《Gambled World》Chapter 6


Kal was seriously starting to get annoyed. The woman kept screaming and would not shut up! He kept telling her to be quiet and eventually he got fed up, grabbed her head, and glared into her eyes.

Kal- "I said SHUT.THE.FUCK.UP!!!!!"

Doctor Evans went quiet right away. But what Kal didn't know was that it wasn't from his voice. It was from his bloodlust skill. The skill also turned his eyes scarlet red.

Cyn Evans was so scared because currently she was staring at a boy with glowing red eyes. The last thing she remembered was seeing some strange screen telling her that god used the earth in a bet. Then these red spiders the size of dogs came and everyone ran screaming. Then while trying to shut the door and block the spiders one of them made it through and smacked her into the wall. She bumped her head and blacked out.

Now she wakes up alone, covered in some white stuff, and sees the corpse of one of the spiders and panics. While trying to move her head she turns and sees two white cocoons with holes in them and there was a milky, blood colored liquid, dripping out of them.

She immediately knew what happened. She has studied various kinds of medical situations and it looked the same as when someone melts a person with acid. The fact that she was in a similar cocoon made her panic even more to the point where she started screaming hysterically.

Now staring at the boy with glowing red eyes that just screamed at her. Her body was paralyzed with fear. However she took a closer look at the boy and realized she knew him!

Cyn- "K-Kal?"

Kal hearing her respond sighed in annoyance.

Kal- "About time I figured you would never shut up."

Cyn's face dropped into a frown. How dare this boy criticize her!

Cyn- "Can you help me out of this thing?"

Her tone was demanding like a woman who was used to getting her way. Kal wasn't bothered by it though instead he ignored her and went to go check and make sure nothing was on its way.

Seeing that he ignored her and even started walking away the doctor was filled with anger.

Cyn- "Hey get back here now and let me go! Stop walking away. Hey! Please please help me. Don't leave me alone. Come back..."

She slowly lost her anger and started crying. What if he really left her? She tried and tried to plead with Kal but he just ignored her.

Kal was annoyed. Do women ever shut up? I mean dear god I'm like 6 feet away just checking the hall and now she is crying wtf!?

Kal decided to ignore it and check things out. He wasn't too worried about the stairwell as anything that makes it through that mess will make some noise. The elevators are probably down. Even if they weren't there is no way monsters would understand how they worked. Which left his only true worry being the hole in the floor made by the Queen.

Currently nothing was coming through but all that screaming had to be heard by what was down there. They may try to investigate. But Kal hoped they feared whatever made that hole. Then an idea sprang to his mind. While checking the rooms on the floor he saw there was a room with a fridge and vending machines.Which is most likely the breakroom He started heading in that direction but the second he moved the sobs behind him grew louder.


Kal- "Oh for the love of-

Kal went back to the doctor regretting cutting open her cocoon. He pulled out his knife and watched her eyes widen. Kal went down and was about to start cutting when she yelled.

Cyn- "W-wait! Please I will be quiet. Dont hurt me!"

Kal snorts in amusement. She thought he wanted to hurt her.

Kal- "I am trying to cut you free however if you prefer to stay like this please annoy me more."

She went quiet. Kal seeing that started cutting her out. After a few minutes she was free.

Cyn- "Thank you...."

Kal Didn't respond and instead went to go do what he planned.

Cyn- "Wait!"

She got up and started following him. When they came out into the hallway she froze at what she saw. Dozens of dead spiders, arrows, and cocoons. Some smashed some still intact. However when she looked down the hallway her jaw dropped.

Cyn- "WWwhat the hell is that!"

Kal turns expecting an enemy with his bow trained looking for a target. Seeing nothing he frowns in annoyance. He looks where she is pointing.

Kal- "That was their mother."

Cyn- "Was? Does that mean you killed it?"

Kal nods at her then heads for the break room. Seeing that Kal wasn't going to elaborate she grew angry and stomped after him.

They get to the breakroom and Kal immediately walks forward and shatters the glass on all three vending machines. He starts grabbing everything. One machine held all different kinds of soda and juice and various different brands of water. The other was your average snack machine with various chips, nuts, candy, beef jerky, and bonus danishes! The last one held a weird assortment of stuff. A few energy drinks, a pop tart, a couple of small jugs of milk some chocolate milk, a few ramen cups, some reheatable sandwiches, and lastly for some reason a packaged taco.

Kal threw everything into his inventory. Then he started dragging one out into the hallway. Cyn was confused by his actions and was wondering where all the stuff he just pulled out went.

Cyn- "Care to tell me how you are moving that so easily and where all the stuff you just stole went?"

Kal was really starting to regret not leaving her and just continue through this all alone.

Kal- "Do you remember seeing a blue screen before the spiders came?"

Seeing her nod he continues.

Kal- "Well turns out that wasn't a joke."

Kal then went on to explain the system and skills plus everything he has done so far even his inventory. Which he regretted saying. He didn't say anything about his other skills. Too much information may prove to be a problem later on.

Cyn absorbed all he said and when he was done brought up her own stats. While she was doing that he continued down the hall with the vending machine.

Kal- "Yea sure no I don't need help with the heavy ass vending machine at all just sit there and do nothing. I have a feeling I should get used to it. Fucking useless."

While Kal may sound harsh he knew she would hold him back if they stayed with each other. Regardless he needed her for now at least. As he has more plans before he leaves this place. Finally he places the machine over the hole but not before he sees yellow eyes glare up at him. To which he gives a red glare back to and it scurries away.


Exhausted and tired Kal heads to a room whose occupant never made it back to and collapses on the bed. He passes out for a bit but then hears pounding on the door.

Cyn- "Kal are you in there?"

Kal- "Goddamnit am I going to have to hold her hand all the time? I just want some damn sleep!"

Kal angrily swings open the door. And glares at her.

Kal- "What!?"

Cyn shivers at his tone but stares defiantly back at him.

Cyn- "Ok seriously whats your problem!?"

Cyn has had enough of being yelled at and talked down to. She was from a rich family and has had everything explained and provided for her. She became a doctor on a whim because she wanted to make drugs and get into her family's business. She was almost done with her residency when all this happened. She was used to ordering servants and other people around not the other way around. And here a boy 5 years her junior was yelling at her about every little thing.

Kal almosts punches her. He can see the elitest look in her eyes. He has seen it several times in his life and is in no mood to see it now.

Kal- "My problem is that I saved some rich bitch who could've gotten me killed with her crying and whining. Who if she should remember was in the same room as my grandparents! Today has been incredibly fucked up ok? I have been stabbed by an orc, attacked by a horde of spiders, and then almost melted by their mother. Now when I try to get some sleep you ask me what my problem is!? So let me ask again. WHAT!?"

Cyn's face is covered in shame. How could she forget all that he has dealt with. He single handily took care of the spiders and rescued her. And here she was bothering him. But what could she do? She is used to being taken care of. All the care she has given was all an act. She never wanted to care for others but did so to get to her goal.

When he left her alone while she was examining her window she didn't notice. When she looked up and saw he was gone she grew scared and went to look for him angry that he left her. Now after he yelled at her she understood she had no right to be angry. He went to save his family and instead saved her. How could he not be angry?

Cyn- "I'm sorry."

Kal glared at her a little, sighed, then turned and plopped down onto the bed again. Cyn entered and shut the door, then went to sit in one of the chairs.

Kal saw her sit and stay quiet. After a few hours of silence he sat up pulled out some chips and water. He was surprised that the water was still as cold as when he put it in there.

Kal- (Oh that's awesome! That means everything I put in there is frozen in time or something. Which means before we lose electricity I need to cook all the food I find.)

He put everything back and went to the break room again. He then started to microwave everything that needed it and put it back in his inventory. Cyn followed him and watched wondering why he was cooking all that food. But decided not to bother him..

After Kal was done his stomach started growling and pulled out a bag of chips, a coke, and a freshly heated sandwich. He pulled out the first one he cooked to see if it was still hot and it was as hot as when he put it in. Smiling at his discovery he started to dig in when he heard a stomach growl. He looked up to see an embarrassed Cyn and sighed.

He pulled out a similar set and motioned for her to eat. She smiled and dug in. As they were eating Kal remembered he forgot something. Reaching into his inventory he pulled out the Bloodling Daggers.

Bloodling Daggers lv 1: These daggers are made from the essence of bloodlings. They secrete the venom of bloodlings.Turns bones and organs into liquid that bloodlings feed on.(soul bound) (bound owner: Kal Sapphire)

+5 str

+5 dex

+5 agi

With this sight Kal smiled. It was almost worth killing the queen now almost. The daggers were small about 9inches long and curved. The handle was black and had the image of a Queen Bloodling wrapped around it. Looking at the blade Kal could see the edge was coated green. This had to be the venom. He wondered briefly why it doesn't drip. Doing so turned out to be a mistake as it started falling like a facet. He immediate jumped back and thought STOP!

Cyn was staring at Kal in shock. She saw him pull out the daggers and look them over but then they started gushing out some green liquid that melted the table.

Cyn- "What the hell are those things?"

Kal- "I got them from killing all the bloodlings, they secrete their venom. Although on a much lower scale of power it seems."

Kal was looking at the table where the venom was and it had barely eaten a quarter way through. Checking the blades over again he saw that they said lv 1 which means they can get stronger.

After they finished eating they went back to the room Kal had chosen and called it a night. Kal still took the bed though, Afterall he was the one who did the work. Cyn glared but didn't say anything. She pushed together two chairs and slept.

And that was the end of Kal's first day in the new world.

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