《Gambled World》Chapter 4


Kal opened the door.


A bloodling launched itself at Kal. Thanks to his agility being so high he managed to dodge out of the way. The bloodling hit the wall then scurried up to the ceiling and started shooting venom at him.

Kal rolled to the side pulled out an arrow and pinned the bloodling to the roof in one swift motion. A smile crossed his face.

Kal- "Huh I guess working on my trick shots paid off after all."

But then the smile left his face as he realized where the bloodling just came from. He hurried to his feet and almost blacked out. He did a quick check of his stamina and saw it was at 1/22. He angrily put his four stat points in stamina and rushed into the room.

What he saw was three cocoons. Two of which had holes in the center and were leaking a bit of fluid. Kal paled. Fear at what this meant. Was he going to lose his family all over again? He shakily walked forward, pulled out his dagger and gently started cutting open the third cocoon.

When no liquid came out he was ecstatic. Maybe Papal or Nana made it! He started cutting more until a face was revealed. All the hope left his face.

Kal- "No........"

Tears streamed down Kal's face at the sight of the person in the cocoon as it wasn't either member of his family. It was the young doctor assigned to them. Her name was Doctor Evans she was only 22 and still in her residency but was quite competent and the family loved her as she took great care of them.

But none of that mattered as this means the occupants of the other cocoons were his grandparents. He knew this as truth because around now Doctor Evans would be giving them their medicine and doing a checkup. She was also the one who escorted them down the roof.

Kal sat back and scooted toward the wall and balled his eyes out. He cried for all the missed time. During the last 2 years he was working he didn't get to spend as much time as either party liked with each other. He cried for haveing refused their offers to watch him shoot. He was worried they would wear themselves out or something would happen. And finally he cried at the unfair loss of his second family.


He was like that for at least a few hours. Surprisingly no bloodlings came to see what the noise was. As if to give a young man who has already lost so much a moment of grief.

Eventually Kal heard a sound of skittering rush past the door to the room. His crying stopped almost immediately and his grief was instead replaced by rage.

He stood up and grabbed his bow. He was going to kill every last one of the bastards! He did a quick check of his stats before heading out.

Kal Sapphire Title: Deadshot Lv:6 Hp:180/240 Mp:55 Stamina:11/26 Con:18 Str:13 Int:11 Wis:9 Dex:20 Agi:20 Stat Points:0 Skills: Aim passive (Intermediate)

Archery passive (Expert)

Inventory passive Max (Unique)

Hunters Mind passive (Beginner)

Observe (Max) (Unique)

His health had went up to 180 and his stamina had recovered to 11.

Kal- "Good enough."

Kal's voice was dark and full of murder. He marched out the door and looked around for a target. He saw a few bloodlings going around the floor. More seemed to have spawned in but no where near the amount that was here originally. Kal didn't care though he took all of them out. Not a damn one was spared. He opened every room, cut open every cocoon, and slaughtered every single bloodling. Once he ran out of targets he started searching previous areas still not satisfied with the amount he has killed.

He started getting even angrier at the lack of targets as he came out of another room. But them he saw a bloodling come from around the corner at the end of the hall where the elevators were. He got a dark smile on his face.

Kal- "So thats where you bastards are hiding!?"

Kal's voice was laced with dark pleasure. Remembering what happened with the very first bloodling he shot. He took aim but this wasn't to kill. He let loose an arrow and pinned this one to the floor. A screech sounded out.

Kal-"Good call out all of your brothers and sisters I will make sure they get the same treatment!"

Like he predicted more came at the sound. This time however Kal had the entire hall and more than enough room. He started shooting like a machine. Before an arrow barely left his bow his hand was already starting to release another. Kal didn't notice it but his hand was moving like a blur constantly pulling arrows from his Infinite quiver. Everytime he raised a level all his stat points would go into stamina making sure he could kill even more of the bloodlings. So though less and less started coming and eventually stopped all together.


Kal still had at least 20 bloodlings pinned and screeching and hissing. The hallway looked like a few dozen porcupines exploded arrows everywhere but oddly not a single one missed its target. Despite all the arrows Kal shot every single one was in a bloodling.

Kal was still hoping for more but knew he wouldn't hold out much longer as his stamina was down to 5 plus his anger has all but receded.He was tired and wanted to mourn his family. So he decided to end the rest of the bloodlings. After he finshed the last on he got a bunch of screens.

Congratulations! You have gained 4 lvs! Congratulations! Aim has ranked up to (Advanced) Congratulations! Hunters Mind has ranked up to (Intermediate) Congratulations! You have Gained the skill "Rapid Fire" active (Advanced) Congratulations! You have Gained the skill "Bloodlust" passive (Beginner) Congratulations! You have reached lv 10 and have surpassed human logic! +5 stat points Congratulations! You are among the first ten people on the planet to reach Lv 10! +5 to all stats!

Kal was stunned at the slew of information in front of him. He knew he had gained four levels as he was putting all those points into stamina. but for all this other stuff he wasn't sure how it all had came to be. Afterall he was seeing red for quite a bit there.

Kal- "Honestly I'm surprised I just now got the Rapid Fire skill as speed shooting is one of my favorite types of shooting."

Rapid Fire: Capable of launching constant extremely fast attacks. Not only applicable to ranged weapons. cost:5 mp every 5 secs or 1 stamina every 10 secs

Kal-"At 5 mp for every 5 seconds I can keep rapid fire going for a little over a minute. Which is odd as I can speed shoot for far longer. Maybe this is much faster? And whats with this not only being for ranged weapons does that mean I can use it for my hands or hand held weapons? I'll have to look into it later. For now lets check this Bloodlust skill."

Bloodlust: Lets out the intent to kill to everyone in your surroundings invoking fear in those of lower level. Small chance to induce fear in higher lvs, range 20 meters

Kal- "Going to have to test that one later. Now lets see what hunters mind says now."

Hunters Mind: While prey is insight your mind is calm. (50% resistance to fear).

Kal- "Pretty much the same but a slight boost in fear res. Aims boost is surprising though I wonder why I am not a master at that and Archery? I mean I have trained most of my life I should be considered at the master level right? Then again maybe that's all I have shown as far as skill and my skills reflect it. Definitely testing that theory."

Kal Sapphire Title: Deadshot Lv:10 Hp:280/360 Mp:80 Stamina:5/46 Con:23 Str:18 Int:16 Wis:14 Dex:25 Agi:25 Stat Points:5 Skills: Aim passive (Advanced)

Archery passive (Expert)

Inventory passive Max (Unique)

Hunters Mind passive (Intermidiate)

Bloodlust passive (Beginner)

Observe (Max) (Unique)

Rapid Fire active (Advanced)

Seeing the huge boost in stats surprised Kal. They were honestly to op for his level. But was really odd was his health and stamina. After doing the math he came to an astonishing and odd conclusion. When his con went over 20 each point in con was now worth 20 in hp. When stamina went over 30 each point was worth 2. Why one was 30 and the other 20 was why he found it so odd. But shrugged it off as part of whatever system this new god came up with.

As he was heading back to his grandparent's room all of a sudden he froze because there standing at the end of the hall was the biggest Spider he has ever seen.

Queen Bloodling lv 20.

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