《I Am Legend》Chapter 1: A Sort of Introduction to a New Start


I remember the first day the very first VRMMORPG was released... it changed the world of gaming.

I remember watching clips and videos of players doing quests, boss hunts, raids, wars, pvp and it was amazing. Ordinary people became heroes in game, they became instant celebrities in the real world and what I loved the most about it was the adventure you get to experience.

I was an elementary student, grade 3 when the first VRMMORPG came out and all I could do was imagine being in game discovering new places, hunting boss mobs and all the adventure I can do but as a young boy it was just a dream. In my first year of high school I couldn't even relate with my classmates about experiencing what it is like in game. Maybe you guessed it right now but as you can see my family is not that rich and buying a capsule needs a lot of money, I was very lucky when a kind neighbor gave me a second hand ps vita and this is the only gaming console I had ever played. The country where I live is governed by corrupt officials, poverty can be seen and due to this I can only dream of having a capsule for a VRMMO game. I envied my classmates, hearing their stories only made me more excited about the feeling of being in a different world.

As the years pass by different game corporations released VRMMO games and because of this I had my first experience playing one.

I was in my junior year of high school when I played in a shop, to be exact a VR cafe where you pay an hourly rate for playing. Ever since then I became addicted to playing, being poor it drove me to become resourceful ever since I was a kid, I helped my family by doing odd jobs like delivery around the neighborhood because of the jobs I did I developed an athlete's body growing up. The hourly rate if your not a member of the cafe was a stunning 200 pesos (maybe around 4 dollars or more) because of this I did more jobs just to pay for membership which is 5000 pesos, being a member you will only pay 50 pesos per hour.

This led me to tutoring student's with low grades, I even did assignments for cash, took part time jobs at the market and baby sit for the neighbors just to play and help my parents. I did this throughout a year and it didn't even bother me to do those jobs just to play. After a year of playing I learned the trade of selling in game items for real cash, it took me a year to be one of the top players in my school and because of this I got requests for items they want, help in quests they are doing, I even took part in guild wars and because of this I earned money while doing what I love. In my last year of high school I was already earning money to help my parents financially, I paid for my sibling's school needs, allowances, tuition and all. I was happy to help lessen the burden my parents had.

Unlike your rich parents mine haven't had the privilege of going to school because instead of going to school their parents wanted them to help in their job because of this my parents only graduated in elementary. My parents only have one dream for me and my siblings and that is to finish our studies. Im proud of my parents because even if they dont have diplomas like other people but they grew up with values and the world being their teacher. In our neighborhood my parents are well respected not because we are rich but because they have a heart that helps others.


My mother and father did their best to teach us the values in life and what I liked the most - Family comes first.

Lucky for me after graduation I got a scholarship in my chosen college and what is required is for me to be a Dean's lister, its a good deal for me so I took it. This led me to buy my very own capsule for a new game everyone talked about

-Revelation Online- based on the reviews and information Live World Corporate released to the public its one of a kind and me being a gamer ordered my capsule.

Balancing your studies and gaming life is not that easy if you dont have time management. I believe the saying "Do everything you can in a day because time is gold" you cant bring back time so I developed an unusual habit for studying. When im at school I do everything that has to do with school (assignments, projects, reviewing, etc) just to have time to do my chores when schools done. I developed an unusual sleeping habit also, after going home I do my chores, eat then go to sleep early. The usual time is 7pm to 12pm, at first I needed an alarm clock to wake up but as time passed by I got accustomed to it so after waking up I stealthily go out of the house go to the cafe and play till 7 in the morning. I did this my junior and senior year in high school.

My parents had no problems with it as long as I do my chores and have good grades.

Maybe you're wondering why I decided to play a new VRMMO game, well its because one of my close buddies that I've met in the last game I played whose name is Troy had the privilege of being a beta tester for Revelation Online and also the declining players at the game I played thats why I sold all my items and account way before Revelation Online released their advertisement(to bad for the buyer haha). Well actually I have received an invitation to play it also as a beta tester thats why i knew they are nearing their release but me playing it will mean that I have to stop my activities in real life and I have many important engagements to attend to, one of them is my application for scholarship for college and also finding a dorm with a low rent that is close to the college ive chosen is another reason thats why I declined. Anyways Troy sent me videos of the game and information as well, I became interested in playing it so I pre ordered a capsule with a 3 month subscription.

A few months left before the release date of the game, I decided to do more research about it because being prepared helps a lot in game. To give you an example if you pick a job that you're not good at using will destroy the game for you, I've met a lot of this types of players; because they saw a video of a player weilding dual swords this led them to have the same job BUT (im being sarcastic here haha with the capital but*) yes it looks cool, kick-ass, badass, etc but you need real skills to optimize the capacity you show for having the job. You dont just point the sword and do a skill to kill an enemy but you need to use your head when facing an enemy (try playing Tera Online or any Monster Hunter game) you need to deal damage but take less damage or no damage at all from the enemy. Survivability to be exact.


Still the amount of hard work you put in your character is a deciding factor whether it will be strong or not. What you do at the initial phase is a deciding factor as well. Some player's think that the higher the level the stronger the character but this is where they get it wrong. High level doesnt mean your strong, high stats and skill mastery is much more important. As you get higher in level the longer it takes for you to level up but if you worked hard to improve your base stats and skill mastery in the end game you will be a lot stronger than a high level character. Have you ever seen a pvp where one character has a level gap of 30 -50 losing to a lower level opponent?

Anyways it all depends on the player. Having a background to any form of martial arts also helps when facing an enemy but like I always say,"You can learn everything. "

In game players also develop their own fighting styles. Its only natural because you pick up stuff as you repeatedly to them, you pick up tricks along the way.

Reading some guides written by beta testers in terms of class there are many to choose from and also the game has those coveted unique classes. In terms of weapons there's a huge variety, there are one handed swords, two handed swords, spears, axes, pole arms, bows, staves, gauntlets, whips and too many to mention but what caught my attention was the class advancements (if you played online games you know what I mean but to give an example Ragnarok would be one or Dragon Nest) the corporation hinted about it and reading the posts, little information was written about them so it only means that not many of the beta testers reached their class requirements to advance if there were some who successfully advanced they wont post it online, of course call them greedy but thats natural monopoly of information-less competition if you know what I mean. The corporation will not spoon feed the information also, besides its better if you found out for yourself.

I always liked reading forums they tend to give information even though some are not reliable some are useful also. Looking at the official site seeing the time limit going down made me more excited.

As the days passed by the level of my excitement is going overdrive, 1 more day just 1 more day. If you ever experienced going away from your family for a long period of time and finally the day has come for you to see them again? its that feeling.


Waking up I immediately look at the calendar with a date in circled with a note saying D-Day.

'The day finally came...

But the capsule delivery service has not yet arrive,' I thought.

Seeing as its still early I decided to eat breakfast first and stay at the front porch of my dorm. I cant wait any longer.

After 8 hours...

"Still no delivery?" I said to myself, looking at my desktop I decided to check my emails.

-From Live World Staff

Dear Caleb Nacawa II,

We are very sorry for the delay of your order. Due to the influx of users ordering the capsule and the distance of your place your order will be arriving in a weeks time.

Due to the said problem, we are deeply sorry for your inconvenience.

As a way to make up to you the management decided to give you a life long subscription. Once again we are deeply sorry.

"WHAT THE HECK!!!!!!!!"


Ring ring...


"Sir we did what you asked." A female voice told to the man at the other line.

Smiling slightly the man looked at a folder containing information about a certain player. "Thats good, now all we have to do is watch," Closing the folder he let out a sigh.

'Now show me what you can do Mr. Nacawa.' The man stood up and stared at the big monitor screen in front of him. He looked at the comments of the top beta testers of his creation and many of them have one thing in common.


He was intrigued what Requiem meant, so he decided to look into it. What he discovered was Requiem is not a what but a who. He let his team gather information about Requiem and not before long his team sent him videos about an ingame character named Requiem. What he found shocked him, a player that even if the odds were against him in real life did everything he could and showed how determination can overcome obstacles thats why he decided to make arrangements for Mr. Caleb Nacawa II and see what his adventures will be.

The man also known as Dr. Robert Smith is the mind behind Revelation Online. A genius who created the most sophisticated artificial intelligence in the planet. The A.I named Evangeline is the reason why Revelation Online is one of a kind because with Evangeline the game is still being developed further and the possibilities are infinite. A world where you will not be bound by any chains. A free world full of adventure.


A week passed by and Caleb couldn't wait any longer, his friends already started playing and they were about to venture outside of there chosen place seeing as the 1 month restriction ingame ended. Atleast he gained a life time subscription to the game, lucky or not players will still be ahead of him. What bothered him was the name he uses ingame would be not available and he doesn't want to use any other name. After the long wait at last the capsule is already being installed in his dormitory room.

"Thank you." He said to the pair of men in uniform installing the capsule.

Smiling one of the men looked at him. "Just doing our job sir."

The other man patted Caleb on the shoulder. "Enjoy the game sir," he added.

"Yes I definitely will, thank you again for the help."

Caleb led the two guys out, waved at them and quickly went back to his room. He looked at the device, his emotions were going haywire because now with all the work he did and all the overnights he stayed awake payed off. He has his very own capsule in front of him. He stayed still for a couple of minutes just looking at it. He snapped out of his daze and said out loud.

"Time to play!"

"Be quiet some of us are trying to sleep here!" An angry voice yelled at him from the other room.

"Sorry." He smiled and got in the capsule.

Do You Want to Connect to Revelation Online?YesNo

Without a doubt Caleb instantly answered.



Hello guys im kinda new to writing so if you have any problems, suggestions or anything please comment thanks...


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