《Gambled World》Chapter 1 Collecting on Debt


Kal was on the roof of the hospital with patients and staff all looking at him expectantly. His bow pulled taut aiming down at the makeshift target the staff hurriedly setup. He let his arrow go and in a mere moment it hit dead center. All the staff and patients cheered.

Kal looks over at his grandparents. Seeing their smiles makes this all worth it. He was doing this because they have been begging him to see him shoot since they haven't been able to make it to any of his tournaments. They finally managed to convince him but he didn't expect that he would be allowed to shoot on top of a hospital!

Turns out they managed to convince all the doctors a long time ago and were just waiting for when they wore him down. The crafty old people.

Kal didn't really care though the only reason he was so proficient at archery in the first place in the first place was to earn money. His family was extremely poor and lived in a small 2 bedroom apartment that while comfortable was extremely cramped with four people.

Kal Sapphire was 17 years old and both him and his Aunt Steph were the only ones that made any money to support the family. Two years ago his grandfather Steve Sapphire got lung cancer it progressed to the point that he had to be hospitalized all the time. The family relied on his income to live. Even though he wasn't able to provide much at least the bills were paid and food was on the table.

When he got sick Steph stepped up and got two jobs. Normally she was there to look after Kal and his grandmother Charlene. Kal's grandmother couldn't walk and had severe breathing problems. At first, it wasn't that bad Kal's aunt would be gone most of the time and Kal would do all the chores at home without a complaint. After all these people took him in when his parents died.


But then the hospital bills started to pile up. Less and less food would be on the table and eventually all there was, was bread, honey, and peanut butter.

One day Kal was walking home from school after archery practice and saw a poster. The poster was for an archery competition and first place was $500. While the money wasn't much, Kal now had a way to help even more. From then on Kal decided he would help support his new family.

Kal crushed his competition. That night he paid the rent and brought home groceries. He was fixing a meal when his aunt came home. When she smelled the food she drooled. Normally she would toast some bread or not eat at all after work. Seeing Kal cooking startled her. At first she thought someone had given them food but when she asked Kal his answer made her cry. After

After that, Kal competed in every archery tournament that had a cash prize and won almost every time. Thanks to his skills he was even scouted for the Olympics! After that, he was able to pay for everything allowing his aunt some rest at a job she likes and his grandparents a much more comfortable life at the hospital. He even made several donations to the hospital and always came and visited, he even volunteered!

Kal originally did archery due to his ancestors always being archers in times of war. Of course as time went by they turned into snipers, but his family always practiced the bow. He had no friends really maybe one or two acquaintances but other than that he was dedicated to making sure his family was happy even if it meant his own happiness.

So when his grandparents wore him down he didn't mind. He held his championship bow tight in his grasp and for the next hour performed various trick shots. The doctors eventually stopped the show as some patients needed treatment. Kal told his grandparents he would be to their room soon. He just wanted to practice a little more. They smiled and told him to take his time.


The hospital's roof wasn't too bad since it had a helipad it as quite large and was able to give Kal the room he needed for a few shots. He stayed up there for another 20 minutes and when he was on his last arrow something odd happened.

Hello! Mortals of Earth! My name is Chess or your new God if you prefer. What happened to the old God you may ask? Well he gave up your planet! You see he had a huuuuuge gambling problem and was in quite a bit of debt. Despite this he tried to win it all back in one last bet. So while using Earth as collateral he made one last bet annnnnd lost. To meeee!!! Now I know what you are thinking. What does this have to do with us? Well you see I don't care for how your previous God set up your world so I am going to make some minor changes. Oh a lot of you are probably going to die in this new world so, Have fun with that!

Kal stood there staring blankly at the blue window in front of him.

Kal- "What the hell... Is this some kind of joke? Am I high or something? Right I must be tired probably too much training."

Kal decided to ignore the floating screen and took aim once more. I mean who the hell believes in god anymore? Idiots that's who. All those morons who think some higher power will help you in your time of need.

With his arrow nocked and eyes glaring down at the target he let his arrow go.

Right into the eye of some ugly green creature. It had a pig like nose, wrinkled skin, bulging muscles, and two tusk-like teeth from it's lower jaw. It carried what looked to be a short sword and all it wore was some beaded necklaces, a ratty cloth, and some weird metal helmet.

Congratulations! You have slain an enemy 10 lvs higher than you. +1 to all stats Congratulations! You are the first person to kill another being in the new world! +2 to all stats and Gained unique skill "Inventory".Due to the nature of the kill you have also been given the item "Infinite Quiver"! Archery passive skill gained. Aim passive skill gained. Title gained "Deadshot" +5 dex +5 agi


Before he could comprehend what was going on Kal heard a noise behind him. He spun and saw 3 more of the ugly green creatures.

Kal-"Ok maybe I am not high."

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