《Gambled World》Chapter 2


Kal looked at the green pig men in wonder. Then he saw a light and another one appeared on the roof. All of them looked like the dead one minus the arrow in the eye. He had never seen such creatures before. Sure he had heard of odd pig like creatures from stories but couldn't remember what they were called.

The pig men were looking around and sort of squealing and snorting in what seemed to be the way they communicate. Then all of a sudden one of them squealed loudly and pointed toward the dead one.

Kal- "Uh oh."

All of them then turned toward Kal with angry looks on their faces and drew their weapons. Two had short swords, one had a curved dagger, and the last had a short spear.

Kal-"Would you believe me if I said it was an accident?"

In reply all of them squealed and charged. Kal seeing this immediately bolted he charged toward the door that would lead into the hospital but before he could get there another light shone and another pig man came to be right in front of the door.

Kal- "What the hell!? Is the roof some kind of spawn point!? Pick one damn spot not the whole roof!"

Kal was annoyed and scared if the world is really changing and from the looks of it into a game like world then he hoped it was similar to some of the old games. Since he has always been poor even to date he still plays the old Nintendo RPGs as he quite enjoys them. As for any of the newer games and systems he has no idea.

Changing his direction Kal sprints for his last hope, his arrows. Kal hears the pig men squeal at the new arrival. Probably telling him that the human was an enemy.

Gratefully Kal has been constantly training so his physical condition is actually quite impressive and allows him to make it to his arrows in record time. Grabbing one out of the target he whirls around and takes aim at the first pig man.

He doesn't hesitate and puts the arrow into his eye. Kal immediately grabs another arrow and launches it into the forehead of the next one. Both drop and another window pops up but Kal ignores it and grabs for another arrow. This one he aims at the spear holder and shoots him straight in his open mouth. Kal watches as he drops his weapon and grasps at the arrow lodged into his mouth, then he falls forward tripping on his own weapon and the arrow is pushed all the way through. Blood starts pooling out around him.


The remaining two pig-men halt their charge and look at Kal in fear. Kal reaches back for another arrow and curses.

Kal-"Damnit only brought 4 arrows and I blew three just like that!"

Kal keeps his eyes on the last two and slowly moves toward the first one he killed and rips out his arrow out of it's eye. There's a sickening wet sound that makes him slightly sick. Now that he is close enough he can smell the dead pig man and almost vomits. It was like 4 week B.O. met moldy cheese.

Kal- "Dear god these things reek! I have no idea what the hell is going on but I have one arrow and two smelly bastards left."

The last two glance at Kal then bolt through the door into the hospital. No longer wanting to face the fearsome human.

Kal-"Yea that's right! Run piggies run! Maybe I can get some breathing room to figure out what's going on now. First I should grab my arrows."

After grabbing his arrows he sees another flash of light. This time he immediately puts down the pig man. He waited a few minutes and after no more spawns retrieved his arrow.

Kal- "Their spawns must be random or the first wave was a way to get a foothold while the rest are timed. Still I am worried about Papal and Nana but if my guess is right there are monster probably in the hospital as well. I need to figure out what these blue screens are and arm myself better."

He then goes around and starts collecting all the weapon from the dead. Keeping an eye out for any more flashes of light.

Kal- "Ok 1 short spear 2 short swords and a dagger. Now let's see what the hell these blue windows are about. But how? Damnit why did I not play more games or read more? Hmm if I remember right it should be something like power screen? No that's not right umm what about magics? Damn uhhhhh.......Wait! Didn't one of those windows say something about stats? ok lets try that.

Kal-"Open stats.......... Ok what the fuck!? Nothing? Hmm maybe open status window?"

Still coming up with nothing Kal was getting frustrated. How was he supposed to figure anything out if he can't even figure out his own damn status! All of a sudden a blue screen pops in front of his face.

Kal-"Huh guess it only works if you think it inside your mind. Now let's see here."


Kal Sapphire Title: Deadshot Lv:4 Hp:170 Mp:55 Stamina:11/19 Con:13 Str:13 Int:11 Wis:9 Dex:20 Agi:18 Stat Points:8 Skills: Aim passive (Intermediate)

Archery passive (Expert)

Inventory passive Max (Unique)

Hunters Mind passive (Beginner)

Kal- "Not sure if this is good or bad. I can understand my Dex but what's with my wisdom and intelligence? Is this damn thing trying to call me stupid!? If I look at this the baseline for average is probably 10 and the only reason my stats are at this point are the bonuses I've gotten. In other words was I an idiot? My strength should be higher I would think, I mean I wasn't exactly a lifter but I did work out fairly regularly. Agility seems I got lucky with that one. If I am looking at this right my Hp goes up by ten per lv and my stamina goes up by 1. If I were to look at Mp it is most likely related to my Int at a 1 point for 5 type of deal. These skills though are odd, half I understand the others are a little weird."

Kal decides to try clicking on one of the skills with a mental tap and a screen appears.

Inventory: Ability to store Items in a separate dimension. (Cannot store items double ones size.)

Kal-"Huh lets check that out. All I have to do should be to call out the skill in my head right?"

After doing so a menu open Kal's mind.

Kal-"All that seems to be here is a Quiver. Well might as well check it."

It looks like an old school quiver made from wood with various symbols around it. As Kal is looking at it a screen appears.

Infinite Quiver (Initial): Any arrow placed in this quiver will be replicated (0/2) (soul bound item) (bound owner Kal Sapphire).

Kal- "I wonder what the soul bound means? Maybe I am the only one who can use it? What ever the case this means ammo is not an issue."(I change out my tournament quiver with my new one and place one arrow inside. Then I throw all the weapons in my inventory besides the dagger which I put through my belt.) Now lets get a look at that last skill."

Hunters Mind: While prey is insight your mind is calm. (30% resistance to fear)

Kal-"That could come in handy."

As he is looking over everything he notices a flashing spot in the window. He pushes it and another one appears.

For repeatedly killing monsters of a higher lv you have been awarded one of two skills please decide.(Observe)(PowerShot)

Kal-"Well I wonder what I should pick? Nah not really much of a choice." Kal picks observe right away. Power shot is good but observe seems more useful).

Kal picks observe right away. Power shot is good but observe seems more useful.

Observe: Able to view the name and lv of monsters up to 10 lvs higher.

Kal- "Alright now time to-

Kal feels a sharp pain in his side and finds a dagger stuck there. He looks up and sees a pig man with a grin on its face. During the time he was checking all his stuff he forgot to keep a lookout for the monsters! While hoping it was a male he sends a knee right for its groin. The pig man falls to its knees with a pained squeal Kal takes the dagger in his side and jams it into the creature's head.

As Kal is watching it die with a look of pain on his face he sees what it really is now.

Orc lv: 11

Kal-"Well now I can put a name to the damn things. Also explains why I got so much from the start."

Kal was panting he also got a warning telling him he has a bleeding status. He places his hand over the wound. Then he glances over at the Orc and sees something. After a few pained steps he makes it over bends down and grabs a vial with red liquid in it.

Health potion (Small).

Kal immediately downs it. While it doesn't immediately fix the wound it stops bleeding. Noticing some coins he grabs them then throws them in the inventory for later exploration. Gathering up any loot he sees he manages to get several different coins and another health potion.

Kal-"Damn that hurt! I've got to be more careful"

Kal then heads for the door on the roof and goes into the stairwell. He kept his dagger out in case the two orcs that ran were hiding. Seeing that no one was there he locks the door for the roof by taking the spear and putting it through the handle.

Kal-"I hope every one of you bastards starve up here!"

Then he looked down the silent stairwell and headed for the floor his grandparents were on.

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