《Land of Athlora》*Chapter 2 - Eighth Birthday
-1st day of 7th Month of 1519
In the capital, Micaellis of the human Kingdom of Leair and throughout the kingdom there is a great commotion as there is to be an immense masquerade ball to be held at the King's palace for the unwed third prince to find a wife. All unwed females of the kingdom were invited to attend and present themselves at the palace, not considering their race, status, or circumstances. Quite literally the chance of a lifetime!
Madam Norialise at receiving an invitation was most naturally thrilled. It was the perfect occasion for her to showcase her ladies to wealthy gentlemen and increase the reputation of her pleasure house. The Madam immediately orders the pleasure house to be closed for the next few days until the ball to have ample time to prepare all the available ladies to attend the masquerade. The pleasure house was in a flurry with preparations as the household servants prepared every single courtesan to attend the ball down to the young female trainees who had yet to take their first gentleman.
Wren, who had been reading a book in her father's room peeks out of the doorway and stares at the commotion in the hallway. Her father had specially told Wren not step out of their room, but in her defense, she technically wasn't disobeying her father, what so ever.
Servants run in and out of rooms carrying dresses to be ironed and tailored. Wren giggles at the frantic actions of the servants, who in their hurry had crashed with one another sending gowns plunging in every direction. That is until she notices a handsome tall Ogre dressed in fine black, silk clothing staring firmly at her.
Zarris, who was returning from the kitchens with lunch saw the servants fly into one another. He had safely put down the lunch basket packed to the brim with food onto the floor, before helping the poor panicked servants gather the fine gowns from the floor. The pair of twinkling dark eyes that peeked form the doorway instantly vanished at his appearance as the door slams shut.
Zarris is unable to hide his smile as he ruefully chuckles to himself at his daughter’s actions. After he finishes helping the grateful servants gather the expensive garments from the floor, Zarris retrieves the lunch basket, before entering his bedroom. On the large wooden poster bed, there is a rather tall, female child reading a history book most intently. As Zarris places the basket with food on the table, the female child did not look up. Zarris raises his eyebrows and crosses his arms at his daughter’s actions as he waits for her to speak knowing full well that she is frantically thinking up of an excuse on why she disobeyed him.
Wren guiltily raises her eyes from her book to meet that of her father as she wryly smiles at him. "Father, I didn't disobey your order to wander throughout the house today. All I did was peek into the hallway and that was only after I had finished reading the History of the Kingdom of Leair," Wren matter-of-factly stated as she unhappily ducks her head waiting for her father to lecture her for her disobedience. But she really hoped that he wouldn’t!
Zarris face contorts and twists unable to control himself, as he bursts out laughing. Zarris holds his stomach as he shakes from laughter until tears stream down his face causing Wren to chuckle as well. Wiping tears form his eyes, Zarris breathlessly says, "Did you see when they ran into each other?" Wren snickers and responds, "The clothes went whoosh; colorful clouds, flying into every direction."
The bedroom is full of joyful laughter until Zarris finally catches his breath and leans toward his daughter. Zarris fondly pats her silky black hair and murmurs, "It was well the worth the time spent helping them. Now come on, it's time to eat." Zarris pulls out four loaves of bread, one pound of raw meat, a large ham, a bushel of apples, and one wheel of cheese. Zarris evenly splits all the food in between both of them except for the raw meat, which is solely for Wren.
Wren quickly begins to eat as Zarris tenderly studies his child. His daughter had long thick black hair pulled into a tidy braid with incredibly pale skin with a touch of blue that he and she shared. The black shirt and black pants fit her loosely, but at the rate she was growing, she will soon discard the garment. His daughter was already one meter tall and was little doubt in his mind that she would one day soon reach his height or surpass him. Zarris slightly leans closer affectionately comparing his features to hers. Their features are so similar, that they look more like brother and sister, then father and daughter. The one distinct difference is her slit eyes and the fangs, her only inheritance from her vampiric birth mother.
Wren happily finishes eating all her food except the raw meat. Puzzled at her father's behavior, she curiously asks, "Father, aren't you hungry? Are you not going to eat?"
Zarris coolly lies to his child, "I already ate in the kitchen. You're still growing, so eat all of the food, so that you can grow big and strong." Wren happily accepts her father’s proposal and eats her father's portion as well.
Zarris watches in fascination as Wren pulls the raw meat towards her to begin eating. A second later, a second row of razor sharp teeth emerges from behind her regular set of teeth. Zarris remembered the first time that happened was when she was six months old. As a small infant, Wren did not like having blood poured in her food. She would cry and wail absolutely refusing to eat until the blood was removed. But the problem was that Wren needed to be feed daily blood substances as she was half vampire.
But not matter what Zarris did his child would still not eat the blood. Zarris was fraught with worry at seeing Wren grow weaker as time went on. In his desperation, Zarris decided to attempt to feed Wren bits of raw meat. And so that day, Zarris had begun feeding Wren small bits and pieces of raw meat, when a second set of razor teeth had appeared. In his shock, Zarris had almost dropped Wren onto the floor, luckily, he managed to still keep a grip on her. After having finished feeding the content infant, Zarris calmly explained to the infant that she could never show her second set of teeth to others. Somehow, Wren understood Zarris’s words if not his concern and never did.
Wren contentedly finishes munching on the raw meat as her second set of teeth retract into her gums once more as she contently pats her bulging belly and sighs, "That was wonderful father!" Wren quickly covers her mouth, letting out a small burp.
Zarris tenderly smiles at his child and says, "Did you think I would forget what today was? After all, you're finally eight years old!”
"You remembered father, I did not think you would with all the commotion going on about!" Wren cheerful said as she jumps up and tightly hugs her father. Wren happily hopes her father had got her a new book to read or even better some exquisite delicacies to eat.
Zarris tightly hug Wren back in response as he gently picks carries her in his arms. As he holds, Zarris reflexively remembers the small baby who once fit in crook of his arms. As a baby, Wren rarely cried except when she was wet or ill. A child who quickly learned to hide from his customers and never make any sounds. A child who rarely played with children of her own age, but even worse, a child who never knew what innocence, learning far too soon of the darkness and horrors that existed in the human heart.
At his grim thoughts, Zarris arms protectively tighten around Wren as she struggles a bit in his arms in protest. Zarris smirks at her futile struggles and drops Wren onto the bed. Wren glares up at her father and sulkily turns her back on him.
Zarris pulls on Wren’s braid teasingly, "Now, now, if you behave like that, you won't get anything."
Wren eyes widen in expectation as she unhappily mutters, "This better be good. " To her surprise, her father walks to the bedroom door and locks the door. Wren's eyes widen with unease as the first lesson her father taught her was to never go into anyone's room without him and especially to never enter a guest's bedchambers. Back then, Wren was far too young to understand his words nor truly understood why they couldn’t leave this place if her father disliked it so.
To better explain Zarris had shown her the beautiful intricate crest on his wrist and explained, "This is proof that I belong to someone. This crest will never allow me to leave this place." Even then, Wren understood that there was something wrong with such a statement for how can anyone belong to another person? But Wren had swallowed down her father’s answer with sadness in understanding that they could not leave.
Older, one day, Wren had been cruelly enlightened by the beggar children as they called her, a whore’s daughter. Still a child Wren did not understand the beggar children until they pointed at the mating alley cats in alley. The beggar children jeered and said, that’s what your father does for coin. Sick to her stomach, Wren finally understood what happened behind closed doors in the household. But even more so, Wren finally understood why their home was called, a pleasure home. But even more so explained her father’s actions in always bathing after he had a guest unable to abide the sense of filth.
However, what truly destroyed Wren’s last bit of innocence was when a guest had spotted Wren and asked the Madam, when Wren would come available for bedding. Wren now understanding the nature of the business could not understand how a child such as herself could serve an adult. Disillusioned and afraid, Wren never wandered freely throughout the house nor much less left the house to play in the backstreets of the brothel.
Wren is awoken out of her reverie as Zarris moves the truck next to the bedframe. Zarris carefully pries the loose board and removes a pouch, before returning everything to the usual position. Seeing Wren so still, Zarris smiles a comforting smile as he takes a seat next to his daughter. Zarris tenderly removes a silver chain with a blue crystal embedded in the middle and places it on Wren. "This belonged to my mother, who gave me her pendant the day I turned eight years old, and now I give it to you." Zarris softly said as he pauses, "This is all I have left from her-, treasure it with all of you heart, my little one."
Wren clutches the pendant protectively in her hands and vehemently vows, "I promise, I will protect it well.” Wren carefully places the pendant inside her shirt and pats her clothes down, making absolutely certain that the chain is not visible on the outside.
Zarris grins at his daughter’s actions and says, "Good now-," when a knock at the door is heard. Wren instantly grabs the pouch out of her father's hands and hides it inside her shirt. Zarris appears startled for a moment, but a glint of approval appears in his eyes at his daughter’s quick reaction as he hastily rises to his feet and unlocks the door.
Several young ladies stand at the door next to Lumi, who is at the helm of the group. Lumi had once been a thin fairy trainee girl and was a now a very popular courtesan. Lumi pushes her way past Zarris as a noisy entourage of girls follows and swiftly quickly surround Wren preventing her escape from their perfumed grasp.
A group of women carry Scarlett and upon seeing them do so, Zarris immediately takes her from their arms and carries her to the bed amid the flock of girls. Finished, Zarris stares down his nose at them and rather crossly says, "What are all of you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for the masquerade? If the Madam-."
Lumi rudely interrupts Zarris, "What the Madam doesn't know, can't possibly hurt her. Besides we've finished dressing ages ago,” she cheerfully said as she sticks out her pink tongue at him and waves her fan in his face.
Scarlett gently smiles at Zarris and attempts to appease him, "Please don't be angry. We came to visit Wren; it is after all her birthday today."
Wren turns pleading puppy dog eyes onto her father. "Please father, just a couple of minutes!" Wren begged him.
Zarris sighs in defeat and replies, "Very well, but only a couple of minutes." All the ladies surround Wren and take turns drowning her in their plentiful chests causing Wren to wrinkle her nose at the overpowering distasteful flower scent emitted from their bodies.
Lumi mischievously smiles at Wren, "Now close your eyes. We all pitched in to get you a small gift," she excitedly said.
One of the ladies covers Wren's eyes as Scarlett reaches under her skirt and pulls out a cloth sack. "You can look now," Lumi enthusiastically said.
Wren removes the sweet-smelling hands covering her eyes and sees the sack. Wren eagerly pulls the sack towards herself and rips open the sack to finds ten new books. Wren happily confirms that all ten volumes are magic/rune books. Why, just one book is expensive, but ten books combined are worth a fortune!
Zarris frowns a bit as he reads the book titles and says, "How could all of you afford these books, they're worth a fortune?"
Lumi smacks Zarris on the back of the head with her fan. "Why are you worrying about money? Stop trying to ruin the mood, you, idiotic man!" Lumi crossly hissed.
Zarris rubs the sore back of his head as he opens his mouth to retort back but stops at the look of glee on his daughter's face. Zaris closes his mouth and crosses his arms in annoyance as he most certainly does not glare evilly at Lumi, while praying for the wrath of the God's to befall her.
Scarlett noticing Zarris and Lumi's heated staring contest worriedly intercedes between them. "We didn't steal them, Zarris. One of my patrons is a wealthy book merchant. When, I told him, I wanted to buy some magic books. He told me, he would sell the books at one-tenth of the price, if I bought ten books. I told the Ladies and they all agreed it was a good idea. We all brought the books together."
Wren excitedly hugs the books to her chest, "Thank you, everyone! I will most defiantly treasure them," Wren gratefully said, causing the Ladies to squeal at the cute expression on Wren’s face.
"Ahem," a distinct cough is heard from the doorway as they all direct their gazes towards the figure at the door, a well dressed, coach footman is in the doorway. "It is time to depart. Please follow me downstairs, Ladies. Also, I am here to carry a Miss Scarlett," he politely said.
The ladies give Wren a final hug as they head downstairs as Wren waves fondly goodbye to them. Lumi taps Zarris lightly on the head with her fan in reminder, before triumphantly flouncing away. Zarris snorts in reply, before gently reaching for Scarlett and carrying her over to the footman, who carried her to the waiting carriages.
Wren slides off the bed and walks to the window to watch the Ladies depart in a long winding line of coaches headed to the masquerade ball. Wren quietly hopes that maybe against all odds that one of the girls gains the prince's heart as the last coach disappears into the next street. Catching a whiff of herself as she turns away from the window, Wren’s nose waters as she mumbles, "Now I really do smell like a whore house."
Zarris, who was closing the door whips his head back and sternly says, "What do you mean by that?" Disappointed at his daughter’s words, Zarris sternly eyes Wren.
Wren guilty looks down and remorsefully says, "I didn't mean it like that father. I just heard one of the servant boys say it, to describe strong perfume smells. I'm sorry.” She knew better than anyone that her father hated such an attitude towards the girls and was rather protective of them as several times, he had to forcefully throw patrons out onto the street, because they were hurting the girls.
Zarris sighs and pulls Wren into his arms. "I know you didn't mean anything, but my child, please remember that most of the people in this house didn't have a choice. Do you think your careless remark wouldn't have hurt the Ladies, if they had been heard by them? Please choose your more words carefully,” Zarris quietly murmured. Zarris didn't mean to vent his frustration onto his daughter, but he hated people's assumptions of pleasure slaves. The most common ones were that all pleasure slaves enjoyed their profession or willingly sold themselves to pleasure houses for wealth and status.
Wren tightly wraps her arms around him and buries her head into his chest. Zarris gently caresses her hair and says, "Now go put your books away. I have more things to show you." A gentle smile creeps up his face as he watches Wren scurry away from him obeying his every word as fast as she can. Wren gently puts her precious books away in the small wooden trunk that her father had brought her. With a thump, Wren slams the trunk shut and crawls back to the bed, before reaching into her shirt and handing the pouch to him.
Zarris contemplative removes the small moneybag and gloomily studies it, trying to find the right way to explain the terrible truth behind her birth. "Wren, its time I told you how you were born," Zarris said with great difficulty.
Wren shrugs and coolly answers, "I already know father. The woman who gave birth to me is the current first prince, Noels' wife. She is a vampire of the noble House of Dalvair. And her father, who forced her to give birth to me as punishment is the clan head, Duke Morgan Dalvair."
Zarris mouths falls open, "How do you know that?" Zarris unhappily asked as he knew for a fact he had never mentioned to her. Zarris’s face pales at the thought of possibly have mentioned it in his sleep.
Wren shrugs, "When I was younger and since I was so small; I could easily sneak around the house. One day, I snuck into the Madam's parlor and I overheard Madam Norialise, retelling the story to her apprentice, Miss Sasha. But, it's not as through it matters, father. I know what I am, I am an Ogre, of course," she proudly explained.
Zarris shakes his head in disbelief at Wren’s confession and says, "Well, your actions certainly prove you're my daughter, if nothing else." Zarris dramatically pauses for a moment deep in thought trying to guess, how Wren could have possibly sneaked away from him long enough for him not to have noticed her disappearance. No matter how he racked through his mind, he was unable to think of any point in time when that could have possibly transpired.
Wren’s eyes bore into Zarris in annoyance at the long stretch of silence causing Zarris to cough guiltily. Zarris hastily says, "Well in that case, can you guess who this bag of coins belongs too?"
Wren nods, "It would be the bag of money from Duke Dalvair, right?" She said.
Zarris nods his head in confirmation. " This money will help secure your future and it should be enough to pay for schooling once you are older," Zarris solemnly declared as he carefully returns the money bag to the pouch.
Wren peers into the pouch and notices some potion vials and a map. Wren eyes brighten in hopes that she could get such a neat pouch too. Though where and when did her father get such things? Potions were not cheap, and maps were never sold to slaves.
Zarris clears his throat to regain Wren’s attention and says, "Now, it's time, I told you, why I call myself an "Ogre," and not a blood-elf."
Wren interrupts him, "Well, because one of your parents was an Ogre and we belong to an Ogre clan," she self-assuredly said.
Zarris glowers at Wren and growls, "Do you want to learn our clan history or not?" Wren nods in agreement and motions zipping her mouth shut. Zarris begins to tell the story as he gazes into empty space and is transported far away.
"Long ago, after the era of the gods, when the world was still recovering from the many supremacy wars. Our Ogre clan was not what it once was. We who had once been created to enjoy peace now openly delighted in the shedding of blood. What was once pure had now become twisted and corrupt. Perhaps, a curse from our goddess Silvia for breaking our vow or the dying curse of Neva, but the women of our people became infertile and had great difficulty in bearing children. The clan heads in those days searched for a solution and found one.
A human female child was found and raised by an Ogre family. She grew to love and wed and Ogre bearing him many strong ogre children. The clans celebrated in joy at finding a solution for the decaying infertility. And so, with great hope the clan heads went and begged the humans for human wives to ensure our people's survival.
Angry and bitter at the humiliation their ancestors suffered at the Ogre’s hands the humans turned the clan head's away stating, that no human women would be willing to bear our children. In wrathful fury, the clan heads spilled their own blood onto the ground and made a blood vow to the humans that day, that they would surely come to regret this. If the humans would not give us wives willingly, then they would take them by force.
The clan heads swiftly departed from the human lands and returned to their tribes. And so, the vicious cycle began, many of the clans arose and captured human women to breed. Our Ogre clan head did join in out of love of his adopted daughter, the human female who loved her Ogre husband. To prevent a splitting of the tribe, the clan head gathered his ogre clan and fled far to the north out of the reach of any clan and from the hands of humans.
The clan lived in peace for many years, but few children were born unto them. Unable to bear it after so many years, the clansmen begged the clan head to allow them to steal human wives. The clan head refused, but in great sorrow allowed for those that did not wish to follow him to depart in peace. Many did and what was once a great ogre clan was now a small village.
One day, while the clan head hunted for food, he came across a young, but exceedingly large female caught in a trap with black hair, blue eyes, and blue skin. To thank the clan head, the female led him to her village, the Frost Giants.
The Frost Giants village mainly consisted of females as the males left in search of wealth and thus, many of young female frost giants were not wed. The Frost Giant Matriarch asked the clan head if he knew of a solution and the clan head at seeing this rejoiced greatly, promising to return with a solution. With great haste, the clan head returned to his village and ordered his people to pack up and depart as wives had been found. With great rejoice, the village left and met with the Frost Giant village.
At seeing the unmated Ogres and the many unwed female Frost Giant’s both sides were overjoyed. As such an agreement was struck with both village leaders, the Frost Giant women would choose a husband according to the giant tradition by proving their husband’s great strength, but in exchange the Ogre clan head would rule the tribe. And so, to both parties’ great delight the unwed women took ogre husbands and many children were born unto them giving birth to our Frost Ogre Clan," Zarris said.
Wren eyes widen in disbelief at her father. "We have frost giant blood?" She incredulously asked.
"Of course. Do you not notice how you and I have a bluish tint to our skin, our dark hair, and blue eyes? Also have you ever been cold?" Zarris said as Wren shakes her head. "As their descendants, we do not become cold, very easily. And even at your young age, you already able to already control water and ice magic," Zarris happily said only to be interrupted by Wren’s grumbling stomach.
"If I hadn't seen you eat, I would most certainly believe your hungry face,” Zarris said with a chuckle, “The story can wait until after a bit to eat.” Zarris unlocks the door and they head towards the kitchen to find the kitchen empty of any servants. Knowing his way around the kitchen, Zarris scours the cupboards until he finds bread, raw/dry meat and many more snacks. Once seated down they immediately dig into their feast.
As Wren eats some raw meant, she curiously asks, "Father, why do I have a second set of teeth?" Unless, I'm sort of freak of nature, she thought to herself.
Zarris answers slowly, while chewing, "In the clan stories such an ability has usually been common in male clan heads and not in the female clan heads." Zarris pauses for a moment as he swallows down his food and then continues saying, "The reason for a second set of teeth; when the clan head went into battle and vanquished their enemy, the clan head would devour the body of their enemy to absorb some of their strength. And in some rare cases, the clan heads, were able to absorb some of their enemy’s abilities. Sadly enough, at most the absorption ability could only be used a few times."
Zarris takes another mouthful of food and chews. "Maybe, you are meant to be the next clan head of our Frost Clan," Zarris astutely said causing Wren to beam. The two become quiet as they eat, before heading back upstairs and returning to their room as before.
"Now, I will tell you of how I came into existence, “Zarris said as he began to weave his tale.
"It was the ninth month in the year of 1495. My mother, Ara was still a young girl only 12 years old by our clan’s standard, but by human standards nearly 16 years of age. Despite Ara’s age, she was almost seven feet tall with long black hair always worn in a neat braid and pale skin with a tint of blue and dark blue eyes that always seemed to twinkle with light of the stars.
My grandfather, Calder, the head of our Frost Clan was away at the time with men hunting for food to store for the upcoming winter. Unfortunately, while away the village was attacked by human adventures and their party members. Ara swiftly gathered the women and children and sent them into the woods to hide. While the few male clansmen left in the village struggled in vain against the adventures.
Ara being as strong as she was valiantly wielded two large gladius blades to stop the intruders and gain precious time for the clansmen to hide. Roused by the fierce battle, a member of the adventurer group, a blood elf challenged her. Ara fought as fiercely as possible, but she was no match for him. Seeing Ara falter one of the last remaining clansmen entered the battle and urged Ara to flee into the woods.
Swift on her feet, Ara fled into the woods, however, all too soon the blood elf had reached her again. Ara fought with all her might and despite being on the verge of losing, she would not yield. My mother nor I know what crossed the blood elf’s mind, but her refusing to yield filled him with lust. Upon disarming Ara, the blood elf forced himself upon her. But once he was finished the deed, he mercifully did not slay Ara and in a sign of an apology or who knows why, the blood elf told Ara his name, Novron Mirthvale, before he left.
Once Ara, regained her strength, she returned to the village to find it in ruins with no survivors except those that had fled into the woods. Not until on the morrow did the clan head, Calder, and the clansmen return. The clan head and the men were furious at the destruction of the village, but they knew that they were no match and all they could do was rebuild and prepare for the harsh winter to come.
Perhaps, out of fear or embarrassment, but Ara did not tell her father, Calder, what had befallen her in the woods until she became large with child. Calder demanded his daughter rid herself of the child in her womb, but Ara refused and stated that if she did so, she might never bear a child again.
And so, in the third day of the fifth month of year 1496, I was born. Grandfather Calder, wished to kill me at birth, but mother prevented him. Ara firmly told grandfather, that she would raise her child even if his appearance was that of an elf and that did my appearance did not matter as I an ogre too, just like them.
I am truly gratefully to my mother who loved me with all her heart. Mother did not care that my appearance resembled that of an elf more than an ogre. But I am frankly glad to say, that I did not take to that elf completely either for that blood elf possessed, golden eyes, pale blonde hair and golden skin. I am quite grateful that in that regard I completely took after mother,” Zarris paused for a moment, before seeming to gain his breath back.
“With the passing of time, grandfather and the rest of the clan grew to accept me as one of them. Grandfather taught me how to hunt, to battle with my fists, and to properly wield weapons. Mother on the other hand taught me how to control my water and ice magic. And though she did not know if I would inherit any abilities from my sire, neither of us cared. We were happy and that was all that mattered,” Zarris pauses once more as if seeming to gather strength, before continuing, “As time went one, we realized that I aged much slower than Ogre almost at the same rate as a human. Mother believed that once I became an adult I would cease to age and remain youthful much like the elves and which time has proven true as I have never aged a day past twenty.”
Zarris paused as he closes his eyes as if closing his eyes from the horrors of the past. “One day, during my tenth year, they came-. Once more adventures had returned to the village and attacked. The village women and children ran into the woods and mother urged me to run, but I snuck back to join the fight.
I don’t know when or how, but I became entangled with a Fire Mage. I was naught but a child in their first battle and I froze. Mother-, Mother threw herself before me to shield me as her flesh was burned away. Unable to scream or react, I was filled with such a killing rage that something inside of me awoke. I only felt my gaze turn red as I felt the blood in me leave my body and turn into a weapon. Right then and there, I sought my revenge and slew the Fire Mage, before continuing onto massacre more adventurers.
Finally, I was brought down by my sheer experience and weak control over my blood magic. The adventurer’s at spotting my fine features choose to recuperate their loss by selling me rather than killing me. On the route to the slave market, I attempted to escape many times, but the chains that held me nullified my abilities. And the rest of the story you already know, I was bought and sold to Madam Norialise,” Zarris quietly ended his tale.
Wren wipes the tears from her face and hugs her father vowing to free her father and restore the clan! Zarris smiles sadly as he hugs his daughter back hoping that she will never know the pain of loss of loved ones, that she may wax strong, and protect all that she holds dear to her heart.
After a while, Wren curiously asks, "Father, will I too stop aging once I become an adult?"
"Probably, we can’t be certain yet, now can we?” Zarris said with a teasing smile as his mind knew that such a blessing was a curse in his current forced profession.
"Father, will I have a blood ability once I become older?" Wren hopefully asked as she imagines turning her enemy into pieces by using her blood.
Zarris gently pats his daughter on the head. "Maybe, but we don’t know, what you will inherit from your vampirism side either," Zarris mused. “However, you already know you have ogre strength and the ease to learn magic and will one day be a powerful magician. Whether you inherit the blood elf ability or not, I do not believe it will matter in the long run.” Wren nods in understanding such an ability would be useful, but not necessary. However, if she had the chance to inherit such an ability, it would certainly make life easier for her and her father for the future.
Zarris gently release Wren from the hug and reaches into the pouch to pull out the map. "Here, this is a map of all the back roads of the continent of Astria. Our location lays here in the middle and over and across the Tessa Mountains through the Valpe plain lays our home. Study the map as much as you can, " Zarris sternly ordered.
Wren studies the map for an hour as Zarris reads a book. After an hour, Zarris returns the map back into the pouch as Zarris explains, "I will bring it out again another day for you to study in case should anything happen."
Wren puzzlingly stares at her father as Zarris softly says, "I have been planning to escape since before you were born. I almost have everything we need to escape with the only item left to deal with is to remove the magical contract that is upon me."
Wren stands up straight at his words and whispers back, "Father is anyone else going to escape with us?" If that's the case, she wishes that Lumi or Scarlett to come with them. Out of all the girls at the house, they were the closest she was too.
Zarris shakes his head, "No Wren. I don't have the means for that and a larger group would be easier to track." Of course, he would have loved too free all the girls. But to do so, Zarris would have to literally kill his way out of the house. Even if he killed the Madam as a murderer, he would be sentenced to prison and who knows what would happen to his daughter.
Wren sadly nods her head in understanding making Zarris pull his daughter into his arms and rest his chin on her head. "I too wish we could save the girls," Zarris truthfully said, before pausing to say, “But we still can return to buy them once we establish our clan.”
Wren eyes shine in adoration, "You promise?" Wren solemnly asked her father.
"I promise that we will come back for the girls," Zarris promised his daughter as his expression turns seriously. "Wren, you cannot speak of this to anyone,” Zarris sternly ordered.
Wren firmly answers, "I won’t, I will obey perfectly your orders.” In her heart, Wren vows to herself to become strong enough to help her father and not become a burden.
Zarris smirks and mischievously says, "Perfectly?" Zarris impishly smiles as he evilly eyes Wren and rubs his hands together in a sinister fashion.
"Not that perfect, but really well," Wren wryly replied as she eyes her father and shudders at all the mischief that response could get her. Her father was a good man, but he really did have a mischievous streak.
Zarris reaches over and tousles Wren’s hair affectionately. "You've had an exciting day, now it's time for bed," Zarris ordered. Wren sighs out loud but does as she is told. After some tossing and turning, Wren curls up in a corner of the bed and is soon sound asleep. Zarris silently watches the peaceful face of his daughter reflected in the moonlight, before protectively resting next to her as he slumbers away in worry.
-3rd day of 8th moth of 1519
In the capital of Micaellis, there was great rejoice and preparations throughout the kingdom as the third prince of the kingdom was to be wed in ten days to the second daughter of Duke Morgan Dalvair. At the pleasure house of Madam Norialise, preparations were being made as well. The masquerade had been a smashing success of epic portions. The Madam had gained a wide variety of new clientele from wealthy merchants to refined nobleman. And due to the wedding festivities, that were to be held, there were to be many guests in the city searching for companionship and pleasure this would be a very lucrative event for the Madam.
Madam Norialise stood patiently waiting in the reception hall having summed all the ladies and gentlemen in the house. At seeing the them all gathered, the Madam claps her hands to garnish their attention. "Everyone, I want you to flaunt yourself in these upcoming festivity days. If you do well, there may be a possibility for you keep half of the coins you earn," she happily said.
All the ladies and gentlemen bow to the Madam showing their understanding. For if a lady or gentlemen can earn enough money for a Madam, there is a possibility that they may be able to buy their freedom and still have enough still to restart a life anew. Such an offer is very tempting for all the ladies and gentlemen of the Norialise household.
The ladies and gentlemen return to their dwellings the Madame calls out, one who no one else would dare to cross. "Zarris, allow me to entertain you in my parlor," she purposefully said as she sashays to her parlor room. Zarris frowns in unease, but unwillingly follows the Madam to her parlor. Nothing good can come of visiting with the Madam.
The Madam seats herself and pours tea into fine teacups. "Please seat yourself Zarris," she sweetly said as she hopes that the troublesome elf will for once listen to her.
Zarris lips tighten in a grimace as he cautiously seats himself across from the Madam. The Madam attempting to show him kindness is never a very good sign of what is to come. The only times, she would ever show such kindness to him was when she wanted something from him.
"Would you like one scoop of sugar or two in your tea?" The Madam warmly asked him.
Zarris stares at her for the unusual warm tone as he flatly says, "Two please." His inner guts clench as he remembers that sickly sweet voice. It was the say voice used when she wanted something out of him. The last time was when a wealthy earl desired to bed him. Zarris had repeatedly refused and made it very clear that he would kill him so if he was forced too.
The Madam hands Zarris the teacup, before taking a sip from her own. Upon noticing Zarris not drinking his tea, she sweetly asks, “Is it not to your liking? If not, I can certainly have something else prepared for you.”
Wishing to end this farce as soon as possible, Zarris places the teacup onto the parlor table. "Why have you summoned me, Madame? It certainly is not out of the kindness of your heart," Zarris flatly inquired.
The Madam chuckles gently, "There is no need to be so suspicious, I merely wished to discuss a business proposal with you." Silence stretches across the room as Zarris does not reply back. The Madam calmly puts down her teacup onto the parlor table. "How is your daughter? If I'm not mistaken, she is already eight years old is she not?" The Madam mused out loud.
Zarris's entire body stiffens at the question. "I apologize if Wren has done anything wrong, Madam. I will immediately correct her actions; I can assure you." Zarris firmly said as he apologetically bows to the Madam. Zarris heart clenches for nothing good can come from her interest in his daughter.
The Madam waves her hands in the air as if dismissing the very thought. "No, no, she hasn't done anything wrong. She is quite the lovely child,” The Madam honestly said as she pauses in middle of her speech, before continuing, “The more I see the both of you, the more I can't help but see a female miniature version of you. It's uncanny when one thinks about it.”
Zarris raises his eyes to meet those of the Madam's. "Madam, enough roundabouts, what is it that you desire?" Zarris unhappily growled as sickly fear steadily crept into his heart as he followed the line of reasoning.
"This is a pleasure house, Zarris, this is no place for a child. However, that being said, she is already quite lovely and will without a doubt be a great beauty once she becomes a woman. Wren is just at the right age to begin an early courtesan training and I am sure she will be well worth the effort and training. I have already received an offer for her upon her completion of her courtesan training. I would be more than willing to give you half of her purchase price for her first time. Which would allow you to buy your freedom and permit you to start your life anew," The Madam coolly proposed.
The Madam eagerly waits for in anticipation for the half-elf to respond in agreement. She knew just how much he valued his freedom and given this chance she was sure he wouldn't miss such a rare opportunity. She was risking everything by allowing him his freedom. In short terms, she may suffer a loss, but no doubt she would gain triple that amount for the girl.
The Madam fondly recalls the first time she saw him. In those day, her pleasure house was still only a low-level brothel having been opened with her own money after buying her own freedom from the pleasure house that owned her. That day, she had been in the slave market looking for cheap suitable slaves, when a filthy creature caught the corner of her eye. Upon closer observation, the Madam saw a young half-elf in a cage glaring at the passerby's. And what truly amazed her was even though he was covered in filth, his hair was beautifully and rather neatly braided.
The half-elf coldly glanced at her with dark eyes seemed to draw one in against one's will. At that exact moment, the Madam knew she had found a diamond in the rough. Hiding her excitement, she approached the slave merchant and inquired the price for the half-elf.
The slave merchant explained that for over a year any approaching perspective buyer, who wanted to inspect the half-elf closely would be attacked or spit on by the slave. The slave merchant having been trying to sell him for over a year was more than glad to rid himself of the half-elf. And to the Madam’s great delight, the half-elf slave price was dropped down to only five pieces of gold. Without hesitation, she paid the slave merchant on the spot for the half-elf.
After her purchase, the slave merchant recommended that she also buy a high crest slave, though expensive would allow her to control the unruly half-elf. The Madam almost hesitated at the cost, but willingly paid for the crest if the crest if it would allow her to control unruly half-elf. Such a valuable interest could not be allowed to run away.
The slave merchant attempted to place the slave crest on the half-elf's chest, but she immediately stopped him. She carefully explained to the slaver merchant that placing the magic crest in such a place would lessen the half-elf’s value. The slave merchant instead placed the crest on the wrist of the half-elf.
With glee, the Madam proudly ordered her new slave to follow as her new slave spit into the slave merchants face as they left. The slave merchant raised a hand to her slave, but she coldly informed him, that if he damaged her slave that he would have to pay for compensation. The slave merchant wordlessly turned away and briskly returned to his tent. But she did not miss the bloodthirsty smile on her slave’s face at the sight. But to her surprise the half-elf meekly followed her back to her pleasure house.
Upon arrival, the Madam had him cleaned and thoroughly washed. And even though maids had wanted to cut his beautiful long hair, since it was flea-ridden, she had absolutely refused their suggestion and ordered them to use an expensive potion that completely removed fleas. Her actions were not out of kindness, but rather to increases the product’s value. Male slaves with such lovely long hair were rare among the circle of pleasure houses. But, when found, they were highly prized above all other male slaves for many male and female clientele enjoyed such features in their beloved and were more than willing to pay all the more to enjoy the company of such a pleasure slave.
When the maids present the half-elf to her, the Madam’s eyes widened in amazement and joy at the half-elf. He was utterly breathtaking and pleasing to the eye causing her to be overjoyed knowing that the slave would bring her immense wealth. After that, she sat the slave in the parlor and inquired his name and age.
The half-elf had coldly responded, that he was eleven years of age and that his name was Zarris. The Madam carefully explained to the half-elf what his new position would be, but that he would he treated well for his value.
The half-elf had nodded in understanding as she sternly explained he would not refuse clienteles demands unless the clientele demands could damage him in any manner. At seeing a lack of reaction on his part and against the better judgment of herself, the Madam asked the slave, what was wrong?
The slave coldly answered, that he was a slave. However, he knew he could not escape and therefore was willing to make the best of such an arrangement. The half elf proposed, that he would become her highest earner but in exchange she would allow some freedom in his choices.
Seeing such a willing product, the Madam asked, what such choices entailed? The half elf explained, that he would never take any male clientele and that he be permitted to gain an education as those were his only conditions.
The Madam was surprised at the half-elf’s request, but such requests were within reason and be easily to fulfill. The Madam agreed to both requests and carefully explained that any further education requested would be paid with his own coin. Without hesitation, the half-elf readily agreed to her own conditions.
Without a second to spare, the Madam assigned the half-elf to one of her best slaves to be trained under. To her great delight within a fortnight, the half-elf was constantly being sought out by high paying clientele. After that, she was not able to keep up with his high flow of clientele. And so, in that manner she was able to afford high end slaves and was able to move into a medium, high class pleasure house. And even after all these years, none of the Madam’s slaves had ever matched him in terms of value. And though, the half-elf no longer had many clienteles due to his exclusivity, women were still willing to pay fortunes for just a single night with him. The Madam stirs her tea dreamily at the happy past memories, before returning to the present.
Zarris digs his fingers into his palms until they start to bleed to keep his voice even. "I thank you for your concern and for the kind offer Madam. However, my child has great talent for the magic arts and I have my heart set on sending her to a magic institution," Zarris coolly said even though his heart raged with fury. How dare this filthy woman look upon his child and think to take her away?! He would see the Madam dead, before she placed a single finger upon his daughter!
All traces of civility disappear from the Madam's face. "However, if it is as you say I am sure all will be well. I would be careful if I were you to ensure that your child is not stolen. You are dismissed," the Madam curtly said as she angrily stirs her cup. That foolish half-elf! She was sure she could convince the troublesome half-elf with the promise of his freedom. What a wasted opportunity, she lamented in the depths of her heart.
Zane carefully makes sure to politely bow to the Madam, before quickly exiting her parlor. Zarris hastily heads to his room and locks the door behind as he enters his chambers. At his actions, Wren raises her head from the magic book she was studying. "What is wrong father?" She curiously asks as Zarris drags her into his arms. "Father, I can't breathe!" Wren rather muffled said as she notices that her father is slightly trembling as he tightly clutches her in his arms.
Zarris loosens his grip on his daughter as he lovingly looks down at her. He bends down and kisses her on her forehead. With worry evident in her eyes, Wren questioningly says, "Father?"
How can he bare to tell his child, that today the Madam offered to make her into a pleasure slave and threatened to take her away from him? Zarris composes himself and lies to Wren, "It is nothing. I just have missed your precious face, that's all."
Wren raises her eyebrows not looking too convinced, but nods at his words. "Wren, have you been studying the map?" Zarris hurriedly.
"I have father. I almost have everything memorized except for the roads closest to the sea ports,” Wren assuredly said as she thinks to herself, “It’s not like, we're going to travel to a sea port.”
"Why are you asking father?" Wren asked as Zarris leans down and whispers conspiringly into her ears, "Because we will leave in ten days."
Wren drops the book she held, "What! Really?" Wren yelled. Soon, she and her father will leave this terrible place. As well as finally being able to see her father's and their clan's homeland.
Zarris sits down onto the bed with his fingers crossed in front of him. "Yes, it's the perfect time to escape, since the city will be full of guests for the wedding. The house will be full of men and no woman will have the audacity to ask for companionship at this time. I will be perfectly free and not be needed to entertain any guests."
How he dearly wished he did not need to ask anything of her, but needs must be met. Zarris hesitates before he speaks, "Wren, I found out where the magical contracts are being held. I am too conspicuous to enter the parlor, but you should be able to sneak in and steal my contract. But there is still a chance of discovery and if that happens, the consequences will be severe for the both of us." He images, what would happen if they were caught? The least of his worries would be being caught, but instead what would happen to his daughter afterwards.
Wren responds, "We just have to hope for the best father." She gently pats her father's hand, noticing his worried expression. “I won’t fail,” Wren whispered to herself in her heart.
Zarris nods at her words as he squeezes her hand gently in reply. He quickly pulls out the secret map and beings planning and pointing out their route into the Tessa Mountains as well as the route over the mountains to their final destination as they also discuss what they will need to prepare and finish making any adjustments to their plans.
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