《Land of Athlora》*Prologue - Era of the Gods and Beyond
Many eons ago, the six gods created the world and they named their creation, Athlora. Yet upon Athlora's completion, they saw their world empty and forlorn. Thus, they wished to fill the world not only with living beings, but to create sentient beings to populate their world.
Silvia, the Goddess of Earth, loved giving life and created many creatures and sentient beings from the earth: The Dwarfs, Giants, Orc's, Ogres, Halflings, Elves, and many more.
The God of Fire, Tyr, wished to create being that was born of fire, and so the fiery Dragons and Phoenixes came to be. But even though both creations were born from the same fire, these two created beings from the instant they were born they fiercely competed for their creator’s attention.
Arial, the Goddess of Air, desired to create beings that were as free as the wind and thus not only did the birds of the sky come into being, but the sentient beings known as fairies were born.
The God of Water, Caspian, wished to match the civilianized beings of Silvia and so he aspired to create civilizations not born on land, therefore the mer-people were created along with the many creatures of the sea.
Aster, the Goddess of Soul, decided to create a race that served as messengers for the Gods, hence forth angels came into existence.
The God of the Void, Dathan, had no desire to create living beings like his brothers and sisters. And thusly so he merely contented himself to watch over the new life forms upon Athlora.
And so, all the living beings of the world, Athlora, lived in peace with one another as the Gods ruled in harmony. But even the Gods are subject to the whims of fate. And whether the Gods wished for change or not, all too soon the winds of fate blew signaling the brewing storm of destiny in the distance.
Whether by fortune or cursed luck, the eldest of the gods, Dathan by sheer chance met a messenger of Aster, whose name was Delia. And within those few precious seconds of meeting the birth of something new and forbidden was born, love. What would have brought joy to all, if they had been both gods or living beings could only birth a great tragedy born from love between a God and a mortal creation.
The Gods fearing such a catastrophe immediately set out too separate both lovers, but their brother begged and pleaded that he would never ask anything else of them. For the sake of their brother’s happiness and out of their love for him, they permitted the forbidden union to continue. However, the Gods did warn their brother, that if a child was born from this forbidden union that said child could not be allowed to ascend and must remain as a mortal being. Their brother readily agreed to their demands and so there was great untold happiness for a time.
Many thousand years later, a child was born to Delia and Dathan in secret. When the news of the child reached his brothers and sisters, they were wroth at his deceit; but all was forgotten upon seeing the joyous face of their brother. The Gods brought gifts and blessed the child named after the word joy, “Fayne.”
For many more years all was well until that dark day came, when Fayne became a man. On that day Fayne asked his father, when he would too would ascend to godhood. His father admonished him by saying, that a mortal being could not become a god. Fayne filled with anger turned his face away from his father and left never to return except to claim his birthright.
Countless years passed with no word or sign of Fayne, but for his mother the sorrow was too great for heart and she perished. With the death of his wife, Dathan, secluded himself away from the Gods. The Gods did all that they could to comfort him, but all was in vain.
Aster, at seeing her beloved brother in such grief sent her messengers to look high and low for her brother's lost child. The years passed and not a single messenger returned. Concerned at the disappearance of her creations, Aster sent more messengers anew to look for the lost child and for her creations. And once more, no messenger returned. At her creations disappearance, Aster left her dwelling and went in search of the Gods. Years came and went until the Gods gathered together once more in what was once their united throne room. Aster spoke to the Gods of her worries concerning the disappearance of her messengers and her failure to find the beloved child of their brother, Dathan.
The disappearance of the messengers greatly puzzled and they too, sent some of their creations in search of their brother's child. And once again, there was no response. Aster even more concerned swiftly returned to her dwelling place among her remaining creations. However, what was once a beautiful paradise was merely a terrible wasteland. Aster wept at the terrible sight as all of the Gods and even Dathan were present.
Upon arriving the God's eyes were filled with horror at the sight of the horrifying wasteland. Aster, in anger spoke to her brother, Dathan, "See what your great love has brought us! Your child has all but destroyed all of my messengers and those that live are no longer mine, they have become something foul and twisted. Did you hate us so, brother, that you did not heed our words?"
Dathan, knelt in front of Aster as he wept, "Forgive me, sister. I did not know this would come to pass.” Aster sadly smiled at her brother’s words and pulled her brother, Dathan into her arms as they wept together. Having dried their tears, the Gods discussed what was to be done. They quickly sent word to all of their creations too ready for war.
Fayne, the Fallen, returned to face the God's and their armies with his twisted creations: the once proud wolves were twisted into a new race, werewolves; the remnants of the messengers would be forever known as demons; elves had been twisted into a race that needed blood, vampires; and so many more races were twisted and lost in those days.
The Gods wept in pain and horror, but they could not bring themselves to destroy their creations, no matter how twisted and deranged they had become. The battle reigned for many years until the once blue sky turned to ash and dust. The green fertile land had become so drenched in blood that not a single living plant was able to grow. And the dead, so many dead, piles upon pile until there was no room to place the dead.
The Gods finally having cornered Fayne, the Fallen and in their moment of triumph, Dathan, could not bring himself to end his own child's life. Fayne, the Fallen, seeing his father’s hesitation without hesitancy raised his own sword to end his father's life. Dathan, watched in horror and despair as the blade fell and struck Aster and as the blade struck her, she too struck Fayne, the Fallen.
As Aster fell, Dathan, caught her in his arms and cried out, "Why sister? Why?" Aster, through ragged breaths spoke for the last time, “No father, should ever have to kill their own child." And thusly so the light went out of Aster’s eyes as she turned into light bits and slowly dispersed in the wind as tears stained all the Gods faces.
Before Dathan, could reach for the body of his child, Fayne, the Fallen, the gods took the body and said, "Brother, we will bury Fayne, the Fallen out of any living being's reach, never to see the light of day again."
As the Gods gazed at the broken world, Dathan, wished to retreat into solitude. But the Gods reprimanded him, “Brother, Aster is gone, you must replace her now."
And thusly so, the Gods once more rebuilt the world. Once their task was completed to ensure that the terrible and bloody era would never come again, the gods would seal themselves away from the world with only a few chosen receiving their divine blessings and be their champions on the world.
The Gods not capable of bringing themselves to destroy their twisted creations. They lessened the curse that was upon them, but even they could not fully reverse all the changes that had been done. To preserve even their creations even those twisted by Fayne, the Fallen; the Gods divided Athlora into five continents. In the center of the continents was Astria, Ira was to the northwest, Mira to the Northeast, Sara to the Southwest, and Hetra to the Southeast.
As the God's separated the lands, a small deformed messenger child was found by the elves. The gods joyfully healed the child, but the damage suffered was too great for his wings and long levity were lost. As the last pure creation in existence of their sister Astria, the Gods decided to bless the child with many gifts. They created a mate for the child and named them, Era and Aria; the first of their kind, their race being known as humans. Humans would be called by all of the living beings of the world of Athlora as the race most beloved by the Gods.
And thus, their labor ended, the Gods withdraw from the world and the era of the Gods ended. With the Gods presence missing from Athlora, all of the various race brethren for a period of several thousands of years lived in peace and in separation from each other. Small tensions grew as time passed by, but none wished for war or bloodshed. And so, time continued swiftly passing by for hundreds of thousands of years with each race in seclusion from each other.
Many races greatly prospered and created vast empires and such marvels that the world had never seen. Yet one day, a frost giant by the name of Taiga, while foraging for food came across a beautiful crafted jewel with a black stone in the center. Enchanted by its beauty, he greedily reached for the pendant. As he took the pendant in his hands, the pendant crumbled away, and a black mist dissipated away into the air.
The pendant had somehow contained a fragment of the Fallen one. The Frost Giant, Taiga returned changed to his village. Soon he whispered and promised riches and untold powers to his people. With ease Taiga convinced many of the Frost Giants to follow him and soon had gathered and taken control of all of his people's shamans and wizards. The shamans and wizard toiled for many days before casting a most powerful and terrible spell forever known as, "Eternal Frost."
Once the spell was cast much of the land and seas was instantly frozen and covered in snow. Many of the races suddenly found themselves at the brink of extinction. The chosen champions of the gods called forth all the brethren races to march under their banners. All the races heeded their call and soon came. None except for the chosen knew that the uprising of the Frost Giants was due to a fragment of the Fallen one.
They waged a mighty and terrible war, and many fell against the powerful Frost giants. Often the soldiers would climb over the fallen bodies of their comrades and continue their merciless march. The few chosen left at last cornered Taiga, the Destroyer. The chosen labored for many days until they at last slew him, before burning his body until not a single speck of flesh was left behind.
Two-thirds of the Frost Giant race had perished during the war. All but the young females and children of the Frost Giant's still lived. The chosen mercyfully stopped the other races from destroying the remnants of the Frost Giants. The chosen exiled the remaining children of the Frost Giants across the great Tessa Mountains, far to the north, where no man would ever find them.
The Gods warned the chosen to guard against the fragments of the Fallen one. They swore an oath of secrecy and to keep an eternal watch against the darkness. All the races would come to know this war as the First Great Supremacy War.
With the destruction of the Frost Giant's shamans and wizards; but most of all with the death of Taiga, the Destroyer, the world returned too normal. The great ice age ended and soon the races returned to rest in their homes. But the Ogres vowed to their goddess, Silvia, to never wage war and raise their blades against any of their fellow created brethren by the goddess, Silvia.
Once more all the brethren races lived in harmony for a period of thousands of years in separation from each other. As usual, small tensions grew as time passed by. And so, time peacefully continued passing for over ten thousand years with each race in seclusion from each other. Unfortunately, too soon came the day came when another fragment was found by Polaris of the Mer-people, a simple artisan. As he began to gather followers from the mer-people nations, a few wise mer-kings sent swift words to the chosen. Quickly the chosen assembled and slew Polaris, the Insatiable.
Once more the brethren races continued to live in peace for thousands of years with races slowly beginning to once more live with each other and among each other’s land. But that peace was all too brief before another fragment was found by Rendor, a powerful warrior among the dwarves. Challenged by a young dwarven prince, Rendor, the Merciless, easily slaughtered the dwarf youth. The Dwarf king at seeing the terrible change in his friend and ruthless cruel death of his son quickly sent for the chosen ones.
The Kings summoned Rendor, sadly knowing that his former good friend, would slay him at the first opportunity given. Having thus set a trap, Rendor eagerly went forth to meet with the king. The chosen easily surrounded Rendor, the Merciless and destroyed him.
Peace returned to remain undisturbed for thousands of years. With all the races freely living among each other’s lands. Humans gladly inter-wedded with many races and prosperity reigned in all the lands. The fallen fragments having learned to be wise and cunning from previous holders with great care approached, the princess of the Dark Elves, Neva. The princess swiftly became corrupted and bid her time until her ascension to the throne. Since, she was a great and powerful sorceress; she easily convinced or enchanted her fellow brethren to follow her as she slowly gathered great strength and power from the within the shadows.
As the years passed by Neva of the Dark Elves impatient for her mother's death arose in rebellion and slew her mother in cold blood; therefore, coming to possess the throne. Soon, her armies marched into the human realms and swiftly conquered half of the human realms. Neva, the Deceitful, convinced half of the remaining human realms to willingly follow her into battle. As Neva’s immense powers grew steadily day by day. The chosen in hopeless horror quickly retaliated but to no avail. The brethren races heeded the desperate call of the chosen and swiftly rode to their aid. However, the chosen were plagued by all sides and would not be able delay her vast armies long enough for reinforcements to arrive.
Caught in a desperate situation, the chosen called for the Ogres. The Ogres had sworn to their goddess, Silvia, to never meddle in the affairs of their fellow brethren again. Yet at seeing the desperation of the chosen and their fellow brethren, they willingly heeded their desperate calls for aid. With great sadness, the Ogres forsook their pledge and begged for clemency from the goddess, Silvia in hopes she would forgive their oath breaking. With solemn hearts, the Ogres once more took up arms against their brethren. The Ogre army singly held the battlefield for five days and five nights without rest nor reinforcements.
Finally, on the sixth day the armies of their brethren finally arrived. The army quickly overturned the tide of the war. The chosen and the army easily slaughtered their way through the army of the dark elves. As the chosen surrounded Neva, the Deceitful, she cursed the Ogres with her dying breath. They had been the sole reason her victory had been stolen from her hands that day and swore that those that they had fought for today would surely turn on them one day as well.
The chosen carefully burned and destroyed Neva, the Deceitful’s body. The Kings of the human realms angered and ashamed at their own actions sent forth many paladins and knights to destroy the Dark Elven lands. The knights and paladins were ordered to erase every single being of the Dark Elf kingdom. As the Ogres marched home, they happened to cross paths with the human knights and paladins. The Ogres at seeing their helpless Dark Elven brethren slaughtered, wept many tears. They had sworn to never waste life again and yet could they so cruelly turn their backs on their fellow brethren?
The Ogres would not allow for such a transgression to take place in front of them. In anger, they took up arms against the human knights and paladins slaughtering them without mercy. The Ogres faithfully protected the woman and children of the Dark elves, who were still their brethren. When, the chosen arrived they too were angered by the action of the Kings of the human realms. The Champions severely reprimanded the human realms but took no further actions against them. The Ogres furious at the chosen ignoring the sins of the humans swore to never have dealing with the human realms again. The Ogres completely withdraw from the human realms and returned to their own lands.
However, the Kings of the Human realms never forgave the Ogres. For their audacity to stand for what was right, but most of all for daring to defy them. They were the chosen race by the Gods, not the Ogre's. That day hatred was born in the heart of man for any that dared to oppose mankind: the ogres, demons, kobolds, goblins, the orc's, and so many more. And thusly so, humans would no longer view them or any other race as their fellow brethren or fellow human beings. Very few races escaped the mankind’s judgment with the being branded as monster's to be hunted and exterminated or in worse cases as slaves. And so, that would become the last Great Supremacy War as all calendars would begin to be counted from then on by how many years it had been since, the last great war.
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