《Living the Great Sage Life with my Fairies and Lovers in a New World》Chapter 60: I Asked Zalena to Let Claire Join Us


On our way back, Claire and I talked about forming a Hunter party together. Since she was graduating this year, too, there won’t be much worry about schedule conflicts. The main concern was Zalena’s thoughts on the matter, since she proposed partying up with me first while she acted as my master. Other than whatever Claire did during her morning exercises with Agnes, Zalena hasn’t seen much of what Claire can do, and she is only an E rank Hunter as well. While that failed to reflect Claire’s true capabilities, I wasn’t sure what we could do to gain the Light Elf’s approval. Claire said not to worry about that, that she would take care of proving her qualifications. She just needed my help to get her foot in the door of our party formation, which I didn’t have a problem doing for her.

When we finally got back, everyone was already in the middle of their lunches, but Mom had thankfully set aside some sandwiches for the two of us. Onelri and Fila were by themselves at a table waiting for us, and Zalena was at another one with Ms. Renne. As Claire, me, and our Fairies got lunch, I asked Zalena through Telepathy Magic if Claire and I could have a word with her in private after lunch, with both of my Familiars joining in on the talk as well. She responded in the affirmative, having no problems with that, so I filled Sarise and Melody in on the same details. Of course, they were happy to go along with me and support Claire as well, so our plans for later were made.

While talking to my Familiars, I couldn’t help but appreciate their assets, especially as they had changed back into their naughty maid uniforms while I was gone. The sight made me feel both happy and lucky, since I’d get to see my Angel and Demon working in such attractive attire everyday. As a sign of my pleasure at their ready agreement to help Claire—and their outfits—I made good use of their micro-miniskirts’ complete inability to provide any cover and felt up their buns. Sarise happily welcomed the gesture, and while Melody grew bashful at my attention, she also relaxed into my caress.

Once we finished lunch, Ms. Renne wanted to talk to me about my tutoring plans, but I told her that Claire and I needed to speak with Zalena privately for a moment first. There was a flash of disappointment on her face at first, but she tried to hide it by forcing a smile, saying she, Fila, and Onelri would wait for me to come back. With that, I told my familiars that we were heading out, and opened a Dark Gate to take everyone to the training ground we used earlier, so as to keep our discussion with Zalena private. Once there, I used Earth Magic to quickly make some chairs for the women, a bench for my familiars and I, and another for all our Fairy Companions to sit together.

“So, you want to join my party so you can work with Soar, hm? Are you interested being in an apprenticeship with me, too?” Zalena asked after I explained to her the details.

Claire nervously pushed her fingers together, “U-Um … well, I’m not exactly sure what it is that you could teach that would benefit me as much as your mentorship will Soar, but I believe … I mean I know I could play an efficient part in the party. I also think I’ll learn important things and-and … grow as a Hunter by tackling challenges that I couldn’t otherwise safely take on up to now … without you, I mean.”


Compared to how she was when we were alone together earlier, Claire was surprisingly meek in front of others. If she spent most of her time observing people, I wondered if that hindered her social skills when communicating with our classmates. Or was this part of some ‘character’ she developed to hide behind when not doing an assassin job? Thinking back and doing a comparison, her Observation Reports almost felt like a totally different person was writing them.

“I think it sounds like a wonderful idea,” Sarise spoke, “I sensed great potential in her while she trained outside earlier.”

“You noticed that while we were cooking?!” Melody exclaimed in shock.

“It is expected from someone of my caliber to be observant in these matters, if it is for the sake of our master’s protection,” Sarise explained.

“I also noticed how well she moved during her spar with Seal earlier,” Zalena said, crossing her arms under her bosom while looking down in thought, “Still, Soar and I have S-Rank Magic Aptitudes, and from what he displayed in the dungeon yesterday, even though he’s currently ranked C as a Hunter, I plan on taking him on quests that are much higher than that. I have enough leeway as a Hunter to bring him onto quests that match to my own rank, in fact, if I want. As far as I know, you, Little Bob-Cut, are only rank E. Wanting to go with us on even a B rank quest would be a death wish for you. Do your parents even approve of this?”

Claire looked down, “I live with my grandfather, and we aren’t on speaking terms right now, but he’s trained me how to fight since I could walk, well enough that I can fend for myself. Since it was likely he wouldn’t approve of me being a Hunter, I started off at the very bottom. I’d otherwise likely have a higher rank now if I had had him to vouch for me as my master. Instead, I’ve been looking out for myself for a while now, and honestly, I don’t think Grandpa really cares what I do at this point.”

“Hmm … and you said your grandfather taught you how to fight? What’s his backstory?” Zalena asked with a raised brow.

“He … served in a division of the kingdom’s army as an officer, before he retired,” Claire answered.

“Ooh! That’s pretty good, isn’t it?!” Melody exclaimed.

Sarise nodded, “Indeed. While I am not familiar with the details of this kingdom’s army, I imagine serving under the king in a position of such responsibility is a great honor, and it also shows how capable a Magician he is.”

“How long have you lived with your grandfather?” Zalena then asked.

Claire shrugged, “Pretty much since I was born, really. My parents were gone not long after I came around, or at least that’s what Grandpa told me, anyway. I don’t even know what they look like.”

“That’s so sad …” Melody whispered, on the brink of tears. I patted her back in comfort.

I didn’t come across any info like that in Claire’s Observation Reports, but maybe that’s because her parents were irrelevant to what she was writing in them. If what she was saying was true and her parents were also part of the ‘family business’, it was likely their deaths weren't a pleasant experience. Just thinking about how they likely left this world made the atmosphere around me feel dark and heavy very quickly.

Zalena didn’t seem very sympathetic to Claire’s sob story as she looked up in thought, maybe because she’d lived long enough as a Light Elf that stuff like that didn’t bother her as much.


“Is there anything else that you can share that would encourage me to consider letting you join Soar’s party?” Zalena then asked.

“Well … there is one other thing, or maybe I should say two. Calipso, Piona, would you come here please?”

Then, just as Flinto made his appearance yesterday, two puffs of smoke appeared to either of Claire’s sides. Ah, so this is what she was planning to do, I thought, not as surprised by the flashy appearance like the others as the smoke dissipated.

Calipso and Piona kneeled next to Claire, awaiting for her command. Unlike earlier, however, they were wearing new outfits. For Calipso, instead of being unable to tell if she was wearing anything or not, I could clearly see she had on a formal pencil skirt suit. It was just like the kind that I’d seen businesswomen wearing on Earth. The suit was charcoal grey, while the blouse was a dark violet that brought out the deep purple in her almost black hair. She looked really good in it too, with her navy blue skin, as it clung to her large rack, narrow waist, and wide hips.

The jacket, and most of her blouse underneath, was unbuttoned, and the spacing between buttons was great enough for the blouse to gape open a bit anyways. This allowed me to see Calipso’s generous, dark cleavage and even part of her somewhat lighter blue discs, as she clearly wasn’t wearing a bra. The Demon’s buds could also be easily made out, poking against the blouse’s thin fabric and teasing at the edge of the loose open neckline, but never quite coming into view. The pencil skirt was also quite short, revealing all of her long toned legs and shapely thighs which were accented with lace, flower patterned stockings the same dark shade of violet as her blouse. In fact, the skirt was so short that the bottom quarter of the Nightwalker’s backseat was exposed.

Piona, meanwhile, had on slightly different tribal clothing that covered slightly more than earlier, but not by much. The top, for instance, now covered her stomach, but her melons were still just as exposed. Her shorts were replaced by a short skirt—of sorts. It was really just two palm wide panels of fabric in front and back, barely as long as her ‘entrance’, with two different bits of string criss crossing either hip to lace the two panels together. The bows they made at either side of her waist all but begged to be pulled apart.

“A Night Walker …” Sarise said in surprise.

“And a Hermes …” Melody added.

“These are my familiars, Calipso and Piona,” Claire introduced as the two of them stood up, “They’ve been with me as my first summons from both realms since I was around Soar’s age. My grandfather told me I shouldn’t reveal them to anyone, but since I’m hoping to be working with you, I thought I might as well show them to you, Ms. Vaxine. After I showed Soar my familiars, he was willing to vouch for me joining his party.”

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance, everyone,” Calipso greeted first with a bow before her Hermes associate followed suit.

“Master Soar, is this what Claire wanted to show you in private earlier?” Sarise asked me.

I scratched my head and averted my gaze, “Well … this is part of it.”

“I may not know how much of a difference showing you my familiars will do, but they’ve been there to help me through some tough times, especially with my Hunter quests,” Claire continued, looking serious now, “I didn’t want to attract a lot of attention, though, lest word reach my grandfather and things grow more complicated between us. So, I’ve been taking it easy and raising my rank slowly and steadily. I have fought and subjugated monsters long before I became a Hunter, so I ask that you please not take my rank at face value. I’ll do whatever it takes to prove myself worthy of joining Soar’s party, Ms. Vaxine.”

Zalena seemed to be blinking herself back into reality after that surprise before she thought some more. “... Soar? You think Little Bob-Cut has what it takes?”

“I don’t ‘think’, I know so,” I said with a firm nod, “I’ve seen some of what she could do, and I think she’s got the makings of an amazing Hunter.”

“Soar …” Claire muttered, looking to me with surprised gratitude.

I mean, if she can pick up my murder on those bandits and is that accurate with her deductions, she may be more of a Criminal Hunter than a Monster Hunter.

Zalena looked up in thought some more, “Hmm … okay, why don’t I give you a test to see if you qualify? Something similar to Soar’s and Agnes’ registration exam? I got it, if you can clear Myron Dungeon in one day like those two can, then you’re in. You can have your familiars to help you do so as well. How does that sound?”

“I’ll do it,” Claire answered resolution, “In fact, I’ll do you better and take on the dungeon mostly by myself, with my familiars only standing by for emergency purposes.”

Of course, her grandfather was crazy enough to make Claire clear the dungeon at an even earlier age than me. Doing it again now should be a cinch for her, I thought while nodding to myself.

“Wonderful!” Zalena said, “You have your graduation to focus on like Soar, right? Set your focus on that for now, and we’ll let you take the test some time after that. Soar, that goes for—”

“Actually, do you think we can do it tomorrow?” Claire asked, “To be honest, I think it will help prepare me for my graduation if I go through the more difficult stuff first. Is that okay?”

“Hmmm? Eager, are we?” Zalena asked while raising her brow with interest. She then shrugged, “Very well, why not? I’ll keep my schedule open for tomorrow. Soar, you and your familiars are coming with us and you will get us there with your Dark Gate. Part of being in a party is observing and gauging each other’s abilities and figuring out how best to work with them, after all.”

“Sure.” This will also be a good chance for me to get a core from the mid-boss down there, too, just like I told Grayson I had, I added in my mind.

Sarise noted to me and Melody through Telepathy Magic,

Melody exclaimed.

By ‘usual coordination’, does she mean the same level that had her slip on that soap bar while she was flustered last night? No, I shouldn’t focus so much on that, especially when it came as such a surprise for both of us. I’m sure she really performs well when she sets her mind to it, right? I don’t think she’d be able to cast Levitation Magic or use her Purity Aura as well as she has otherwise.

“I imagine you’d rather not let the others know about your familiars yet, yes?” Zalena then asked Claire.

Claire nodded, “They’re staying at my grandfather’s place right now, but I’m hoping to reveal them to the others after the trial, maybe say I summoned them similarly to how Soar did yesterday?”

Zalena shrugged, “Fair enough. I’ll just keep my mouth shut until then and I’ll look forward to seeing you in action tomorrow, Little Bob-Cut. Shall we head on back?”

“Sarise, yes?” Calipso asked my Devil Familiar suddenly as it looked like we were ready to head back, approaching her and sticking a hand out, “Our meeting may have been brief, but I hope we can work well together in the future. Also, I like the outfit.”

Though Sarise was surprised at being called out at first, the friendly gesture made her smile as she accepted the Night Walker Familiar’s handshake, “Likewise, Calipso, and thank you.”

As for the two Zaleesian Familiars, Piona was staring hard at Melody for some unknowable reason, and my Angel was sweating buckets under the Hermes’ judgmental gaze. Even I was starting to get nervous.

“... Melody?” Piona asked.


“Your Master … are you happy being with him?” Piona asked with a raised brow.

“A-Absolutely! Today’s my first day, but I’m already loving every minute of it!” Melody answered, a bit louder than necessary.

“Hmm … alright, then,” Piona said, seeming to come to a conclusion as she held her hand out, “In that case, I hope the two of us will have a good partnership as well.”

“Y-Yes! Of course! I feel the same!” Melody exclaimed while stretching her hand.

Stopping as she noticed how sweaty it was, Melody wiped off whatever she could on her mini half-apron. Though it had less fabric than a handkerchief—only magic explained why the angel’s lower lips weren't constantly peeking out—it somehow got the job done. Once my Familiar’s hand was dry as she could get it, Melody shook Piona’s hand in an awkwardly stiff manner.

As we seemed to be off the hook for now, I relaxed as well, Looks like Piona was also affected by Melody’s heightened Purity Aura, which means it really does have an effect on other familiars, right? Then again, with how exposed Piona’s own outfits are, perhaps Melody’s Purity Aura has nothing to do with it? Maybe I haven’t corrupted my angel as much as I feared…


With greetings exchanged and plans for tomorrow set, Claire sent her familiars back to her place before I took us back home with my Dark Gate. Once there, Claire and I regrouped with my teacher and other friends who were waiting for us, while Zalena went to her room to take a nap. She wasn’t used to living with, or even being around, so many people, and needed some time to adjust both herself and her biological clock. That left it up to us to inform everyone of tomorrow’s plans as we gathered around one of the tables in the dining area.

We only told them that Zalena had agreed to test Claire to see if she could join the party, without giving them all the details. This was both to prevent everyone from getting worried, and to avoid revealing any of Claire’s secrets. After going over the details of the trial as briefly as possible and asking my parents, they gave the okay and allowed Claire to spend another night with us, for convenience’s sake. Meanwhile, everyone’s Fairy Companions went off to hang out together and figure out the finer details of their new living arrangements.

“I’ve been meaning to ask, Soar, but why does Ms. Vaxine call me ‘Little Bob-Cut’?” Claire asked me.

“I think she doesn’t acknowledge anyone properly until they prove to be interesting or otherwise worthy of her time. Agnes and I were called Fairy Girl and Fairy Boy for a bit, remember?” I asked her.


Onelri huffed, “So that is why she only calls me and Fila ‘Little Dark Elf’ and ‘Bunny Girl’. Typical for a light elf to act so condescending.”

“And that is why she doesn’t bother with formalities with the public,” I pointed out.

Onelri’s eye twitched, “Are you telling me it is my fault?!”

“Now, now, Onelri, there’s no need to kick up a fuss,” Ms. Renne intervened, “There’s a saying, ‘treat others as you wish for them to treat you.’ I’m sure she has her reasons for treating others the way she has been, and it’s not out of malice. If you practice patience and try to open up to her, maybe she’ll warm up to you and call you by name in time. She’s probably far more interesting than you could imagine, once you get to know her.”

Onelri seemed riled up in her seat, enough that I might have heard her teeth grinding, but after listening to Ms. Renne’s words, she let up a bit. “Grk, and Mother was saying something like that too ...” she muttered under frustration.

Ah, as expected of a good teacher like Ms. Renne to quell a child’s tantrum. Still, it begs the question of how difficult Onelri will be as I try to help her get a fairy while tutoring her in magic. Though, she seemed to be listening when I taught Fila how to cast a spell for the first time a few days ago, since she applied it so well in her demonstration after that. I’m probably tripping red flags for thinking this, but I hope tutoring both of them will be at least doable, let alone Onelri by herself.

Once Onelri calmed down, Ms. Renne and I discussed how I would study for my final exam. She even provided me some tips on what I could tutor Onelri and Fila in based on their known Elemental Magics. I wrote the draft of a synopsis to keep the subject materials more organized while we discussed them. After that, we spent the rest of the day relaxing, with Claire and I mentally preparing ourselves for tomorrow. At some point after her nap, Zalena came up, pulled us aside in private, and went over a few conditions for the dungeon crawl. They weren’t much different from when Agnes and I took our registration exams, however. With Claire’s experience as a Hunter as well as her assassin training, I knew she’d pass with flying colors.

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