《Gambled World》Chapter 7


Kal woke up feeling uncomfortable, hot, and a bit suffocated. A feeling he was familiar with. The reason for this was he was currently being used as a body pillow. He knows this as his aunt tends to do it to him whenever he is sick or sad due to the fact they share a room. Her reasoning being that he is her son now and this is a mother's job. His grandmother and mother did the same thing so he always accepted it.

Now he finds the person who he was yelling at constantly using him as a fricken body pillow!?

What Kal didn't realize that in his sleep he was tossing and turning. Hearing movement Cyn woke to the sound of him. She then saw his issue and tried to soothe him. Just then remembering he was a teenager who has just lost his most important family members and went through several life and death situations. When she saw him start to cry and mumble his grandparents names she laid down and pulled him close. While he may be a little ass he has his reasons and he saved her so this is the least she could do. However she passed out while comforting him as he was incredibly comfortable.

What Kal's family never told him is that they had a bit of selfish reasons on their part. When sleeping with him they always awoke refreshed and slept peacefully.

So this situation happened.

But Kal was partly pissed not because she used him as a pillow no. She fucking drooled on him!

Kal abruptly sat up and watched as she fell with and hit the floor with a yelp. Cyn glared up at him for the rude awakening.

Cyn- "What the hell!?"

Kal ignored her as usual as her actions reminded him he wasn't completely alone he still has his aunt. Which means he needs to leave soon.

Kal-"We are going to be busy today so after a quick breakfast prepare yourself because we are going to be in danger the whole time."

Cyn looked blankly at Kal. Prepare for what and what does he mean danger? Before she could ask though he spoke again.

Kal- " First I need some information. Where are most of the medical supplies housed?"

Cyn- "You plan on robbing the hospital!?"

Kal-(Stupid girl.) " The world has changed medical supplies are going to be scarce so if I get them now I can save myself and possibly others later got it Doc?"

Cyn thought about what he said and decided he was right afterall who knows what happened outside and once out of here would they risk coming back? The best thing would be to grab as much as they could.

Cyn- "The main storage of medical supplies are on the top floor next to the blood storage. And my name is not Doc it is Cyn."

Kal barely heard the last part as he stiffened when he heard her say the top floor. He remembers what he saw there and really did not want to go there. He turned back to her.

Kal- "So how good are you with gore?"


Almost an hour later the two were walking up the stairs covered in Queen Bloodling gore. After Cyn squeezed through she threw up. The smell alone was horrible and then to be covered in its blood made it much worse. Kal smirked as she is about to see, smell, and do much worse soon.

As they passed the door at the next floor Kal peeked through but it was dark like someone took out all the lights. However at the end of the hall he could see a flickering light. Then a woman covered in blood and holding a sword came into view. She was limping dow the hallway towards the door. Her eyes met Kal's and she started moving faster. Happiness and tears filling her eyes.


Cyn- "Trisha!?"

Kal whipped around like lighting and slammed his hand over her mouth. Then went back to watching through the window.

Kal- "Quiet something doesn't feel right."

He watched as the woman drew closer her happiness growing with every step. But then something drew his eyes. For a split moment right as the woman passed a room he saw a pair of eyes. These eyes were bloodred and gave the feeling of watching prey walking into a trap. Then they were gone. Kal knew those weren't all the "eyes" in that hallway and when the door is opened he will die.

He pulled out his short sword and placed it between the handles. To be on the safe side he also took a sheet from his inventory that he stole from downstairs and tied the door shut.

Cyn seeing his actions was disturbed was he leaving her to die?

Kal- "Cyn be really quiet this may be a trap."

Hearing his grave tone she complied. Kal pulled out a cellphone and activated its flashlight feature. He then placed the phone flashlight facing toward the glass. Moving closer to the window he shined it through. What he saw made him regret looking. The place was a wreck mangled and destroyed corpse were pierced into the walls and ceilings. Their chest cavities were ripped open all organs gone. But that wasn't the worst part. Right on the other side of the doors were a dozen humanoid figures. They were on the walls and ceiling just sitting there with their eyes closed. They had leathery looking gray skin, and long black nails. Each was about the size of an adult.

When Trisha saw all of them she froze. Tears pouring down her face, this time no happiness was in her eyes just fear.

She started moving again this time more slowly.

Kal had no idea what the hell those things were since even with the cellphone it was still to dark to see their names.

Cyn- "Kal can we save her?"

Her voice was pleading. She obviously didn't want to leave the woman to her fate. But Kal had already locked the door from their side there was no way he was going back on that decision. Whatever those things are they make the spiders look like cute bunnies.

However he may be able to do something. He picked up the phone and found the note app. He wrote in bold letters TRAP! and placed the phone back this time with the screen out. Trisha saw the message and looked around trying to see it but coming up with nothing she continued. As long as the things were sleeping and she made it to light she was safe.

Kal saw her continue and frowned. Great another stupid woman.

Kal- "Shes done for let continue upstairs."

Kal turned and started up the stairs.

Cyn- "No."

He spun and looked at her.

Kal- "What!?"

Cyn- "You killed all the spiders helping her should be simple. So I will not continue until we at least try."

Kal-"What are you suicidal now!? The spiders were stupid these things planned this. Let me spell this out for you. Those ones in the front in the hallway are to scare away any who approach at least that's the way it seems. The thing is this is the only exit out of that floor. They knew that the only way for whatever humans still lived was to come this way. The slightest noise will wake them, Had I not shined that light and showed her them she would have probably made some noise in her haste. Here's the thing though look at the bottom of the door. See that blood? Well when I noticed it I found it odd all the others look like they were planted in one spot but for some reason there is no body wanna know why?"


Cyn was staring at him. She couldn't guess.

Kal- "Look through the window at the handles on that side."

So she did. After doing so she ran to the corner and vomited again. Because in the handles on the other side was an entire human corpse shove through them.

Kal had figured the things plans out quick. They knew the humans had to come out eventually and this was their only way. So they took out the lights and hid in the darkest parts of the hallway and waited.If for some reason they made it to the door unseen they made sure the only way was to make noise to get out. Prey was always predictable.

Cyn -"Then why keep this side locked?"

Kal- "They can remove their lock."

Cyn looked at the limping woman slowly coming down the hallway with no idea what was about to happen.

Cyn-" We have to try."

Kal-"You don't get it do you? When that door opens we are dead. When I was looking in there I saw red eyes. I'm sure those eyes saw me as well. Which is why she is still alive. One way or another she is dead. The question is do we join her or leave her?"

Cyn didn't care. There was a chance to save someone and she was going to take it.

Cyn- "To get into the storage room you need a passcode."

Kal's eyes narrowed. The fact that she dared to threaten him after all he has done pissed him off to no end. In that moment he thought of just killing her and taking his chances.

Kal- "This is the only chance I am taking from here on. After you will tell me the passcode and you will not threaten me again. Otherwise you can escape on your own."

Cyn shrunk back at his dark tone. While she stands by her decision she knows now that he won't take anymore from her from this point on. So she nodded her head.

Kal pulled his bloodling daggers, walked down, and grabbed his shortsword from the door. Then slowly pushed the dagger through the doors opening. He released the venom in the opening.. At the same time he had Cyn take the sheet away. Kal kept pushing the daggers further and further he estimated the distance and when he got to the spot he wanted he started cutting the body on the other side. With the daggers melting he was able to slowly cut away the body like a knife slowly moving through butter.

Once he was sure he was through he turned to Cyn.

Kal- "You are going to fling these doors open when I tell you and if I tell you to shut them you do it no questions asked even if she is through. Got it?"

She nodded. But Kal saw something in her eyes that bothered him.

Kal stood back and readied his bow.

Kal- "Now!"

Cyn yanked the doors open blood and melted guts started spilling across the floor. Kal looked at the approaching woman and yelled.

Kal- "RUN!"

Hearing his scream all the creature stirred. Being awoken by such a loud noise enraged the creatures. Dozens of red eyes filled the hallway. Some peering from doorways.

Kal started shooting right away. He targeted all the ones closest to Trisha and the door. Kal decided to go all out and activated his rapid fire skill. He started shooting arrows faster than he ever thought possible. To any on looker you couldn't even see his hands pull arrows nor fire them. It was like a machine gun was firing arrows down the hallway.

Despite his best efforts though the creatures kept coming. Kal wasn't sure but he thinks he has killed only 2! The rest while taking the arrows still kept coming. All of Kal's arrows hit a creature yet at best it only stunned them.

Trisha was getting closer to the door. Trying with all her might to escape the evil creatures behind her. She vaguely recognized the boy shooting at the things behind her but she couldn't remember who he was. She just hoped he could keep it up.

As Trisha was crossing the threshold she heard the boy call out something to a woman next to him but she saw that the woman shook her head. Then the boy roared at her and she flinched but continued to shake her head. Trisha wasn't sure what was going on but decided to put everything she has into one last push.

When she was clear the woman that she could now see was her friend Cyn closed the door and put a short sword through the handles.

The creatures slammed into the door shattering the windows. Trisha looked at the boy his face set in an angry scowl. He still continued to shoot at the creatures through the windows.

Kal was upset. He burned through all his mp and a quarter of his stamina all because Cyn ignored him and left the damn doors open. Now he was sure the creatures will eventually get through as their hands were trying to reach through and grab the short sword so they could get free. Which left Kal with the only option to keep shooting. After killing a few. A roar sounded out down the hall way and all of the creatures retreated. After a few moments a face showed in the window. It looked like the others except you could see intelligence in its eyes and It stood on two legs. Kal saw a name.

Alpha Harvester lv 31

A.H.- "Why do you struggle humans? You must know that your struggle is pointless?"

All three of the humans were shocked that the thing could speak. Kal was even more shocked at the level though. It was stronger than the Bloodling Queen!

Kal- "I will take my chances. But I don't seem to be the one struggling now do I?"

The Alpha looked at the boy in front of him. He saw the previous skills he displayed. All of his children had at least one arrow in them and not a single arrow missed. From his count the boy managed to kill 9 of his 23 children and this brought rage to the Alpha.

A.H.- "I will be sure to make you suffer boy."

Kal turned to the woman he just saved completely ignoring the threat.

Kal- "You managed a day in there what's their weakness?"

Hearing Kals demanding tone Trisha jumped and turned to him.

Trisha- "L-light. Their eyes can't take too much light."

Kal smirked. He then pulled out a few more cell phones. Due to all the dead downstairs he was able to get quite a collection. Then on each phone he activated their flashlight apps. Tossing two to each of the girls he turned toward the Alpha and smiled.

Kal- "So asshole are you still confident? "

Kal then shone light in his eyes. The Alpha roared in pain and backed away. Kal then placed the phones in the window and had the girls follow suit.

Kal-"By the time those batteries die we should be leaving this hellhole. You two head on up. Cyn fill her in."

The girls nodded then went up the stairs. Kal turned back to the windows. He looked down the hall and saw red eyes glaring at him. He smiled and gave the harvesters something to worry about.

Kal- "Let me tell you a secret."

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