《Living the Great Sage Life with my Fairies and Lovers in a New World》Chapter 42: Should I Lewd or Not Lewd?


[Since the first half of the chapter mostly consists of explicit content unrelated to the story's plot, this section has been redacted. If you wish to read the whole chapter, please look up this story on Webnovel, or go to the directory on my twitter page as linked down below.]

[I apologize for the inconvenience.]

Once I rinsed enough of her soapy body with water, using Water Magic to assist me, I lathered my hands with soap and finally returned to her back where I could take a breather.

It was definitely too late to say this, but I didn’t know just how sensational washing Melody with my bare hands lathered in soap was, compared to when I touched her body while it was dry. If I didn’t remind myself that I was limited on time every couple of minutes, I’d likely have played with her body a lot longer without even realizing what I was doing. Complimenting her body parts as I washed them made the moment all the more exhilarating. They were all true, too, and if she was my girlfriend, I’d likely have said and done so much more to her.

As I washed and massaged Melody’s broad back that glistened with water and soap, infatuation didn’t begin to describe what I was feeling right now while running my hands over it. It was like I had summoned her to this world all over again.

When I recalled those moments from our meeting up to now, especially moments ago, there was something I noticed that bothered me some while I worked. My mind’s aware of how sexy Melody is, my heart’s racing just thinking about it, so why … is a certain part in this body not reacting? I asked myself. Sure, it’s still relatively young, probably not close to reaching puberty yet, but is that really all there is to it? Or is there some other, magical, influence at play here?


I asked the voice in charge of the more technical side of my Great Sage gift, having nowhere else to turn.

I asked her.

I asked.

Supposedly, a devil’s Aura doesn’t affect children by default thanks to the Child-Protection aspect. If a devil inverts their normal Aura, it should affect adults like it would for children too. Either way, I should have noticed a change at some point. Though I was exposed to both modes when Sarise demonstrated inverting her Aura that first time, I still saw her as a bombshell beauty with a risque choice of attire. My dick would have pierced the heavens from how aroused I felt just being near her if I had an adult body.

Mona explained.

she asked.

“Thanks again for helping me wash my body, Soar, especially my back,” Melody said suddenly, snapping me out of my internal conversation with Mona, “I’m afraid I’m not flexible enough to reach back there without a back scrubber.”

Flustered from getting reeled back into reality, I was having difficulty finding words while washing her back, “I uh … suppose a lot of people would also have that issue. Can you move a little so I can get to your butt as well?”

Melody complied and tried to position herself on the seat for me to get to as much of her large ass as possible. Part of me was surprised by how easily she followed my request, but I was in more shock at [Redacted]

“That reminds me! Familiars like me usually wash their master’s backs, right? I should do that for you, too, since we’re here. Then we can take a bath together!”

If Sarise finds out I let Melody wash my back and bathe with me first before her, even though she asked first, things will likely get ugly. It would probably be worse if she also knew what I had done with my new familiar before her tonight, I thought, “Oh, no, it’s fine. I actually took a bath earlier. I’m just going to wash myself and supervise while you bathe so you don’t hurt yourself.”


“But you worked so hard, though! I’m also sure I … made a mess on your clothes with my happy juices too. Let me make it up to you for that much, at least.”

“I don’t—”

“Today’s been a long day for you all, right? So, let’s relax and take a nice, long … soak?” a familiar voice interrupted me. I turned to the source as I felt my stomach drop.

In the doorway stood Ms. Renne, Zalena, and Sarise, walking into the scene of me washing Melody’s ass, staring at us wide-eyed. I feel like I’m suddenly in a drama where I’m caught in the act of two-timing on my wife.

FUCK! What do I say?! “… H-Hey, guys! Look who I summoned from Zaleese!” I exclaimed with faux enthusiasm before putting up a smile of the same level.

It was then my light sky-blue eyes locked onto Sarise’s pink ones. I immediately noticed how dull and void of life they were compared to how they usually looked.

I am so boned now, aren’t I?

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