《Living the Great Sage Life with my Fairies and Lovers in a New World》Chapter 38: The Devil Had a Fashion Show



Back in the study at Soar’s home, the group had calmed down after the surprise Sarise’s wardrobe change caused. After giving Sarise a cue, Zalena used that opportunity to explain the effects of Demonic Aura as the devil inverted hers. The transition was surprisingly smooth, Renne wondered if Zalena planned this out ahead of time. Little did she and Soar’s parents know, but Zalena was completely ad libbing on the fly.

For devils or succubi, projecting their Aura normally would make them irresistible to the eyes of any viewer, male or female, depending how well they trained it. The Goddess Elmyra, in the interest of protecting children, added an exception to this effect, called the Child Protection Inversion. This effect takes a devil’s or succubus’ Aura and reverses it from a lust-inducing to a de-sexualizing Aura on anyone below the age of majority. When a devil or succubus learns to apply this inversion to their normal Aura, they replicate this effect, turning their attention attracting Aura into an attention dispelling one. There are limits on how long an Aura can be inverted and to what degree. Nevertheless, as long as she has a moment or two to release herself for a short period of time, Sarise explained that she could put herself through the stress of inversion for a whole day. She was willing to do much more to stay with Soar.

After inverting her Aura, Sarise took a moment to make her wings disappear so her audience could get a better look at her back. Only her devilish black, smoothly rounded tail with its arrowhead remained. She then went on to change into different outfits with her clothing magic with her Aura inverted at Zalena’s suggestion.

[To follow the rules on this site's sexual content, this and other parts later in the chapter will be redacted. If you wish to read the full, completed version, please check it out on webnovel as listed in the author note down at the bottom.]

Sarise’s little fashion show followed a theme. As she transitioned, each outfit covered less than the last, yet her Demonic Aura remained inverted for all of them. This allowed all the adults to see that no matter what the demonic familiar wore, no matter how promiscuous and near nude she made herself, she would possess zero sexual appeal so long as her Aura was inverted. She couldn’t even be looked at sexually, the mind of the viewer would be utterly blocked from seeing or thinking anything that was inappropriate for a child.

Strange, so this is how Sarise’s Demonic Aura affects our perceptions? I thought it was strange how little of a deal her maid outfit became to me earlier after she inverted her Aura, compared to when she first changed into it. The difference is quite baffling. I can technically see even more of her now than before, and yet I’m able to notice even less of her. I’m not even the least bit attracted to her … like I was before, either, Renne pondered, using her experience as an educator and a Magician to observe the effects of devil’s Aura despite being affected by it, as Sarise’s fashion show wrapped up.

Renne also noticed how much fun the surprisingly innocent devil was having as she changed into different clothes. From how she smiled, though, told the fox-kin teacher that there was something she lacked to make the experience all the more enjoyable. The truth, that Renne almost glimpsed, was that Sarise wished her master was in the study watching her as well. She wanted him to praise her for her sense of style and how amazing she looked, to have her voluptuous form be drunk in and ogled at in awe and curiosity. Sarise wanted Soar there to do it all and then some.


The teacher also noticed how calm and collected Gullivan was as he watched the show. Earlier, the husband had practically drooled over Sarise in her slutty maid outfit before receiving a death glare from his wife, Carol. Maybe that’s the bigger reason why Carol’s reluctant to keep Sarise around, Renne thought as she held back from giggling at the memory. The way her fox ears perked while the tail wagged told more of how amused she was at the flashback than she wanted to show.

After the nearly non-existent bikini, Sarise turned to Zalena, “Would you like for me to try making something for you as well, Lady Zalena?”

“You mean you can change other people’s clothes, too?” Zalena asked with widened eyes.

“I can conjure new clothes, or change what you have on,” Sarise explained, “The change would last for only a certain amount of time if I am not nearby to maintain it. You may tell me what you would like to wear, or I can give my own recommendations, and you may do with them as you wish up to the end of the day. That is when they will disappear if they are new, or change back to what you had on before. I can bring out that same set again at any time as long as Master permits it. Just say the word, and I will produce anything you desire.”

“Anything, you say?” Zalena then looked up and tapped her chin in wonder.

Oh, no. I was told about some of this from the others, Renne thought as her fox ears and tail stiffened, I haven’t heard anything about her getting involved in other couple’s business, but after learning a little of the history between her and Gullivan, would she really try to seduce him in front of his wife? Zalena must have her reasons for not being in a committed relationship by now, polyamorous, monogamous, or otherwise. Else she’d probably be with Gullivan and Carol by now if the latter was into the idea. Should I step in and stop—why is Zalena looking at me while smiling like that?

“It sounds fun, Sarise, but I’m afraid I’m not feeling up to it at the moment,” Zalena answered before gesturing to Renne, “I think she’d like to give it a shot, though.”


“Carrie, why don’t you join in as well? Give Gully here a good show on what his beloved wife’s made of. Don’t think I didn’t notice how jealous you were earlier,” Zalena added while wagging her finger.


Zalena clapped her hands, “Come on, chop chop, we haven’t got all night, you know.”

With a wave of her finger, Renne and Carol were lifted out of their seats, shocked by the powerful force of Zalena’s levitation magic. The teacher and mother were carried to the other side of the coffee table with ease, while the father remained in his seat, equally stunned.

“Now, before we begin, I must ask, Sarise, can the clothes you make for other people give them the same amount of attention and desire you would receive? If they’re within the range of your Aura, will it also change how they are perceived?” Zalena asked.

“No,” Sarise answered while shaking her head, “Whether they are children or adults, wearing the clothes I conjured or not, or are within range of my released Aura or outside it, how they are perceived will not be affected either by my Aura or it’s inversion.”


“Then, this will demonstrate how their change of clothes would make those around them, Gully and I, react naturally, providing a contrast against Sarise with her inverted Aura ,” Zalena stated, “That said, let’s get Renne and Carrie into the most dangerous, sexiest, outfits you can think of, Sarise.”

“As you wish, Lady Zalena.”

“W-Wait! Hold on! We never agreed to be a part of—!” Before Carol could finish speaking for both her and Renne, Sarise snapped her fingers and enshrouded the two of them in a blurry haze. It didn’t take long before the veil cleared, and Gulliver’s jaw hit the floor at what he saw.


It took Renne and Carol a moment to take in what the heck they were wearing before squealing and desperately covering themselves with great embarrassment. Sarise’s and Zalena’s eyes were gleaming with excitement after seeing how amazing the two of them looked. [Redacted]

Some banter was exchanged between the five of them, with Gullivan becoming very touchy and flirty with Carol—who wasn’t putting up much resistance to his advances despite other people being in the same room. There were also lots of teasing from Zalena’s end, but she and Sarise had made their point on how the latter’s Aura affected a viewer’s perceptions. After that, Renne’s and Sarise’s clothes were changed back to normal and they all went back in their seats. Carol was still in nothing but the naked apron, held by the waist on Gullivan’s lap, who convinced her to stay in it for a little longer despite her half-hearted reluctance. Sarise’s Aura remained inverted throughout the rest of the conversation.

As much as I’d like to be with someone someday, I don’t think I could pull off that look without dying from embarrassment, Renne thought, exhausted by her brief clothing transformation, before glancing over to the still mostly-naked Carol, I gotta hand it to her, she’s pretty bold to follow her husband’s request with the rest of us still in the room.

Once things calmed down, Carol turned back to Sarise, “Just to make sure I understand, is this really how your Aura affects Soar and other kids? Would they be exposed to it uninverted once they grow older?”

“Yes, that is correct, Lady Carol. For children, my Aura is always inverted,” Sarise answered with a nod, “It doesn’t require any special effort on my part, nor can I change it in any way. But that’s only for children, once they become adults they lose the Goddess’ protection.”

Carol crossed her arms [Redacted] while she looked up in thought, “I suppose after seeing how affective Sarise’s Aura is, it might be okay to let her stay, but the thought of leaving Soar alone with Sarise is still making me uneasy. Soar may be a sweet boy who doesn’t take advantage of others, but when he grows up to be a young man, there’s still the possibility that something may happen. I just don’t think I can be comfortable with this knowing what could happen.”

“Come on, honey, I know you’re worried about Soar, but he can’t stay a boy forever,” Gullivan argued, “He’s not even a teenager, yet he’s getting popular with girls around his own age already. It feels like only just yesterday we were worried over whether he’d ever make any friends with other kids, much less potential girlfriends.”

“I’m with Gully on this,” Zalena added, “He’s quite mature for his age. It won’t be long before he gains an interest in one of those girls. Actually, with everything he has going for him, he could pull off forming a harem in a snap. If you’re worried of Soar being curious of Sarise as he gets older, you could ask her to invert her aura around him when he gets to that age.”

As the three of them talked among themselves, Renne noticed how Sarise’s form deflated as she began to lose all hope, I understand Carol’s concerns, but Sarise doesn’t look like she’d cause Soar any harm if he ordered her to keep a modest distance between them. Despite how crazy her clothes might be without her inverted Aura, she must have put a lot of thought into their designs. Thoughts filled with consideration and anticipation over whether she’d pair well with her future master, whomever that proved to be. Would she really be that untrustworthy if her demonic lineage wasn’t added into the equation?

“If it’s leaving the two of them alone that’s the problem, I have two solutions for that,” Zalena said, raising a finger and jolting everyone’s head in her direction, “One is very simple. We just have Soar summon another familiar, but from Zaleese this time.”

“I have heard people can summon up to one familiar per realm. Soar could pull that off, no doubt, but what kind of familiar would be able to keep him and Sarise’s company?” Renne asked.

Gullivan and Carol furrowed their brows. “Zalena, you can’t possibly think that Soar could pull that off …” Gullivan trailed off.

“I was there when he summoned Sarise. His chant in Shimmerlin was flawless,” Zalena explained, “Heck, to make things quicker and cheaper, I’m willing to go down to Myron Dungeon with him again, and he can take care of the rest from there. When he does his thing at that dungeon’s summoning circle, I’m positive he’ll bring forth an angel this time.”

“An angel?!” Renne exclaimed, her fox ears perked up in surprise. Sarise also looked over to Zalena in shock.

“Yes, if Soar managed to summon an angel, I wouldn’t have nearly as much concern letting him keep his demonic familiar as I do now,” Carol admitted, “If there’s a chance he’s able to summon an angel alongside a devil, not only would I be at ease, but his image in public would be improved. That’s if he can pull it off, and I wouldn’t want him to settle for anything less if they’re going to keep him and Sarise company. What would you do if it doesn’t turn out like that, Zalena?”

Isn’t that too high a hurdle, Carol? Even if his pronunciation is perfect, the familiar that’s summoned is still random. Still, I hadn’t realized that she was worried about how Soar could make a good impression on others while having a high-class demon like Sarise by his side. That sort of concern is valid, regardless of how people may be affected by her Aura, Renne considered.

“Then, I’d like to bring up my second solution:” Zalena said while holding up a second finger, “let me look after the two of them, as a member of Soar’s Hunter party.”

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