《Gambled World》Chapter 5


Kal's mind shot back to his childhood. He was in first grade and today was show and tell. The day was fun and everyone was having a decent time. But then when Trevor Tate came to show his pet tarantula it was miss from its container. When everyone saw this they paled. Well everyone but Kal. Why? Because he had found the pet long before anyone noticed it was missing as it was currently climbing up his chest and eventually settled on his cheek.

Now normally a child would be freaking out. But Kal was from a family of archers and snipers. So from a young age he had to learn to conceal himself to get the perfect shot. And sometimes that would include letting insects and animals crawl all over him. Though even with his training little Kal was scared. He looked at the pets owner with the hope he would grab it but the little bastard was too scared to move. Then seeing that the boy was useless he turned his eye toward his teacher. Who was hiding behind her desk calling for help.

Kal was stuck with a tarantula bigger than his hand stuck on his cheek for twenty long minutes before a janitor came in pushed aside all the worthless teachers and easily removed the pet and placed it back into its container.

It goes without saying Kal has hated all spiders no matter their size since then. Also he lost all respect for teachers as whole. Now he wasn't scared of them nonono. He wanted to exterminate them like the pests that they were.

Now faced with a spider so large that it could barely fit into the hallway. He took it as a challenge.

Without even thinking he started launching arrows at the things face. A few connected but the Queen put up one of her legs to block the rest.


Kal- "Can't keep that leg up permanently queeny."

Kal was trained for patience he knew when to take a shot. However he underestimated the Queen Bloodling's intelligence.

The Queen raised it's leg enough to show its mouth and Kal let an arrow go hoping to score a shot at its mouth. But the Queen shot its venom the second it leg was clear. Kal's arrow was evaporated in an instant. That wasn't all unlike the little ones the queens venom isn't a simple spit shot. No it was more of a stream.

Kal kicked open a room and dove inside. He peeked out the door and saw what the stream did. The floor where he was previously standing was melted all the way to the next floor! Kal went pale at the sight.

Kal-"Yea maybe I was bit rash in pissing off the oversized spider. Regardless I have to do something. If my guess is right the bloodlings wont spawn in they area instead they are born from that thing. Since its the first day it hasn't had time to set up it nest perfectly so if I don't kill that thing now I may be killed later."

Kal heard the Queen hiss in annoyance that its planned failed and it started heading down the hallway for it's prey. Kal jumped out and let an arrow fly and watched it sink into one of its eyes. The Queen hissed in pain and thrashed around destroying the ceiling and walls. Kal took this time to retreat toward the staircase.

He had a plan but he needed the damn thing to stop thrashing. So he let loose a few more arrows that just bounced off but did their job in reminding the thing he was still here. The Queen looked at him in anger and let loose a loud hiss.


Kal just kept pelting it with arrows. They may be useless against it but if it drops its guard for a second Kal would take all its eyes.

The Queen wasn't taking any chances. The little human had killed all of its children and she was not yet ready for the second birthing. She knew though if the human was still here when she gave birth he would kill her with ease and all her newborns.

Her only plan was to keep her guard up and charge down the hall crushing the little human with her mass.

Kal smiled the second the queen charged.

Kal-"You may be smarter than your kids but you will never match a human."

He kept up his barrage making sure the Queen couldn't see the trap. The second before it hit him he jumped backwards into the safety of the stairwell. The queen slammed to a halt when she hit the doorframe. The Queen was lodged into the door half her body made it but her abdemon couldn't fit. And due to the fact she kept her leg in front of her eyes it was slammed into her eyes and now pinned there she still couldn't see.

Kal didn't waste anytime he rushed forward with his dagger slamming it into its head over and over. He lost track the amount of time he stabbed it but when it finally laid still he collapsed to the ground panting.

Due to the actions of one individual a species has gone extinct in the U.S. (Bloodlings) Congratulations! You have single handily ended a species. You have gained Twin Bloodling Daggers (Soul Bound). The Spider Queen Goddess of Spiders is Furious with you a bounty has been placed on you. You have killed 1 species in the breeding grounds. Extermination of another leader class monster will result in loss of stats. You have been warned.

Kal was pissed he went through all that and all he got was a pair of fucking daggers and a goddamn bounty placed on his head! Also he can't even take down anymore leaders in this damn place otherwise he will get weaker! But thats not what really pissed him off no it was the words "breeding grounds". There was no hope placed on this place from the start. The new god wrote off all the people here as fodder for the monsters and now he cant even kill all of them anymore!

Kal- "Fuck you Chess! You are no god! You are like all of these beings that you brought here a fucking monster! If its the last thing I do I will make sure you pay!"

At that moment a scream resounded out from the hallway. It was a voice Kal recognised.

Kal- "So she wasn't dead!"

Kal immediately started hacking at the Queens side making a hole big enough to squeeze through. Covered in spider blood he emerges and does a quick loot check.

Kal-"Are you serious not only did I not get a level I dont even get any goddamn loot!"

Kal storms down the hallway far more pissed than before. As he reaches the door he shouts.

Kal- "Shut the fuck up you dumb bitch!"

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