief.

Moving away from the door and to a table Kal sat down and pulled out something to eat from his inventory. Getting his stamina and mp up is now a priority. He heard a sound of someone moving and looked over to see the doctor from before crawl out. He had blood dripping from his head and was giving Kal a glare. Kal returned it with a smile.

Kal- "I warned you."

Was all he said before he went back to eating. The doctor continued to glare at the boy in front of him. They almost died because he wanted in and thats all he says! Then his eyes shift to the other two newcomers.

Doctor- "Doctor Evans!? Doctor Pierce!?"

Both girls look over at their names being called.

Cyn- "Doctor Dent?"

Kal watched the girls go over to the man and ignored their conversation instead he looked at the other people present. 2 looked like cafeteria workers. Both were women. One was a male nurse. The rest were wearing white coats like Doctor Dent. Despite everything all of them looked pretty damn good despite getting stuck with the zombie floor. But then again zombies arent to bright.

Kal used observe and saw that all of them were level 0 besides the asshole bleeding on the side. His level was not to bad at 6.

Kal- "Hmm so out of everyone here you are the only one with balls."

All the people in the room looked at him.

Doctor Dent- "What do you mean by that?"

Kal- "Whoops didn't mean to say that aloud. Anyway what I mean is you are the only one who doesn't look weak the rest appear to not have killed yet."

Not willing to tell the truth about his skills he says it like this.

The doctor looked at him in surprise.

Doctor Dent- "I have been a gamer my whole life and when I first saw the blue screen I knew what to do right away. I tried explaining it to these guys but they were unwilling to kill. They saw them as ill patients."

Kal saw him point to a couple of doctors. The rest he assumed were here first. As they didn't look guilty.

Kal- "Yea well if they want to live they need to end that thinking now as zombies are the least of our worries in this fucking place."

After a brief story of everything both parties went through Kal sat still pondering. He needed a way out. Dent got lucky as he used a scaple to just stab every corpse along the way putting everything into strength. The others were people he picked up on his way here.

Trisha's story got to Kal though. Apparently only the men were killed down there. The women had a worse fate. They were to constantly give birth until they die. Which means currently there were still survivors down there but Kal had no intention of saving them. The Alpha was too strong and he had other plans that needed to happen regardless.

The other people were horrified at her story but Kal wasn't. He knew what this place really was. When Cyn told her story everyone looked at Kal with a new light. But he didn't care he had no need for their approval.

While looking up and pondering what to do next he saw something that brought a smile to his face.

Kal- "So who wants to leave today?"

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