《Afterlife - Next World's Auction House》Day 4 - To the dungeon and back


After returning to the town, we went back to the inn I was staying at and she used her 'credentials' to book the entire lounge, so that we can talk undisturbed...

Several hours passed and in that time I explained to her different things regarding my skills and how I can see even the requirements for the Jobs in the status window, or like what monster skills I've seen so far and compared them with the ones regular adventurers have.

To my surprise, she diligently paid attention and asked questions when she had any, seemingly now wanting to interrupt.

"Is kind of a huge personality change from the psycho I've seen earlier... Is she bipolar or something? And while in normal circumstances I would really enjoy a conversation with a pretty girl like her starring so intently at me... yeah, well that's in normal circumstances..."

[Then what about the Goblins? The one you fought had three skills you said? And all were attack skills?](Clara)

"Well kind of... Two of them were attack skills allowing a very powerful strike and the other allowed multiple movements in a single second based on his Agility stat. The third skill was something that made him invulnerable to any physical attacks for five entire minutes and not even the poison worked on him during that time. I honestly got lucky because it was night. Otherwise, I would've been dead for sure."

[Mhm, mhm! And the dungeons? This caves that appeared all of a sudden, what did you say they are?](Clara)

"I am not fully sure about it yet, but they should be separate spaces existing outside of this world common sense. Basically when you enter one, you could think of it as temporarily leaving this world and explore a different space altogether."

[That seems rather to hard to believe... But if you said that the monster you killed disappeared and left behind its hide and some cooper coins, that truly is outside the realm of common sense. Do you think the assimilation process works for us as well?](Clara)

"I'm not 100% sure, but it should. It did for me and it might've worked for Laura as well."

[The general's daughter? What makes you say that?](Clara)

"She's at level 7, but was mostly likely at a tad lower when she entered. She must've killed some Kobolds inside during the fight when they were captured. That's the only way she would've gotten that much experience in such a brief time."

[Do you still have the hide?](Clara)

"The hide? Oh, the drop from the Kobold?"


"Yes... is a word that describes the items left behind by a monster killed in a dungeon..."

"Although, I'm not sure I should indoctrinate her into the gaming world slang. That might be some scale tilting in a different way..."

After that I brought out of the item bag the and handed it to her, she took it and widened her eyes.

[This material is better than my white wolf coat. I am sure that it would become a stupidly strong coat...or even shoes. I can actually feel mana from it!](Clara)


"Oh, that reminds me. I'm not sure you can check to see if is right, but here, try wearing this ring. It should increase your 'Strength' stat with an additional two points."

[WHAT!? Give me that!](Clara)

"And we're back to the violent one...wasn't there a famous story about a doctor with two faces like this?"

After taking the thing from me and putting it on, a couple of minutes of silence passed and she closed her eyes. When she opened them back, she starred blankly at me.

[Is truly increased by two points. What is this? Any king would be selling at least half of his country's fortune for such a ring!](Clara)

"What!? Really? I can finally retire and live in peace..."

[Not really...two years from now...](Clara)

"Oh right, I forgot. But yeah, I found that also in the dungeon."

[Really? Can you show me where?](Clara)

"What, now?"

[Yes, let's go!](Clara)

Literally dragged along, I ventured into the dungeon once again. Seen by the same guards as yesterday, the gave way with a sorry look on their faces. I couldn't tell if they were worried about me, or just felt bad about an idiot that seemed to have a death wish.

I took out the map I started drawing and stopped with Clara in front of the dungeon.

"This is what I managed to draw so far. Is not much but... Clara?"

[Hmm? Yes, what?](Clara)

"Are you alright? Don't tell me you're scared. It couldn't be that this world's most powerful warrior would be scared of something like a cave. Haha...ha..."

"Seriously!? But I already told her that myself at level 8 can easily kill them. Why is she afraid? Or what is she afraid of?"



[...any spiders?](Clara)

"Eh!? Spiders? What do you mean?"


I just stood there baffled. I felt like I shouldn't reply, but my life might be at risk if I don't.

"I guess a girl's a girl, no matter if she gets an unlimited lifespan and absurd stats. I wonder if the aversion to bugs is passed on like a gene or something in the soul, since she was pretty much reincarnated as well..."

[Are there?](Clara)

"No...I couldn't see any."

[Thank God! Let's go then!](Clara)

"Oi! Where's the fear from before???"

After entering the cave behind her while barely keeping up, I saw her doing the same thing I did yesterday by poking her hands and head through the front entrance. It still is a peculiar sight, even more when you see a head disappearing like that.

After she had some fun, we started walking and soon reached the 'safe room'. I explained to her what happened here and that we weren't chased by the Kobolds through the tunnel and in this room, meaning that it might be some sort of safe spot. She told me that the crystals on the ceiling create a very powerful mana filled air that is poisonous to animals and we took it as it might be the same for monsters.


"This are the two tunnels I mentioned. The one on the left is leading to the Kobold village and the one on the right is where I found the ring. Let's go to the right."

[I'll follow.](Clara)

After reaching the same room, I looked around and found something strange in the far end of the wall I found the ring in.


[What is?](Clara)

"The hole I made yesterday. Is gone!"

[Are you sure we're in the right place?](Clara)

"Yes. Do you see the slight discoloration on the wall compared to the rest of the room?"

[Hmm? Now that you mentioned it, it does seem so. Right there on the end wall, right?](Clara)

"Yes. Maybe... Clara, go smash that area that's different. But be careful of any sort of traps. There weren't any yesterday, but it might've changed."

[Got it. Stay back for a bit.](Clara)

She approached the wall carefully and she stopped about five meters away. Then, the most amazing thing since I first saw my status window happened.

[ Wind roar !](Clara)

Magic! A green light shone around her and soon, visible currents of air shifted around and gathered in front of her hand. Then, like a bullet, it flew towards the wall and hit it hard. My first encounter with magic was more impressive than I expected it to be. Especially since the strength was ridiculous!

The wall crumbled and with it, any sort of maturity or composure I had.

"MAGIC? That was a magic skill right? Air attribute right? Right?"

[C...Calm down! Yes! It was magic. All elves can use it and some humans as well. Is your first time seeing it?](Clara)

"YES! How do I use it?"

[I'm afraid you can't unless you receive a blessing from the world. The elves are born with it.](Clara)

"Cheat characters..."

[Eh? Did you say something?](Clara)

"Nothing... Did anything fall from the wall you broke?"

[Let's see... Yes! A small box like you described it!](Clara)

When we got closer and opened it, Clara started jumping around in happiness. For me, it was more puzzling.

Ring of minor Strength

Increases the Strength attribute of the wearer by two points.

Estimated cost: 2 Gold coins and 25 Silvers

This was displayed when I appraised the ring... It was EXACTLY the same as mine. That's what made this weird. If this dungeon does have a re-spawning system, it shouldn't be applied to items or treasures, right? I figured I should investigate this properly.

"Clara. We need to check something! Let's go to the Kobold village and take a look."

[Did you figure something out?](Clara)

"I'm not entirely sure yet. That's why we're going."

[Understood. Let's go!](Clara)

We doubled back and returned to the safe room from where we entered the foul smelling tunnel to which Clara reacted by pinching her nose. What a lady-like response...

After navigating with the map I had, we reached the same spot where I killed yesterday my first Kobold.

"Thought so..."

[Michael, that is the monster you're calling a Kobold?](Clara)

"Yes, but that's not the problem."

While confirming my theory through whispers, I found the same Kobold from yesterday, down to even its status window.







Job Name









Kobold Guard










6 month










140/140 (+0.86/sec)







Skill List Name Level Proficiency

Rally Cry ??? ??? Blessings bestowed by the world: Blessing of Experience

[It looks like a dog... Why did it 'drop' a wolf fur?](Clara)

"I know, right?"

"However, if this is truly happening, then it makes no sense. Anyone could get that ring and you can keep killing the Kobolds here forever if you want. Anyone...anyone? Didn't Reaper said that the system is made to assist the level up? Meaning that is made to be used and abused by each player that enters. Then, what if I enter again? Will I get the ring twice? That would defeat the purpose won't it?"

[Michael. Can I kill it?](Clara)

"Hmm? Knock yourself out..."

"Don't ask something so gruesome with such a cute expression. It feels...weirdly nice..."

[Air blade !](Clara)

A single skill and the Kobold was one-shoted. I felt kind of bad for the pathetic little bastard. He was a good boy! Maybe... Probably not...

[It really leaves a fur behind. And five copper coins!? Is really strange...](Clara)

"Said the immortal high-elf with the absurd status page..."

"Ahem...Check your experience as well."

[Is fine. After I reached level 24 it goes up really slow.](Clara)

"Just check it!"


I could tell by the look of surprise on her face that it went up indeed. By how much...it shouldn't be a lot given her high level and the fact that the monster was a level 1...

"Is it that impressive? Also, why is she able to tell by how many points did it increase, when even myself with Indentify can only see the percentage? Anyway, this means I was right about Laura. Regular people get the experience the same way that I do. Now all that's left is..."

"I know you are happy and all but we need to check something else. Let's go."

After leaving the Kobold floor, we left the dungeon entirely. There was one important thing that might help us boost this country's soldiers with ease.

[Why do I have to wait here? I want to come back inside as well...](Clara)

"...I need to verify something. Wait here for a bit. I'll be back before you know it."

After thirty minutes, I returned outside where Clara was waiting for me.


"I went back to the room where we found the ring."

[Duh? Did you find another?](Clara)

"No. I broke the wall which was reconstructed like nothing happened, but there was no box."

[What does that mean?](Clara)

"Individual item spawn."

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