《Living the Great Sage Life with my Fairies and Lovers in a New World》Chapter 36: The Fairies Gossiped at a Cumming



If the goddess Elmyra, the Great Mother, is the creator of Manara and everything that lives on it, then the fairies are its protectors, maintaining the balance and beauty of its nature. These fairies were born from the six goddesses representing all of the existing elements, the Elemental Maidens, and their courtship of the Two Fathers, Nodem and Garem.

These fairies were gifted with the bodies, knowledge, personalities of adults, and magic exclusive to them. With those powers, they did all they could to keep the nature of the world at balance, before their tragically short lives ended after only 3-5 years. This had been going on for countless years since the birth of Manara, each generation doing their thankless, but rewarding, job while hiding in plain sight using Fairy Magic. The growing numbers of monsters, however, didn’t make this easy or peaceful. Monsters in Manara grow in strength and power by consuming fairies as well as each other.

As the danger grew, the fairies became more desperate to find a solution to their problem. One day, a bold fairy revealed herself to the sapients they previously hid their presence from—the knowledge of which humanoid race was lost to history. The fairy begged the larger intelligent children of Elmyra for help. In exchange, the fairy would bend her powers and her body, yes, her entire being, to their will.

Thus, the very first contract between a Chaperone and a Companion was born. With this unity, they both gained stronger powers and extended life spans, something neither of them ever knew was possible. The other fairies and sentient lifeforms followed their example, and before long, contracts between fairies and humanoids became commonplace. As Fairy Companions helped their Chaperones fend off monsters, they fulfilled their purpose in protecting Manara’s magical nature. Fairies who weren’t contracted yet benefited the most as Chaperons and Companions prioritized their safety to protect future bonding opportunities. With contracted Companions both protecting their non-contracted sistren and working to maintain the balance of nature, they quickly became renowned as heroes among fairykind.

The fairies of Manara, whether or not they’re under a contract, in the end were hard workers, accomplishing their lifelong racial goals in their own ways. Just as humans and other lifeforms need moments of reprieve, however, fairies are not so different in this regard. Whether it’s receiving rewards for their hard work as the heroes and protectors of nature, celebrating special occasions, or even killing the short moments of time in boredom, fairies of all kinds spend those moments in their favorite recreational activity: sex. If any humanoid child ever found out what the fairies did during those times, it was certain their innocence would forever be shattered.

That night, since it was a celebration of Soar and Agnes becoming official Hunters, it was as good an excuse as any to hold a Cumming. A Cumming is a party where many fairies gather in one place for a night long orgy. It wasn’t limited to just contracted Companions, non-contracted fairies were invited as well. Many more still were drawn in by the moans and screams of pleasure, as well as the pheromones a fairy can only emit while in coitus.

If one were to go up to the attic of Soar’s home where it was taking place, they’d be surprised at the scene. Instead of finding bare wooden floorboards with junk scattered in the room, everything was shoved aside to make room for a few old, queen-sized mattresses put together and covered by a large sheet. On those covered mattresses were many tiny pillows and cushions of various shapes, plus benches, platforms, and other miniature bits of furniture obviously designed to aid fairies in getting freaky. Moving among it all were countless wingless fairies shuffling about without a shred of mana-made clothing on.


One could make out groups of fairies of a single element just by the like-colored hairs and gems that were clustered together. Others had mixed elements melded together, either because they were trying something new, or because they were already acquainted in some way.

[To follow the rules on this site's sexual content, this and other parts later in the chapter will be redacted. If you wish to read the full, completed version, please check it out on webnovel as listed in the author note down at the bottom.]

At the corner of the attic were two open wine bottles and a stack of hollowed-out acorn seeds for use as cups. Fairies worked together to lift a bottle and pour its contents into a large bowl for easier access. Just like any other fun, radical party, alcohol was almost an essential item at a Cumming. Care had to be taken, however, to give the beverage area enough space so as to not risk spilling the strong and bitter contents all over the floor.

One small Wind Fairy, along with a Darkness Fairy of the same size, both of which were not contracted with Chaperones, were especially careful as they scooped some of it from the bowl into acorn cups. Cautiously, they stepped over, dodged between, and weaved their way through the sea of fairies [Redacted]

Their destination was one of the biggest Wind Fairies in the room, the main attraction and the real reason for tonight’s Cumming, as it was her Chaperone’s parents who put it all together. Breezy, Soar Osmis’ main Wind Fairy Companion, as well as the leader of his fairy harem, was the queen of this show. She, and three others of Soar’s Fairy Companions, Shadina of Darkness, Mist of Water, and Cinder of Fire, were grouped together. The harem all lay with their upper bodies propped up side-by-side around the same conical cushion. The specially shaped pillow allowed their bodies to fan out in a semicircle, [Redacted]. Agnes’ Fire Fairy Companion, Flicker, had also joined them, sitting next to Cinder while receiving the same treatment. Situated in the middle of the covered mattresses, the group relaxed, [Redacted].

Seeing as how there weren’t others waiting nearby, the approaching Wind Fairy bowed deeply while holding out the acorn cup full of wine towards Breezy, “Lady Breezy! A cup of wine, as an offering to your beauty and grace!”

“S-Same, Mistress Shadina,” the Darkness Fairy partner said while looking down, copying her friend’s gesture towards Shadina.

Breezy, [Redacted] gratefully took the wine offering with a gentle smile, “Thank you kindly, sweetie. Okay, little one, that will do. It’s time to let the next one take over.” Breezy patted the light green hair of another Wind Fairy [Redacted]

“You, too, darling. Gotta give the other Darkness Fairies a chance,” Shadina said to her own partner while taking the acorn cup of wine.

The first pair of fairies thanked Breezy and Shadina for giving them their time, then left and went to another part of the attic where they could help each other [Redacted]

“Alright, they’re all yours,” Breezy said for the both of them.


The entire act, [Redacted] was a part of a special custom in fairy culture called Fountaining. [Redacted]

Nobody knew who came up with Fountaining, or if it actually worked. The consensus among fairies asked about its legitimacy was, “It’s fucking hot, so who cares?” It didn’t seem like any fairy, whether they were contracted or not, had any complaints over the practice, so no new fairy pressed further into the subject than needed. What mattered was that Fountaining had to be done during a Cumming. This tradition would happen not just upon the contracted fairies who were hosting the party or those for whom the celebration was thrown. Any Fairy Companion who happened to show up for the occasion would also bless as many non-companion fairies as they could. After all, there were many, many, hopefuls eager to meet with their Chaperone one day.


Breezy and the rest of Soar’s fairy harem were drawing the most attention that night. First because they were some of the largest fairies that were present in the room. Second, their exploits had been known among all the fairies in Lunargrove for some time. Yet, this was their very first time being hostesses of a Cumming, the Companions of Soar’s parents weren’t involved in the hosting at all. Anybody who was anybody in the nearby fairy community wanted in on the action [Redacted]

Of course, none of the other sentient races, not even those who were Chaperones, ever knew what went on at a Cumming. This was another of the principles of the Fairy Code ingrained from a fairy’s creation. Everything that happens among fairykind, stays among fairykind. It was because of the principles of the Fairy Code that Manara was able to thrive under the fairy’s watch and care.


“Yeah, I just can’t see myself being in either of their positions,” Cinder said as she walked over and sat next to Breezy’s open side before sighing, “Fuck … how long was it since I last got eaten out?”

“That’s right, you’re the oldest among us, are you?” Breezy asked, “Despite the circumstances, you seem to be getting along well with the others.”

Cinder’s joining Soar’s fairy harem was a special case. She was previously the Companion of the bandit leader, Gus. Cinder and her Darkness Fairy partner, Luna, had been suffering from depression and questioning their ability to move forward for a long time. Though the bandits’ Fairy Companions, including Cinder and Luna, were disheartened to lose their Chaperones, they didn’t dwell on the feeling for very long. On the contrary, they were very impressed by Soar’s performance. Add to that how he put himself in harm’s way to help those families, and they all felt their powers would be given to someone who knew how to use them better. Nevertheless, no matter how low one had gone in the world, the moment of parting was sad for all Fairy Companions, including Cinder and Luna. After a final mourning ceremony for their lost Chaperones, the former Companions literally merged together with Soar’s fairies through a special ritual. This left Cinder as the only one of the former bandit’s Companions’ who remained after the rest merged into the other fairies of Soar’s harem, making those fairies stronger than ever before. And all this had happened only the day before.

Cinder was just starting to get some energy back after doing her duty as a Fountain as she leaned back to look up to the ceiling with a smirk, “You girls may be a handful, but … I never thought I would have this much fun being someone’s Companion.”

“Was the time with your former Chaperone that awful?” Breezy asked with drooping brows and shoulders.

“It’s hard to say,” Cinder answered before looking straight ahead with a solemn expression. One of her hands rested on the crimson gem centered over her sternum just at the top of her breasts, “My former Chaperone, Gus … the guy had a rough life when he was younger. On the day we met … he was mourning the death of her parents from a house fire. For a boy so young, he looked very lonely, and my heart ached at the sight. ‘I have to cheer him up, somehow,’ I thought. He named me Cinder while staring at the blackened remains of his former home.”

Breezy had no words with which to respond. She only sat there and waited while resting a hand on Cinder’s back.

“Life after that was rough, but we managed to get by, especially when we met his Darkness Fairy, Luna, sometime later,” Cinder continued before giving a brief, nostalgic smile, “She and I would get a smile out of him from time to time. It made Gus look cute, I’ll admit that much, but thinking back on it now, I wonder if he was putting up a front for our sake … for mine. Maybe that was why he got angry over everything later on, including us, enough to be dismissed from Reskondant Kingdom’s guard. By that point, it was pointless to argue with him, and it was better if we just did what he said. Even now, I wonder how Gus would have turned out if I tried harder to make him happy, if I didn’t give up when he turned away and began walking down a darker path.”

“Cinder—” Breezy started as Cinder’s face contorted with pain.

She was halted when the Fire Fairy held a hand up, silently asking Breezy to wait until she finished. Sad, but realizing she needed to go on, the Wind Fairy settled for rubbing her companion’s back as the latter took a shaky breath to calm down.

“I don’t think … becoming his Companion was a mistake, though,” Cinder said, closing her eyes and pondering, “I know that in my heart, I wanted to be with that boy that day, the same goes for Luna. Still, it hurt … questioning how much continuing my life was worth the effort. And as strange as it may sound, those same feelings of needing to provide a missing piece that I had when I first met that lost little boy, they came up again when I watched Soar fight last night. He seemed happy enough already with you, Shadina, and Mist, happier than I could have made my former Chaperone, possibly. But it still felt like he was missing something. Maybe … everything that happened up to then was in preparation for my meeting with Soar, to help him find that piece he was missing, even though I hadn’t been able to do so for Gus. If anything, I want to take this second chance to actually make a difference in someone’s life. Just like how Soar’s working so hard to make his own second chance at life in this new world be a life worth living.”

Cinder then opened her eyes and turned to Breezy, “Do you think … I can actually do it, Breezy?”

“I’m sure you can, Cinder,” Breezy answered while pulling her friend into an embrace, “In fact, I know you can, because you’re not alone on this. Me, Shadina, Mist, Marble, Nova, maybe even Sarise, we will help you when you need it. Most importantly, however, Soar will be there for you, too, because he cares about your happiness just as much as you do about his. The same goes for all of us. You just have to believe that you can do it. Judging by the color of your heart, I think you’re well on your way to having your goal be realized.”

When Soar’s Fairy Companions first ran into Cinder, they noticed how her ruby-colored gem, a fairy’s heart, was getting worrisomely dark and dull, as were the other fairies’ in that bandit troupe. A fairy’s heart reflects their state of mind and affects their performance at casting spells. If they’re not properly attended to, casting spells could actually cause damage. If a fairy’s heart gets too dark, she will eventually succumb to Heart Break, one of the more painful and tragic deaths possible. It was one that no fairy would ever want to witness. Worse is if she does so intentionally just to escape from the abuse her Chaperone inflicts upon her.

Since becoming Soar’s Fairy Companion, however, Cinder’s gem heart had started to get some color and luster back into it. A fairy’s heart shows how happy she is with her life by the brightness of its color.

Cinder smiled warmly as she rested a hand on her gem heart once more, “That means a lot. With my experience living in this world, I’ll try to help out however I can and watch over the others with you. If this flame in my heart grows small and weak, I’m counting on you to fan it back up to blazing, Breezy.”

Breezy smirked, “I gotta admit, that line was very clever.”

“I know, right?”

Breezy and Cinder couldn’t help but chuckle at that before the latter looked straight ahead, “Still, for Soar to summon a high-class angelic familiar with a summoning circle carved by his Earth Magic, an element he just picked up last night is impressive. The dude’s older than his dad, or even my old Chaperone, but I don’t think I’ve heard of anyone else around his true age being that skilled with magic.”

Cinder and Breezy were aware of Soar’s summoning efforts due to a Fairy Magic ability called Hive Mind. A type of telepathic magic, it connects all of the fairies contracted with the same Chaperone. This allows them to communicate and exchange information with each other over a certain distance. That distance is increased as the fairies in the harem grow in number and power, and it can be extended further with mana. Of course, the harem’s Chaperone can be included in this telepathic communication. And, unlike the telepathy found in Aptitude Magic, Hive Mind requires no mana to use when the distance is small enough.

Nova and Marble, the Light and Earth Fairies who were escorting Soar, notified the others in the group through Hive Mind almost immediately after he summoned the angelic familiar. Cinder was the most shocked when she heard the news, but Breezy, Shadina, and Mist? After being with him for so long, they were practically numb to whatever surprises he might pull by this point.

“Well, we sort of figured he’d go that far knowing how bad demonic familiars have it in some parts of this world,” Breezy said while looking up, “I didn’t expect he’d manage an angelic familiar, though, and from what Nova has said, she sounds pretty cute. I’m eager to meet her when they get back. Hopefully by then, she’ll have calmed down some.”

“Sounds like it will be a bit before they get back, but in the meantime,” Cinder said before turning to straddle Breezy’s hips, facing her with a sly, seductive grin, “I still need to give my new leader a proper ‘thank you’ for treating me so well …”

“Hmm, and just how do you intend to ‘thank’ me, Cinder?” Breezy asked, before giving her own half-lidded smile and wrapping her arms around the tanned Fire Fairy’s neck.

Cinder hummed, “How about I show ya how a girl with experience gives real lip service?”

“Only if you give it to these lips first.”

“I can live with that,” Cinder said before going right in to assault Breezy’s mouth with her own.

Cinder’s tongue got inside while Breezy gave it a warm, moist welcome. [Redacted] As Breezy was receiving Cinder’s thanks, her eyes opened slightly as her mind drifted onto her Chaperone, I really hope that you’ll join us in our fun one day, Soar. Even if it takes a little longer, I’ll wait for as long as I need to show you that we fairies know how to treat our Chaperones right and show them a good time.

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