《Living the Great Sage Life with my Fairies and Lovers in a New World》Chapter 32: We Held a Party to Celebrate Passing Our Hunter Exam (Revised)


“So, let me see if I got this right. You both not only cleared Myron Dungeon, but you each successfully made pacts with familiars while you were down there, and as for the dungeon clear bonuses, Agnes earned a fire e-stone, and Soar made a contract with that Light Fairy. Did I miss anything?” Grayson asked after summarizing our adventure.

“Nope, that’s about as clear as it gets,” I answered while Nova was sitting on my shoulder. The rest of my Companions, after I gave them time to stretch their wings back in the dungeon, were back to hiding in my pockets.

“Can I say something?” Nova said while raising a hand.

“What is it?” I asked.

“From what I know of dungeons, clearing them is not easy. It took some people, like, years before they got to know even one dungeon enough to clear it. So, for these two do it like they did at one go, on their first try? Like, ‘dope’ doesn’t begin to say how far out they are. If they’re like, “Dude, that’s wicked,” right now as kids? Then they’ll be like, “Duuuuude, that’s wickeeeeed,” when they’re adults. You get what I’m sayin’, man? Anyway, Soar’s a gnarly dude, and I’m itchin’ to be this dude’s dudette, dude.”

Nobody in the room could come up with the right words to respond.

Uuuuuuuugh. This is as bad as putting up with those damn stoned hippies back in retail. I mean, she isn’t a bad person, and thank god I haven’t seen or smell a hint of weed … yet, but is there really no way I can make an exchange?

Spoilers, there isn’t.

“Erm, I can agree they are really something, Graysie,” Zalena said. “Even though Rala messed up part of the way, I didn’t even have to lift a finger to help. Well, aside from pushing the last door open for the kids to go through, that is. Soar had to carry Agnes inside. It was so adorable. Everyone we passed by in Brightlas thought the same, too.”

“Yeah. Agnes really has her cute moments here and there,” I added.

“P-Please stop,” Agnes said while hanging her flushed head. Seal, who was sitting next to her, patted her back in comfort. Dad was speechless as he sat behind me.

“Uh, I’m sure Sarise was the one that was making everyone’s heads turn 180,” Rala pointed out.

Dad glanced over to Sarise, then shifted away, having no idea where to look, “Yeah … she surprised everyone at the guild. I’m still tryin’ to reel mine in.”

“Did I do something wrong, Master?” Sarise asked, “Is my attire not acceptable? I promise you that my outfit is of the latest fashion for a demon of my high social standing.”

I didn’t think about it until we got back to Brightlas, but having a humanoid familiar nearly in the nude can really give people strange ideas. I asked Sarise if all the staring bothered her. She said no, but she knew of magic to change her attire should I require her to.

Regardless, everyone at the guild had their jaws dropping to the floor the moment Sarise stepped inside. They were all still as statues while our party met up with Grayson and went into his office to report our performance. Dad and Seal, acting as mine and Agnes’ ‘masters’ followed us inside. I had Nova hidden until we got to the office, and I pulled her out as we made our report. Dad and Seal had the same level of shock as Sarise’s debut when Nova made her appearance, realizing what that meant for me, but they said nothing.


Grayson cleared his throat. “And there was nothing else to report? Nothing out of the ordinary?”

“Noope. Just some very talented kids with bright futures ahead as Hunters,” Zalena answered as she pulled us in her arms. The softness of her breasts pressed against the side of my face. “You think so, too, right? Rala?”

“Y-Yes, very talented.”

We had to wake Rala back up and discuss our plan before leaving the dungeon. We agreed to only reveal Nova as my clear bonus in terms of what fairies I had, not unveiling my other five and my capability to use all six magic elements. From what Grayson overheard earlier, he likely already knew I had three, at worst, with Nova making four then.

Agnes asked at one point in our discussion if we could lie about me earning an e-stone or a gift instead. Zalena said we could, but we shouldn’t lie too much and risk mixing our facts together. Rumors would quickly go around if someone conveniently saw me cast Light Magic one day when they knew I shouldn’t, and I couldn’t outright say I didn’t earn any clear bonuses as that would raise even more questions. Sometimes, it’s just better to stick to the truth as much as possible. I agreed with Zalena on those points.

Nova looked down after realizing what she had done back when she first woke up, blurting out the existence of my contract with the other five fairies. I figured it was okay to forgive her if she was sorry. I got across how secrets kept between the eight of us—my fairy harem, Sarise, and myself—must stay that way from then on, unless I said otherwise. She looked like she understood the gravity of the situation after that.

Zalena also made sure that Rala didn’t reveal too much of my prowess, reminding her of that ‘talk’ they had back on the 15th floor. I realized Zalena was blackmailing Rala by that point, and while I still didn’t understand why she was doing it and questioned her methods of keeping secrets, I was no less grateful for her efforts. Rala followed it through to the dot in our report.

Grayson sighed and scratched his head. “Well, you also brought back the item drops the mid-boss and dungeon boss left, and the subjugation records in your Hunter I.D.s clearly stated you fought and defeated them. Don’t even get me started on all the magic stones and other item drops you collected. We’d need some time to total it altogether and give you your rewards in return. That aside, if what they said was true about providing little support, I don’t think I need further proof to confirm you brats cleared the whole damn thing on your own. You two pass the exam with flying colors, and as for your ranks … how do you feel about starting off as C’s?”

Agnes and I looked to each other with smiles and smirks, nodding in agreement before turning back to Grayson, “We’ll take it!”

With that, we had our Hunter I.D. cards changed to match our ranks. Agnes and I high-fived at completely annihilating the exam. The guild gave us part of the reward for the magic stones and item drops we turned in, along with a receipt to present when we came back to collect the rest.

We also took that chance to register Sarise and Dhalia as our familiars with the guild. They were both required to wear a special pendant tag that showcased their status as familiars and who was their master. The tags served as identification, which was definitely essential if they were out and about on their own. Rala’s familiar, Flinto, had one, too, but his hair was so long and fluffy that it hid his own, which was why I hadn’t noticed it. When Grayson finished his guild master business, he asked us to shut the door behind on our way out of the office as he needed to get back home to look after his grandkids for the night. He then left the room, leaving our group to discuss what to do next.


Sarise bent over in front of me and presented her new accessory with a smile, her breasts pressed together between her arms, “How do I look, Master? With this, everyone will know that I am only yours.”

I caught myself staring at her display and awkwardly averted my gaze, “It looks cute on you.”

Since they clipped the pendant to a collar, it gave Sarise a kinky pet-like image. I honestly hadn’t expected that she could look even more erotic than she did before.

Even Dad and Seal were looking a little hot and bothered before the former cleared his throat, “N-Now, son, I understand having a familiar now is an exciting thing, and I would normally be more than happy to accept them into our home, but I didn’t think your familiar would be … someone like Sarise.”

“Is there a problem with Sarise staying with us?” I asked.

“Well … we’ll talk about it together, later. For now, though, we gotta get home and celebrate you passing your exam!”

“Yeaaaah, babyy, it’s party tiiiime! Let’s get funkaaaay!” Nova exclaimed while dancing on my shoulder.

“W-Wait, that’s in Lunargrove, right? Isn’t that a long carriage ride … wait, no, I think I know where this is going and I feel dumb for questioning it,” Rala said, remembering how we got back to Brightlas through my Dark Gate after we left the dungeon.

“Hey, Dad, do you think we have enough for seven more people in the party?” I asked.

“Seven, son?”

“There’s Sarise, then Agnes, Dhalia, Wilfred, Rala, Flinto, and Zalena,” I answered while counting out the names.

“… Huh? Us three, too?” Rala asked while gesturing to their group.

“To thank you for putting up with us. Nobody else here wanted to volunteer and help with the exam, right? None of this would be possible without you three stepping in. Can we bring them over, Dad?” I asked, looking up at him with my best puppy-dog-eyes.

Dad looked up to the three of them, more in Zalena’s direction, who only stared back blankly. Dad then sighed and scratched his head. “… I owe ya three for giving our kids this opportunity. If you’re not too busy, you’re welcome to—”

“I would be delighted to accept your offer, Gully! This will be the first time I’ll see your home, won’t it? And I’ll get to see Carrie and the other girls again, too. Ooh, this’ll be so fuun!” Zalena exclaimed while clapping her hands with glee.

For the record, ‘Carrie’ was the nickname Zalena gave to my mom, Carol, back when she worked as a guild receptionist.

“… Will you have any alcohol?” Rala asked Dad.

“We got some good stuff while you were out.”

“Good, ‘cause you won’t by the time this is over.”

“Is it really okay for me to come, too?” Agnes asked me.

“Sure! You got as much right to celebrate your passing as I do. It’s better that we do it together, right?”

Agnes smiled warmly, “Yes. It is. I will humbly accept your offer.”


When we broke the news to the rest of our group, some were unhappy with Zalena joining the party–Onelri and Darida especially–but they tolerated it when I gave them my reasons. Fila lightened the air a little with her optimism and enthusiasm knowing so many people would be at the party. I couldn’t be more thankful for her childish innocence being put to good use.

Before we left, Rala and I made a quick trip to the nearest bakery for two whole cakes–the kinds Rala promised us back in the dungeon with her own money–and two baker’s dozens of cookies in different flavors, with two stupidly big ones for Agnes and I–paid with my own earnings.

With a hop, skip, and a jump through my Dark Gate, we were all back in Lunargrove in an instant. When we eventually made it to my home, the ladies who stayed behind had mixed feelings seeing Sarise and Zalena. Hell, they were the main attraction to the townsfolk we passed by on the way over.

Dad had to talk things out with Mom before we moved on to dinner. Since Agnes paid for all the food on my birthday, we ended up putting aside the deer I hunted for the congratulations party. I had hunted enough deer for the ladies to cook and serve at least two helpings to everybody attending.

It didn’t take long for the party to get into full swing.

First, I brought up Ms. Renne’s offer last night about graduating school early. I announced my acceptance of her offer and that I would start studying for my final exam immediately. Everyone was ecstatic, and Fila almost tackled me in joy. We then clinked glasses in cheers to a bright future for me and Agnes.

Being Fila and Onelri’s tutor and having them stay with us was another condition I would have to follow, but I didn’t think it was that bad. When I looked back at how I supervised Agnes’ progression through the dungeon, I felt accomplished in helping with her achievement. I was happy for her to earn her clear bonus after all the hard work she did.

Back during the magic demonstrations that morning, I felt Fila had some potential after she quickly picked up my teachings to cast Earth Magic for the first time. I wanted to see how far she could go while she was still young. Onelri … well, I respected her pursuit of knowledge, at the least. Even if she made a contract with a fairy, the likelihood that she’d do something she’d regret if her attitude wasn’t checked worried me. I didn’t want to be nosy in other people’s personal affairs, but I would help her if she asked nicely.

Then, there was me being a C rank Hunter. I would definitely need to spend more time on quests and earning my living, and if I didn’t have to worry about my education, all the better.

Putting all of those into consideration, this seemed like the best option for me.

Then, with the promise to not speak of it to anyone outside of the building, Agnes and I ended up doing most of the talking on our dungeon crawl while we ate. We both introduced our familiars, and I reintroduced all of my fairies to everyone who wasn’t in the know, including my latest addition, Nova. While I initially shocked everyone with my new devil familiar, most were even more surprised about Nova joining my fairy harem, realizing my capability to use all six magic elements. The reactions to the revelation were widely mixed, with one incredibly jealous dark elf girl screaming into one of our sofa’s pillows in frustration.

“Dude, you gotta chillaaax,” Nova drawled. “You’re a cute kid, you’ll form a contract with one of us soon enough. Getting this stressed will be bad for your skin down the line, maan.”

“I do not want to hear that from you!” Onelri exclaimed.

“Still, to think in my life that I would know of two people, children at that, to have six Companions with them,” Seal said. “The only other person who does is the kingdom’s princess, and like me, Soar, and Lady Agnes, she is also a Fairy’s Child. They dubbed her the Golden Princess for her yellowish-gold locks and eyes.”

“Hey, you think Soar might have a chance at royalty if he introduced himself with his fairies?” Weiss asked

“Even if he did, he still may not even be a duke,” Lilia answered. “There’s the older crown prince, and he’ll take the throne with his queen by birthright. Unless something happened, Soar would just be the princess’ accessory, or at best, a highly successful noble, but it would be something big having spouses with a dozen fairies together.”

Ms. Renne looked down with folded ears, “I can only imagine how much trouble she has if there are people out there aiming to kidnap her for that reason.”

“And Soar might fall in the same boat if word got out on his fairies,” Sam added. “Sure, he’s proven he can look after himself well enough, but those around him may not be as safe.”

“Which is why we need to keep this amongst ourselves. Who knows what someone could do to get their hands on Soar?” Seal asked, to which everyone around him nodded in agreement, “Gullivan, that means toning down on your bragging rights from now on.”

“As much as it pains me, you are right on that, Seal,” Dad said, “It’s especially important for us that everyone’s safe. Things will be much more hectic around here with so many additions to the place.”

“Yeah! We get to move into the same town as Soar! It will be a lot of fun having everyone here!” Fila hopped in place with excitement.

“And I may finally get a fairy of my own,” Onelri added.

“It would be fun ... taking Hunter quests with Soar, too,” Claire muttered while pushing her fingers together.

Agnes looked down with a smile, but there was a hint of loneliness in her eyes, “That all sounds really nice. I am envious.”

“It would be nice for our new kid to grow up in a safe environment with these wonderful people here,” Mom said.

“Come on, Mom, I think we’re past that point of me growing up with … wait, ‘new’ kid?” I asked.

Dad then huddled next to Mom with a hand on her shoulder. Mom rested a hand on her stomach with a warm smile.

“That ‘special news’ we’ve been wantin’ to tell ya, Soar? You … will be a big brother,” Dad said.

My heart skipped a beat, and my stomach dropped.

Onelri blinked, “Soar? A ‘brother?’”

“Putting it like that, does this mean …” Agnes trailed off while looking down in thought.

Fila’s eyes glimmered, “Soar’s parents are having a baby?!”

“WOO HOOOO! GO CAROOOL! OW!” Rala screamed with a wine bottle in hand, clearly drunk.

With that, everyone in the room was ecstatic, filling the room with noises of cheers, congratulations, and questions like what to name the baby. They were all thrilled for us. All the fairies that were either enjoying their food at tables specially prepared for them or flying about were also showing their enthusiasm, including my own.

I, on the other hand, felt cold from head to toe. Instead of trying to warm up, I did the exact opposite and stepped outside with my food and drink in hand. I hid my presence with magic to not catch anyone’s attention. It was already dark out as I sat on the porch, staring into space while the cool breeze slapped my cheeks, making me shiver. I saw my breath as I sighed.

“Is something the matter, Master?”

“Sarise … and Zalena?”

I jumped a little at the former’s voice, but I didn’t expect the latter to be with her, either. Both of them took a seat on each side of me. Zalena held a half-full glass of red wine in one hand, while Sarise was close enough for our thighs and sides to touch. I didn’t realize this with the excitement back in the dungeon, but Sarise had a surprisingly warm body temperature.

“Master, I noticed you leaving the festivities after activating your magic so none would observe your departure,” Sarise said.

“You could tell?” I asked.

“Like Companions and Chaperones, a familiar and master also share a special link. We can tell immediately what our masters are doing and how they are feeling.”

“And I think I’m one of the few in our group that can still see your movements with my enhanced vision. You want to have a talk with women like us?” Zalena asked after Sarise answered.

Just so no one else would hear, I cast Silencing Winds around us. A subtle breeze could be felt, signifying that our talk would not be heard from outside of the spell’s field.

“You must tell me how you did that later,” Zalena said. “I can already see myself putting that to good use. Now, tell us what’s on your mind, Soar.”

I looked down with my glass of juice in hand, “I just … can’t believe it. Mom and Dad, having another kid.”

“I knooow, your parents had sex. Amazing, right? Just imagine, while you were out, they did it over and over before they saw some signs. Knowing your dad, your mom is quite the trooper in wanting another one.”

I furrowed my brow at Zalena, “Okay, I did not need to think about that, and thank you for reminding me you and Dad were actually a thing a while back.”

“So, you did have an idea of what was going on between us. Ah, the vivid fantasies and joys of young boys growing into men.”

I rubbed my eyes, “Please, stop. I thought we’re talking seriously?”

“I asked if you wanted to talk with women. I didn’t say that it was serious. I don’t roll that way, and you shouldn’t be fretting over things so seriously all the time, especially while you are still at your age,” Zalena booped me on the nose as she made her point. “You’re getting a brother or sister. What are you getting so hung up over?”

“Well, I understand now why having a familiar like Sarise is concerning for Dad, for starters. I don’t know what their rep is around here, but I’m sure weird rumors will circulate to the point where some people might look at my new sibling strangely for living with an exhibitionist. I don’t mean that to offend you, Sarise.”

Sarise waved it off before I continued, “I have a history of being bullied by the kids in school, but I got through it by distancing myself from them and confiding in my fairies and Ms. Renne. My sibling may not deal with it the same way when there are some rumors they can’t control, and I’m sure my parents want to make sure their second kid grows up in a healthy, safe environment. I would also need to look after them as their older brother. How can I do that if me and Sarise end up being the main source of their problems?”

“Master, if it is my choice of attire that is raising these concerns, I can change into something more acceptable in this environment,” Sarise said. “I would do it not only at your command but also that I would not be a bother to you. That is the last thing I want in our pact.”

“You’re not a bother. Unless it’s a special occasion, I want you to wear what you’re already comfortable with during the day. I want you to feel right at home while you’re staying with me, if you’re into that.”

“Staying at my master’s side in his own home would make me happy,” Sarise said immediately.

I looked down, “I just feel there’s a conflict of interest going on and I may have to argue with my parents a little … I’d rather avoid that.”

It was especially hard since I grew so close to them over the past decade of my new life on Manara. Compared to the parents from my past life, I felt a lot closer to them. I wanted to avoid falling out with my new ones, no matter the reason.

“Well, first, who said that looking after the new kid is your responsibility?” Zalena asked with a quirked brow. “If you want to help and support your new sibling, that is all you, but nobody is asking you to look after them like a parent would. That’s the job your parents must do. Second, in terms of rumors harming your sibling, that is not your fault, and it is not your obligation to guard them from those attacks, either, especially since you have as little control over them as the new kid would. If you want to help them and they need it, that is fine, but not everyone needs your help. They may not even want it, and if they refuse your offer, that is on them. You have no reason to invest your time in something they do not want. I know that better than anyone. Third, I think their concerns about keeping Sarise around fall more on you than their unborn child, which brings us to the conflict of interest issue.

“I don’t know how intelligent you really are, nor do I care. From how often I’ve heard Gully’s bragging about you, he has more love for you as a father than what his large, beefy arms can hold. I’m sure the same can be said about Carrie as your mother. I don’t know what liberties they gave you as you grew up, but whatever disagreements and concerns they have over you keeping Sarise as your familiar, they are going that far with your best future in mind, as good parents should. I doubt they are so authoritarian to decide your future for you without hearing you out, though.”

“How can you be so sure of that?” I asked.

“Well, I’m one who has taken the brunt of that parenting style, and I had to do some shameful things to get to where I am today. After talking with the many different humans I had seen since I left my birthplace, I don’t think you need to go as far as I have to get what you want.”

“Huh …” She must have had a heck of a complicated lifestyle back in her birthplace. Now I just feel bad for her, I thought as she downed her half-full wine with no regards to appearances.

Zalena then rubbed my head, “You’re a good, smart kid, Soar. Within the short span of our time together in the dungeon, I can say with confidence that you’ll work things out with your folks. You just need to have a little faith, in yourself, and in them. I will say right now that I might have some idea as to why they are concerned about you keeping Sarise around, and it goes far beyond a wardrobe malfunction. If you want, I can come with you to talk to your parents about why it is better to keep her around than to kick her out, speaking as a witness to her capabilities displayed in the dungeon.”

“You would do that for us?” I asked with widened eyes. I felt a glimmer of hope warming up inside me.

Zalena held up a finger, “I just have ooone, itty-bitty-little condition for you to fulfill.”

“What is that?”

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Zalena bent over my ear, cupping it with her hand to make sure Sarise couldn’t hear her, “The bandits that kidnapped the bunny and dark elf girl’s families? I want to know the truth of what happened to them … from the killer’s own lips.”

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