《Gambled World》Chapter 8


Kal was chuckling to himself as he made his way up the stairs.

Kal- "The look on that bastard's face was priceless!"

Kal had quite a few plans and sharing one with the Alpha Harvester made him happy. The Alpha not so much.

As Kal was headed up he decided to see if he missed any windows. Much to his surprise he didn't.

Kal- "The hell? Those things were definitely stronger than the spiders and the orc what with the lack of levels? Were they actually weak and the Alpha was strong? "

Kal was basing this all on looks. Since he never saw the level of the weaker harvesters he assumed they were stronger than what he has faced and thus should have netted him a level or two. But what he forgot was he killed over a hundred spiders, a few orc, and the spider queen and is only level 10! With this its easy to guess at how slow one actually levels. Kal though only has knowledge of older games. Normally back then after the amount of enemies Kal has killed he would be a much higher level. Had he played any of the newer more hardcore games he wouldn't be thinking this way.

When Kal finally reached the next floor he looked up to see both girls vomiting in the corner. He sighed and shook his head. Afterall they are doctors for fucks sake! He knows that he would barely hold it together but can't help being annoyed at the scene as he is sure it isn't good for stats.

Before he could rebuke the girls though a screen appeared in his face.

Ah hello hello! It's your wonderful new god Chess again! It seems that there are some annoying things on this planet. The fact that your previous god let you build such toys tsk. tsk. tsk. You are some naughty beings you know that? Well you can all thank me as I have now taken away all those nasty little things. So no more biological weapons, nukes, or any of this other nasty business. Its just not fair to the new inhabitants ya know? I mean Russia.....Am I saying that right? Hmm no matter anyway these guys shot a nuke at a poor defenseless Ice Dragon that was just trying to make a nest! I mean sure it annihilated half a city but sacrifices and all. But a day and a dragon is gone? Now that is no fun. Anyway toodles!


Kal gaped at the screen.

Kal- "What kind of crazy ass god is this motherfuc-

At that moment Kal got cut short as another screen popped up.

Oh I forgot to mention. There has been a bounty placed by a god. Now I know what you thinking another god!? Well your previous god owed a lot of people he just owed me more. So I am like the owner while they are admins. But enough about that you only want to know the fun stuff right!? Heres the thing there is a person with the title Deadshot find and kill him and you shall be rewarded! So have fun!

Kal was beyond pissed. The fact that they publicized that information will make him a target of everyone if so much as one person find his title! So he brought up his screen and clicked his title to try and take it off or delete it if necessary but all his hopes got dashed in the second he clicked it.

Deadshot: +5 dex +5 agi. Given to someone who kills with one blow. (83/999) (Warning title is bound due to a bounty being placed that describes this title. Unremovable until account is settled)

Kal-Fuck! That means I am stuck with this shit until I am dead! Fuck you Chess and Fuck you Spider Bitch!

The girls weren't paying attention to Kal as they too received the information. Kal was slightly happy at that as they may have been suspicious if they saw his actions and expression. Kal thought back to the title if he cant remove it fine, but that 83/999 if his guess was right then thats how many one shot kills he has.

Kal-"I wonder what happens when I get to 999?"

He decided to table that for now as he has things to do. So he walked up to the girls with an angry expression on his face.


He grabbed Cyn and spun her towards him. Trisha was startled and raised her sword.

Kal-"The passcode now!"

Kal's tone held only anger. He was pissed, she forced him to help save the woman, he was even more pissed she ignored him when he told her to shut the doors when he was sure that the harvesters would get through. Now he was pretty much done with her he would no longer risk himself for others nor would he go out of his way to save her.

Cyn knew she made him angry but she wanted to save her friend and they did! So she would take his anger. Trisha on the other hand.

Trisha-"Hey kid I don't know who the hell you are but if you don't let her go we are going to have problems."

Seeing Trisha level her sword at him his eyes flashed red. His bloodlust skill activating making both women step back in fear.

Kal- "Point that sword at me again and you will wish you stayed with the monsters."

Both women were terrified by him at this moment and believed his words.

Kal- "Now the damn passcode!"

Cyn told him the code. She had pushed the young man far too much. She could see the disdain he felt for them.

Having gotten what he wanted Kal walked over and pulled out the short sword in the handles and passed it to Cyn. He remembered she still had no weapon and since his daggers are far better he has no need for it anyway. Opening the door the smell of death smashed into them.

Everywhere you looked in the hallway was blood, guts, and various body parts.

Kal- "Every door we pass shut. Do not ask why just do it."

Hearing his words the girls decided it was best to follow them. When Kal got slightly ahead Trisha walked over to Cyn after she closed a door.

Trisha-"Ok what's going on? I know you and you would never take shit like that from any man especially not a fucking kid."

Cyn turned to her and glanced in Kal's direction.

Cyn- "His grandparents died two floors down. He came to save them but ended up with me. I ended being a bother shortly after and kept making him angry. After I threatened him to help you he gave up on me."

Trisha- "Wait he was going to leave me to those things!?"

Seeing Cyn nod Trisha grew angry. How could he leave her to those things especially when he saw what they do to people?

Trisha- "We need to ditch this kid and work on our own."

Cyn- "He is our best bet on making it out alive trust me putting up with his anger is a small price to pay."

Trisha didn't look convinced but nodded anyway she was going to keep her eye on the brat. The two of them heard the sound of feet and raised their weapons.

But all they saw was Kal sprinting toward them behind him a horde of bodies.

Kal- "RUN!"

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