《Land of Athlora》*Chapter 9 - Final Confrontation


It was already dark, when Wren’s ears prick up at hearing a familiar howl in the distance. Wren eyes snap wide awake with a cold glint as she knew exactly who was coming for her. Rather than climbing out of the cave, Wren jumps into the swirling pool and swims through the chilly waters towards the river bank. Sniffing, Wren climbs up the river bank before wringing the water out of her hair and clothes.

Given Wren’s location fighting with her back to the waterfall was her best bet. The trees nearby were all quite small in comparison to the needed height required to fight off the beast. No, this time she would face the creature on land as hiding in the cave would be a death trap.

Wren sadly sighs out loud as she bitterly regrets tossing the green-eyed man’s sword into the water. At the time it seemed like a good idea, now not so much. But what was done was done and she have to give it her best given her current predicament. After the fight, Wren’s magic pool was basically depleted with maybe one or two minutes’ worth of levitation magic.

The bubbling rage from within begins to bubble again causing Wren to close her eyes to envision the icy, frozen river of the Frost Giants landscape. Wren remains still and calm as the rage once more is forcibly sunk under the river. Wren opens her eyes as the familiar sickening scent that fills the air, it was the creature's alright. Unperturbed Wren rises to her feet and keeps her hand to the side within reach of her dagger.

A malformed figure stomps through the woods as it approaches its meal most eagerly. It had desperately searched throughout the whole forest and had even begun to despair at the vile thought that its prey had escaped. But finally, tonight, it had scented its preys’ scent on the night breeze! As it made its way through the forest it howled to the other creatures in warning to stay out of its way nor to touch its rightful prey.

Surprised it stops in its tracks as its meal remains still on the ground. It cocks its head in puzzlement fearing some sort of trap and sniffs the air cautiously but does not smell magic in the air. It happily nods in approval at its meals actions. Its rightful meal has at last understood its proper place as food to be eaten.

The creature chares straight at Wren as Wren easily dodges to the side. After everything that had transpired it wasn’t a hard feat. But rather the question was what it would do next?

It furrows its brows in distress at missing its meal. Its meal should not be capable of defying it! And yet it has clearly done so! It angrily snorts and huffs at its meal as it vows not to miss.

Wren furrows a bit her brow as she eyes the creature’s long talons. From past experience, she was already aware that she was no match for it’s long range attacks. Wren glances at her dagger and back at the creature’s fur, she highly doubted her dagger would be able to get through to anything vital. Wren bitterly smiles to herself, she really, really was regretting throwing the sword into the water now. And yes, she was aware she wouldn’t be able to handle the sword properly, but she could have still managed to stab the blade into the creature at least!

The creature digs its grisly claws into the earth and wildly swings its claws at her. Wren dodges its claws by rolling to the side, before leaping back to her feet. Without hesitation, the creature bares its fangs at her in hunger.


It licks its lips as it images the delicious taste of its meal squirming in terror. It would toy with its meal and feel the life drain away from its meal. It licks its lips and that much more eagerly claws forward in large swings.

Wren instantly sees the opening and guesses the creature’s vile thought. Wren darts for a nearby maple tree with the creature right on her tail. Rather than climbing up the tree, Wren runs up the tree and flips off. The creature slams right into the tree as Wren slams into the creature below. Wren nimbly lands onto the creature’s grotesque back and ignores the blood coated fur. Without hesitation, Wren digs her dagger into the creature’s shoulder and clings to its back.

The creature shrieks painfully fill the air as Wren winces at the sharp sound. Unable to clamp her hands over her ears, Wren only resorts to breathing through her mouth to ease the pain. Enraged, the creature blindly claws at its back as Wren hisses in pain at being raked by its claws. And though the pain was nothing in comparison to having one’s limbs chopped off, it still bloody hurt!

It roars in anger at being defied and slams its body with full force into boulders and trees. But yet each time it did, it’s infuriating meal would remain on its back and stab repeatedly into its spine. Its violent roaring has forced any creature nearby away including the monstrous predators, who wondered, what manner of creature had dared to challenge and defy it?

Overhead the clouds are easily pushed aside as a radiant amber moon emerges from amidst a shadowy sea of clouds. The moon's gentle rays illuminate the Misty Woods and turn the forest into a glittering specter. The moonbeams find their way to every corner of the forest and for a moment, Misty Woods appears to be bathed in light.

Not only is Wren drenched in the creature’s blood and badly battered but infuriated by the fact that she has yet to server the creature’s spine as its flesh is unexpectedly tough. The rage within Wren bubbles violently and attempts to break its prison but is unable. As the wave of anger disappears Wren glances up at the moon with a frown and recalls a vital forgotten detail, the moon mists. On full moons such as tonight, thick mists would descend and obscure the forest floor. Hence the name, the Misty Woods.

No doubt the creature was aware of this and had been eagerly binding it’s time by dragging her further into the forest, before throwing her off and hunting her at its leisure. With such limited visibility, Wren’s own senses were limited by the mist, while the creature’s keen hearing and sense of smell would only serve to aid it.

Wren grunts in pain as the creature slams her into the ground and bears the pain. A loud pop is heard as Wren’s back pains her terribly. Ignoring the pain, Wren’s mind searches for an idea until it comes to her. As swiftly as possible, Wren casts her levitation magic and waits for the right moment.

Not long after, the creature slams its body towards a large oak tree. Wren vaults off the creatures back and up the tree to land on a sturdy tree branch. With only seconds to spare, Wren breathes deeply to settle her beating heart, before leaping to the tree across. Wren lightly lands on the tree branch causing Wren to release a breath of relief at the tree holding her weight, despite making a creaking sound. Seeing her plan working, Wren leaps to the next tree and the next.


The creature snarls in anger and fiercely follows her down below. But Wren is able to outrun it as she glides through the trees and soon puts distance between them. Wren glances at the rapid falling mists and smiles wryly. It was all due to the fog that she got such an idea, but it was all thanks to the fog that level of dangerous had increased. Because if she didn’t make it back to the waterfall before the mists reached her, Wren would be left in a terrible position.

The mists begin creep up higher as Wren intently listens for the rumble of the falls. Her intent listening is soon rewarded by the soft rumble heard not to far away. Wren presses forward as her mind searches for a plan of attack. Ordinarily, Wren would have used the water to advantage as she could breath underwater. But Wren got the distinct feeling that the creature could out swim her despite not being able to breath underwater. And even if she outlasted the creature until dawn, Wren knew without a doubt the creature would return the following night. But even worse so as the creature would already be used to Wren’s tricks and be able to easily counter attack.

No, if Wren wanted to win, she would have no choice but to end everything tonight. Wren finally enters the clearing but halts and remains waiting in the tree as the last of her magic runs out. Wren pants tiredly at feeling void of any magic as her bones seem to turn into jelly. Fighting off the wave of exhaustion, Wren sighs knowing full well that a dead mage is one who has no magic left.

Wren leans against the tree trunk to rest as she keeps watch from her current vantage point as the mist have yet to reach her height. Pausing to wipe her sweaty brows, Wren finds her arm trembling from exhaustion. The bruises and wounds on her battered body are slowly healing as her body reaches its limit unable to provide any magic to the healing process. Unable to find any magic source, the regeneration ability immediately seeks out an alternative source and consumes any stored body fat.

Wren feels her body’s strength rapidly deplenish as her body heals itself. Wren periodically glances up the moonlight until she hears the nearing howl in the distance. The mist steadily creeps up until everything below her feet is covered in a sea of fog. Much like a shark the creature approaches as a dark blur that stirs hungrily from within the depths of the mist.

The crinkling and rustles suddenly cease causing Wren’s to crouch and wait. With a roar the creature leaps up at her with its giant jaws wide open as Wren grabs the ready broken branch next to her and swings with all her might. The branch slams right under the creature’s chin and sends it flying back into the mist.

A bloodthirsty smile appears on Wren’s face, but Wren does not notice as the rage within her cunningly begins to gather. Hearing a growl, Wren instantly pulls herself up to the branch above as the creature tears the branch below with its claws. Wren withdraws the tree branch from her mouth and waits as she senses the creature circling her malevolently.

Wren abruptly hears the creature withdraw into the trees and smiles grimly. That was precisely why Wren didn’t wish to continue to fight the creature in the woods. For one, it could climb and two, sooner or later it would get her to the ground. And trapped in the mist, Wren would be unable to sense from which way it would attack. At least in the clearing, Wren’s back would be protected as the creature could only attack from the front.

Wren was merely staying in the tree to rest with hopes of possibly dealing a deadly blow, before taking to fighting in the clearing. Because she knew, what she was on the ground, it would be a slugfest. And sadly enough, Wren knew she was the underdog in the ring.

In the pit of Wren’s stomach, a strange pulse is rapidly pulsing. Wren frowns at the strange pulse but ignores it as it wasn’t relevant to her survival. But if Wren had paid attention she would have noticed that it was beating according to the rage that was gathering within her.

The leaves ominously creak and rustle from one side of the clearing to another at its ferocious pacing. It sneers at the scent and snarls hungrily. Its meal was being irritating as usual by clinging to the tree. It must tear the tree down!

Wren hears a familiar sound of the creature charging at her. Bracing herself, Wren holds the tree branch in head and waits for the creature to tear the tree down. With a powerful crack, the creature tears into the tree causing it lean. Before the creature can reattack, Wren has already leaped of the tree and landed on it’s back. With only one shot in hand, Wren stabs the sharp end of the branch as deep as she can into the hole she had been digging into its neck.

The creature screams in pain and slams its head back causing the tree branch tip to slide forward, before snapping off. The creature angrily rakes at its back in attempt to remove the tip of the branch, but Wren has already leapt onto the ground and sprinted towards the open clearing. Panting, Wren slides to a stop and places her back to the river and waits.

The creatures howling ceases as the enraged creature rushes out of the forest at her. Wren barely twists her body away as it swings it’s arm one after another in attack. It’s claws lightly graze Wren’s face and part of her chest. Wren hisses out at the pain and rage as the pulsing inside her stomach begins to speed up.

The wounds on Wren’s face and chest barely heal as there is not much energy left in her body to heal her wounds. The creature does not cease its relentless attacks as Wren dodges by weaving back and forth on her feet. Panting, Wren begins to slow despite herself as the creatures speeds up in sensing her weakness.

Rage burns inside of Wren and almost bursts forth but is still trapped behind a layer of impassable ice. Grinding her teeth, Wren ducks under it’s swinging claws and seemingly rolls away, before running away. Chasing creature to its surprise suddenly find Wren running right at as it opens its arms wide. At the last second, Wren slides underneath it and kicks up with all her might at its dangling jewels, a loud crunching sound is heard as Wren rolls away from underneath it.

It miserably crashes onto its knees as it wretchedly clutches its precious goods. It shrikes in such anguish that anyone would think, it was being eaten alive. How did its meal dare to cause it such pain!

The surrounding monsters bolt away and wonder just, what manner of creature could cause such anguish in the monstrous creature of the forest? Whatever it was it must surely be unimaginably vicious. But in the end, there could only be one and which would that be?

Seeing the creature on the ground as planned Wren unsheathes her dagger and runs forward. Using the last bit of her strength, Wren stabs the creature’s remaining eye with her full strength. The creature shrieks and sends Wren flying with its arm. Wren flies like cannonball through the air to only painfully slam into the ground.

Wren weakly coughs out blood and says, “C’mon!” Despite stabbing the creature in its eye, Wren’s blade had failed to pierce through its skull into its brain.

It snarls in anger and snarls in promise of eating its meal alive for the next days. Protectively cradling its damaged goods, it trembling climbs onto its feet. It merely takes a step forward and lets out a howl in pain.

Seeing the creature move, Wren’s shakily climbs back to her feet. Wren’s muscles were not only exhausted and not a single muscle in her body did not ache. But worst of all, she truly did not know how she was still on her feet as her body screamed at her to remain on the ground.

Wren wipes the dried blood and sweat from her face with her sleeve. And snickers in a pained huff at the creature’s suffering. “Who’s the prey now,” Wren muttered. “Well, shit, I’m all out of ideas.” The creature was already use to her attacks and they were both hurt. Her regeneration had long since reached its limit and was barely healing her at all. She had no magic left, but a dagger that couldn’t pierce to its vitals.

Wren would even hazard to say, that the creature was in a better position to win than she was at the moment. Not including the fact that if she was caught the creature would eat her alive. And such a fate was worse than death, but if worst came to worst, Wren would slit her own throat as a mercy to herself.

The creature snarls loudly at Wren bringing her out of her contemplative thoughts. Wren merely raises her eyebrows in irritation at the creatures vastly annoying voice. The pulse in Wren’s stomach bubbles ominously causing the sensation of blood boiling in her veins as the pent-up rage reattacks.

For some reason, the perverted ghost hermit comes to mind. "The best way to force an ability to awaken is to place one's life in jeopardy." “Bullshit!” Wren muttered reflexively out loud. If that was the case, why was she in this pathetic state?!

The creature’s sudden movement causes Wren to glance back at it as it digs its feet into the ground. Wren grimly grips her dagger and readies herself for it to come. A fire like burn engulfs Wren’s veins as it slithers for her heart as if to consume it.

It sniffs the air as it hurtles forward at its prey. It grins in pleasure at its meals correct and proper actions of futilely standing frozen in place. Its rightful meal has been most uncooperative all evening that it had even begun to despair of ever being able to eat its meal. It licks its lips in an anticipatory manner and attacks.

It’s prey barely dodges and slashes futilely at it. It could sense the fading strength of its prey and sends its preys weapon flying. Finally, it cleverly catches its prey and holds it in its claws. It sniffs the delicious scent and licks the face of its prey for a small taste. The taste is just exquisite as its prey struggles to get away.

It gradually opens its eagerly awaiting jaws and lowers its jaw to its arm and takes a bite. It viciously clamps its jaws shut and tears away ripping the limb off. Its prey ceases to struggle as it enjoys savors the sweet blood. It licks its lips carefully not allowing a single drop of blood to escape from its tongue. It carelessly drops its prey and begins to chew on the tasty bone.

Ignoring its whimpering prey on the ground, it contently grinds the bones in its mouth. It quite enjoys the crunchy sounds the bones make as the bone is being crushed in its jaws. Enjoying the sweet music of its preys cries it leisurely sucks on the meat until it is gone. As usual, the fear and pain gave the flesh an exquisite rich taste.

On the ground, Wren clenches her teeth to keep silent, but whimpers of pain still escape her. Unable to heal, Wren tries to staunch the wound as her blood burns throughout her entire body. In pain and weakened, the suppressed rage that had been imprisoned broke-through. A terrible bloodthirst suddenly arose and consumed her. An appalling bloodthirsts filled her eyes as the blood in her veins was filled with promise of violence. The violence to commit atrocities of which the likes the world had never seen.

From out of nowhere, energy fills Wren’s veins as Wren’s regeneration keeps back in and begins to instantly heal. Wren’s eyes are filled with a malevolent crimson light and an uncontrollable hunger fills her. Wren’s second set of teeth emerge to reveal a macabre smile which had not been seen the likes in many eons since the fall.

Its dinner is rudely interrupted as abruptly the fur on its back fluffs out and stands on end. The scent of its meal suddenly transforms into that of something very dangerous. The blood on the ground strangely begins to move causing it to take a step back. It shakes its grotesque head in a confused fashion and sniffs the air tentatively wondering, if another creature is interfering with its meal? Unable to find another creature’s smell it growls in threat back.

The spilled blood on the ground creeps on its own towards Wren and is all neatly absorbed into her flesh. Burning brightly a second pool of magic burns within Wren and urges her to drain the blood of every living being until she is fully drenched in their blood. The newly formed magic pool whispers promise of untold power and violence.

In agreement, Wren expressionlessly flexes her regenerated arms and rising ghoulishly to her feet. Licking her teeth, Wren carnivorously turns her gaze onto the creature and grins a Cheshire smile. Wren is about to act when a coldness erupts from inside of her fueled by the pendants cool touch against her chest.

Suddenly, Wren’s eyesight becomes clear as the pulsing crimson is pushed back as the blue color returns to her eyes. A crimson light still remains but only as very thin circle encircling her eye pupils. Wren snorts in disdain at herself and at the ragging blood within her. “Know, you’re place, I am the Frost Clan Head,” Wren proclaimed to herself.

The raging blood within her slows in acceptance and unwillingly bows its head before the chilly frost that threatened to suppress it. Taking a deep breath Wren glances up and retains her smile. “Sorry about that I was just settling things with myself,” Wren said out loud.

Wren takes a step forward and says, “Now, you’ve enjoyed eating my arm and good for you. But I will say this, you will regret that very shortly.” Wren points with one finger at the creature and says, “Explode.”

It growls back and stops in confusion. A strange pressure is felt from inside itself that only grows larger as it expands under its skin. It only feels an unmeasurable amount of panic as it feels its self-swell. Letting out a howl of pain it explodes into bits and pieces across the clearing.

Wren grimaces as the creature splatters across and wipes the gore off her face. As if a rat to a piper the spattered blood creepily gathers on its own and is absorbed by her. The new magic pool avariciously absorbs the extra blood until it is gone. Satisfied, the blood magic disperses, but a permanent crimson ring remains around her eye pupils.

Wren’s body croaks into exhaustion as Wren falls to the ground and tremblingly reaches for the creature’s body as her body howls in absolute hunger. As Wren bites down into the creature’s flesh, she recalls Hermits words, "Presently your young body is not capable of tolerating all of your abilities.”

“So, what, I’m still alive aren’t I?” Wren grumbled back and took another bite of the creature’s flesh. The reason Wren had done so, she knew she only had one opportunity left to absorb a monster’s ability. And frankly, the creature was the toughest monster she had ever met as of yet. She’d rather be safe than sorry on passing on such a monster. Besides ignoring the smell, the creature didn’t taste half bad.

Dawn rises to find Wren having picked clean the creature’s skeleton. Brimming with newfound energy and a magic pool of magic, Wren burps and heads into the water to wash as she carefully sheathes her found dagger. Refreshed, Wren easily uses her levitation magic to grab her things, before heading out via the trees. As it would turn out traveling the tree highway was much faster than traveling on the ground. Besides, it wasn’t like she could get lost at this point.

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