《Living the Great Sage Life with my Fairies and Lovers in a New World》Chapter 56: We Parted on Different Paths, and on Mine, I Stumbled Over Something New


Once breakfast was finished, we had to send Agnes and the Platinum Arms Hunter party off as it was time for them to depart. They would give their thanks to some people before I used ‘Dark Gate’ to send them to Brightlas. Me, the girls, my familiars, Dad, and Zalena were all coming as well to send them off. Rala and Flinto also had to come with, of course, as Brightlas was their home.

Sarise, wanting to keep her maid uniform just for wearing around our home when on-duty, asked if I have any recommendations for what casual clothes she and Melody should wear when off-duty. I had only seen a little of my Devil’s wardrobe since we met yesterday, so I was curious about what else she had in store. I also didn’t think that she would be familiar with fashions from Earth if I brought up anything I liked from there. Shrugging mentally, I told her to dress herself and Melody however she liked.

The result? It felt like I was a pimp escorting two of my best hookers, showing them off in hopes of getting them a rich john for the night.

To start, Sarise was in a two-piece black leather halter top and skirt, her midriff exposed. The fabric cups of the halter top, however, were replaced by fishnet, the netting closely hugging each of my demon’s melons and supporting them. Her beady buds poked out of the fishnetting, their prominence further highlighted by jewelry. A quarter inch wide band of silver, covered in small diamonds, lay flat on her red disc, fitted snugly to Sarise’s beads like bejeweled collars, as if highlighting a grand prize. Which the Devil’s milk buds certainly were.

The skirt, meanwhile, was quite small, only covering the top half of Sarise’s trunk and entrance, with her lingerie underneath fully exposed. If that wasn’t enough, the skin-tight leather skirt acted more like a thin layer of paint, even tucking into her rear crack and shifting with the Devil’s every movement, doing nothing at all to hide her goods. Magic was clearly involved, and I appreciated its application. With a skirt like that, Sarise might as well have not bothered wearing anything at all.

Speaking of which, though the front of the demon’s panties was a simple band of lace just wide enough to cover her garden, the back was just two straps running over the middle of each cherry cheek, the fabric between them missing. They framed the only thing covering the Devil’s hole, a large white diamond-like jewel. Buried in Sarise’s crack, it pried her cheeks apart and was unmistakably the base of a sizable toy plug.

Moving down, black lace stockings ran from mid-thigh all the way to attractive leather open-toed high-heels. To finish off the look, Sarise had matching, diamond studded, spiked bracelets and anklets that complemented her milk bud rings surprisingly well. She even made the collar and tag identifying her as my familiar into an accessory of her outfit, using it to loudly proclaim that she’s already ‘owned’ by someone else.

As for Melody, she looked exactly like the classic naughty school girl prostitute I had seen in hentai in my past life. Her top was an artfully ripped white tee, the front split open then tied together under the bottom of her fun bags to support them with a knot that looked ready to burst at any moment. The split in the front created a plunging neckline that exposed all of her cleavage and part of her discs, the loose edges swinging freely, threatening to reveal more without ever quite delivering. The fabric was just thin and transparent enough for anyone to see the outline and shadow of her large beads and discs underneath, while her stomach was left completely bare. Lastly, the back of the tee had holes ripped over Melody’s shoulder blades to make room for her wings to appear should she need them.


The shirt was paired with a pleated red flannel-patterned skirt. It was the same size as the one from her maid uniform, ultra-tiny and unable to cover my angel’s buns or crotch at all. Instead, her aquamarine g-string, the same color as her eyes, had to do all the work to hide her privates. A job which it failed at miserably, as the narrow scrap of fabric only managed to cover her button before getting sucked inside the outer petals of Melody’s honeypot. The plump lips of my angel’s entrance were still somewhat hidden by her bush, but her blue-green lingerie did an excellent job at highlighting their dark pink edges, which couldn’t quite close over the lacy fabric.

Finally, Melody had gladiator-style sandals like those from her ‘angel uniform’. Unlike the originals, these ones had inch and a half raised heels, which helped hike up her derriere and jutt it further out. Not that the angel’s large tight bubble buns really needed the assistance, like metal to a magnet, I already couldn’t keep my hands off it. It was obvious that this set was designed to keep as much of her ‘goods’ accessible to me for my use as possible. I had no idea what inspired Sarise to come up with something so similar to an outfit I was familiar with in my past life, but I had to give her a mental round of applause for the design.

Once we were cleaned up and ready to go, we traveled to the front gate of Brightlas to pay the toll fee before heading inside. At that point, Rala and Flinto parted ways with us, as she was planning to take a few days off after all the excitement she went through yesterday. Agnes and I thanked her for her service yesterday while the girls had a chance to pet Flinto once more.

Zalena then whispered something in Rala’s feline ear, causing a fearful shiver to run down her back. I imagined it had to do with whatever blackmail Zalena pulled on her to keep what she saw yesterday a secret. From what I had been told, Rala was going to retire as an adventurer soon and would be working for the guild as a receptionist instead. I guessed we might have had something to do with that sudden career change, so I silently apologized for causing trouble for her as she went off. Rala was a bit high strung yesterday in the dungeon, but she wasn’t bad, so I hoped things would ease up between us by the next time I saw her behind the counter.

With that, we made our way to the Hunter’s Guild. Agnes and I were going to pick up the remainder of our reward money from the drops we collected during our Hunter exam. I was also going to register Melody as my familiar at the same time. As we walked there, I appreciated how, with Sarise’s inverted Aura in play, not much attention was drawn to the nearly naked Devil.

Melody, thanks to her heightened Purity Aura, wasn’t drawing any attention at all. It was like she became another passing citizen on the streets, blending into her surroundings and becoming practically invisible. As for the status of her broken halo, it had started coming back together, but there were still cracks in some places that needed to be tended to. While Melody was better coordinated than last night, she still tended to trip up a bit, so I had to lend her my shoulder for support. Though Melody said I didn’t need to support her, Sarise could instead, I insisted on doing it for her. Both my familiars bent to my firm determination, following my lead.


While I initially had good intentions, my main reason for helping quickly changed as I found myself in a very favorable position, savoring the soft, cuddly texture of Melody’s body as I provided her support. My angel’s massive and extremely soft cushion pressed against me as we walked, her arm wrapped around my shoulder pulling me into it. The fact that the thin fabric of her white tee was the only barrier between her chest and me somehow made the experience more thrilling. Additionally, my close up straight down viewing angle allowed me to look inside the ripped and gaping front of her top and down her cleavage to see my angel’s fully exposed peaks, which were only visible from this position. The hand I had on my familiar’s waist, meanwhile, was soon drawn down to her magnetic derriere and sunk into it, kneading it in an attempt to ‘straighten her posture’. With both of these factors taken into consideration, I was thankful for my short stature as our size difference allowed me to feel more of Melody’s charming body with ease. The pleasant, delightfully feminine scent that wafted from her body was also something I couldn’t help but get good whiffs of from my current position.

If that wasn’t enough, there was also my spectacular view of Sarise’s trunk, or more specifically, her toy plug, as she walked in front of me. She made sure its presence was completely obvious by adding extra swing to her hips and tail. The subtle jiggle of her crimson cheeks flexing around the plug’s diamond head with each step was an exhilarating sight. I hadn’t seen the Devil put it in before we left, so I was curious just how big it really was. I was also a bit surprised by its presence at first, until I remembered just how suggestive Demonic culture was. For them, adult toys were probably just regular jewelry. When I asked her about it, Sarise seemed both surprised and pleased that I had noticed. After admitting that it was more than large enough for the demon to really feel it when she walked or sat down, she asked how it looked. I told her it was very cute and made her backseat look amazing, and she replied that she was considering wearing it whenever she wasn’t helping me with Hunter quests. My Devil became very giddy when I said I had no problems with that. When Sarise proposed that Melody wear one, though, I advised that she check with the angel first.

As large as our group was, we drew the eyes of everyone in the guild when we got there. As a group of kids with a famous line of adults, plus two high-ranking familiars of sheer beauty, and a maid, I guess it would be difficult for anyone to ignore such a posse. The guild master for Brightlas’ branch, Grayson, was fortunately there when we stepped inside. When he noticed Sarise and my latest addition, Melody, next to me, he sighed exasperatedly like he already knew what we wanted and he was not ready for the headache that would come.

Grayson pulled me, my familiars, Dad and Zalena into his office. He also grabbed Agnes, Dahlia, and Seal as well, I guess because he assumed she too had a bombshell to drop on him. The moment the doors closed, he turned to me and demanded an explanation. Fortunately, we had come up with a story to tell beforehand. To keep things short, Zalena escorted me through Myron Dungeon to get to the mid-boss room once more, where we beat it again and used the same summoning circle in the room to bring Melody to this realm. I told him I would turn in the core it dropped for money later, not mentioning that this would be after I actually did beat it again for its drop.

Then Grayson asked where Agnes’ new familiar was. Granted, I did offer Agnes a chance to summon another from Zalecks this time, using the same method I had to bring Melody here. I felt I’d give her that much since she was with me yesterday too. Her answer, the same she gave to Grayson, went like this.

“I was only able to clear the dungeon yesterday, or even summon Dhalia, thanks to Soar,” Agnes said, “While I do know a little of Shimmerlin now, I want to take my time to better understand and learn the language as I grow stronger. Then, I will take on Alvarez Dungeon by myself, summon my second familiar there, and clear the dungeon on my own terms. Doing it this way will give me a better sense of accomplishment and assurance that I can stand on my own like Soar can.”

Alvarez Dungeon is the dungeon closest to Agnes’ home, Onora, the capital of the Reskondant Kingdom. From what Seal told me, there are more floors in it than Myron Dungeon, at a whopping total of 50. While there are stronger monsters there as well, there’s also the benefit of getting higher rewards from the valuable monster cores and drops they leave behind when defeated. Due to this, many capable and talented Hunters live off the money earned from the drops in that dungeon, with the average in this demographic being D Rank. The total number of B and A Rank Hunters that reside there could be counted on two hands and the toes of one foot, a figure that includes Seal, Sam, and Lilia. It was also the home of one S Rank Hunter, but they were currently on a journey of sorts.

The point was, based on Seal’s and even Dad’s experience, Alvarez Dungeon is tough, the third hardest dungeon in the continent, at that, and you’d have to be crazy to take it on by yourself past the 10th floor. Agnes wanted to go as far as the 25th with only her and Dhalia, summon her familiar from Zalecks there, and take on the rest with just the three of them and her Fire Fairy, Flicker. For the people who have taken on Alvarez Dungeon, clearing Myron Dungeon with a party of three, or even two was like a refreshing hike up a steep trail compared to a rigorous rock-wall climb up a mountain such as this.

Well, I know one place to check out later, I thought, planning the dungeon dive in my mind after hearing about Alvarez for the first time. It may sound crazy, but I have a feeling Agnes can pull it off. If she and Dhalia apply themselves and grow stronger, and the former summons an ally from Zalecks who’s a fraction as reliable as Sarise, the noble girl should be able clear it on the terms she set herself. Since I was already so well off thanks to my Great Sage gift, I had to give Agnes some respect, as she would have to get there with her own hard work.

Just as it showed on Grayson’s face, almost everyone who was there after Agnes explained her reason the first time was dumbstruck. When she finished, despite the concern painted all over the guild master’s face, he respected her drive.

Once we registered Melody as my familiar and slipped the tag on her, Grayson dismissed us and we went over to reception to pick up the rest of our reward money from the drops we turned in from the exam. We both earned quite a bit, I’ll say that much.

Finally, we stopped by the inn where the carriage Agnes and Melissa came in was parked, and they made the necessary check-out and gathered whatever belongings they left in their rooms last night. The carriage in question was quite luxurious with polished red wood and gold frames, big enough to fit both Agnes and her maid as well as the entirety of Platinum Arms. Guess riding in style was another norm for nobles in this world. However, since Platinum Arms was escorting Agnes, a noble, back to Onora, they had to rent horses from the Hunter's guild for a few of them to ride on alongside the carriage for quick maneuverability, in case of an incident.

“Well, this is it,” Agnes said as they were about to depart. She bowed her head to all of us, “Thank you so much for the wonderful time and hospitality, everyone.”

“Don’t mention it, Lady Agnes,” Dad spoke for everyone, “Stop on by anytime when you’re not busy.”

“I will. Fila, Onelri, Claire, it has been a pleasure meeting you all.”

“We’ll send you letters on how we’re doing like Soar! Right?” Fila asked the other two.

Claire nodded, “Of course.”

Onelri followed up with a shrug, “Yeah, sure, if I have something to write about, I guess.”

“Zalena, thank you for your assistance in the exam yesterday,” Agnes then thanked the Light Elf.

Zalena waved a hand, “No problem. I’ll look forward to seeing how much you’ve grown the next time we meet, Agnes.”

Agnes smiled a little at not being called ‘fairy girl’ this time, before finally turning to me, “Soar … for the duel, the exam, and everything you have shown and taught me in between, thank you for all of it. I will definitely study Shimmerlin with the reference sheets you gave me carefully.”

While breakfast was ending earlier, I took a couple minutes to write out cheat sheets on how to read and pronounce Shimmerlin on some parchment paper. Shimmerlin was apparently the default language spoken in Zaleese and Zalecks, according to our familiars, while Dustaran was a required second language. Agnes wanted to learn it more to speak it fluently and have conversations in Shimmerlin with Dhalia and her potential Zaleckian familiar as well as fine-tune her summoning chant. Sarise and Melody also contributed by adding in common phrases and greetings to get her started.

After hearing Agnes intentions on that, it made me want to practice Shimmerlin with more fluency, too. Despite my social anxiety, I’ve always wanted to be fluent in a second language like Japanese on Earth to get more connected to the people related to my interests. In terms of charm and being liked by people, I don’t think anything can top having conversations in the other person’s mother tongue. I could imagine just how ecstatic Sarise and Melody would be if we could converse in Shimmerlin.

“The best way to learn is through practice,” Sarise said, “Speak to Dhalia in Shimmerlin whenever you can, and you will become fluent in our language in no time.”

“Yeah! It will be fun if we can talk to you in Shimmerlin next time, Lady Agnes!” Melody added.

“I’ll send you more stuff to learn from if I come across anything useful,” I said.

“And do not forget what we agreed on,” Agnes emphasized with a finger up.

I nodded, “Right, after you send the first letter to me, we’ll start exchanging messages once a month. Contact me if you ever need help, though, I’ll be there in a hop, skip, and a jump through my ‘Dark Gate.’”

“Of course.” Agnes said, then pulled me in for a hug. I felt her shoulders shuddering and heard subtle sniffling, “I will get closer to you … one way or another.”

“Huh?” I asked before Agnes pulled back and gave a big bright smile, albeit with a hint of mischief.

That was probably the most child-like expression I had seen on Agnes, actually fitting her for her age, throughout our short time together. I suppose if they can be like this … kids aren’t really that bad. They’re still quite a handful, though, I admitted to myself.


Once we gave Melissa and everyone in Platinum Arms our farewells, they all went off by carriage and horseback. We continued waving to her as Agnes peeked out the window from the carriage’s back until it disappeared around a corner.

With our business finished, I took us back to Lunargrove’s entrance via ‘Dark Gate,’ checked in at the front, and jumped through the same spell once more to get back home. That still left quite a few people in the house. There was me, my parents, Gullivan and Carol, and my familiars, Sarise and Melody, making up our family of five. Then there was the Dark Elf, Onelri, and her parents, Darida and Zalfes, Fila of the Rabbit-Kin beastmen and her mother Flomi, and finally the Light Elf, Zalena. Excluding Claire, a human like me, and Ms. Renne of the Fox-Kin beastmen who were visiting as guests, and all the fairies accompanying us, there are a total of eleven people currently staying in this building, twelve if you count my sibling on its way. More people than I’d ever thought of living with under the same roof. If this turned back into an inn again, we’d have more than enough people to help tend to the place. Though, there probably wouldn’t be many rooms for guests to occupy at that point. Maybe we could change it into more of a large restaurant or diner? Wallace and Enya might not appreciate the competition, though, being restaurant owners themselves.

“Now, what do we do?” I asked while we were all hanging out in the dining area.

“It’s getting close to lunch time, right? Should I get us started on something to eat, then?” Mom asked, “Zalfes, Flomi, help me out here, would you?”

Mrs. Gulzu and Ms. Gartner obliged and followed Mom to the kitchen.

“Why don’t we talk about how we’ll study for your exam after lunch, Soar?” Ms. Renne asked.

“We should also discuss how to do our quests and private lessons, too,” Zalena added.

“Don’t forget Soar is tutoring Onelri and me in magic!” Fila exclaimed, hopping in place with excitement.

“And figuring out how I can make a contract with a fairy,” Onelri commented.

Yeesh, I’m already getting exhausted from hearing all this, I thought.

“Actually … do you mind if I talk to you in private for a moment, Soar? Alone?” Claire suddenly asked.

“You mean, without my Familiars?” I asked.

Claire nodded in confirmation before looking over to Sarise and Melody, “Do you mind if I borrow him for a bit, you two?”

“Of course, not. If it is Master Soar’s wish, we will give him the space he needs,” Sarise answered for both of them. Melody nodded in agreement.

I scratched my head, “Alright, I guess you both can stay here until I get back.”

Both of my familiars nodded in confirmation.

“Any place you’d prefer to take this?” I asked Claire.

“Yes, I’ll show you the way,” Claire answered.

I turned to my dad, “We’re stepping out for a while, Dad. We’ll be back for lunch.”

“Don’t go too crazy out there, kids!” Dad exclaimed before giving a hearty chuckle.

We stepped out of the building first with all our fairies in tow. When we got far enough away, Claire asked me to use Dark Gate to take us anywhere in the forest where I’d usually hunt for game. I didn’t know what she had planned, but I obliged and followed her instruction, opening the way to a spot I marked in my personal, mental map. She then started leading the way in a particular direction after she got her bearings.

“Where are we going?” I asked.

“Someplace I go to for personal training.”

I blinked, suddenly remembering something, “Oh … uh, thank you for that book, by the way, it was very helpful. I haven’t gotten a chance to read very much, what with everything going on, but, if you want to, you can borrow it after I’ve read a good chunk. I know how much you must have spent on this, so it doesn’t feel right to me to not let you use it as well.”

The book she gifted me for my birthday, the ‘Book of Ancient Practices,’ included material on how to read Shimmerlin, which helped me summon my Familiars. Since I had absorbed everything into my mental databanks thanks to the Great Sage gift, there wasn’t much more I needed to do until Mona got through confirming the legitimacy of the book’s contents.

“No need to rush. You can take your time looking through it. Honestly, I read most of it before gifting it to you. I’ve been hoping to discuss some of it with you for some time.”

“Ah, okay.”

Most of it? I contemplated, Not all of it? I don’t know how long ago she bought the book from her uncle’s bookstore. However, if she’s as much of an avid reader as I was before acquiring the Great Sage gift, I would have expected her to have already finished it before she gave it to me. Speaking of which …

I asked Mona in my mind.

I nodded to myself,

she explained.

I looked up in wonder,

Mona continued,

I asked.

Breezy then asked me through telepathy.

I interjected.

Mona answered.

I rose a brow in interest,

I exclaimed in my head.

Mist then said.

I asked.

I requested.

As if a document was being downloaded into my brain, I got a clear image of the deciphered contents in my mind, immediately comprehending everything in an instant.

At that moment, I didn’t realize that Breezy was trying to warn me that we were entering a section of the forest that had proven to be unexpectedly dangerous of late.

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