《The Strongest Slime》Chapter 7 Day 41-44: Her pain is my pain.


Day 41-43

Me, Tibbs and the little girl who later introduced herself as Luna walked through the forest at a leisurely pace. Luna sat on the top of my head as she held onto what I have begun to call “The Royal Tree” seeing as how it produces the awesome treasures known as Honey Fruit.

Anyways the reason we are moving at a Leisurely pace despite the fact that Luna has been with us for a few days now and we have yet to catch a glimpse of her “Papa” is that it is the fastest we could go.

Our previous speed was even slower. In the beginning I tried to have Luna walk but contradicting her monstrous strength she would drop her butt to the floor and just sit there refusing to walk anymore. She would say things like “Too tired” or “I’m hungry can we eat first?” so in order to speed up our travels I have come up with the current accommodations.

Luna sits on top of my head as we travel so that she does not complain and I also produce Honey Fruits for her snack, I produce them constantly! Luna has an impossible appetite! One Honey Fruit can keep Tibbs full and energized for three hours even with all the training he does. Luna on the other hand eats one Honey Fruit an hour!

She isn't even faking the hunger. Her stomach literally growls if it goes for more than an hour without eating. I once caught a wild boar and grilled it over a fire for dinner. Luna ate half of the entire thing! Despite her enormous appetite and the large amounts of food she consumes she still remains the same petite and delicate looking girl, I just can’t understand how her stomach works.

Another contributing factor to our slow pace is Tibbs’s training. After I saw that Tibbs’s body became accustomed to the movements involved in the straight thrust I taught him a basic stance. Since he was right handed I had his left side face forward. His left hand shaped into a fist pointing up with his thumb facing his body with his elbow bent at a 90 degree angle. I had him spread his legs so that his knees were shoulder width apart while slightly bending his knees. This was a very stable stance suitable for beginners.

Even while travelling Tibbs remained in that stance so it was understandable that our speed would be slow. But our time on the road was not wasted. During our trip I took the chance to learn more about Luna and this world as well as myself.

One of the firsts things I noticed was the increase speed in my level development. After I got this crystal in my body it seems that my level has been rising at a faster pace. I think the crystal is absorbing the power from the enemies I defeat. But that is just my theory.

Another thing that has helped my increased leveling speed is the new skill I acquired after my evolution. I did multiple test with Cultivating Meditation and the results surprised me. A few hours of using Cultivating Meditation increased all my stats by a fair amount while also raising my level. Thanks to the combination of using Cultivating Meditation and the crystal in my body I have already reached the max level of 100. Although I have reached the max level I have yet to evolve again. I wonder why?

Now to change the topic to Luna. According to Luna she got her unique hair from her parents. She was told that her Silver hair was inherited from her mother while the purple streaks are from her father. Her mother died shortly after she was born but Luna learned a lot about her through the stories that her father often told her.


Apparently Luna’s father is considered to be amongst the strongest individuals in the kingdom but even more surprising is that her mother was supposedly even better than her father. As fascinating as Luna’s family was I decided to ask her more about the world.

According to Luna we were on the continent of Bures and within the continent there were six major kingdoms. The kingdom we were in was the kingdom of Detero. Detero was a kingdom that acted as a boundary between the Demonic forest and the rest of the Continent. The majority of land under the control of the Detero kingdom is actually a part of the Demonic forest.

That is why Demonic beast waves sometimes happen. Although most of the times only a few of the weak Demonic beast show up there are rare occasions in which some of the more powerful ones show up. Apparently the Luthunians that I easily slaughtered were already considered upper tier Demonic Beast. I tried asking her about the other continents and kingdoms but Luna didn't really know much about them.

I also had Luna teach me this world’s written Language. After only a day I am proud to say that I have an elementary understanding of Isen, the written language of the continent.

I came to a halt as I stared at the scene that was currently in front of me. We were headed to Luna’s hometown thinking that that was the best place to start our search for her father. But the thing in front of me didn’t resemble a town a single bit.

Anything that was once a building was burned down. All that remained were charred chunks that might have once been buildings and burnt bodies that might have been its inhabitants. As I looked at the scene of carnage in front of me Luna slowly climbed off my head and walked towards the wreckage. She walked until she was in front of a corpse that was much larger than the average person.

Luna: “G-grandpa Blacksmith”

She then walked to another corpse that wore a dress.

Luna: “Aunty T-tailor”

She then walked to a corpse that was still wearing an apron.

Luna: “Mister Bakeeeer! Waaaah!”

Luna’s previously blank face flooded with tears as she stared at what was once her home and at those who she once thought of as family. I moved my big blob of a body as fast as I could and ran to Luna.

I pulled her into my embrace as gently as I could. The hot tears trickled down her face as buried her face into my body. I could feel the heat radiating from her face as her body trembled frantically.

“Shhh It’s okay. We are here for you. We will help you through this.”

I rubbed her back and patted her head as I comforted her. I spent the whole day burying the bodies and erecting graves for the unfortunate souls that had perished. No one was in the mood for dinner that night. Tibbs quietly fell asleep on his own sleeping mat but Luna clung to me the whole night.

Luna didn't stop crying until she fell asleep in the middle of the night and but as the little angel showered me in her tears all I could think about was how much I wanted to take away her pain. What is happening to me? I have never felt like this in my past life. Could these kids be changing me? These thoughts filled my head as I slowly fell asleep.

Day 44

After a night of rest everyone was in a better mood. But even though the mood was at the point that Tibbs and Luna had their appetites back there wasn't a lot of conversation between anyone. We walked through the forest for a few hours in silence until we finally reached a village that wasn't completely decimated.


As we approached the village a few children armed with wooden charged at us. I picked Tibbs up and raised him above my head so that he was out of the children’s attack range. As soon as they reached me all three children began their attack. I simply allowed their wooden swords to beat my body as they could do no real harm to me.

“Please wait a moment. I just want to sell my goods and rest for a bit. I mean no harm.”

The biggest child of the bunch withdrew a few steps but kept his wooden weapon aimed at me.

Child #1: “ How can we know that you aren’t lying?”

I smashed the ground with one of my tentacles. I only used a small amount of my power but the impact was enough to create a crater three feet deep.

“Because if I wanted to harm you I could have done so easily.”

The biggest child finally put his sword away.

Child #1: “Very well. I will allow you into the village since we are in desperate need of goods. But you better not cause any trouble.”

The biggest child seemed to be the leader as the rest of the children followed his command to allow us into the village. As we walked into the village whispers could be heard all around.

Random Villager: “How could they let a monster into the village?”

Random Villager: “Shouldn't we just kill it?”

Random Villager: “Someone get that Disgusting thing out of here.”

All of the eyes in the village were on me. Those eyes seem so familiar. Those stares are something I have long since become accustomed to. Yes those are the kind of glares used when looking at a freak. Even when I dedicated my life to saving others all I got in return were the isolating stares from others.Not that I cared. After all I did it simply because of noblesse oblige, the responsibility of nobles.

The verbal attacks became physical as the crowd began throwing stones at me. I covered Tibbs and Luna to ensure their safety.

Luna: *sobs* “why do they have to b-be so mean to Slime Papa”

I patted Luna’s head.

“It is okay Luna. They are just scared”

Tibbs: “Damn bastards! Fuck them and their grandmothers! How dare they treat Master with such hostility!”

Tibbs constantly fought my grip trying to charge at the crowd.

“It is okay Tibbs. A great man is not bothered by such miner troubles.”

We walked until I saw a child sitting on the floor. Her blond hair had mud in different places. Her body was so thin that her bones were clearly visible from her tattered clothes and her face was clearly sunken. But what was most noticeable were her eyes. They were dull and dead without the slightest sign of life.

I approached her but it seemed that she was oblivious to my presence. I finally got close enough to pat her head. As my tentacle gently made contact with her head she finally seemed to become aware of me.

I created a Honey Fruit and handed it to her. The blank look on her face slowly turned into a slight smile as the sweet fragrance of the fruit reached tickled her nose. Her innocent smile was so heartwarming and captivating that I failed to notice that a villager had made their way towards us. The woman grabbed the fruit from the girl’s han.ds and smashed it beneath her feet.

Bitch: “Get the hell out of our village you disgusting frea-!”

Before the Bitch could finish her ranting I had thrown her at the crowd. What kind of perverted sense of justice would allow you to take the food from a starving child! After making it perfectly clear that I was not to be approached the crowd had to settle with throwing rocks from afar.

I created another Honey fruit and gave it to the girl. I stayed to ensure that the girl could eat without being bothered. After about twenty minutes the girl finished her fruit and I patted her head as we left.

It was beginning to grow dark so I decided to head towards an inn. The first floor of the inn was a restaurant so I decided to get a meal for Tibbs and Luna. Although both of them have been eating Honey Fruits I wasn't sure that they were getting a nutritionally balanced diet so this was the perfect opportunity to let them eat something different.

The owner of the inn was relatively friendly. Or at least she was after I gave her some furs and other goods as payment for two meals and a room for the night. Tibbs Luna and I sat at a table in the corner as we waited for the meals. While we waited the soldiers at the table in front of us were talking quite loudly.

Soldier #1: “ Damn that bitch of a king”

Soldier #2: “I can’t believe he used the commander to save his own skin!”

Soldier #3: “All we can do now is follow his last command. For the greatest commander to have ever lead!”

Soldier #1: “To commander Triston!”

Soldier #2: “To commander Triston!”

The soldiers all gulped down their ale with tears in their eyes. Then I noticed that Luna’s face had become paler than usual.

Luna: “No Papa can’t be dead…he just can’t be!”

Luna stormed out of the inn as tears began to form. It took me a while to piece everything together but I finally understood ‘Triston must be her father!’ just as I was about to run after Luna someone barged into the inn.

Villager: “Demonic Beast! Demonic Beast! There’s a wave of Demonic Beast!"

Soldier #1: “Dammit how is that possible. If there are more Demonic Beast then what did the commander give his life for!?”

Soldier #2: “We have to help”

Soldier #3: “Aye let’s go”

The soldiers all stormed out of the inn. I grabbed Tibbs and bolted out of the inn following the soldiers. There were dozens of Luthunians across the village. There were also new creatures that resembled orangutans except that their long arms were made of fire. They appeared to be called Orangumen and they were setting the village ablaze.

I whipped my tentacles around in a flurry instantly killing a few Luthunians but the Orangumen were far more troublesome. I had to use all ten tentacles to overwhelm and pummel a single Oranguman in order to kill it. I fought Orangumen and Luthunians as I searched for Luna. Fire burned me at every direction as the sheer number of Orangumen proved to be more than I could handle.

I kept Tibbs secured within my body protecting him from any possible harm. Amongst the crackling of flames and the panic of the village I was able to pick up a trace of a familiar voice.

Luna: *sobs* “Papa! I want my P-Papa!”

I combined all my tentacles into one large mass and swung it in a large circle blasting away all the nearby enemies. Giving just enough space to escape their entrapment and rush to Luna. I picked her up and instantly chucked her into my body where she would at least have some protection.

The Orangumen quickly regained their senses and began circling around me once again. It took everything I had to keep them at bay. My tentacles moved nonstop from one opponent to the next whipping who ever entered my range. But the Orangumen proved far superior to the Luthunians as their durability allowed them to be smashed multiple times without dying.

I was running out of breath and my tentacles grew heavy. The slower my tentacles got the closer the Orangumen came. Finally my tentacles felt like they were chained down and I could no longer resist. The Orangumen began blasting me with their arms of fire and all I could do was try my best to shield Tibbs and Luna.

I could see the terror and fear in both Tibbs’s and Luna’s face. Tears streamed from both their faces as they looked at me. I hid the pain and in my voice as I stared into both of their eyes.

“Everything will be okay. I won’t let anything hurt you”

Just as I finished speaking a loud roar boomed through the air. I turned towards the direction of the roar to find the source. There it was. A gorilla over thirty feet tall wearing body armor and a crown made out of rock.

Above its head all I could see was ??? Then the large gorilla smashed his mighty fist into the ground. I could sense a terrifying amount of force head straight towards us and that was the last thing I felt before my mind went blank.

Authors Note: Hi guys here is another chapter. Sorry I'm a little late but I have a few things taking up my time at the moment. The bonus story will probably be up tomorrow so look forward to that. Anyways I hope you enjoy the chapter tell me what you think. See you all next time :D

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