《Afterlife - Next World's Auction House》Day 4 - Use and abuse


[What does that mean? 'Individual items spawn'?](Clara)

"Is a bit hard to explain, but in this dungeons there are certain hidden treasures just like the ring we found. The difference is that, once the player finds it and leaves the room, another can go right in and find it again. However it works only once per person. It might be the same with the boss drops."


"Oh...sorry...it means a very strong monster that usually commands weaker ones and you can't go to the lower floors until you kill it. Usually it leaves behind items better than the ring we found and more experience while..."

[LET'S GO KILL IT!](Clara)

"...ahem! While I appreciate your enthusiasm, that might be counterproductive right now. Is still day and for us to get good experience points, we need to kill them while being out of sight to double the experience points. I explained it to you already... A frontal attack would waste way too much experience..."

[I guess you're right...](Clara)

"However, this is really good for the soldiers. Since the Kobolds are weak as well, they can level up with ease. We need to check one more thing."

[What's that?](Clara)

"You'll see. Hello again and thank you for your hard work!"

[Hmm? Hello! Is the exploration going well?](Guard)

"Excellent actually. We just found a treasure trove and we need you both to confirm anyone can claim it. Could you possibly join us? I can guarantee that there are no monsters and that myself and the guild master here will protect you."

[[Treasure trove?]](Guards)

Since it seemed that both of them were easily persuaded, we had them follow close behind us and led them to the treasure chamber. Once we reached the room, we had them go one by one and smash the wall and retrieve the ring. They both were very surprised when we told them the effect of the ring and they left in a hurry to report it while sporting the rings on their fingers.

[We should leave also. Is already 3PM and we'll completely miss the lunch.](Clara)

"Hmm? Is that a pocket watch?"

[Yes. Don't you have one?](Clara)

"I heard they are crazy expensive..."

[I see... I was gifted quite the number, so here, you can have this one.](Clara)

She brought out of her item bag, that seemed to be more of a small lady purse, a silver colored pocket watch similar to the one I saw Reaper having. I accepted it without any complaints and got lost in the thoughts about its price.

"Thank you. Now I'll be able to keep track of time and it will help with further investigations as well."

[Consider it as a small repayment for the ring. Hehe! Should I consider it a proposal?](Clara)

"Maybe after the war..."

We joked and laughed while returning to the city, with the sun ruling over a cloudless sky throwing warm rays on top of the cool ocean breeze. It was a good combination.


When we reached the inn, there was already a message left for me and Clara to go to the Adventurer's Guild as soon as we can to report. However, once again, we ate first and went after.

It was around 4PM when we reached the guild and were asked to go upstairs by Helen once more.

[When you return we'll need to update your tag to the next rank and give you the compensation for the requests. Also, if you have already drawn a part of the map like the commander said, can you please leave it with us? I would like to copy it.] (Helen)

"Sure. Here it is, but is kind of complicated. So when I return, if you have questions I'll answer them."

[Thank you very much! Then, please leave your tag with me as well to update it.](Helen)

I left to the third floor, thinking about the rank update and the quest reward.

"So I'll go up to rank F and receive that 1 Gold reward Ronald promised. At least my finances are going to be fine for a while now. With today's expenses I reached 10 silver and 20 copper coins. So that's 30 silver coins and 20 copper coins profit. Not bad..."


Before I realized we reached the third floor and Clara was knocking on the door, more to announce here arrival than anything since she was the guild master, while I was calculating my income. I wonder how are they going to take today's information, considering that it will come from Clara.

[Thank you for coming so quickly Ms. Clara, Michael. We received the report from the two guards by the dungeon side regarding the treasure trove and wanted to hear it from you, plus any other details you might be able to include from your investigation.] (Charles)

"Of course general. It would be my pleasure, however, it was Ms. Clara here that discovered it."

[Ahem...yes. From my knowledge is called a 'treasure chest' and is usually hidden in different parts of the dungeon. This one was in plain sight so it was easy to find, however others might not be so. Also, we managed to find a peculiar thing about it. Once someone smashes the wall where is hidden and takes it, after leaving the room the wall repairs itself and the treasure reappears in the same spot with a different box containing the same treasure. That means that every soldier could have it. Also, regarding its power, the ring increases the Strength attribute by two points, thing which I have already confirmed.](Clara)

[For every soldier? And two points increase? That would be amazing! That can be such a huge boost for our soldiers, especially the shield bearers. We should have them go inside as soon as possible. How about the monsters? How often did you encounter them?](Laurence)

[Calm down a notch commander... For now no soldier will enter the dungeon until we manage to have the first floor of it fully mapped. Michael here already done a part of it and left it to the receptionist. Regarding the monsters, there are none.](Clara)


[None?How come?] (Charles)

[It seems that from the entrance you find the road splitting in two, one leads to the Kobold village on the left side and the other to the treasure chest on the right side. The one on the right doesn't have any monsters. Also, I have decided that tonight, me and Michael will attack the village to confirm one other thing. If that proves to be true as well, our soldiers might be able to do tactical exercises while fighting the Kobolds and increase their levels at the same time. It will be a huge improvement for the army.](Clara)

The two people went silent and pondered upon the provided details. Is no wonder they look quite unconvinced. After all, we just asked them to wait until we first level up ourselves and then have the army pick up the leftovers. In the end, we don't know if the monsters will spawn as well. They might not readily agree with this and try to...

[Very well! We'll leave everything to you and Michael, milady. I am truly ashamed for being unable to do more than rely on you.](Charles)

"OR NOT!!! What's up with this trust of his...was he always so easygoing?"

[Is my duty to be of help to our people general. We will probably come by tomorrow and give you the full report. We plan to go as soon as the night falls. In the meantime, I heard from Michael about the proposed plan for the Goblin village attack in more details. Have the 100 people been picked already?](Clara)

[Yes. They have been decided on and they will assemble later on on the training grounds for briefing. Why milady?](Laurence)

She briefly turned around and looked at me to see if I was truly going to do that. I figured it won't interfere with us anyway, so why not. That's why I gave her a small nod and had her proceed...

[When exactly do you plan to have them gather commander?](Clara)

[They should arrive in about half an hour milady. Do you have something in mind?](Laurence)

[So that makes it around 5PM. Very well then. Have Ms. Laura join them and by following the map and the directions of the two guards, order them to enter the dungeon and each retrieve the treasure for themselves. Make sure that by 9PM the dungeon is cleared so we can go in.](Clara)

[Laura? Why do you want my daughter to go back in there milady? After what she's been through, it might be traumatic for her to go back inside.] (Charles)

"General, you think too little of your daughter. She is stronger than she appears. Also, if there are any wounds about that place, this will help heal them."

[Then what about the 100 people? I thought you said the army won't go in yet.] (Laurence)

"Starting now, the corps of 100 people will no longer be attached to the military. They will answer only to Ms. Laura and Ms. Laura will answer only to Ms. Clara. That way their training will be different and their growth improved."

[What? Milady, did you suggest this?](Laurence)

[Having my daughter lead a corps of 100 people might be too early milady, are you sure?](Charles)

[Enough, both of you! You are acting like spoiled children! The corps will receive special training from me since they have been handpicked as the best of the army. Also, Charles, don't forget that Laura is a person that received the 'King's blessing' from this world's God Anhur. She is more than able to lead such a small number of people. We just need to grow her into believing in that as well. I trust there will be no more complaints.](Clara)


There was only silence and the two grown men were facing the floor, like reprimanded children. When I asked Clara about her authority and standing in the city, she told me that is pretty much second to the King of the continent. Keeping in mind that the King is the leader of humanity at this point...I might see why they act like little lambs in front of a wolf.

Anyway, this is necessary. Every army must have its elite corps and I have decided that this 100 people will set an example for the rest. Obviously I only plan to give simple details to Clara and she will pass them onward to Laura, which will have them executed. The chain of command is a scary thing.

"Wait...doesn't that put me at the top of the chain!?"

After clearing some details regarding the new elite corps and its purpose that I already mentioned, the two finally agreed and we left the room. We planned to attack the Kobold village later tonight, so we were heading to get some sleep before that.

[Mr. Corbett, here's the tag and the reward for the request. We look forward to your next achievements.] (Helen)

I was stopped as I passed by the reception desk by Helen and she handed me with a smile on her face the tag that became yellow and a bag with multiple coins.


When I checked inside there were a total of thirty silver coins and a note attached.

'We know that this isn't much, but is to show our appreciation for saving our lives. We'll start training even harder to repay you in the future.

Vincent and Ian'

[Is that from the two you saved?](Clara)

"Yup. If I remember correctly, they were both level 4. It might be good to add them to the elite corps. Having 100 people under her command and at such a young age might prove difficult even for such understanding people. These two might prove good as a lieutenant general and a major general."

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