《Gambled World》Chapter 3


Kal slowly descended the stairwell. He had to go down three floors to make it to his grandparents room. But due to the injury he got on the roof he couldn't move too fast as every movement hurt like hell. As he made it down the first set of stairs and came to the first set of doors he peeked through the window into the hallway.

Kal- "Dear god."

Kal saw a blood soaked hallway. His entire vision was filled with images of organs, blood, guts, and limbs. He could see some shadows shambling around and others looked to be feasting on the scattered flesh. In short whatever creatures spawned in that hallway massacred everyone. Kal ended up grabbing one of the short swords and jammed it through the door handles. He didn't care if someone lived in there. He just didn't want whatever did that to get to him.

With terror in his heart for his grandparents, Kal continued down the stairs at a faster pace ignoring the pain from his side. Kal didn't even bother to check the second hallway he just rushed by. But from the screams it seems it was about to reach the same fate as the last. When Kal reached his floor he pulled out his bow. In a swift motion he yanked open the door , held it with his foot, and pulled his bow taut, arrow ready for whatever was here.

Kal- "Oh nonononononono why!?"

Kal reacted this way because the hall was filled with white cocoons everywhere. Any person who has seen any decent horror movie knows what this means.

Kal- "Fuck I hate spiders!"

Due to Kal's shout a spider crawled around from one of the cocoons and hissed at him.The spider was blood red with its multiple eyes all deep green in color. It was also about the size of a Large dog.

Bloodling: Lv 8

Kal-"Yea I am killing everyone of you just based on the fact you're a spider. Creepy ass things."

Kal let his arrow fly and it impaled the spider into the wall. Kal had a smirk on his face.

Kal- "So long as nothing gets too close I can eliminate them fairly easily."

However nothing is ever that easy. The spider that was pinned to the wall let out a screech and then all the cocoons started to shake. Kal put another arrow into the spider but it was too late, out of almost every cocoon another spider emerged. Trailing behind them was what looked to be liquefied remains.


The liquid hit the floor with a steaming hiss and a smell slammed into Kal. Making him want to vomit here and there. But if he did the spider would probably get him and he would end up in the same state as all the other people. Kal let loose arrow after arrow everyone hitting its mark. But it was useless. There were far too many and they were already closing in on him. From his count he had to hit at least 13 before he retreated and closed the door. However only 4 died right away. Those four he pierced in the face. Normally he would hit all kill shots as he has done speed shooting in competitions with an accuracy of over 94% while not the best he was still a damn good shot. However due to the sheer numbers he panicked a little.

The spiders slammed into the doors but it was pointless unless the bastards could press down the handle in the center there was no way they getting through.But just to be safe he used his last sword as a stop gap. One of the spiders broke the window and tried to squeeze through but its abdomen was too big and it was stuck hissing at him.

Kal smirked pulled his knife and went to kill it. But before he could the Bloodling shot out its venom at him. Kal jerked to left but his arm was still hit. He hurried and scrambled up the stairs out of the things sight. He heard angry screeches and the sound of another window breaking.

He sat panting at the top of the stairs and thanked his quick movements. Then he saw steam rising from his arm and a burning sensation started to spread. He immediately threw his shirt to the ground grabbed his knife and grit his teeth.

Kal-"This is going to suck so bad!"

With a shaking hand he hurriedly sliced off the burning skin. The pain was far more than he imagined. He screamed the entire time not caring who heard him. Then he pulled out his last health pot and chugged it. However he wasn't done yet. He then cut off the melting part of his shirt and then cut off the other sleeve. Taking the cutoff sleeve he wrapped it tightly around his arm in a makeshift bandage.


Kal- "The irony of this does not escape me. I am in a hospital and I had to use a my shirt as a bandage. Man this sucks. Hahahaha owwww."

Kal was pale and clammy he guessed he might be going into shock but couldn't figure out how to stop it. However he knew that eventually those Bloodlings would break free and he would die. So he tried to focus. He was out of health potions and he had no medical supplies.

Kal- "Crap I'm probably going to die here aren't I? Kinda wish I didn't take such a large chunk out of my arm now. All the blood loss is probably doing me in... I need to be able to heal or something . Wait! Lets try (Status!)

Kal Sapphire Title: Deadshot Lv:4 Hp:50/170 Mp:55 Stamina:6/19 Con:13 Str:13 Int:11 Wis:9 Dex:20 Agi:18 Stat Points:8 Skills: Aim passive (Intermediate)

Archery passive (Expert)

Inventory passive Max (Unique)

Hunters Mind passive (Beginner)

Observe (Max) (Unique)

Seeing how low his health was made him pale if he didn't drink that potion how close to death would he be!? But what caught his eye was the term stat points.

Kal- "I wonder."

Kal reached for the health spot and tapped it but nothing happened. Frowning he looked at con and tapped it. Con went up by one point and his health rose to 60/180. In his haste he tapped con four more times bring his health up to 100/220. He felt better almost right away.

Kal-"Seems I hit the baseline for a healthy human. Good to know. Now I have 3 points left what should I use them on?"

Kal mulled over his choices. At this point int and wis were both unimportant and are things he can work on later. Looking at the rest he finally decided to raise his agi by 2 and stamina by 1.

His reasons were if he were faster he could have dodged the bloodlings attack and he also decided to add 1 point to stamina so he wouldn't pass out before he made it to his grandparents.

His stats were now as follows.

Kal Sapphire Title: Deadshot Lv:4 Hp:100/220 Mp:55 Stamina:7/20 Con:18 Str:13 Int:11 Wis:9 Dex:20 Agi:20 Stat Points:0 Skills: Aim passive (Intermediate)

Archery passive (Expert)

Inventory passive Max (Unique)

Hunters Mind passive (Beginner)

Observe (Max) (Unique)

With his situation somewhat better he stood up, picked up his now, knocked an arrow, and went back down. The second he saw the bloodling in the window he put an arrow in its eye then repeated the action with the other one. The bloodlings were pulled out and another replaced them.

Kal- "I'll play your game you bastards!"

Kal then moved in front of the windows and started shooting.Since he was shooting them directly in front they flew out of the windows and another would move up. Kal didn't care he just kept shotting rotating back and forth between windows. After what seemed like hours the tide stopped and everything went quiet.

Kal- "Finally! Jesus Christ there was a lot."

Kal looked at his stamina and saw it was at 2. A little more and he would've collapsed. His fingers were surprisingly not bleeding but he did gain 2 levels from the bloodlings and his health rose by two more levels making it 120/240. and his stamina was now 2/22. He left the four stat points alone.

Without those 2 levels he would've fallen. He gingerly stepped forward and pulled the door open pocketing his short sword again .

Opening the doors he sees piles of bloodings in various parts of the hallway. Some were pinned to the ceiling and walls. While other were pinned to the cocoons. The rest were just in various piles. Slowly walking through he pocketed everything he saw. There were several hp potions as well as a lot more of those coins he got on the roof. He made it down the hall without seeing anymore bloodlings. He walked toward his grandparents room and saw that the door was closed.

This sprung a bit of hope in his heart. He went forward and started opening the door.

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