《Ascension: Rise of the Crimson Wizard》More Talks


Chapter 44: More Talks

"That was interesting." Susan commented, as they made their exit. "I never thought magic could be used that way."

"Indeed. It got me wondering how a wand user would fare against a proficient weapon user." Kaiser answered with a pensive expression. "I am pretty certain he won't stand a chance."

"What makes you think that? I'm sure there are wand users that are just as powerful." Susan argued, probably thinking of her auntie.

"Think of it this way. That weapon of theirs is just like a wand, but ten times stronger. Especially in closed quarters. Ollivanders' wands do have some advantages those weapons don't, especially the custom-made ones, but I'm not sure if it's enough."

"Is your wand custom made?" Susan asked curiously. "Is that perhaps why you had to change it in second year?"

"It is." Kaiser confirmed. "But it's still a general-purpose wand. I did not ask for anything specific. Yet." he added. "What about yours?"

"It's too early for me to get a special wand." she shrugged.

Remus and Tonks let the teenagers talk among themselves, why they got to know each other. Tonks seemed very curious about the ex-DADA professor, finding the need to ask about every aspect of his life, while Remus dodged any question almost skillfully. Almost.

At the sight of a sweets shop, Susan literally dragged the reluctant Kaiser to try them, even though he did not like sweet things much. He wondered if Susan wasn't afraid for her weight, as most of the girls seemed to be, but then again, she was a witch. Such issues have been solved centuries ago by potions masters and healers.

It was lunch time, and everyone was getting hungry. Remus had the marvelous idea of trying some local spicy food, to which they all eagerly agreed. Turns out it wasn't such a good idea.

Susan, by the end of the meal, had a tomato red face, which on top of her already milky white skin was glaringly obvious, and also hilarious if Kaiser's mad laughter wasn't any enough indication. He wasn't any better himself, but maybe Susan got redder because of the embarrassment.

Nymphadora cheated her way out of it, forcing her appearance to change when it happened. "The perks of being a metamorphmagus…" Remus shook his head.

They finished their meal, and started wandering the busy streets again, when Susan suddenly asked: "Kai, can we go somewhere private? I would like to speak to you." to which he readily agreed, although he wondered what she wanted to talk about, she seemed serious enough.

Susan was beet red from embarrassment when she entered the private room, they asked for in the café place. In her defense, it was most likely due to Nymphadora's earlier comment to "enjoy themselves and not take too long" which earned her a disapproving look from Remus.

He waited for her to start to give both of them enough time to recollect themselves. After correcting her breathing, she began: "I would like to thank you, on behalf of my house, for the information you provided us before. You did not have to, and the Bones house owes you for that."


'So this is official business, huh…' Kaiser mused.

"I only did what was necessary. Don't feel like you owe me anything. We are friends, remember?" Kaiser answered with a smile.

"Then I'm very lucky to be your friend." She smiled sweetly at him. "I do hope you forgive my bluntness on the subject, but I need to ask. Where do you stand in this war?"

Kaiser occluded his mind, his face gaining an air of neutrality, and the shift was quite obvious to Susan. The gears of his mind started turning. This was by no means an innocent question.

She was not exactly asking about his opinion on the "war", as it was clear since he was willing to help them. This couldn't be that simple. What she was doing was inquiring about the neutral family's stance, since they were so closely tied together. Should he reveal anything to her?

If the dark faction got news of their real stance, the neutral faction would lose the element of surprise. The question that remained is, was it worth the risk to reveal anything to her?

He decided that he shouldn't waste the trust he'd already cultivated with the current head of the DMLE, a very powerful witch and a huge influence in the light faction, one that did not like headmaster Dumbledore very much.

"Voldemort's existence is very bad for business, and ruins an important part of our plans." Kaiser chose his words carefully.

"So, we have a common enemy. You want him gone just as much as we do." Susan nodded. "It makes sense. The previous war gave us all enough lessons." She wasn't referring to him, and he knew it.

"But the problem remains." Susan continued. "He seems to have gained immortality."

Kaiser could probably bullshit his way out of this, claiming that there was no proof he was ever killed to begin with, but since they have already seen the memories of Harry's confrontation with him, this was no longer possible.

"My aunt believes you know more than you let on." Susan gave him a knowing smile.

"Everyone knows more than they let on. Only a fool would lay all his cards on the table." he snorted, which earned him a chuckle from the friendly Hufflepuff.

"But it is true nevertheless. And this is something that affects the United Kingdom at large. If we have no way to dispose of him permanently, then our efforts would be for naught."

"You're asking me whether I know more about his pseudo-immortality, and whether we have a way to destroy him, correct?" Kaiser asked, to which she nodded seriously.

They were reaching dangerous territory, Kaiser thought. This is not the kind of information you reveal to anyone. He doubted Voldemort revealed this to his most trusted 'servants'. And Kaiser was weighing in the advantages of informing them. Or how much he should tell them.

But before making his decision, he asked her: "Do you mind if I test you?"


She titled her head in confusion, seeing the wand in his hand. She wondered what he wanted to do, but knowing him, she knew he'd never do anything to harm her. "Go ahead."

Kaiser fixated her deep blue orbs, and was lost in the moment for a while, having reached some kind of trance. Emotions he hid deep in his heart began resurfacing, overwhelming him for a fleeting second. Susan appeared to be in the same state, a blush slowly forming on her cheeks.

Kaiser occluded again, breaking their 'connection' and gathering his wits again. He looked at her, this time concentrating on the task at hand, before sending a silent Legilimency probe. He was barely in, when he found himself kicked out brutally, something he never experienced during his training with Hermione. He frowned and tried again, only to meet the same result.

Kaiser looked deeply at Susan, who was smiling innocently at him. But she was beyond impressed by his ability. She never considered it possible for someone their age to be able to master Legilimency, something her Occlumency professor confirmed to her, yet Kaiser was the living example that he was wrong. But maybe he was just that special. After all, she had always considered him special.

"I must admit. I have underestimated you, Susan." Kaiser sighed. He had new found respect for her, as she was clearly more proficient than him in Occlumency. But he didn't know she had been trained in the art since she was five.

"Whatever do you mean?" she batted her eyelashes at him innocently, with the sweetest smile she could muster. Kaiser smiled at her antics, but he felt something was off. Susan appeared to have matured a lot more this past summer. While she could speak to him easily before, he was certain she couldn't confront him without showing extreme emotional reactions, which were clearly noticed.

She was a lot more controlled now, and also bolder. He was happy to see her mature as such, and hoped she could improve for the better. She was his dear friend, after all.

"I don't need to tell you that the only other person that can know of this is your aunt." At her nod, he continued. "To answer your question. Yes, we are aware of how he achieved his pseudo immortality, and yes, we know how to dispose of him."

Noticing her sudden excitement, he added: "And before you ask, No, I am not about to reveal the secrets of immortality to anyone."

"What?" She blurted out loud, seemingly outraged at his accusation. "I was going to ask that." she said with a hint of annoyance. "I wanted to ask how we can help in that endeavor."

"But it is the same thing, isn't it?" Susan conceded at his argument. Revealing the tiniest information about that particular subject would already be revealing too much. "Nevertheless, we will tell you if there is anything you can do to help us."

"Since we seem to have the same goals, maybe an alliance between our factions would be advised?" Susan asked hopefully. After all, their light faction was the front line in this way since they were openly confronting the dark one. Having the neutrals on their side would be a huge boon.

Eyeing her critically, he asked: "And what makes you think I have any say in such matters?"

Indeed, what would make them think that a fourteen years old teenager would have any say at all. He may be a "genius" enchanter, but that didn't mean much, as he'd still be working under someone else who was truly in control.

This whole conversation seemed pointless from the beginning, as such serious matters shouldn't have been discussed with him, and yet, Susan discussed them nevertheless. Granted, he did reveal enough for her to understand that he was no ordinary teenager, and should be treated as an equal, despite being the heiress to the Bones name. But she seemed under that impression before the conversation even began.

Susan's smile widened at his question, but she shrugged. "A guess." she added, an addition that Kaiser did not believe for a moment. Amelia Bones was a very smart witch, and he did not doubt the fact that she spent the last two years analyzing every aspect of his life, to have come to this conclusion. Even if his involvement with Karl started last year.

"I must disappoint you." Kaiser shook his head. "Madam Bones will have to speak to Lord Greengrass herself."

"A shame." Susan was anything but disappointed. In fact, she was ecstatic. This conversation had been very successful, as it answered the biggest questions marks over the looming war. Their prospects looked brighter than before, having the neutral faction in their side. She knew that it was only a matter of time before they agreed on an alliance, as it served both parties.

Even more, now that she knew they were indeed on their side, they could ask for a supply of their latest communication devices that would be released in a few months, while also being sure that the dark faction wouldn't be able to use said devices to their advantage. Who would be stupid enough to arm their enemies against themselves?

"On a bright note, I have a few plans I would need your help with to implement during the next school year. I'm sure you'll appreciate them very much."

"Of course! You can count me in." She beamed at him, happy to be useful.

"We should rejoin our friends, before they start getting ideas we could do without." he added with a chuckle, earning an eager nod from Susan. She was still easily teased about the subject, not that Kaiser was any better himself.

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