《Ascension: Rise of the Crimson Wizard》The Dursleys


Chapter 38: The Dursleys

"We won't waste any more of your time, Mr. Weasley. We have a situation that requires your specific curse breaking skills." Karl began. "We have heard you have investigated several ancient Egyptian ruins, and lived to tell the tale. That proves you are indeed a talented Curse Breaker. However, … Our situation does also require someone of integrity, someone worthy of our trust."

"May I request what your situation is?" Bill asked. He was puzzled, why couldn't they just ask anyone? Curse breakers are bound by contracts when they take a job, therefore, they cannot do it half-heartily. Which means that their concerns were unnecessary. Was there something more to this case?

"Are you aware Voldemort is still alive?"

Bill was taken aback by his response. What did this have anything to do with Voldemort? Maybe he said that to pique his interest? Well, if that was the case, he certainly succeeded.

"I am." Bill gave the expected reply. Naturally, since his parents knew, it means he and his brothers knew as well. Besides, they wouldn't have mentioned it if they didn't think he was already aware of it anyway.

"It came as a shock to every one of us. How is it that someone who has been struck by the Killing Curse still alive, even though his body is no longer of this world. It prompted us to do our own research on the subject, and while we were unlucky to find anything, we do have a lead to work with." Karl said.

"In your sister's first year, Lucius Malfoy slipped her a cursed book." Kaiser was the one speaking this time. "The book somehow contained the memory of one Tom Marvollo Riddle, the Dork Lord's real name. Unlike anything we have heard of before, the memory was alive, and could behave and experience life the same way we did. Not only that, the human presence detection spell gave back a positive result, which should never have happened."

Karl was monitoring every micro expression Bill's face made, to discern whether he knew more about the subject. The lack of surprise from Bill's face was a giveaway he did know more about it.

"You do know what the cursed object was, don't you?" Karl asked.

"I can neither confirm nor deny." Bill's response did not shock them that much, but surprisingly, the statement itself told them everything they needed to know.

"Because the information is protected by a contract. That seems reasonable." Karl nodded. Knowledge was never freely given, it always came at a price. They were naturally aware that wizards who joined Gringotts' Curse Breaking division signed several contracts that prevented them from leaking the Goblins' information and techniques.

"Regardless, we have deduced Riddle had somehow found a way to leave a part of his soul into the book." Kaiser said. The more ignorant he thought they were, the better. His family was one of Dumbledore's supporters after all.

Bill nodded. That seemed like a reasonable assumption, as it was common knowledge that the human presence detection spell reacted to human souls. It was not a breach of his contract to nod at such a reasonable statement.


"That brings us to the reason we have invited you here today." Karl finally said. "We have a lead about another one of Riddle's cursed objects, and need your skills as a curse breaker to access them."

Karl's latest declaration shocked Bill to the core. Did he just say: "ANOTHER Horcrux"?! Did Voldemort make more than one? That shouldn't be possible! One of the limitations of the Horcrux ritual is that it can't produce more than one, without destroying the caster's soul completely.

Unfortunately, Voldemort did succeed in making more than one. In fact, it was crystal clear he modified the ritual completely, enabling him to divide his soul up to seven times, which proves how much of a genius he was.

Bill took a good five minutes processing what they just said, and waiting for them to tell him more, yet it didn't seem like they were planning on doing so. He quickly gathered his wits and answered after a long wait. It was stupid to ask why he was chosen, he was smart enough to figure it out for himself, instead, he needed to ask the truly important questions.

"I suppose there are conditions for me to work with you?" Bill asked calmly. It made sense. They were obviously not going to reveal the location to him, even if he was with the light side.

"Indeed." Karl presented him the contract he would have to sign. Bill gave it a cursory read, and it seemed pretty straightforward. In fact, it was quite similar to the traditional curse breaker contract. It stated that in exchange for his services, he would be paid an agreed upon sum of money, while everything that was taken from the site would belong to them.

However, a normal curse breaking contract required him to be aware of the target location. This particular one seemed to require absolute secrecy, and they even added a clause, saying he can disagree to do the job after signing the contract, as long as there is no information leak. It seems they wanted to protect the place at all cost, he thought.

It made even more sense after he signed the contract, which he had no reason to refuse. Even when it came to "protecting the information", he couldn't acquire it if he didn't agree, so there was no reason he had to worry about informing Dumbledore.

The location was surprisingly the manor of an Ancient and Noble House. He already raided one of them in the past, albeit not in Magical Britain. Except for this one, it was illegal. But there was no way in hell that would stop him; too much was at stake for this case. Getting rid of the Horcruxes is his duty, as a member of the Weasley family, one that staunchly fought against Voldemort during his rise to power. Besides, they were paying him good money on top of that.

Harry was definitely not having the best time in the world during his summer holidays. The more he got to see the outside world, the more he realized how much he was missing. When he was still younger and friendless, he had nothing to compare himself to except his cousin Dudley, which even he had to admit at the time was a very bad reference. Now, he understood perfectly how mistreated he was, and to what point Hogwarts was his sanctuary.


Fortunately for him, his aunt and uncle stopped beating him when he turned eleven, and was given "Dudley's second bedroom". He was still the Dursley's personal house elf nevertheless, given all the chores and barely any food. He had to earn his keep, they said. He obviously knew better than that. Even worse, he "knew" he had no way out of this.

He had to be patient, as Dumbledore had convinced him, even though Dumbledore was not "convinced" his situation warranted any intervention. There were blood wards in place, based off his mother's sacrifice to keep him and his "family" safe. And how could he throw away his mother's sacrifice? No, for her, at the very least, he had to soldier on.

A few weeks have already passed into the summer vacation, but calling it a vacation would be completely wrong in his case. Being at Hogwarts studying was a thousand times better than whatever this was. Cooking meals, cleaning plates, mowing the lawn, cleaning the house, and even that never seemed enough for his "foster parents". They always seemed to have more tasks for him to do. If only they could ask nicely, but no. They had to make him feel like dirt every time a task was given.

"WAKE UP, BOY!" a loud voice was heard first thing in the morning, along with a *thud* at his room's door. He was no longer surprised by his morning alarm. He reluctantly put on his glasses and headed for the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

He did not bother going to the toilet first, he'd have to hold it in, otherwise his morning's difficulty would reach a new height should his uncle Vernon be displeased. He proceeded to prepare toast, eggs and bacon for eight people. Unsurprisingly, after the family of three would be done with breakfast, barely anything would be left.

"What a beautiful Sunday morning this is." Vernon took a sip of his coffee. "A shame it has to be tainted by freaks, otherwise it would've been perfect." Dudley snickered at his daddy's hilarious joke. While Harry merely frowned. He was, regrettably, not at a level in Occlumency where he could completely hide his emotions.

"Is there a problem, BOY?" Vernon snarled at him, having obviously noticed his reaction.

"None, uncle Vernon."

"I thought so. Turns out they do teach you some manners at that freaky school of yours." Petunia sniffed at this. That 'freaky school' was a turning point in what could've been a normal life. If only she had never found out about it, maybe she wouldn't have turned out this bitter and petty.

The alarm bell chose this moment to ring, signaling the arrival of a guest.

"Are we expecting someone, Vernon dear?" Petunia asked. She certainly wasn't expecting anyone.

"Not that I'm aware of. Is one of your friends coming over today, Dudikins?" Dudley shook his head, while Petunia made her way to the door.

In front of the door stood a tall boy, with peculiar features. She was unsure if his crimson hair was natural, but his deep crimson eyes were definitely not. He was unnerving with his cold look. He seemed unpredictable, and definitely dangerous. Was he one of those dark freaks she was warned about?

"Who are you?" she asked defensively, peeking through the door, and ready to slam it shut should things get hairy.

"Kaiser Lunar, Ma'am. I am a friend of Harry's." Kaiser said, while Petunia seemed shocked for a few seconds. "May I come in?" That snapped her from her trance, and got her thinking how to deal with this situation. She relaxed, now that he seemed "friendly". Opening the door, she made sure no one was looking. She didn't need people associating her with freaks, after all.

"Come in." she said distastefully, but Kaiser paid her no mind. He went inside, hearing Petunia tutting behind him while she closed the door. He took slow steady steps, only to suddenly stop in front of a cupboard, for god knows what reason.

He looked closely at it, with a chilling expression, that bordered on anger. His hair and eyes were slightly glowing, as he stood there for several seconds. Petunia, who noticed this was annoyed at this stranger who stopped midway, only to admire her mundane cupboard.

"What are you standi-" she paused when she noticed his expression morphing. For a fraction of a second, her gears turned at full speed, using her two tiny brain cells to understand why he did such a thing. But the look he gave her afterwards was enough to plant the seed of doubt in her mind. She knew more than anyone what that cupboard represented.

She was always against the idea of putting the child in the cupboard, even though she did not take a strong stance against her husband. Vernon had a deep grudge against both her sister and her husband for a humiliation he suffered at their hands, and therefore took it out on Harry. And now it seemed the secret was out. She obviously noticed how his eyes were glowing, and she was confused what it meant exactly. Was it some kind of magical skill to "see through things"?

Kaiser entered the living room to meet a gobsmacked Harry potter, and confused Dudley and a suspicious Vernon. The reason the latter was suspicious was obviously because of his phobia of anything remotely abnormal.

"This is Kaiser Lunar. He's a… friend of Harry's from… Hogwarts." Petunia introduced him, and Vernon's eyes widened in realization.

'He's one of the freaks, huh…'

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