《Endless Expanse Online》Chapter 25-Diplomacy
John watched the thing in front of him, he wouldn't call or even think of him as Human. He was simply prisoner 0002, AKA Dr. Steven Jacobson who specialized in microorganisms. John had no idea who or what he did in real life, but here he had participated in planning a genocide and that is all that mattered to John. Prisoner 0001, AKA Dr William Roberts was a chemist/Micro-biologist. Prisoner 0001 hardly ever logged on while 0002 was logged in at least 4 hours every day. John thought he was working as a part-time streamer, if so his revenue was about to take a huge hit. Both had filed Trouble Tickets and appealed but due to the nature of their game play, they were classified as War Criminals and Developers would not intervene.
Natalie had taken it slow in interrogating either one. The rules that constrained them to the cells also constrained what we could do to them. We had found a little loophole that allowed us to vent atmosphere within their cells or add chemicals to their air if they got combative while we fed them or tried to escape. Natalie liked adding chlorine or methane or nitrous oxide to their air when they did that. It had been a week since they had been captured and neither player had given up any Intel. The locals, were a different story altogether. Several of the scientists had cracked and one of the Operators. They knew of 2 more R&D labs and one more raiding base now. They had dispatched scouts to verify the information but it would take time.
The most recent wave of recruits had felt the mood on the station and the world below. Once they learned what had happened the somber mood quickly spread through the new recruits as well. John knew he had to do something to throw it off, but had no idea what. The next War Game scenario was in another 2 weeks, but until then he really couldn't think of anything to improve morale. R&R facilities were being constructed all over the planet, so people could do what they wanted on their down time. Snow skiing, beach party, safari rides, whatever people could think up John had already thought of and was either under construction or built already.
Grimes and his crew had taken this past week off, from picking up recruits so the Tortuga could be maintained and the crew could have some down time from running between 3 different systems all the time. Recruits were stacking up in both Arkonia Prime and Manhym System, and once the Tortuga was running again she would bring in around 1000 new recruits. 500 Marines, 350 Fleet Personal, 50 Fleet Officers, 70 Pilots, 30 medical Doctors, and 10 R&D scientists a huge boost to their current numbers. Due to the sheer numbers another Marine training camp was under construction, and they were expanding the current fleet training facilities on the station.
John dismissed the prisoners from his thoughts and left the prison area, he could not move forward if he dwelt upon them. He would trust Natalie to get any information out of them that they could. As John came out onto the main deck and headed toward the operations' area, 6 squads of Fleet personnel in training ran by in formation. The deck was perfect for running, just a little over 2.5 miles with stairs and viewports so the trainees could keep their minds active while running.
The main HALO display had Imperial space on display with information coming in from assets, they updated the information concerning fleet movements and deployments. Economic information and current situations that might be advantageous for the growing rebellion. The Heirs were running throughout non imperial space, not just recruiting and getting information but also running cargo for various businesses to earn money for the Rebellion. John had a lot of money from his past life but it was not infinite. Buying food, medical supplies, and key equipment to upgrade the station had steadily drained the money. Not to mention paying all the new people, they joined because they actually wanted to make a difference but the locals still had family and responsibilities back at their home worlds.
"Captain, I am sorry to disturb you but you are receiving a transmission from Aran'Sul. He is requesting to talk to you immediately." Douglas called out over the noise of Ops. He just pointed to his office and the Android nodded as John headed that way. "Aran'Sul, how can I help you?" John responded as holographic display came alive. "I hope your week has been going better there, then here my friend. The Thon have been very...demanding on finding out who found that information. They are sending a member of their government here, and they will arrive within 48 hours, I would appreciate if you would send someone to talk to them." Aran'Sul responded. John didn't even have to think about it "I will be there as soon as I can my friend. I appreciate you keeping our secret though. If there is nothing else, I have to go... I will se you soon my friend." with that John cut the channel. "Jeeves can you request Kara, Captain Stein, Jaine Carmichael, Mary Carmichael, and Commander Smitt to come here."
About 10 minutes later everyone had arrived and John had to fill them in on what had happened. "So we have an unknown people demanding to speak to someone within our group. Why does it have to be you?" Smitt immediately responded while Stein just nodded. "It has to be me because I am becoming the face of this rebellion. The Thon want awnsers, and I was there and commanded the overall raid of the system so it is my responsibility. I would ask Jimmy to come along but, that might turn this situation from bad to worse. We already have one powerful enemy, I do not want a second one. I will be taking the Riptide with me, and Smitt give me a detachment of Marines to go along but you will be staying here to continue your job. No arguments please. Captain Stein will be moving to my slot, running Admin for the system and Heirs while I am gone. This is a temporary slot until I get back, then you will go back to dunning the Officers School. Jaine and Mary you will report to Rebecca like you have been reporting to me. I should be back within 2 weeks. Kara you..." Kara cut John off "I will be coming with you Captain. Personal Aid and Bodyguard, this is not up for debate." John sighed before responding "Ok, Kara will do whatever she dammed well pleases. Let Chief Letts know what equipment you need to transfer to the Riptide to maintain...well you. Other than that we will be leaving within 3 hours people. Dismissed."
John watched the tactical display as the Riptide knifed deeper into the Manhym system. Most of the ships were designated blue on the plot as owned by Black Hole station but the 6 Yellow unknowns were a worry. "Looks like 4 destroyers, a light cruiser, and something in between a heavy cruiser and a Battleship Hull. Big bastard and if the readings are correct can take a couple good hits and give them back as well sir." the sensor operator called out as he drew closer to the designated docking port for the station. Aron'Sul had been on the comm line as soon as they dropped into the system welcoming them and making sure no one would start hostilities while in his system. It was neutral space and if anyone started a fight, his people would end it. "Just keep an eye on them, if they look like they are making a move back off but do nothing to start a fight. O'Hansen you will be in command while I am on the station playing Diplomat. Kate try to keep him out of trouble and Kara will be with me." John called out.
Within 15 Minutes John was in a conference room with Arna'Sul, 6 of his guards, a Thon Councilman with his aid and possible military advisor. "So why exactly did you insist on seeing a representative of my group Councilman?" The Thon was Humanoid, Bipedal, blue skinned, with solid yellow eyes, while the military one had black and the aid was blue. John wondered if the eyes meant anything to their social structure or if it was like humans and meant nothing. "We have heard rumors of you Captain Port, the Council of Thon decided that you represented an unknown and that you were likely just a Captain that wanted power just like your government had taken. Now though things have changed, you provided clear threat that the Imperium represents to our people. So the question is Captain what do you really want? Why did you send that information?" John looked at the Councilman, then glanced at Aran'Sul before he responded " I sent you that information because it is the right thing to do and if we could not reverse engineer a vaccine, you and your people had the best bet of doing so. I don't want power and the Imperium is not your enemy, the Admirals Board and IntelDiv are. They are in power and if we can get the people to realize what they are doing, we might get enough support to pull them down from within. A full military rebellion is something I am planning for but its only if we cannot get the common citizens and the Senate to overthrow the current government. We are actively hunting down all the Black Ops sites the IntelDiv has outside of Imperial space, and we will destroy them if the are a threat to the locals or if they represent threats to the stability of the region like the R&D facility in the Duniden System represented." John responded.
"We have heard Captain that you are actively recruiting within several star clusters and are expanding your current endeavors to recruit more. If your primary plan is to overthrow the system from within, what do you plan to do with all that military might if you do not need it?" The Councilman responded. "We humans have a saying 'Hope for the Best, but Plan for the Worst' in all likelihood Councilman we are going to have to go with the Military option. Between the Board and IntelDiv, they have a stranglehold on both the military and political structure. We might get the outer colonies and systems of the Imperium, but the core will be loyal to them. People are going to die in the coming war and once the war is over and the Senate is back in power I will gladly step down and face whatever charges anyone wants to throw at me including your people." John finished with a sigh before sitting back in his chair. "Is there any chance that we will be able to inspect the R&D facility?" the military aid asked. "No, after we copied all the data we could get and samples of what they were making, the on ground commander decided it was too much of a risk to leave intact encase IntelDiv or the Board sent a recovery team to reclaim anything they could. We nuked the facility to ensure that everything was destroyed so if they decided to go through with their plans to wipe you out, they would have to start from the beginning again." John quickly responded.
The two Thon looked at each other before the military one nodded. "My name Captain Port, is Beran'Gundel, Third Council of the United Thon Federation. For now, we see this conflict as an internal Human matter and will formerly recognize your authority in pursuing this matter. As long as you continue to contain the threat of the Admirals board and IntelDiv we will continue to see you and your people as in charge of this ongoing conflict and will not hold the people of the Imperium responsible for the actions of the few. If that changes, and they enact a Genocide against our people or against one of our neighbors this will be readdressed. Now how can we help you and your people?" Beran'Gundel asked. John smiled and got down to business. Over the next hour they talked and planned and Beran'Gundel provided official documents that recognized Johns rebellion, Beran'Gundel received a copy of the Trade Agreement the Heirs would honor that Beran'Gundel would take back to his people and would be ratified shortly Beran'Gundel assured.
"That could have gone far worse, but it also went better than I expected." John told Aran'Sul once they were alone. "I have never seen them so angry, usually talks like that would take days or even weeks. They only reason why the talks went that quickly is because the threat both the Admirals Board and IntelDiv represent. If that would not have happened, you might never had received official recognition as an opposing force against them by the Thon. " Aran'Sul responded. "Yes they did, but with restrictions. If the Board or IntelDiv actually succeeds with one of their mad plans, they all but said they would organize a formal all out war with the Imperium against all her neighbours. With what they have been doing its only a matter of time before they succed, and I am not sure what side of the line I will be if they succeed. The Thon and her allies will not concern about civilian casualties if they go to war like I am. They will target any Imperial world and do everything they can to grind the Imperium into dust. I want to save it. We got to step up both our Shadow War campaign, and we got to start a propaganda war and let both the civilians and the senate know what the Admirals Board and IntelDiv are doing out here and try to get support within the Imperium. We also have to let any dissenters know that there is an organized rebellion going on out there, and we do not want to tear down the Imperium, just the current Government and their support. I have to get home my friend, if you need me, you know how to contact me." with that John left, he was more worried now then when he had been coming to Black Hole Station.
Loki Station
Location: Unknown
IntelDiv HQ
Colonel Monroe looked at the halo display in front of him showing 15 glowing dots, 3 of them were Red while 13 still were blue. "So we can confirm that Zeta bases 1 and 5 are destroyed and that Alpha base 1 has been nuked, do we know who is doing this Lieutenant?" the Lieutenant was nervous, the Colonel did not take failure or the unknown well "No sir, we have no idea who did it or how they are finding the bases. The Travelers assigned to Alpha 1 have not shown up in Imperium Space anywhere and have not contacted us, and we cannot contact them either. We know whoever is attacking the bases have captured at least three people, so we do not know how many of the bases are actually compromised." This caused Colonel Monroe to snarl and crush the halo display.
"Get word out to all Alpha, Zeta, even Beta bases that they are to go on alert, and they might be attacked at any time. Send a message to the Admirals Board about the attacks that have happened, that we have put all our assets on alert, and that our primary plans might be compromised. Then call a command staff meeting in 30 minutes we might not know who is behind this, but it does not mean we cannot come up with a plan to expose who they are, so we can hunt them down and destroy them. Now get out." Colonel Monroe roared at the retreating back of the Lieutenant. It was time to go on the offensive.
The Goblin Nation
They should have fought back. They felt his disdain, but no one wanted to believed - believe that they were never loved. That they can just appease him again. Sacrifice their lives again. Conquered their enemies again. Built wonders for his majesty again. And when they finally accepted the truth, it brought them to their knees as his machines burned down their wonders and reduced them back into animals. But there was still hope. The Stellars told of our survival. Our downfall was just the beginning. Our regression into animals was merely a delay. At the time, our people were split into different tribes. Before the doors to the infinite sea are open. There will be a child born to stand against his machines, born to challenge his majesty. And with a sword in one hand and a scepter on the other, that child - that hero, will lead his kingdom. The kingdom of goblins. Sun, the goblin child born to save all of goblin kind. A former human from an unknown world died and reborn with little memory of his past. Join him as he takes on the world, make new friends, uncover the secret of his past, and lead the goblin kind out from the darkness.
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